A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 24: Padme Amidala

There’s nothing Tylo wants more in that moment then to go chasing after all of them. It’s not that he really thinks he can do anything more for Annie right now than Obi-Wan and Aayla, a Jedi Master and a Jedi Knight respectively, can. But at the same time, it’s very difficult for him to… to just leave it in the hands of others.
Still, he has his orders, and after that first impulse to disobey and pursue them passes, Tylo has to acknowledge that Master Kenobi is right. Someone has to stay and guard the Senator, and while the threat has mostly passed for at least the moment, meaning that a Padawan like him is the best choice for such a role, it doesn’t mean they can just leave their charge alone entirely.
Letting out an explosive breath, Tylo turns to Padme Amidala, mustering up as comforting a smile as he can manage. The young Nabooian woman is still sat on her bed, covers pulled up to cover her decency, eyes wide and mouth agape as she stares at the large hole in her window that Annie made with her body on her way out.
Right… right. First things first, Tylo makes his way over to the security panel on the nearest wall. It’s the work of a moment to put the room in lockdown. Should have been done earlier, frankly. While the window had had metal shutters that had initially been closed anyways, they weren’t of a high-grade. Now, a security mesh comes sliding down, closing off the window properly and no longer allowing in the cold night air of Coruscant, or all of the noise of the ever-present Coruscant Air Traffic.
As silence falls over the room, Padme startles, finally pulled out of her surprise. Her eyes dip from the now sealed wall to the foot of her bed, where the two no doubt lethally poisonous arthropods that Annie cut in half lie dead, still smoking a bit where Tylo’s fellow Padawan’s lightsaber swept right through them.
“Are you alright, Senator? I’m sorry if we startled you, but time was of the essence.”

As he speaks, Tylo uses the Force to lift a nearby trash bin and bring it over, while at the same time lifting up the dead assassination bugs or whatever the fuck they were. For now, he sticks them in the bin, closing it shut so that Senator Amidala no longer has to look at them. Then, he puts the bin in the far corner of the room.
While he does so, Padme is… reorganizing her thoughts. Thanks to Tylo’s gift, he gets to hear every bit of her jumbled thinking as she brings herself under control, finally calming her rapidly beating heart.
I… I almost died. I would have died, if not for the Padawans. Annie… Annie has grown up into a fine young woman. And her friend… well, her friend is certainly a fine young man.
Tylo blinks and has to refrain from turning and giving Senator Amidala an incredulous look at the direction her thoughts are rapidly shifting in.
Mm, Annie might not be here to thank properly, but Padawan Vondin still is.
“It’s quite alright, Padawan. Without yours and Annie’s intervention, I would likely be dead now. I must say… I’m VERY grateful. You saved my life.”
As the Senator rises from the bed, Tylo turns to face her… and blushes a fair bit at the sight of her, having let the sheet drop. Apparently, Padme Amidala slept in the nude. And while he’d known what she was doing before the attempt on her life, there was no way he’d thought she would just get right back to that after someone tried to assassinate her. The Senator was… a hell of a woman.
In more ways than one too. She was crazy… but also crazy beautiful. Standing before him, naked, Padme Amidala is lithe and nubile, her beautiful body slim but nevertheless very feminine. She’s much softer than what he’s used to though, her curves and the lack of definition to her figure making it clear she’s lived a pampered life in comparison to the female Jedi he’s bedded.
Oh sure, they’ve all had their soft bits, their curves, their femininity… but to be a Jedi is to be a diplomat and a warrior-monk, all in one. Emphasis on the warrior-monk bit. There weren’t very many overweight Jedi, and Tylo wasn’t sure he’d ever met a female Jedi who wasn’t quite physically toned, with the vast majority having an athleticism that he’d taken full advantage of when he’d been… well, fucking them.
In comparison, Padme was clearly a bit more physically fragile, for all that her spirit was a blazing bonfire. Tylo has to keep that centered in his mind, even as his eyes hungrily drink in her appearance, trailing down her figure. Smirking slightly, the nude Senator walks over to him slowly, coming down off of her bed, which had been low to the floor to begin with, and walking over to him.
“Do you like what you see, Padawan Vondin?”
“… I like what I see very much, Senator. I would be a fool to not like what I see. But… we probably shouldn’t.”
