A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 14: Mazie & Berri

In the end, his decision is based on some simple truths. One, he didn’t know how much longer they would be on Nar Shaddaa. Two, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a paranoid man who seemed to be keeping a close eye on his apprentice ever since she and Tylo defeated and killed Krayn, making it hard for Tylo to get a moment alone with Annie. And three, Siri Tachi would likely still be interested in him, if she even was truly interested, back at the Temple. It wasn’t like Tylo hadn’t gotten plenty of Jedi puss in those ‘hallowed’ halls already, after all…
Meanwhile, Mazie and Berri were a limited time opportunity. The moment that he and Aayla left Nar Shaddaa behind with Obi-Wan and Annie, it was entirely possible Tylo would never see the two Twi’leks again. That all said, it made sense to… check up on them, which is how Tylo found himself outside of the door of their brand new humble abode, knocking politely and waiting for an answer.
His own Master knew exactly where he was, of course. Unlike Kenobi, Aayla wasn’t nearly so overbearing. She was perfectly willing to let him go out on his own to check up on two of the freed slaves they’d helped. Tylo had the suspicion that if Annie had asked HER Master to do such a thing, Obi-Wan might very well have said no. But of course, he didn’t know for sure.
The door to the domicile opens up a moment later and just inside is Berri, the Twi’lek daughter. She’s a little older than him to be sure, and very beautiful, on the cusp of true womanhood as her face brightens up the moment she recognizes who’s at the door.
“A-Ah, you’re the one who helped Annie defeat Krayn, yes?”
He’s very handsome, so much more handsome then those who were offering to buy my virginity from my Master… no, n-not my Master anymore. I’m free now, Mother says I have to remember that! Ah, but then, does that not mean I can’t give it up freely to this handsome Jedi?
Smiling politely, Tylo inclines his head.
“I am. I wanted to check on you and your mother.”
“Berri? Who’s at the door?”
The older Twi’lek woman, Berri’s mother Mazie calls out from further within the small home, likely from the kitchen. Giving him a smile and stepping back to allow him to enter, Berri calls back to her mother at the same time.
“One of the Jedi have come to check up on us, Mother! The young male that helped Annie end Krayn once and for all!”
There’s a clatter from the kitchen, and then Mazie is in the hallway, her own eyes lighting up with excitement, a smile on her face.
“Ah, young Master Jedi! I was hoping we would get the chance to see you again! Only… Annie isn’t with you?”
The Twi’lek MILF pouts, but even as she does so, her thoughts give away her true feelings.
I don’t mind that Annie hasn’t come along as well. It will give Berri and I the opportunity to thank this handsome young stud… appropriately.
Was Tylo surprised that Mazie and Berri were turning out to be quite… slutty? Not in the slightest, truth be told. He was well used to it from Twi’leks at this point, especially given just who his Master was. Aayla Secura dropped the façade of a calm and composed Jedi Knight at the drop of a hat to become his horny little Twi’lek slut.

