A New Born Devil?

Chapter 34 The Devastated Dragon King?

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Chapter 34  The Devastated Dragon King? by Harem-Fan


     Kuisha, Tsubaki, Akeno , and I walked into the building, and we went to the 2nd floor, to the central double doors. I unlocked it and let ourselves in the iconic ORC club-room.

     To the immediate left of the door, past the Summoning Circle, is a bookcase with many occult oriented fun novels and prop books for show.

     On the left-wall (From the bookcase) are two large windows that are over the main building entrance.

     To the immediate left of the door is a Real Transportation Magic Circle for incoming and outgoing Transportation. We have to use this for every Flyer Summons, so all of those retards in fan-fiction stories that said Rias was waiting for Issei to die, did not understand how this world works. In order for Rias to pop out of that floating Magic Circle from the Flyer, she had to stand in this Circle. So those guys were stupid conspiracy theorists. Even when the Akeno emergency summoned me, I had to stand in the Circle we had in my Hotel room.

     Anyway, on the right-side wall, are full of pictures of many occult oriented images for the flavor. Everything in the room is actually antique and genuine. We collected much of it over the years of contract work we did.

     In the center of the room are two opposing left and right couches surrounding a tea table. (From the bookcase)

     Past the center couches on the far wall is my ornate old-fashioned wooden desk and chair, for the King and Club President.

     To the far back right of the club room (From the bookcase) is a partition curtain leading into a mini-apartment, complete with a shower, mini-kitchen, and a small bedroom for me.

     Why do I have a bedroom here? In case I or one of my girls needs to skip and sleep. We do work long hours after-all.

     I head to my desk and sit at it and lean-back in the chair. Tsubaki, seeing this said to me.

     "Ray, I will get the black tea ready."

     Akeno said playfully, to be competitive with Tsubaki.

     "Ufufu, I will prepare your treats~, and those for Shirone."

     And as the two went to the back, the doors opened up, and three cat girls burst in energetically, or rather two did , while the other was nonplussed.

     "President Ray, your blue kitty is here ~Nya!"

     "Neko Master, your red kitty is here ~Nya!" (nickname added to chapter 9: Neko Master, by Li)

     "My day was lame, I need sweets..."

     Like in the anime, Shirone moved to the left window-side couch, while waiting for Akeno to help with her appetite. Both Li and Ni sit on each side of her and also smile waiting for tea.

     Kuisha sits on the right side couch closest to me. And when Tsubaki comes out she will sit in the middle of the couch, and Akeno sits furthest on the right couch. This has been their seating arrangement.

     In the corners of the room are comfortable single person chairs that match the couches as well. And in the kitchen we keep some pipe folding chairs just in-case Sona were to bring her group for something.

     On the tea table, we have two candle-holders with a creepy look surrounding a nice chess set of high quality.

     I smile and say to the cat girls.

     "Glad you are all so energetic today. Since it is the first day of the ORC, we will only do one contract each tonight, and because it is my birthday. But we still have to wait for the sun to go down like normal."

     Just then, Tsubaki and Akeno came out with a rolling tea and cake cart, and stopped behind the right couch and began to serve everyone.

     My Queen put my cup of tea down and said.

     "Your black tea with two cubes of sugar, it is hot."

     Shirone asked.

     "Tsubaki, can I have 7 cubes please, and milk?"

     Both Murasaki sisters said.

     ""Half-Milk Please ~Nya!""

     So why do Li and Ni have the last name of Purple? Because when the two girls begged for me to give them a family name, I thought of blue and red, so I gave them the pretty name, Murasaki. They loved it, even though my naming sense is horrible.

     When all 6 girls sat, and when we were almost done with tea, I brought up business.

     "Alright, so here are the Contracts for tonight... Shirone, you got the client that likes you carting him around in cosplay, he-he. Tsubaki, there is a girl from our school who wants help in tennis, to get into the club. Use Abe Kiyome to get her in. Kuisha, a secretary, wants to impress her boss, help her out with that. Akeno, your regular businessman, wants his usual whipping, sigh. Li, you have a dog walking job tonight. And lastly, Ni, you have to cover a shift at the Cat-Maid Cafe for the owner who is short staffed. Anyone have any questions?"

     Li raised her hand then said.

     "Why do I get the dogs again, and Ni gets the Cat job, not fair ~Nya?"

     "Because Ni has more experience serving tables, and the manager complained that you keep writing in ketchup.. [Love Ray] on the Omurice, sigh."

     Li blushes, and poorly defends herself.

     "But that is all my hands can write ~Nya!"

     At this moment, my black kitty Familiar jumped to the windowsill from the opened window. POOF! Then she transformed into her 8 year old look, in her maid outfit and ran to my side reporting.

     "Master, Master, I delivered all the Flyers like you asked! I was a good girl, right?"

     Mofu Mofu! I scratched her little black ear and she grins in joy, but all of a sudden, I felt a weight in my lap, and Shirone was in it, giving my Neko eyes telling her to not even think about it.

     Akeno covered her mouth and commented.

     "Ufufu, Look at Shirone feeling threatened, so cute."

     Shirone squinted her gold eyes at Akeno and said or threatened.

     "I am watching you the most, Homewrecker."