Eyes twinkling, Padme’s smile turns positively wicked as she suddenly reaches down and feels up the front of his pants, rubbing up against his growing bulge as his cock hardens within the confines of his trousers. Tylo grunts, even as he looks her right in the eye and listens in on her thoughts.
He wants it. He wants me. Ah, what a far cry from Master Kenobi. How… enticing. What’s a Naboo girl supposed to do, really?
“You saved my life, Padawan. I think at this point, you can call me Padme.”
Tylo lets her continue to touch him, even as he gives her a soft smile.
“Very well, Padme. Call me Tylo. That said… I doubt this is what Master Kenobi intended, when he ordered me to stay behind.”
He’s far more confident than I thought he would be, this Padawan. Tylo… he’s eager for it, but only willing to go as far as I push. His hesitance is completely manufactured, but so long as I’m the one instigating, he’s sure it will be okay. Well, alright then. I can be a little instigator for him, if that’s what he needs~
Tylo can’t help but be silently amused AND bemused by her insightfulness. Padme Amidala is hitting the nail right on the head. He’s no blushing virgin, to be completely and utterly flummoxed by a beautiful older woman coming onto him like she is right now. And yet, at the same time, he’s not going to just throw her down and take her. If Padme wants this… she’s going to need to push for it. She’s going to have to convince him, every step of the way.
“I’m sure Master Kenobi would expect you to do your best to comfort me, after such a… close call.”
She positively breathes those last two words, even as her hand continues to stroke the front of his crotch. Tylo doesn’t squirm, nor does he let her see any discomfort in his face. Nevertheless, Padme smiles and licks her lips suggestively, tilting her head up as if to suggest she wouldn’t mind him leaning forward and kissing her. He doesn’t of course, still forcing her to take the next steps.
“… You’ve locked the room down, have you not? No one gets in or out… without your say so~”
The unspoken bit, that she’s at his mercy, is practically blared, loud and clear. Tylo chuckles and shakes his head.
“The room is indeed on lockdown, Senator. I won’t lift it until you tell me otherwise.”
He had his commlink of course, and fully expected to be contacted on that whenever the other Jedi were done with their little chase sequence. Tylo honestly couldn’t say whether it was a good or bad thing that he still hadn’t heard back from them. Hopefully good. Hopefully it meant they were all safe and healthy and were maybe even still on the bad guy’s tail.
As for the vivacious, gorgeous Senator he was still locked in the room with…
“Well, I don’t feel like I’ll be safe stepping foot out of this room until I’ve been properly… comforted, Tylo. Will you help me? Will you make me feel safe again?”
Padme bats her eyelashes, and then, emboldened by his lack of resistance, happily slips her hand down the front of his pants finally. Her fingers reach for and find with some rapidness his cock, and as her smooth palm and silken fingers close around his shaft, he’s reminded that she’s unlike any woman he’s ever been with before. A Jedi would have some callouses on their fingers, some roughness to their palms from their training and their daily handling of lightsabers.
But Padme has clearly never worked a day in her life, and it shows as she tugs on his cock, tugging him back towards the bed she came from, smiling at him luridly all the way.
Reaching the low-to-the-floor bed, Padme steps up onto it… and then kneels down on the soft mattress. Tylo finds himself stood at the end of the bed, as the naked Senator pulls his trousers down, exposing his cock to open air for the first time since this has all begun. Cooing over it, one of Padme’s hands immediately goes down betwixt her thighs, where she starts to slowly finger herself.
Her arousal has grown back to where it previously was before the attempt on her life at this point, even as she takes his cock in her free hand and lowers her mouth to it. Her big brown eyes stare up at Tylo, even as the Nabooian Senator proceeds to take his cock past her lips, bobbing up and down his length. Her tongue, swirling around his dick tip and then sliding along the underside of his shaft, sends shivers down Tylo’s spine.
But beyond that, he barely reacts, and he can tell that Padme is a little surprised… and a little put out. He can tell, because as always, he’s in her head, reading her thoughts.
Hm, he’s no inexperienced virgin. I thought he might be putting on an act, but to still be completely at ease with all of this. I do have to wonder just what sort of things they’re teaching over at the Jedi Temple. All this time, my experiences with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn had left me under the impression that Jedi were celibate monks. But this… this Padawan is different.
