A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 39

"First," I said, calling the bucket and soap to my hands, "let's get you cleaned up."

Veronica nodded, and I set the bucket down in midair, using magic to hold it up. Slowly and gently, I began to rub her down in small circles with the wet cloth, pausing frequently to re-wet it. I began with the large, flat-ish expanse of her abdomen, first working my way down until my circles just brushed the base of her cock, and then working my way up, until I had to lift her boobs up and out of the way with my free hand to get at the skin beneath them. Then, I moved to her sides, performatively ignoring her tits, and continued wetting her down. Next was her back, then her arms, then legs, before finally, starting with the underside of her jaw, I slooooowly worked my way down her neck, the top of her chest, and, finally, onto her tits.

Once she had been properly wetted down to my satisfaction, I soaked the cloth again, and started to rub and lather soap into it. I then repeated my routine from last time, starting with her stomach before wrapping around to her sides, then her back, then legs and arms, before deviating a bit, and stepping behind her.

"...Roxy?" Veronica asked, breaking the silence that had lasted through the whole bath up until now.

"Yes?" I asked, firmly and attentively scrubbing soap into Veronica's ass.

"I... that... feels better than it should," Veronica admitted.

"Well, either I'm better at this than you thought," I said, instead of 'I have a secret class whose abilities are centered around lust, and making my touch supernaturally pleasurable is something I've definitely done before, even though I'm not trying to do it right now.' "Or, alternatively, you really like me that much."

"Mmn," Veronica 'said,' spreading her legs a touch so I could rub soap between the cheeks, where it was most necessary- after all, that was where the most sweat and grime would accumulate.

Once I had her ass properly washed, I set the rag aside, and put a hand on her shoulder, before starting to push down.

"On your hands and knees, Princess," I said.

She obeyed instantly, landing with an audible thump, and I managed to restrain a snicker at her eagerness.

"Are you ready for me?" I asked, kneeling behind her and taking my dick back out.

"Mhm," she said, nodding.

"Good girl. [Grease]."

[Grease] was, contrary to its name, not a spell that conjured a slippery substance. Rather, it directly reduced the effects of friction on the surfaces it was cast on, such as, in this case, my cock and Veronica's asshole.

It was supremely body-safe, didn't soak into flesh or stain fabric, and was, generally, the gold standard in buttfucking.

I gripped my cock with one hand, spreading Veronica's cheeks with the other, and carefully guided my cock towards its target, closing my eyes with bliss as it slowly pierced inward. It was heavenly; very warm, and very tight, with all kinds of powerful muscles bearing down on me.

"Fuuuuuuuuck," Veronica moaned, long and low, as I inched in deeper and deeper.

"That is what we're currently doing, yes," I said.

"...You're- nnh- lucky you're, good at this," Veronica ground out.

"As are you," I said, before planting my hands on her hips and pounding the rest of the way in with a single stroke.

"Fuck!" she repeated.

Now, I was using my Incubus abilities to make it feel even better for her. I pulled back, adjusted my angle, and slammed back in, this time putting plenty of pressure on her prostate... and either I underestimated how sensitive that was, or I was really overdoing the Incubus mojo, because on that second thrust, Veronica all but screamed and sprayed cum all over the floor.

"...You are on a hair trigger," I marveled, pausing to let her catch her breath. "Do you want to stop here, or... can I keep going?"

She nodded wordlessly, still panting, and I nodded back, not that she could really see it.

I toned down the Incubus mojo, and started to slowly piston in and out; I did want to make Veronica cum a bunch of times, but I also wanted to finish myself off, preferably inside her, before I completely wore her out and had to stop.

Not that finishing myself off was going to be particularly hard, all told; her ass was exquisite.

Once I'd settled into a nice rhythm, I took one hand off of her hip, and called the bar of soap to my hand, then took the other hand off and began to lather them up together. I gathered up a nice, thick coating, and then, setting the bar aside, reached down and grabbed Veronica's tits.

She came again, and I snickered a bit as I started to soap up her tits.

"Wh- what are..." Veronica barely managed to get out, her voice weak and a bit slurred.

"I missed a spot," I said simply, rubbing soap into her cleavage. The texture of her skin was so delightfully slick with the soap, and it complimented the softness of her tits perfectly.

"Mmn..." was all she could really reply with.

While my hands slowly worked away at her tits, my hips kept moving, sawing in and out of her ass. I could feel the tension and tightness building up, and managed to predict her third orgasm with surprising accuracy.

