A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 6: Luminara Unduli Pt. 2

The knowledge is all right there still, lingering in Luminara’s mind as the Jedi Master smiles at him in wonder, clearly amazed that he managed to heal her on his very first try. The knowledge on how to use Force Healing for… other things is flitting through Luminara’s thoughts. Peering into her mind and seeing exactly how she would do it, how it should feel… it’s better than any verbal lesson could hope to be.
Without really thinking about it, Tylo shifts his hand a few centimeters, until his palm is right above the middle of Luminara Unduli’s abdomen. And then he pushes. Not physically, and not really with the Force… but with his own energy, pushing it into her system in exactly the way she’s imagining. It just so happens that he’s doing so right above the Mirialan woman’s womb.
Oh fuuuuuck. He just… I didn’t t-teach him to do that… the boy is a prodigy…
Outwardly, Luminara just gasps, giving no inclination that he just made her cream herself again. Still, Tylo doesn’t waste the opportunity presented to him, happily capitalizing on her moment of distraction, and leaning forward to slam his lips against hers. He’s… not had too much practice with kissing, but given he has a direct insight into his partner’s mind, he’s able to adjust until he’s kissing her just the way she wants to be kissed.
That way turns out to be forceful and domineering. Luminara is just like the others… even Shaak Ti, for all that the Togruta thought better of it after they were done. The Mirialan Master wants to be dominated, wants to be kissed roughly and savagely, wants to be taken. Of course, the fact that he’s only an initiate is some cause for concern for her.
Shaak Ti was right, he is uncontrollable… I really shouldn’t let this happen.
When Tylo eventually has to break off the kiss, needing to breathe still, unfortunate as that is, Luminara opens her mouth, clearly intending to try and put a stop to this.
But he’s not about to let that happen. Using the very technique, she’d inadvertently taught him, Tylo reaches up, grabbing hold of the beautiful Mirialan Jedi by the hair. Pushing more of his energy into both her abdomen AND her scalp, the young Initiate is rewarded with the sight of the Jedi Master’s eyes widening and then full on rolling back in her head as she lets out a rather lewd, incredibly wanton cry, her back arching in pleasure and her covered breasts pushing forward enticingly.
After delivering that assault upon her senses, it doesn’t seem like the Jedi Master has anything to say OR think as she shudders in his grasp, orgasming explosively. But Tylo isn’t done… not by a long shot. He wants more, and he’s going to get it. After all, apparently Master Unduli has already rejected him as a possible padawan candidate. So why not enjoy her in full while he had this opportunity?”
Kissing the older woman again, Tylo drives his tongue into her mouth, even as he pushes Luminara onto her back. His hand on her abdomen grabs the waistband of her tight leggings and yanks, pulling them roughly down her body, revealing a lithe, athletic yellow-green figure, the Mirialan living up to her people’s reputation for agile physiques.
Luminara doesn’t fight him as he strips her leggings off of her… in fact, she helps by kicking them away, until they’re off her feet and he can fling them across the room. When he yanks her legs apart and sidles up between her thighs, still she doesn’t fight back… though she does cry out into his mouth when he drives three fingers up into her dripping wet cunt, right off the bad.
F-Fuck! He’s everything Master Ti promised he would be, and more! Take me, young man! Dominate me! P-Put me in my place!
With her thoughts to guide him, how can Tylo possibly resist? Growling, he dislodges his lips from Luminara’s again, only to be surprised when uncertainty and doubt once more spread across her face.
Driving his digits up into her cunt once more, he uses the twisted version of Force Healing to bring her off, causing her to cut herself off as she explosively orgasms all over his fingers.
“Call me sir… and don’t talk back.”
He can’t say for sure where the words come from, but they feel right, even as they past through his lips, cool and crisp and commanding. Luminara shivers beneath him, and averts her gaze, even as her arousal grows, the Jedi Master submitting to the Initiate she was supposed to be teaching, supposed to be training.
“Y-Yes sir…”
Fuck, he wanted her so bad. So why not take her, right? With a cocky grin, Tylo finally frees his member from its confines. Fully erect by this point, he slaps his length down upon Luminara’s naked abdomen, showing off a little, knowing from past experience that he’s bigger than average.
