A New Born Devil?

Chapter 69 Contract Magician?

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[Background information: Contract Magicians, are Humans that make a pact with varying terms with a Devil. Magicians do this for many reasons, such as Magical Knowledge, Favors, and Protection. All Devils pair up with Magicians as a status symbol of their personal power, or to get things from Human Magicians they cannot get in the Underworld. this is a symbiotic contract of equivalent exchange. Every year, the major Magician Schools in the Human world send applicants to all Devils to bid over. Mephisto Pheles, a Devil from the Extra Demons, has been active since the time of the previous Four Devil Kings. He is also the chairman of the Magician organization, Grauzauberer. He was the Contracted Devil to the Human George Faust, the founder, and took over after his death. The Hero Faction's Georg is descended from this man, but is not a part of this organization.]


Chapter 69  Contract Magician? by Harem-Fan


     A few days later...

     When I was fully awakened from my slumber, I was holding the naked Tsubaki in my arms. Tsubaki was blushing in my arms, and her two different colored eyes reflected my smiling face.

     Her left violet eye is the sign of her Mirror Alice, the location of her Sacred Gear, like how the Twice critical is always in the left hand of its hosts. I kiss Tsubaki's lips and say.

     "Good morning my Queen, thanks for last night."

     Tsubaki without her glasses nuzzled into my neck and said softly.

     "Good morning Ray, I love you..."

     I gently rub her back, tap her bottom, and tell her.

     "We need to get up for school."

     Then from behind me, the naked Kuisha held my back and mumbled.

     "Husband, can I send my Familiar in my place today? I am still sleepy. We only got two hours."

     I leaned over and captured her pouting lips and said.

     "Sure, you can skip, but I will not cover for you with Sona."

     As Tsubaki escaped from the bed, Kuisha said dejectedly while squeezing my neck from behind.

     "Fine, I get it, I am getting up already. She will text me nonstop if I do not show."

     Ding! Just as Kuisha mentioned a text, my smartphone made a sound with someone texting me?!

     The message was from my Human Contract Magician, who I have not talked to in a year or so. Her message reads...

     [Lavinia Reni: Hello Red! Sorry, I have been busy, can you call me when you wake up, thanks.] (chapter 9 nickname earned, Red by Lavinia)

     Kuisha saw the name then said.

     "Ah, That is your Human Witch Contracted Magician, it has been a while... Too bad she did not want to become a Devil, she is very strong."

     "My wife, she has human connections and a life outside of our Underworld. We are only friends. The only reason she even became my Magician was because of my status, and her teacher connecting us. Mephisto Pheles put us together after-all, so who knows what he is thinking."

     After kissing me, my naked wife ran off to her room, leaving me alone now. So I call Lavinia.

     Ring Ring Ring! I dialed her number and she picked up fast, and with a charming voice she said.

     [Wow, Red, you called back fast, have you missed your big sister?]

     My lips twitched at her overly friendly tone, but I told her.

     "You have not called me for a year, so I thought you no longer need my services. I called right away in-case it was a job, so what's up?"

     [Ufufu, You sound mad, Red. I am truly sorry, this last year has been... busy for me. But you are right, I did call for a job. My group is in Japan now, and I have a coworker or boss of my group that is visiting Kuoh, and I was requested to connect you two.]

     "Lavinia, I am contracted with you, so doing a job for another is not right. you know I will help you under our agreement."

     [Hmm? Then I will Summon you as my Protection to meet him, and we all three can talk, that would be fine, right?]

     "Sure, but when are you calling me?"

     [Oh, I will summon you tonight, can I summon my Devil then, right?]

     "Why are you not sounding serious today? But sure, I will come to be your bodyguard, and what about the payment this time?"

     [My contact will pay, but if he does not, then I will pay. Cannot wait to see you again Red, so goodbye.]

     As I turn off the call, I wonder what this crazy ditz is up too. She has been my Magician since I was 12 years old, so 6 years now. Lavinia is so strong, she is actually currently at Satan-class in strength. Yes she is as strong as Serafall as a Magician, sigh.