Still, he wasn’t just going to call the two of them out on it. Smiling right back, Tylo shakes his head apologetically.
“Unfortunately not. Annie is currently undergoing… remedial training with her Master. We Jedi aren’t supposed to be so quick to kill… and unfortunately, my word on the need for Krayn’s death wasn’t good enough to sway Master Kenobi, I suppose.”
Both Mazie and Berri frown at that, their thoughts turning distinctly negative and hate-filled as they think about Krayn and all the monstrous alien did to them both. Neither Twi’lek quite understands Kenobi’s point of view on the sanctity of life, especially when that life is slaving scum. Frankly, Tylo privately agreed with them. Krayn did need to die, and he didn’t feel darker for having helped end the monster. The Force didn’t feel any less bright on his fingertips.
Regardless, Mazie drops her frown the quickest and clasps her hands together as she beams.
“Well then, why don’t you at least join us for dinner. It would be our honor to have a Master Jedi sit at our table with us.”
Berri beams and happily nods in agreement, while Tylo inclines his head.
“I would be happy to, though you don’t need to keep calling me that. I am far from becoming a Jedi Knight, let alone a Jedi Master. I’m only a Padawan… so please, call me Tylo if that’s alright.”
Eyes twinkling, Mazie lets out a giggle that belies her age just a bit.
“Oh, well, only if you address us by our names as well!”
Chuckling, Tylo inclines his head again, first to her, and then to Berri who lets out her own girlish giggle in response.
“Of course, Mazie… Berri.”
He’s swiftly led deeper into their humble home. As small as the space is, it’s very clearly loved by both of the freed slaves, and soon enough all three of them are seated at the dining table, plates of steaming hot food made by Mazie sat in front of them all.
“This looks amazing, Mazie. Thank you very much for cooking it for me.”
And he’s telling the truth too. It does look good, better at least then the Temple’s standard, somewhat bland fare. Mazie gives him a flirtatious smile and reaches over, placing her hand atop his and then trailing her fingers back over his fingers.
“It’s the least I could do, Tylo. Without you and Annie, Krayn would still own my daughter and me. Instead, thanks to you, we’re both free.”
Tylo just smiles and nods. Not only can he hear them both blasting out loud and clear how much they want to jump him, but he’s also pretty sure he can smell their arousal in the air at this point. Or maybe that’s just the good food. Either way, the three of them dig in and Tylo revels in the homecooked meal. This right here might just be the best part of an away mission; the young secluded Jedi Padawan decides… if not for the next bit.
Moms going to end up sending me to my room and hogging him all to herself if I don’t do something! I know exactly what to do…
“Oops! I dropped my spoon!”
And with that, at the other end of the small table opposite from Tylo, Berri places her hands on her cheeks in exaggerated exasperation… and promptly drops down out of her chair and onto the floor. Mazie spares her a glance and when she looks at him, it’s with a knowing smile.
It certainly took her long enough to make the first move.
A moment later, Tylo feels hands on his crotch. Dexterous but clearly inexperienced, they nevertheless make short work of his pants, opening them up and slipping inside to take out his cock. Tylo lets out a soft grunt as Berri begins to stroke him up and down with her soft palms and slender fingers. Meanwhile, with a knowing grin on her face, Mazie gives him a wink and licks her lips salaciously.
“My daughter can be somewhat klutzy at times. I hope you can forgive her.”
Did Berri really think her mother didn’t know what she was doing? Did she think for a single second that she was pulling one over on the older Twi’lek? Letting out a somewhat breathless chuckle, Tylo just shakes his head.
“Nothing to forgive, it happens to the best of us.”
A moment later, Berry puts her mouth on his cock and is sucking him down, bobbing up and down on his dick. It’s her first blowjob, that much is obvious, but what she lacks in skill and experience, she happily makes up for with eagerness and enthusiasm. Soon enough, Tylo is groaning as he clutches at the edge of the table, panting heavily.
“Oh my. Are you alright, Tylo? Here, allow me to help you.”
And with that, Mazie leans over the table and takes up his utensil, beginning to feed him from his own plate as she also gives him a SUBTANTIAL view down the front of her top, effectively showing off her gorgeous pale blue breasts to him. Both she and Berri are absolutely gorgeous Twi’lek specimens. To have the mother-daughter working together like this… it’s enough to nearly make Tylo cum. Nearly, but not quite.
He holds himself back in more ways than one. What he wants to do, more than anything, is reach under the table and grab hold of Berri’s lekku, using them to face fuck her roughly right then and there. Or maybe even grab Mazie by her lekku and drag her in for a kiss. For the time being at least, he refrains, letting Mazie feed him by hand, eating what she offers him as her unaware daughter sucks him off with reckless wild abandon, slurping away at his cock eagerly and with great pleasure and enthusiasm.
Finally, unable to hold it back any longer, Tylo cums. As inexperienced and unprepared as she is, Berri lets out a soft yelp beneath the table, pulling back as his seed fountains out of his cock and at first hits the back of her throat. Then, he’s cumming all over her face and tits no doubt, unless she dodged out of the way in time. Somehow, Tylo doubts that.
Mazie, meanwhile, smiles wickedly, the gorgeous Twi’lek MILF humming as she finally puts down his utensil. She’s effectively helped him clean his plate by feeding him while her daughter sucked him off. Now, the more mature Twi’lek sniffs.
“You know, Berri’s been searching for that spoon for quite a long time. I’ll go help her.”
And with that, the other Twi’lek drops down to her knees and crawls under the table as well. Tylo would have to be absolutely deaf not to hear Berri’s indignant squawk as her mother suddenly shows up in the tight space in front of him, but it’s quickly overtaken by the sounds of licking and slurping as Mazie grabs her daughter in some way and drags her in to begin cleaning her face with her tongue from the sound of things.
Then, a much more experienced and well-versed hand suddenly falls upon his cock and begins to stroke it up and down. Soon enough, Tylo is once again gripping at the edge of the table as he grits his teeth, trying to contain his groans. Mazie is much better with her hand than her daughter, and even better than her daughter’s mouth, perhaps. She knows exactly how to play with his cock using her hand, rubbing her thumb over the glans and stroking him up and down as he quickly gets hard all over again.
And then, a pair of tongues land upon his dick and Tylo has to toss his head back in pleasure as both mother and daughter work over his shaft with their mouths. Mazie is clearly more experienced, and Berri can do nothing but follow her mother’s lead. Both of them feel quite good though, even as they clean up the leftover mess from Berri’s first enthusiastic blowjob.
Finally, Mazie descends down his cock as well, the more experienced of the two having a go at sucking him off just as her daughter did before her. She bobs up and down on his shaft, and there’s no denying that Berri has a lot to learn, because her mother is giving her a hands-on lesson, while also showing him what an experienced MILF can really do with her mouth… and with her hands.

Where Berri had dropped her hands into her lap once she had him in her mouth, and just relied on her energetic bobbing to suck his cock, Mazie does things differently. The Twi’lek MILF swallows his member while also fondling his balls and stroking the lower half of his shaft. She works him over like a professional, and it’s not long before Tylo is cumming in her mouth.
Unlike her daughter, Mazie doesn’t have to draw back. She’s half-expecting it and begins swallowing the moment his seed hits the back of her throat. Drinking down his cum like it’s nobody’s business, she swallows and swallows until it’s over and he’s finished. Only then does she pull off of his cock with a pop.
As Tylo rests there in the chair, feeling a little light-headed, both Berri and Mazie come out from under the table. Funnily enough, neither of the Twi’leks are wearing their tops anymore. Instead, their breasts are on full display, from Mazie’s full MILF milk jugs to Berri’s smaller, suppler tits. They stand there, both of them looking at him almost hopefully. Able to tell what they want; Tylo gives them a pleased smile.
“That was… wow.”
It does the trick, making both of them perk up… and in more ways than one given their current state of undress. Lustfully and sensually, Mazie leans forward.
“It was the least that we could do for our savior, young Jedi. And… if we can do more, please just let us know. How would you have us? My daughter and I are at your disposal.”
It’s odd knowing from their thoughts that they really don’t have a preference. They want him to fuck them, yes… but they don’t care how he does it. Which means it really is up to Tylo. How is he going to go about this? Harsh and domineering? Considerate but still rough? Or perhaps completely gentle and slow as he makes love to them both at the same time?
He could always end this here, but why would he do that?

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