A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 16: Shaak Ti Redux

The thing about hunting a Jedi Master was, if they didn’t want to be found, you were probably shit out of luck. Especially if you were trying to hunt them within the Jedi Temple that they’d spent all their life in. Now, Tylo wasn’t much of a hunter in the first place. He’d never had to be. To stretch this metaphor to it’s absolute limits, all of his ‘prey’ tended to come to him.
Still, the young Padawan would be a fool not to recognize that Jedi Master Shaak Ti was avoiding him at all costs. The Togruta woman seemingly wanted nothing to do with him. And given she was a member of the Jedi High Council, well, Tylo should probably have been willing to just live and let live. Only… all she’d done so far was avoid him.
If he’d truly managed to gain the enmity of the Togruta Master, wouldn’t he be able to feel it more acutely? Shaak Ti was perfectly placed to make his life a living hell if she so chose… or even worse, ending his career as a Jedi in it’s entirety. She was a High Council member, and while such pettiness might be frowned upon, if she were truly upset by their singular interaction, she would have sought his expulsion from the Jedi Order. Certainly, she wouldn’t have let him be taken as a Padawan… right?
Of course, there was apparently a conversation between Shaak Ti and Adi Gallia that had resulted in the Togruta woman losing quite a lot of face before the rest of the Council. But Tylo wouldn’t have expected that to stop her. He would have thought she’d do more, if she thought she could get away with it.
Instead, she’d merely done everything in her power to avoid him. Tylo wanted to know why. Or rather, he suspected that he did know why, and truth be told, he wanted to confirm his suspicions. He wanted to find out if Shaak Ti had a decent reason for rejecting him, or if it was exactly how he thought it was.
Alas, that brought one back to the singular issue of Shaak Ti doing everything in her power to avoid him. He couldn’t get any one-on-one time with the Jedi Master. She rejected all communications, not even bothering to look over his requests for further personal training in the ways of the Force before discarding them out of turn. None of his missives had made a lick of a difference, not even when Tylo had tried to act as humble and contrite as possible in his writings.
A one-on-one meeting was right out… and yet, even then, even as a lowly Padawan, Tylo had options. Options that only his special nature allowed him. If Shaak Ti truly wished to escape him, she should have taken a Padawan and immediately left on some extended mission. As an unattached Master at the Jedi Temple, even one on the High Council… she still had to regularly direct classes, like all of the other unattached Jedi. Yoda, Tylo had heard, preferred to spend much of his time with the younglings in the creches.
Shaak Ti, on the other hand, taught lessons to older Padawans… such as himself. Needless to say, Tylo wasn’t giving the Jedi Master any chance to dodge him this time. If he signed up too early, then she would either cancel the class or pawn it off onto another Knight or Master. Instead, Tylo waited until the very last second, signing up for her class in the morning with nothing more than seconds to spare before registration closed up.
Needless to say, he went to sleep that night with a smile on his face… and Aayla’s mouth wrapped around his cock.
What?! What is he doing here?!
Filing in at the start of the class with the rest of his fellow Padawans, Tylo goes unnoticed until they’re all seated and Shaak Ti begins to sweep her gaze back and forth across the room. It’s telling that when she finally lays eyes upon him, the Togruta Master jolts for a moment, her nostrils flaring. It would almost be imperceptible, and probably is to the rest of the Padawans thanks to her self-control, but Tylo notices because he’s also listening to her thoughts.
Her gaze doesn’t linger on him long enough for him to give her a smile and a slight nod like he wants to, but Tylo isn’t too upset by that. After all, her mind lingers on him long after she looks away.
He signed up mere seconds before the deadline yesterday. Damn him, did he learn my sleep schedule for this? Like a predator, hunting down his prey… urgh!
Even as Shaak Ti gazes out at them all with an imperious gaze, her thoughts are already a tumult of emotions. Addressing the class, she lets none of this show in her demeanor or her words, however.