     Lavinia is a super sexy Italian woman with flowing blonde hair and deep-blue eyes. She is just a tad older than me, and she is your iconic airhead big-sister type. She has always been super friendly with me, but from our brief exchanges, I could always tell her heart belonged to some human.

     I really wanted to recruit her back in the day, but she had no interest in becoming a Devil. So I naturally gave up on that idea.

     "So, you're coming to Kuoh? Who am I going to meet?"

     (A/N The memories Ray has does not include LN or Slash Dog information, so he has no fucking clue who his Contract Magician actually is.)


     Later that night, in the Church Basement of Kuoh...

     Click Click! Father Tobio Marcus was currently taking pictures of all of the Dark Ritual components that were left behind by the Fallen Angels in the basement. The creepy cross with chains, really gave a sinister feel, like a soul extracting implement, though his feeling was actually close to its real purpose.

     Step Step! Then the Father heard someone coming from the staircase at the other end of the underground, so he drew his Excalibur Rapidly, thinking the Devils came back.

     Tobio Marcus was very surprised to see the short man wearing Priest Exorcist vestments. He recognized the man instantly, but was surprised to see his left-hand was missing. Freed Sellzen said with a fake surprised tone.

     "Hello fellow Monster Hunter, hohoho. I came to give you a hand... get it?"

     Freed was waving his left-stump and had  a look of joy at seeing Tobio Marcus.

     "Freed Sellzen, so it seems you had a part in these twisted experiments?"

     "Who, little ol' me? Maybe, but I am not here in Japan for those Sacred Gear collections, I have a more important mission, he-he."

     The Father knows how mentally unstable Freed is, and how good he is at using the sword in his one hand, so he acted cautiously.

     Tap Tap Tap! Then the sound of high-heels came from behind Freed and Kalawarna appeared, and she asked.

     "Freed, what is taking you so long? Valper is getting ready to arrive, so we need to pick him up from the train-station, hurry this along. Here let me help."

     Kalawarna extended her left arm, and a stone bracelet shown with a pale yellow light. She then made a grabbing gesture with her delicate hand...

     The stone around Tobie's legs had suddenly shot up and wrapped his legs, keeping him from making any movements, sealing him in place. Freed seeing this made his move.

     A small bead from Freed's jacket was thrown, making a flash-bang effect, making Father Tobio cover his eyes, but that was the mistake...

     Slitch! Father Tobio felt a pain coming from his heart, as he saw a yellow Lance of Light piercing through him, and as his life was fading, he saw Freed strolling over with a laugh.

     "Hohoho! You should have broken those bindings first, so you could have run fast and escaped with Rapidly in your possession, now that I have your sword, I only need to collect the other 4 coming to Japan, ha-ha!"

     As the priest bled out, Freed picked up the sword, and then heard his partner.

     "Ahh! Dammit! What is going on?"

     Kalawarna fell to her knees as the stone she controlled went back to its previous form, and she clutched the Sacred Gear on her wrist that was starting to turn her skin to stone, but she quickly put the Gear away, and then her flesh stopped being petrified. Her flesh reverted to normal, but it seems the more she uses the Sacred Gear, the worse the side-effects are getting.

     Freed licking the blade of the Excalibur he used to behead the Priest said.

     "He-he, Seems God does not want you playing with his toys, right? Well, I guess you need a Human body like mine. I wonder what will happen to you girls now? And if you take out the Sacred Gears now, you will die, since it is fused to your souls or rather your very body... Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Maybe Valper can save you three?"

     "Shut it, let's go, destroy the body."


     It was around 8 pm while I was alone working in the ORC room. I suddenly felt the request coming to summon me from Lavinia.

     [Red, it is me, and I am waiting...]

     I put away the paperwork, and then made my way over to my Transportation Circle, then my Crimson Light covered me, and I vanished...