     After the sun went down, and the girls were done having fun teasing each-other, they all left for their Devil jobs. I was left alone, doing paperwork.


     When I was finishing up, ready to go home, to be with my Kyuubi, I got one...

     [Sniff... I need help... My Grandfather is gone, and my brother and sister need me. I am struggling, please help me...]

     When I heard that wish, I stopped what I was doing, because I could hear the heartache in the Human calling. Not only that, but my Gremory blood was urging me to move.

     I walked over to the Transportation Circle on the floor, and I let the Summon Flyer whisk me away in crimson-light to the Human calling for help...


     Genshirou Saji, a 16 year old young-man with blonde hair and grey eyes, had gotten off work from his 2nd of 3 jobs that he was working under the table, to support his two young siblings.

     Recently his Grandfather died of failing health, leaving the three siblings alone with no one. His parents died many years ago, and they moved to Kuoh to live with his Grandfather, but...

     He was left with crushing bills, a rundown home, and an old truck. He managed to keep his two siblings in school as their only family, but he himself had to drop out just recently to work. Saji is a smart young man who wants to make something of himself, but life is unfair.

     A while ago, he got off from his job at the restaurant washing dishes, and he was walking to his overnight convenience store job.

     But a young cute girl carrying something like a Dragon Ball Radar pointed to him, and the girl said.

     "You have lots of Greed, Master can help you!"

     The cute girl in a maid outfit gave him a strange piece of old-paper with magic circle looking images on it, and when he looked at it, the girl told him.

     "Just hold this and make a wish at night, and Master will grant you your wishes, bye-bye!"

     And the girl, holding up the strange beeping device, skipped in the direction of a fat woman, and started talking to her as well, odd! Stuffing the Flyer in his pocket Saji moved on...

     Later when he showed up for his late night job, the owner shook his head and said to Saji.

     "Sorry kid, I just hired a legal employee, so I do not have any work for you, you understand right? So here take a meat-bun for the walk here."

     After losing his job, Saji walked into the Central Kuoh Park and sat on the bench by the fountain. (The same fountain Issei died at in episode 1)

     Saji, depressed, ate the meat-bun, due to starving. Looking at the fountain he was lost, then since no one could see him, he cried a bit, to release the frustration he cannot show his family.

     He felt the Flyer in his pocket at that moment, and remembered what the strange girl said. He held it and said his wish, even if it was a joke, what did he have to lose...

     "Sniff, I need help... My Grandfather is gone, and my brother and sister need me. I am struggling, please help me!"

     Then his tears stopped, as a red glowing light began to make a Magic Circle on the ground around him, like the one on the paper. His eyes followed the pattern being drawn, then he noticed it.

     In the air, a crimson portal was summoning something, no someone, to him... It was a crimson-haired young man with blue-green eyes, who looks to be a high schooler, in fact, he is wearing the Kuoh Academy boys uniform!


     As I was transferred, I noticed I was outside in a park, and the person who summoned me was a young man with blonde hair and wide opened swollen grey eyes. I could tell he was in distress, so I said with a smile.

     "Hello, I am Ray Gremory, and you summoned the Devil to grant your wish, how can I help?"

     He pointed to me and said,

     "Senior, is it you?!"

     "Huh? You know me?"

     "We went to middle school together, everyone knows you... Are you really a Devil?"

     "So, you went to Kuoh Middle? What is your name, kid?"

     He bowed his head a bit and said.

     "Ah! Sorry, my name is Genshirou Saji."

     "No fucking way, really? I mean, I think I remember you now, yup. So let me know the details then..."

     Yeah I fucking know this guy, he was the wielder of one of the Black Dragon King's Sacred Gears, Absorption Line. He was Sona's Pawn with 4 pieces, but Sona messed it up when she made Ruruko her Pawn leaving her with 3 pieces, and I totally forgot about Saji till just now, damn...

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     So he and I talked for a while while he told me his life story. My Gremory blood was most definitely sensing Saji as a great talent. But I don't remember a whole lot of his activities in the anime other than going toe to toe with Yasaka in the battle in Kyoto. But I know he was worth more than the initial 4 Pawn Pieces, in my opinion. Well I told him honestly.

     "Well, I can grant you your wish, and there is a way to pay for it. Are you willing to become a Devil under me, and I can guarantee your brother and sister, including you, will be taken care of? You will become a powerful person, Genshirou Saji. You are even in possession of something called a Sacred Gear, and I can help you develop it. If you are interested? I tell you everything honestly."

     "Then please tell me what is involved..."

     I summon to my hand, 4 Pawn pieces, and without hiding anything, I tell him the pro's and con's of his decision.

     I include that if anything ever happened to him, his family would still fall under our care till they were 18. I explained everything he needed to know about his choice, even about the enemy of the Devils.

     And on my 17th birthday, I found an unexpected friend.

     Never in my imagination would have I thought I actually got along with this guy.

     And under the Central Kuoh Park fountain's light, the Prison Dragon joined me as a Servant, a Pawn, and as Family.

     (Peerage members officially... 7!) (Tsubaki Shinra Queen) (Kuisha Abaddon Bishop) (Akeno Himejima Mutation Bishop) (Shirone Toujou Rook) (Ni Pawn) (Li Pawn) (Genshirou Saji Pawn×4)


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