Oh my… knowing is one thing… seeing is quite another.
Feeling a little… impish, Tylo rubs his cock across the Mirialan Jedi’s yellow-green skin for a moment, even as his balls slap against her sopping wet slit as well.
“This is how far I’m going to be inside of you when I finally fuck you. You want it, don’t you? You want my cock…”
The Force swirls around the both of them, Tylo’s presence filling the room, his mind and hers linked. He knows Luminara Unduli’s ever desire, and so he knows that she wants it, even before she admits to it.
He’s got me dead to rights…
“… Yes. Yes, by the Force I want it…”
That’s… almost begging. But he wants a bit more than that. With a growl, Tylo reaches up and grabs the last of Luminara’s garments, the tight-fitting top that holds in her gorgeous breasts. With a bit of Force Telekinesis learned the day before at Shaak Ti’s feet to enhance his still-developing physical strength, the Jedi Initiate rips the fabric in twain, yanking it off of the Mirialan’s body to expose the last of her flesh to his gaze… and to his touch.

Grabbing Luminara by both breasts, Tylo drives more of his energy, of himself, into her tits. As he holds and squeezes them somewhat viciously, he grits his teeth and glares down at her.
“Then beg. Beg me for my cock!”
This has gotten completely out of hand, and I can’t get enough of it.
Moaning beneath him, writhing at his touch, Luminara looks up at him with eyes filled with desire and lust.
“Please, sir… p-please fuck me. Please take your big fat cock and ruin me with it. I want it… I want you inside of me…”
Something tells him that he wouldn’t have gotten this from Shaak Ti. The way he’d fucked and dominated the Togruta had been incredibly primal. She’d thought plenty of things that had turned him on but had never actually said it out loud. In turn, having Luminara confess how much she wanted him to fuck her… it was a whole new turn on for the young mind-reader.
Pulling back, Tylo places the head of his bulbous member against Luminara’s cunt lips. The two of them are both watching with bated breath as he joins them together. He teases her entrance for not but a moment, and then thrusts forward, spearing into the Mirialan Jedi with all his might. In response, Luminara cries out again, arching her back once more and pushing her now-naked tits up into his grasp in response.
It feels… amazing, having this much power over a Jedi Master, even if it’s one that’s not a member of the Jedi Council. She’s still supposed to be in charge, but instead it turns out she’s a slut, and Tylo is fucking her nice and hard. He’s enjoying every last moment of it too, groaning as he fills her cunt, as he stretches her walls wide around his cock. Meanwhile, Luminara is… beside herself.
More! More, more, MORE! Don’t stop, sir! Keep on fucking me, yes, I need it, I need it all!
She doesn’t say it out loud, too busy moaning and mewling and trying but failing to control herself. The Jedi Master lays beneath him as Tylo fucks her with no holds barred, and she can’t seem to stop cumming around his cock. After a moment, the Initiate pulls his hands away from her breasts and reaches back to grab her by her legs instead.
Yanking her ankles up into the air and pushing them back, he folds the Mirialan Jedi in on herself, taking advantage of that vaunted Mirialan Flexibility. Luminara groans as he bends her legs backwards, but in the end, he’s able to lock her feet behind her head without any issue, leaving her all nice and folded up and perfectly sized for him to REALLY lay into.
As Luminara takes over holding her legs in place for him, reaching back to grip tightly at her ankles, Tylo grabs her by her thighs and starts to fuck her even harder, effectively slamming into her from above as he fucks her, grunting and groaning and filling her with his cock again and again and again. At the same time, he leans down, but this time he doesn’t bother kissing her… he aims for her breasts instead.
Feasting upon them, sucking, and slurping at her nipples, he takes everything he’s learned so far from Knight Secura and Master Ti, and applies it to Master Unduli. Fucking the Mirialan Jedi with all his might, paying attention to her body so he can pleasure her properly. At first, he focuses on using the Force Techniques he learned from Shaak Ti to enhance the experience… but then he realizes that he can do so much more by focusing on releasing his energy through his dick.
