Side chapter: Future skills
This side chapter is going to contain a few skills that I plan to include later in the story. Sorry there’s no chapter this week, I’ve been very busy.
Spoilers contain additional details and how I plan on using the skills in the story.
Generosity Whenever someone performs one-sided sex on you, they feel a portion of the pleasure themselves.
Greed Whenever you perform one-side sex on someone, you will feel a portion of the pleasure.
Cushions Your ass puffs up a little whenever you sit down, making sure you always have a comfortable seat.
Dominant Genes When having sex with someone who’s pregnant, allows you to alter the baby, removing most of the father’s genetic influence and making the child a guaranteed futanari.
Adapt Allows you to temporarily shift your physique to a more typical human one.
Astral Arms Conjures two large astral arms. They mimic the movements of your actual arms.
Shock Javelin Transforms a polearm into a bolt of lightning when thrown. Transforms back upon hitting anything.
Condom Allows you to create a magical condom. It’ll stay on your penis unless actively removed. Once tied, it’ll slowly shrink out of existence, leaving no waste.
Display Allows you to create display panels. Detail and potential increases as skill levels up.