A mind beyond Marvel

Chapter 6: Ch6- TERROR

[Bat cave]

It's been 5 weeks since I came into this world, I have been going around and analysing the nearby dojos and martial arts events. I mean no offence to anyone, but they less than what I was expecting, I hope I find someone like Shang xi. He is considered to be one of the best martial artist in the world, though I am pretty sure I can take on 8-9men without using any of my skills with just martial arts alone.

The fusion of Extrimis and compound V is almost complete. I termed it Extreme V

"Alfred display the results of the simulation".

"Sire, for the optimal results you will have to inject the serum into your spine, for that we will have to put you in enhancement pod. After that we will inject an inhibitor so that you don't blow up, and lastly we will reinject the serum again in your spine. This entire process will take around 6-7 hours. Then you will have to give your body time as extreme V moulds you into a more perfect being. "

"Perfect being huh?, I see what are the enhancements I will get from this?", I enquired

"Master Grant, you will gain the lifting strength of 14-20 tons, your speed will Increase to 200Kmph. However these are not the main skills that it will focus on regeneration and endurance. You can run a 1000 miles without getting too drained. You can go on a week without sleeping. You will regenerate lost limbs under a minute. Your body will also become more adaptive to your future ventures. Plus you will get a random mutation"

"Any idea what the mutation woul---" I was halted by the Alfred's urgent voice.

"Sire, There is an attack in Harlem, a massive green abomination who is suspected to be Emil Blonsky is currently on a rampage."

I stood up and ran towards my Helmet.

[Bella POV]

Today has been a rather tiresome day, I thought as was driving to the FEAST shelter, in Harlem. When I finally reached the shelter I got out of the car and took out some common medications for basic stuff. I got into the shelter and headed to the kitchen. I saw Juan a Mexican guy who volunteers as the chef.

"Hey, how you doing? What's for lunch today?", I asked him as I walked in the kitchen

"We am making gravy and mash potatoes, come in an hour and you will get the best gravy in the entire New York.", He replied with a smug expression.

"Sure, sure", I rolled my eyes and headed to the clinic. The shelter has 2 floors and is pretty massive. It's almost the size of a warehouse where people can spend cold nights safely. There are also a dozen kids.

The clinic inside the shelter wasn't much—a few folding chairs, a table with a stethoscope and some basic supplies, and a partition for privacy. But it was enough. Enough for me to do what I could.

I had just finished checking on an older man's blood pressure when I heard a familiar voice behind me as I was packing my stuff.

"Long day?"

I turned to see Noah Bennett, the shelter's volunteer teacher, leaning against the doorway with a tired smile. Her sleeves were rolled up, chalk dust clinging to his hands.

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. "Is it ever not?"

Noah chuckled, stepping inside. "Fair point. I just wrapped up a math lesson. You'd be surprised how many people want to learn fractions when you tell them it'll help them get jobs."

I smiled as I packed away my supplies. "That doesn't surprise me at all. People want to move forward… they just need someone to believe they can."

Noah folded her arms. "You sound like a teacher."

"And you sound like a doctor," I shot back. "Encouraging people, giving them tools to help themselves… just with books instead of medicine."

She grinned. "Flattering, but I think you've got the harder job. I just teach them how to read a bus schedule. You save lives."

A silence settled between us before she spoke again. "Gray doing okay?"

I glanced up, surprised. "You remembered his name."

"Of course. You mention him every time we talk," Noah said with a knowing smile. "Kid's in Midtown high , right? I teach there"

I exhaled, rubbing my temples. "Yeah. He's adjusting."

She nodded, then glanced at the clock. "I should get going, but… grab a coffee before you leave, alright? You look like you need it."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Doctors don't run on coffee."

"Teachers do," she quipped. "And I know exhaustion when I see it."

I shook my head with a laugh as she stepped out.


There was a loud noise coming, from outside and we all felt a huge tremor.

"is it an earthquake?", an old man asked.

"… no, it seems more like a missile strike.", another kid reply. A rumble of debris fell near the gate.

I heard crying children, there were atleast a dozen children under the age of 10. We have to get them out but… but where.

I picked up my phone and dialled 911 in panic.

"911, what is your emergency.", came a stern voice from the operator.

"Hello, we are in FEAST, Harlem. We are umm …experiencing an earthquake. Debris is falling everywhere. We are scared we have children- ", my voice was cut short as I heard a loud guttural scream."What was that?". I asked Noah who was standing beside me.

"No idea", she said panicked voice, we could here screams and loud thuds from outside. We went near a broken window and were stunned to see a giant green monster rampaging and running towards us.

"I shouted it's coming here from, that direction. We need to get out", I said as I pointed towards the window

Jaun shouted, "let's leave from the kitchen back door", to which I nodded, and starting walking towards where Jaun was, he was about 20 meters away from me. Jaun and a few others were in the kitchen on their way out when…


I heard a loud noise from behind me, I quickly turned around to see the green monster vanish in the clouds.

I turned around and ran towards the kitchen to escape, escape from here and get back home, back to my son, my family.


The kitchen exploded, I flew a few meters back and crashed in the floor. AGHH—

Underneath the rubble I cloud see the corpse of atleast a dozen people and even some kids, Jaun lied there with his eyes widened with shock and fear. At the top of the rubble was an abomination. He looked around the screams and corpses of people with amused eyes as if admiring his handiwork.

He stepped forward. DUMPH--. All the people huddled around the window with me waiting for there doom. I wish I could have spent more time with my son. I hope he will a great, no… I know he will have a great life. I tried locating my phone but I couldn't find it, I dropped it somewhere, regret filled me. I wish I could hear his voice one last time.

All of a sudden Noah ran away from the group hoping to distract him, she picked up a slab an threw it.. tried to throw it at the abomination. It landed a few feet away from him.


I heard a booming voice that came from the side where Noah was standing. There was a wide tyred motorcycle.it ran through the debris as it was running on plain smooth road. He slowed the motorcycle picked up Noah and brought her back to the group. We were tightly packed close together.

He was tall 6'4'' – 6'5''. He was wearing a sci-fi helmet it had 2 Red LED strips for eyes I guess and a pair of horns no…., ears extended out of his sides. He was wearing some sort of mechanical harness inside his lose-fitted dark grey trench coat .

His motorcycle crashed into abomination with thud and kicked him out of the building. Then out of nowhere it exploded.

"WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?", came the voice of the monster.

The masked man looked at me and said, "Everyone get close together".

We saw as the abomination came up and attacked the group. we all stood shoulder to shoulder. The masked man stood there in front of us unphased. He was holding the hands of Noah, who was standing in front of the group. Everyone was holding hands as we watched in despair as the green monster was running towards us.

And something extremely absurd happened.

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