A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 128: Explosion is an art


"If nobody cares to accept you and wants you in this world, accept yourself and you will see that you don't need them and their selfish ideas."

– Alibaba Saluja (Universal Warriors)

After Jean was done editing Claudine's psyche, Rudeus again opened a boom tube and dumped Claudine into a sealed holding room in his headquarters. He would deal with her after he was done with his tasks and she woke up with a clear head. He then opened a portal back to Sinister's primary base where Madelyne the clone of Jean was still sleeping.

He had already gotten a notification of his first quest being successful as well after Jean made the changes to Claude's mind. He had thought that he would need to 'win' her loyalty somehow but it seems that Jean just introducing a few compulsions in her mind to not betray him was enough for him to win the quest.

Rudeus could sense that his machine puppet had also completed its mission in the other base of Sinister and was done copying all the information from its servers.

'This ability is seriously op. Not only can I make multiple advanced robot puppets whenever I want, but also I can control them all together with my mind.' He thought to himself praising the Rinnegan in his mind.

All the information it had copied from the base had already been uploaded into Zoya for safekeeping. So Rudeus could have called it back, but he didn't want to do it since he had no need for it right now. Also, he could make another mechanical puppet like that whenever he wanted. What he needed right now was not a puppet to play with but the entire base destroyed. So he activated its self-destruction ability which was basically overloading its divine energy fuel cell to explode uncontrollably.

"Activate Self Destruction." He muttered in a low voice at which the mechanical puppet began to vibrate uncontrollably as its chest area started to glow red in a menacing manner until it suddenly exploded into a red raging explosion that completely destroyed the entire area after a few seconds of charging itself.

'That's one base gone. Several more to go.' He thought pleased with the explosion which cut off the connection with his clone.
"Now time for you to wake up princess," Rudeus said as he used his divine healing on the limp body's clone.

The golden light healed all of the female clone's few-minute genetic defects she had and strengthened her body and mind. But it still didn't look like she was any better off. She still sported the same blank look in her eyes like she didn't have a soul to begin with to connect to her own mind and body.

Rudeus could feel his astral manipulation skill react for the first time. He felt that he could have helped her if he had some more experience with the perk but having never used that skill before in his life, he didn't even have the slightest clue in how to use his power to help Madelyne.

"I-I think I can help her. I feel like she is somehow connected to me. I can feel her mind trying to reach out to me for help but failing every time for some reason." Jean spoke up after a long time. She had been silent for a while ever since she saw her own clone lying in the same position after coming back to the base.

"Are you sure?" Rudeus asked, showing concern for Jean. However, he didn't doubt her since as much as he remembered, even in the comics Jean and the Phoenix Force were responsible for bringing Madelyne to life.

"Yeah, I am." She said as she went close to her clone and placed her hand on Madelyne's chest. As Jean closed her eyes, soon her palms began to glow in a silvery haze and so did Madelyne as an aura of silver light began to envelop her.

Soon, the silver light disappeared into the clone's body as Madelyne finally began to move. Her lips twitched and her eyes began to open like a sleeping princess waking up from her slumber after a long time.
"It seems you succeeded Jean. Congrats, you just had a little sister." Rudeus jokingly said as he looked at the clone who looked exactly the same as Jean.

"Who-who are you? Who am I?" The Jean-clone asked as she looked at Jean and Rudeus with confused eyes.

"*Sigh* I guess we have a long conversation ahead of us, don't we?" Rudeus said as he sighed at the cliche situation.

But before he could start explaining what was happening to Madelyne, the other members of the X-Force reached the area.

Rudeus noticed that there were even a couple of people more here whom he didn't recognize other than the members of the X-Force who had originally participated in the mission.

'Wait, is that Mystique? Where the hell did she come from?' Rudeus thought as he noticed the blue-skinned mutant female standing in the crowd with a downcast expression on her face.

"Atem, we found these prisoners imprisoned in cells after we defeated all of Sinister's clone forces. They looked like they needed help, so we released them and brought them with us." Ororo said as she displayed her authority among the members of the team, taking her role as the leader of the X-Force quite seriously.

"That's good. We need to save as many people as possible. Don't worry ladies and gentlemen, you are all safe now. The Mr. Sinister that you all used to fear is gone now. He will never be able to hurt any of you anymore. You all are safe with me now." Rudeus declared in a charming manner to calm down the crowd.

"So, can we go home?" One of the metahumans asked doubtfully. They didn't know anything about their new benefactor and only hoped that this person would be better than the cruel mad scientist who was torturing them till now.

"Of course, you are all free people. I will open a portal for all of you to get out of this place. Once outside, you can either join us to live your lives peacefully and proudly as metahumans in a special country exclusively for metahumans or you can go back to live with your families in hiding." Rudeus said with a sparkling smile as he opened a boom tube.

The crowd although looked unsure still walked through it one by one since they didn't have any other choice. After all the rescued prisoners and the X-Force members had walked through the boom tube to Arcane Academy on the other side, Jean too walked through it along with Madelyne.

Jean was sympathetic to her own clone due to her unfortunate situation and didn't want to leave her alone for even a single second. So she was constantly trying to help her by being her friend, even though in reality she was acting more or less like a caring sister.

When Rudeus was the only one left in the entire headquarters, he activated his cosmic senses in full power and scanned the entire base one last time. There was no one in the base anymore since even the clones who were still alive had been apprehended by members and sentinels of his League and taken away to his base.

But he still sensed about a hundred half-formed clones at different parts of the base as well as thousands of clone seeds. Rudeus however didn't want to leave a single one of them intact as he hated clones the most in superhero worlds like these. So he decided to just blow the entire underground place to kingdom come.

'And I have the perfect weapon to do exactly that.' He smirked as he took out the nuclear core of the Nimrod sentinel from his inventory which he had once put in there to stop it from self-destructing a long time ago.

He then just tossed the unstable core away deeper into the base and walked into the boom tube, ignoring the following huge BOOM sound that disappeared the moment it started due to the red portal closing.
'Explosion is truly an art.'


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