"I gotta say," I began, starting to breathe heavily. "I am loving how easy it is to make you cum. The fact that... I can rest very assured, that you're enjoying this too? Very, very nice." I gave her boobs a firm squeeze. "Helps me not feel like a selfish asshole using you as a sex toy."

Veronica grunted wordlessly, before managing to gather herself enough to say, "I... want, to be... used..."

I snorted a little.

"I guess I can work with that," I said.

I was close; I could feel it. And so, leaning on my Incubus mojo just a bit... we came at the same time, both of us blasting fat ropes of jizz, with the main difference being that mine at least went inside someone.

An intrusive thought entered my brain: could I get an alpha pregnant? I mean, probably not- I doubt I was the first person to like fucking alphas in the ass, and someone would've put in a serious effort at it before me. Buuuut, I might be the first person with the Incubus class, and it might have something it can do here.

Ah, right, the post-coital "wanna make a Succubus?" notification. No, not yet. That's something I wanna talk to Akane about first. Although... that does remind me, in a roundabout way, that I should check on something...

...after Veronica and I collapse onto our sides, narrowly avoiding landing in the big puddle of jizz on the floor.

"...And now you're sweaty again," I noted. "So much for that bath, huh?"

"Worth it," Veronica said, leaning back into me.

"Especially since I've got a spell that can do it without making us horny and start fucking again," I added.

Veronica was silent for a moment.

"...You are committed to getting in my pants, aren't you?" she said after a long pause.

"Well, yes," I said. "You have seen yourself in a mirror, haven't you?"

"True enough," she said.

"Also, Veronica-"

"Call me Nicky."

"...Also, Nicky," I began. "This is a weird question, but do you have any Traits? Y'know, capital-T Traits, like monstergirls usually have?"

"I... do, yes," Nicky said. "Extra Class Slots 1. It is a central part of House Vega's bloodline and birthright. Why do you ask?"

"I have a recipe for making potions that grant people Traits, temporarily or permanently," I said. "And, uh... well, you seem to have a Trait I would really, really like to have myself, so... you mind if I milk you for potion ingredients?"

Nicky seemed to consider this for a good few moments.

"...You know," Nicky began. "When I imagined what the first thing you would do to assert ownership over me would be, I was thinking... you'd tell me to make myself a collar, or declare that I was moving into your room immediately. Or maybe you would lead in by asking if I would join your harem."

"First of all, was that actually in question?" I asked.

"Well, no-"

"And second, this isn't me asserting ownership over you," I said. "After all, I did ask permission before giving you a potion that'd make you lactate so I could milk you like a cowgirl for my own benefit. If I was asserting ownership over you, I'd just tell you to drink up."

"Point," Nicky said.

"And third... do you want me to assert ownership over you?"

"...A little," Nicky admitted.

"Princess wants someone to handle all the hard life-management bits so she can lie back and be sexy, huh?"

"I do like the idea of ignoring my royal blood in favor of being a housewife," Nicky said. "Although... I would very likely stop liking that idea the moment you tried to make me actually manage and maintain a household."

"Yeah, I figured," I said, nodding. "Anyway, is that a yes on the potion milking thing?"

"I'm all yours," Nicky said.

I pulled out the mostly-empty bottle of Lactation Potion out of my inventory, popping the cork for probably the last time, and tipped the contents into Nicky's mouth. She swallowed, and I picked us both up, carefully, and brought us back to the hands-and-knees position we'd been fucking in not three minutes ago. This time, however, there was an empty bucket under Nicky's tits... and, after some consideration, a second bucket under her cock.

"I... don't think you'll be getting much more out of me, there," Nicky said, noting the second bucket.

"I've got my ways," I said, before I started to milk her.

Once I got a good rhythm going, I began to rock my hips; just because I'd knotted her ass didn't mean I couldn't move at all. There was a lot of give when it came to the flesh, especially when Incubus was involved.

Pretty quickly, Nicky was breathing heavily again, and I focused my Incubus powers on one thing: making her cum as much as she could. It didn't matter that I'd just emptied her balls four times on the floor, she'd find she had one last, big shot left in her, and...

"Fuck!" Nicky all but screamed as she came, her voice turning into a long, low moan, as her cock sprayed into the second bucket. By the time I was finally finished with her, she'd filled the first bucket all the way with milk, and the second halfway up with cum.

"Alright," I said, nodding quietly. "That oughta do it. Thanks for letting me milk you, Nicky."

"Anytime," she said, before collapsing to the floor, fully unconscious.

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