“Welcome, Padawans. Today you will all be learning how to deepen and strengthen your connection with the Force. Pay attention, because I do not intend to repeat myself. There will be no time for distractions in this class.”
Reasonable enough. Tylo has to admit, he’s actually pretty interested in what Shaak Ti has to teach, from what he can see of her intended lesson in her mind. Of course, there’s also the rest of what he can see in her mind.
Whatever I do, I cannot let him get me alone again. That big fat cock of his… even now I long to reach out with the Force and touch it. But if I do so, I will be lost once more to my own lust. Except… was my fear not based in taking him on as my Padawan? He can scarcely train me into his fuck toy if we do not spend too much time together…
Tylo’s head twitches as her thoughts turn amorous. He resists the urge to grin, settling for a small smirk instead. It’s as he thought. Shaak Ti doesn’t hate him, she doesn’t despise him for what he did to her. Instead, it looks like the female Togruta is more worried about how much she liked it… how much she loved it.
Based on his relationship with Aayla, Shaak Ti was right in her thoughts all those months ago. If she had taken him on as her Padawan, perhaps she would have been able to rein him in a bit better than Aayla had. But no, Tylo suspected it would be the other way around. Sure, Knight Secura was an unrepentant slut, but she was actually pretty good at separating her duties from their bedroom play. He might be Master of their quarters, but outside of those quarters, she was his Master and Tylo respected that.
Somehow, he suspected Shaak Ti was afraid she wouldn’t be able to keep that distinction in place. That she wouldn’t be able to assert any sort of authority over him if she let him have his way with her again and again. Mm, Master Ti truly was a massive slut wasn’t she? For all that the Togruta seemed to be slightly repressed and ashamed of her own desires.
Submitting to an Initiate was clearly quite… degrading for her. She not only loved it but hated how much she loved it. Submitting to a Padawan probably wouldn’t be any better… but as far as Tylo was concerned, he only had one option. He wasn’t going to get any alone time with her… so he might as well make his intentions obvious in the middle of the class.
To be fair, it was a really good class. The young mind-reading Padawan almost felt guilty about what he did next… but not guilty enough to not do it. As Shaak Ti explains to them all how to meditate, how to connect with the Force and draw upon it’s power in a way that they’ve never done before, Tylo reaches out… for Shaak Ti, instead.
Luckily, everyone else’s eyes are closed in meditation as he grabs both of the Togruta Master’s nipples and tugs on them with the Force. Caught off guard, Shaak Ti’s gaze widens and snaps to him, only to find him smiling back at her guilelessly.
This could potentially get Tylo in a lot of trouble, sure… but he was willing to take that risk based on what he’d seen so far. He suspected that she would, at worse, kick him out and leave rumors swirling about his sudden expulsion from the class, but not do anything else in order to spare herself the embarrassment.
He waits with bated breath for that to happen, but though Shaak Ti misses a word, she manages to regain her focus a moment later, continuing the lesson so well that none of the other Padawans even open their eyes, most of them likely missing the skip in her voice. At the same time though, the Jedi Master’s eyes remain focused on Tylo’s, the two of them engaging in a staring match that no one else knows about thanks to the nature of the lesson.
Oh… I really shouldn’t be doing this…
He’s half-wondering what ‘this’ means, before he feels it. That feather-like touch, except increasing by the moment, on his cock and balls. Shaak Ti reciprocates his Force Touch with her own, reaching out and fondling him down between his legs as she continues to guide the class through the lesson. While all of the other Padawans around him are trying to probe the hidden mysteries of the Force and broaden their connections to that cosmic, incomprehensible field that sustains all life across the galaxy… Tylo is not.
Instead, he’s probing the Jedi Master in front of him. Since he’s using the Force, he doesn’t have to restrict himself to two ‘hands’. Instead, he splits his attention, showing off a bit of how far along he’s come since their last private session together in the process. His ‘touch’ plays along Shaak Ti’s breasts, groping and squeezing them, causing them to deform and squish beneath her robes. He also plays with her nipples at the same time, pinching and tugging them this way and that.
