A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 76: Cuckoos acting like Fates

"Are you girls ready? We can still postpone this if you think that you are still not strong enough or if you need more practice." Rudeus said as he watched the quintuplets get ready to take their seat on their own new and improved Cerebro or as the cuckoos were now jokingly calling it, Cerebra.

"No, we had plenty of practice. Now it's time to get physical... I mean get some real-life experience." Celeste's face became red as she understood what her words could have meant.

"It's okay Celeste. I just hope that you all don't get hurt. This machine is one of the most dangerous machines on the planet after all, especially after the changes that Zoya did to it.

"Don't worry master. We won't get hurt. We not only received advice from our mother but also got trained by the Professor himself. The old man might not be the wisest person out there but he is definitely the most resourceful and experienced when it comes to screwing with people's minds." Phoebe joked.

"Yep, and the best thing is that the professor while training us always acted like we were gonna be his successors or something. It was hilarious how much he tried to mold and manipulate us using his words alone. Even we would have been influenced if it was not for Mother already telling us how to detect manipulation." Sophie complained as well.

"But I guess we still have to thank the professor for giving us the training to do what the people can only dream of, to read the minds of every being on the planet at once, no matter if they are humans, metahumans, vampires, inhumans or some other alien beings," Irma spoke in excitement.

"Yep. Also, you remember the names I gave you right? Try looking for them when you have synchronized enough with Cerebra." Rudeus instructed.

"As you command master." The five mocks saluted and began to take their place in the new machine.

The new Cerebra looked much much different from the old Cerebro.

The new one designed by Zoya was much smaller and instead of being as big as a large room, only occupied as much space as a large refrigerator. It had a computer-type machine at the center in the shape of a tower with five seats connected around it in a pentagram shape. Each seat had its own individual helmet to connect with the machine and even a touchscreen control pad to efficiently use it.

Up to five people can merge their psionic powers and use the machine together at once to increase the strength and range of their already huge psychic power. But a single person can operate this machine too if they wish.

The machine is powerful enough to easily compete with even the strongest of omega-level telepaths and still come ahead.

Rudeus was now quite confident at winning against the more powerful telepathic villains like Proteus, Legion, Onslaught, Stryfe, and the others.

'By the way, I should try to see if Onslaught was ever born in this universe or not. I really hope the professor was smarter in this reality and never had a psychic baby with Magneto by trying to take his mind into his own.' Rudeus hoped that he had enough luck not to come across that abomination.

"Cerebra synchronization starting now in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and synchronization initiated." Zoya declared trying to copy a satellite launch countdown.

As the entire machine lit up, Rudeus could almost feel the combined psychic energy of the quintuplets being enhanced.

He could feel their transparent psionic energy slowly expanding and covering the entire planet. He even felt it brush against his own mental defenses and he easily understood how powerful their enhanced combined power was.

All the girls were currently concentrating with their eyes closed. The screens on the computer show a map of the entire globe and a huge number of small points of various colors on it.

The white points meant normal humans, blue ones meant metahumans, yellow ones for Inhumans, green for were-wolves, red for vampires, black for demonic or interdimensional creatures (if their minds could be read by telepaths like the Cuckoos), and brown ones for unrecognized or unidentifiable beings.

Of course, there were still a lot of races who were not included in the list since they had not yet figured out how to identify them yet. But Rudeus believed that it was only a matter of time.

"Master we found some of the people you were looking for." Phoebe started.

"Jim Jaspers, Mathew Mallory, Romulus & Remus" Celeste continued.

"Jamie Braddock, Stephen Strange," Esme said as Celeste became silent.

"We found them all," Sophie spoke up.

"All except a few, the ones that cannot be found." Irma finally concluded.

'I see. Maybe people like Robert Reynolds and Owen Reece do not exist in this particular reality or maybe they just cannot be found. Maybe something is protecting them or maybe I just need more information going forward." Rudeus frowned his brows as he thought to himself.

"What about Jean Grey? Did you girls find her?" He asked them.

On his question, the five quintuplets again began to concentrate with their eyes closed as they searched for the girl who was presumed dead by everyone.

They mostly searched for her in the States as they concentrated along the river she supposedly drowned in.

Suddenly an unstable big blue point with a black and brown pulse which seemed like a raging storm appeared near Alkali Lake but it quickly disappeared as soon as it appeared.

"What was that?" Rudues asked.

"It seems you were right master," Celeste said

"She is still alive." Phoebe took over.

"But she doesn't want us to find her." Esme continued.

"Her mind, no, her very being is in chaos." Sophie took her turn.

"The signal was too unstable for us to determine the exact location," Esme concluded.

Rudeus was truthfully a little annoyed by their current way of speech. They were acting like they were the fates or something. He decided in his mind that he would have to discipline the girls later. Nothing a little spanking on the butt won't fix.

"I believe what they are trying to say master is that the psychic signature was too unstable and chaotic for them to pinpoint Jean's exact location in Alkali Lake. In fact, we are not even sure if she is in the lake or somewhere nearby or if it was just a remnant of her psionic energy after she... disappeared." Zoya informed him.

"I see. I guess we will just have to wait for her to re-emerge. Till then, try to find and note down the locations of every important and strong being on the planet, especially the ones I told you all about." Rudeus spoke in a serious manner.

He had actually now started to feel a little stressed about this entire Dark Phoenix fiasco.

'I just hope everything works out for me and nothing goes too horribly wrong' Rudeus thought while raising too many death flags in his mind.


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