A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 131: A New goddess of magic


"The weak are destined to lie beneath the boots of the strong. If that angers you, overcome your deficits."

– Esdeath, (Akame Ga Kill)


As I recovered from my weakness and internal moping of my new skill which was supposed to be OP being nerfed, I noticed that the green glow around Morgana was slowly subsiding and she was descending back to Earth. Externally she didn't seem to have gone through that much of any change except the fact that she was at least ten times more attractive somehow because of some weird comic logic shit.

However internally, Morgana was barely the same. Everything had changed about her on the inside. Her body, mind, and even her soul had undergone massive changes that have permanently made her something much more than a human or even the minor god she was before.

I could feel it in my bones, she was the same as me, a New god.

How do you feel Morgana." I asked looking at her after she had completed her transformation.

"I feel... everything. So this is what being a pure full-fledged real divine being feels like. I can feel the strength in my body, the power flowing through my veins, the absolute strength hidden in me. The godly power I had before was nothing compared to this one." She stated as she looked like she was in some sort of power high.

I guess most people would feel like that if they suddenly got so much power out of nowhere. She didn't get a lot of my perks but the ones she got were enough to make her feel unbeatable.

"So think you can beat the Ancient One with this now?" I teased her.

"The Ancient One? Hah, she won't be able to stop me even if she had all the infinity stones much less just one." She confidently said as her palms lit up with a green glow and the entire room morphed into a green and golden throne room from its dark shadowy self. A large green throne with a golden skull appeared at the head of the room where she slowly sat down in a sensual manner.

"Okay, that was a pleasant yet useless trick because it just gave you a throne and a fancy room, although I did love the theatrics and all," I said not really that impressed.

"Can't blame a woman to do some theatrics, can you? By the way, can you explain why I feel an innate urge to be loyal to you and not betray you in any kind?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"My charming personality perhaps?" I joked knowing full well that she wasn't gonna buy it and she didn't because she just raised her brows at me like she was confused if I was serious or was joking with her.

"Okay, okay... As long as you possess the godly power, you will never be able to betray me. Your loyalty is the trade-off to achieve the powers of a god. Not a bad deal right?" I asked at which she simply rolled her eyes.

"So, what's your divinity?" I asked hoping that it was something not too bad. After all, not everyone can have a cool divinity like mine. I just hoped her divinity was not something plain stupid.

"I don't know. I am not even sure of all the abilities that I currently possess, like do I have your healing powers? Am I immortal or can still be killed?" She asked with a confused expression on her face.

"Well, I guess you will know everything in due time. Although I really wish I could know the information about my own pantheon members when I make them New gods or New goddesses. But sadly, I can't magically know everything I wish..." I started but a ding notification suddenly interrupted me.

I saw a small icon at the top left corner of the screen slowly pulsating, attracting me towards itself. What the hell is that? I immediately concentrated on it and it thus expanded.


[Name: Morgan Le Fey]

[Race: New God]

[Gender: Female]

[Divinity: Magic]

[Faith points: locked]



[Supernatural physique, Incomprehensible mind, Anchored soul, Allspeak,...]

The list contained all of her own abilities developed over the years as well as a list of the perks that I had given to her while making her my goddess.

Also, it seems that my very first goddess was a goddess of magic. That was like fate dancing in front of my face telling me that anyone can be op except me.

However, one thing that I had more than Morgana was talent in wielding my divinity or should I say a useful system to help me cheat. While I knew exactly how to use my divinity seconds after the moment I unlocked it due to my system assisting me, Morgana didn't receive any such information and could only start learning how to use her divinity with experience.

I then left Morgana alone for her to train. She was a quick learner and I was sure that she would be able to quickly adjust to becoming a goddess.

Opening a portal to the room where I had 'imprisoned' the sleeping Miss Sinister, I saw that she was already awake and was sitting with a look of serious contemplation on her face.

"Already up huh? Are you having trouble speaking or maybe having nightmares" I asked as I stood in front of her with a straight face.

"Wha..., who are you? Do you know where I am or how I got here? Can you help me?" She asked me as soon as she noticed me with tears in her eyes like she was the victim.

"You can drop the act, Claudine. I can literally feel the cringe-acting coming off of you. You received almost all of Mr. Sinister's memories including the ones of the deaths of his real self as well as his clones. So you aren't as innocent as you pretend to be especially since you have his powers as well." I said as I noticed her preparing herself trying to gather her psionic energy.

I thought she would attack me in a desperate attempt to escape but the attack never came. She just stood there staring at me with a serious complicated look in her eyes, her tears slowly drying up. I could sense her desire to escape from here but it was like she simply didn't have the will for it.

Interesting, I wonder what Jean did to her for her to act like this.


(A/N: The next couple of chapters would be big enough to compensate for this short chapter🙂.)

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