And finally, he directs some of his Force Touch down to betwixt Shaak Ti’s thighs, returning the favor to the Jedi Master as she continues to fondle his growing shaft and churning balls.
F-Fuck he’s gotten better at this. Taking such liberties with me… is A-Aayla not enough? No, I suppose not. I did try to warn them. I told them to give him a male Master. I can only imagine what he’s done with poor Knight Secura. I bet she spends night after night pinned down, or perhaps between his legs…
It takes quite a bit of Tylo’s self-control not to cum as Shaak Ti unknowingly hits the nail right on the edge. After all, Aayla HAD spent last night between his legs. His Twi’lek Master was such a good pet, she loved having him fondle her lekku as she sucked his cock under the blankets. Fuck, Shaak Ti’s imagination was running wild though. And every single fantasy and day dream she had about him and Aayla, it felt like she was transposing herself over his Master. Like she was replacing the Twi’lek Jedi Knight with herself.
Eventually, either because she can’t take it anymore or because the lesson is actually over, Shaak Ti lets out a sharp breath and straightens up.
“That will be all for the day, Padawans. Take what I have shown you and build on it, either on your own or with your Masters. Class dismissed.”
Standing up and gathering their things if they have any, the Padawans all file out of the room. All save for Tylo, who remains seated right where he is. Shaak Ti doesn’t ask him to leave either… if anything, as the last of his fellow Padawans exit the room and she locks the door with her mind, her attention to his body redoubles.
Tylo continues to work on hers in response, and the two stare at each other. No longer having to put on an act, Shaak Ti is soon panting breathlessly, her nipples rock hard at this point beneath her robes, her pussy lips dripping betwixt her legs. Tylo is also sweating, just a bit. It’s taking a lot of self control to keep from bucking his hips upwards as she uses the Force to stroke his cock. It doesn’t feel anything like a real pussy, neither warm nor wet, but it’s certainly a tight enough pressure to be pleasurable, and her fondling of his churning balls is a testament to how fine her control is over the Force.
However, Tylo can tell from her thoughts that the Jedi Master is trying to make him cum. She’s desperate to ‘win one’ and believes if she can make him jizz his pants before she cums herself, then she’ll have broken any hold she might think he has on her. Now, Tylo doesn’t think he’s anywhere near capable of enslaving a Jedi Master, not even one as slutty and eager to be defeated as Shaak Ti.
But he’s certainly not going to lose to the Togruta woman either… and luckily, he has a trick up his sleeve that she may not be expecting. While his Force Touch is all over her body like this, Tylo sees an opportunity to… fuse two lessons into one. What Master Unduli taught him… why not implement it here?
Reaching out, Tylo pushes his presence into Shaak Ti, just like Luminara showed him. The Force ‘Healing’ hits all of her erogenous zones at once… not just her tits and her cunt, but also her montrals and lekku, with Tylo targeting them as well as a last second thing. The full-grown Togruta female buckles, her knees giving out on her as her eyes go absolutely wide, staring at him in abject shock.
Her thoughts go haywire, even her inner ‘voice’ completely incomprehensible as she drops to the floor, cumming explosively and spasming all over the place as a result.
Slowly, Tylo rises from his chair. His cock is tenting his pants quite significantly by this point and throbbing hard with a serious need. Maintaining eye contact with the kneeling Jedi Master, he steps forward and tugs his pants down, freeing his massive member from its confines. Shaak Ti’s eyes zero in on it immediately, and he can tell she wants this just as much as he does.
All that’s left is to decide what form ‘this’ will take. Does he give her more of what set her against him in the first place, to try and force her to admit the ‘truth’ about herself that he perceives? Or does he endeavor to show her that there can be a kindler, gentler side of him? That he’s not as terrible of Jedi Material as she might think?
Alternatively… could leave her like this as punishment. Aayla would take care of his cock if he did so, and maybe… maybe it would act as a most poignant wake up call for the Jedi Master, that he was in more control of himself then SHE was.

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