The Healing Technique that Luminara showed him, corrupted and twisted and repurposed into a pleasure technique that she’d also showed him, however inadvertently… it’s obvious that, already lost in the throes of pleasure, the last thing that the Mirialan Jedi is expecting is for an explosion of life force to release from his cock before even his cum, slamming up into her womb with all the raw, untamed power a Jedi Initiate can bring to bear.
Luminara’s eyes go wide, and then roll right back in her skull. Her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she convulses beneath him, losing all semblance of control. Her body shakes and spasms, but folded up as she is, pinned down beneath him, she’s not going anywhere. Instead, Tylo rides out her multiple orgasms as they happen back to back, though in the end, it proves to be too much for him. With a loud groan, the young mutant man cums deep inside of Luminara Unduli, filling the Mirialan Jedi’s twat with his seed.
Following so soon after his perversion of her technique, it causes Luminara to lose it all over again, though this time it’s just one final explosive climax, rather than a whole string of them. The yellow-green Jedi Master bucks beneath him, until eventually collapsing backwards in exhaustion.
Frankly, Tylo doesn’t know what she has to be exhausted about. He’s the one feeling tired now, as he slowly pulls out of Luminara and falls back on his ass, his cock already going limp. Breathing in slowly, heavily, he has to spend a moment just catching his breath as he puts a hand to his head, suddenly experiencing a bit of a migraine. He might have… overdone it there, a little bit.
The boy… the boy is a prodigy. All of that potential… it’s amazing. But he’s clearly reached too far, too fast. Only… what right do I even have to lecture him?
Tylo flinches as Luminara’s thoughts reach him. Already, the Jedi Master is recovering… but then, she is a Jedi Master, he supposes. For all that he’d just folded her up and dicked the living hell out of her, she’s still got decades of experience on him. He’s just an Initiate at the end of the day.
Regardless, if she notices his flinch, it’s clear she doesn’t think anything of it. Luminara’s hands are on his shoulders a moment later, but rather than lecture him, her voice is tender and comforting and worried all at once.
“Initiate Vondin… what we just did was… amazing. What you just did, completely untaught… you could do so much as a healer, young one. For now, though, I think it would be best that you return to your quarters and rest. Do you require assistance?”
He’s half-tempted to say yes. He’s half-tempted to remind her that he told her to only call him sir. Something ugly rises up inside of Tylo in that moment… and he pushes it back down, recognizing it as darker than everything that had come before it. She’d wanted this, wanted him to fuck her, had even begged for it… but the lesson was over now. Letting her take him back to his quarters, where he might just not let her leave… that would be far too real.
Shaking his head, the young man stumbles to his feet, fixing his pants and tucking his cock away. Then, he bows to the still-naked Jedi Master.
“N-No, Master Unduli… I will… I will be fine. Thank you for your tutelage.”
And then he flees, though not before hearing one final thought from Luminara on his way out.
… Tradition be damned. I want him, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get him.
Luckily, the door has already slid shut by the time Tylo hears that, because he falters hard, still too exhausted to maintain the façade he’s maintained all his life. So wait… dominating Luminara had completely turned her around on taking him as a Padawan? She’d basically seen the worst of him, just like Master Ti… and she’d come away from it feeling the exact opposite?
… Even though he could read their minds, Tylo wasn’t sure he would ever properly understand what females were thinking. They were just… perfectly incomprehensible sometimes. Regardless, he makes his way back to his bunk and flops down onto it, almost passing out on the spot. However, he doesn’t get to sleep right away… can’t really, not when he finds himself thinking about tomorrow.
Tomorrow is his lesson on diplomacy with Jedi Master Adi Gallia. She’s another member of the Jedi High Council, like Master Ti. And somehow, someway, Tylo just knows things are going to end up turning sexual between the two of them.
… He might as well decide how he was going to act towards this final teacher now. Should he go into this upcoming lesson with every intention to dominate, just as he had with the three previous women he’d fucked at this point? Should he try for some subtlety? Or should he ignore the opportunity altogether, focus on actually learning something, and avoid any bait that the female Jedi Master is SURE to throw his way?
He’d… he’d figure it out in the morning. For now, sleep was calling and as exhausted as Tylo was, he simply couldn’t resist the pull of slumber any longer.

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