Heh, if only she’d known. The Jedi Order was… well, Tylo knew for a fact that Obi-Wan was the exception, not the rule itself. Indeed, Tylo wasn’t at all unusual, especially considering the number of Jedi he’d bedded at this point. Still, the Senator is undeniably special. The first non-Jedi he’d ever had any sort of sexual relations with. In front of him now, on her knees, fingering herself while sucking his cock.
Bobbing up and down his length, Padme slurps and swirls her tongue along his shaft. She seems all too happy to be pleasuring him, and as her lips get lower and lower down his cock, her hand eventually leaves his girthy member altogether, slipping down to his balls instead.
While she massages his nut sack and starts taking his cock into her throat, she also adds a second finger to the first, driving her middle and ring fingers in and out of her pussy down below, while her thumb frigs away at her clit with an anxious speed. Her enthusiasm and eagerness to blow him leave Tylo teetering on the edge in no time, but of course, he holds back all the same, not wanting to cum too fast.
Still, it’s hard. Especially with such a vivacious woman working against him. Padme’s efforts are singularly focused on extracting a load of his seed from his balls. Her thoughts tell him as much.
Cum for me, Padawan. Give it to me. Give me your seed!
Fuck, she’s so fucking sexy. The Senator from Naboo… and she’s this much of a horny slut. How can Tylo do anything but reach out and grab her head. He hesitates for a moment, but one look in Padme’s eyes, let alone in her mind, lets him know she’s all for it. And so, Tylo begins thrusting, fucking her face hard and fast as she starts to finally choke on his cock.
“Gagkh! Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”
She gags and gurgles away at his length, his member disappearing down her throat, her pretty little neck bulging. And all Padme does in response… is fingerbang herself harder as a result, trying to match his tempo. Tylo is careful, of course. Padme might be an eager little slut, but she’s also not a Jedi. She’s not trained, nor is she physically conditioned in the way a Jedi would be.
Still, where she lacks in athleticism, the pampered, slutty Senator makes up for with enthusiasm. In the end, once Tylo begins face fucking her, it’s inevitable… he can’t hold back any longer. With a loud groan, the Jedi Padawan doubles over Padme Amidala’s head, even as his spunk fills her throat. She swallows to the best of her ability, choking down his seed for the next several moments while massaging his ball sack and happily fingering herself the entire while.
Then, it’s done. Tylo pulls back, and Padme gasps for air, her face flushed as she falls back onto the bed, onto her back. Looking up at him, she has an inviting smile on her face and her thoughts are even more so. Cock twitching and not growing any less hard, Tylo makes to move forward towards her, up onto the bed, only to jolt to a stop as a voice comes through his commlink.
“Padawan Vondin, we’ve returned. Is the Senator alright?”
Staring at the very naked Senator sprawled out before him, Tylo pulls his commlink from his belt, his cock still out and twitching in her direction as he calmly answers Master Kenobi.
“Yes, Master Kenobi. I put the room on lockdown to make sure she remained safe. Everything has been quiet here so far.”
“Very well. End the lockdown, we managed to catch the culprit. Unfortunately… they died before they could tell us anything. But we may have a lead all the same.”
End the lockdown. End the lockdown. He certainly could. By all rights, he should. It was a direct order from the Jedi Master in charge of his current mission. It was just… Tylo was currently staring at a very gorgeous woman, who’s mind was all but screaming at how badly she wanted him inside of her right now. In fact, Padme was unthinkingly giving him a possible way to deny Obi-Wan’s order, though she clearly wasn’t going to suggest it out loud.
Tell him I’m distraught, tell him I’m hysterical and won’t let you end the lockdown yet. Prove yourself a real man. Get rid of the Master Jedi so we can FUCK already.
Padme’s eyes implore him, but much like earlier when Tylo wasn’t willing to do anything that she didn’t instigate, it’s clear that the Nabooian Senator isn’t willing to instigate any further herself now. No, the shoe is on the other foot and if Tylo wants this to go any further at this point in time, it’s he who has to instigate.
Did he dare lie to Master Kenobi? Or would it be best to be more responsible and put the mission first?

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