     As my vision cleared, I was in a luxurious condominium, and saw a tall man, I knew to be a Fallen Angel, appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair with golden-bangs, and a black-goatee. He was wearing a men's black yukata, and had his legs crossed leisurely. He grins at me with a look of expectation for something.

     I was not worried about the fact, the man in front of me was supposed to be an enemy, stranger, or the Leader of the Grigori, but I was worried, because I felt that Lavinia was not here?!

     Just as I was going to speak, a pair of feminine arms wrapped around my neck and breasts in Yasaka's league, were pressed into my back! I instantly felt the Human aura, but she came out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of me?! She said cutely in a big-sister voice.

     "Red, surprise~! Ufufu. Did I startle you?"

     Watching Azazel smirk at my look, I scolded her.

     "Lavinia, do not do that again, what if I burst out with Power of Destruction? You are just causing mischief, but you did surprise me. How did you hide your presence so well?"

     She let me go and stood next to me, tilting her witches hat up, and said with a wink.

     "A girl has secrets, so, I am, not, telling~!"

     "Well fine, so why did you summon me? This gentleman is a Fallen Angel, and I have no clear reason why you two are connected?"

     Azazel said clearly.

     "Kid, you know who I am... You saw me back when you followed Baraqiel's daughter Akeno all around Japan. Of course you would investigate me, right? You and I both know we tailed behind her more than once. By the way, is she doing alright?"

     "She is doing fine Azazel, but how did you know I knew you back then?"

     He rubbed his chin remembering.

     "Your eyes opened wide in recognition the first time you saw me, then after that, you ignored me and never told your family about me. So you knew who Akeno's parents were and my connection. I would expect nothing less from Sirzechs Little Brother. By the way, thanks for taking her in for me."

     "I love her, so no thanks needed, but how do you two know each-other?"

     "Ah, Well, she works with Grigori, in our Slash Dog team. What?! If she can contract with a Devil, why can't she work with a Fallen?"

     Lavinia pulled me to sit on the couch, and then she hugged my arm into hers. She pats my head like a little kid, and says.

     "Don't worry Red, this request is from my Grauzauberer school and won't count as siding with Grigori. You are actually only doing your contracted Devil work. Red, I would not get you in trouble, Azazel just wants to ask questions concerning what is going on in Kuoh with the Fallen Angels actions."

     Well, I know from the anime that this guy is a good guy, with some mischievous tendencies. He just acts like a gangster at times. Or a perverted uncle. Azazel shrugs and says.

     "Well, even if I had bad intentions, it is not like your strength is too low to defend yourself, so there is no threat here, and Lavinia would join your side if we conflicted, that would be bad news for me, ha-ha. Anyway kid, can you tell me everything you know about what those 4 Fallen have done in the past few months?"

     Lavinia nodded at the fact she would side with me, and I sweat-drop, because aren't they on the same side? So I smiled and said,

     "This request can be done, because you are asking about your own people, so I am not betraying the Devils, so this is everything that has happened..."


     Around 30 minutes later, I finished adding some lies at the end, to make Azazel watch his fellow Leader Class.

     "And the last thing he said before fleeing was something about working with Kokabiel and Valper Galilei. So that is all I know about it. The reason I did not tell my Brother was the fact, it is all hear-say and I have no proof."

     Azazel nodded and remembered all I said, but did not comment on anything. We both sipped our sake, while Lavinia topped me off, while drinking a sip of her own. Azazel pointed to a painting on the wall and said.

     "Well, I can compensate you with this painting, or nude hot-spring pictures of Lavinia?"

     We both felt the temperature of the room drop about 20° and looked at the smiling, but not smiling, Human at my side, so I quickly said.

     "I will take the painting please!"

-        If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     After proper business was done, Lavinia walked me home, due to her wanting to tell me everything that she has been going through, and I told her about my year as well.

     She and I are only friends, due to the fact she is Human, and her feelings for other men in her life, we just keep a friendly relationship like a proper Contracted pair.


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