A mind beyond Marvel

Chapter 3: Ch3- MONEY

[Grant House 8pm] 

After we came back home, me and mom ate dinner

"Mom, can you give me some money? I need to buy some components for my PC", I asked my mom.

"Sure, but what about your pocket money I give you $200 every month"

"I know I have been saving that I was planning to finish this project before the school starts, I am $200 short", I pleaded to mom.

"All right, don't waste that money."

"Thanks mom, YouDaBest"


Back in my room I decided to start making some money. I asked my mom for money because she would know that I have been making big changes to my PC

Using my powers I hacked into various banking websites I filled out fake details and opened shell accounts abroad. I opened over 30 accounts. I hacked into the most active 100,000 accounts.

I created an algorithm for transactions, every random time they exchange over $100, I get $1.

Let's leave this algo on tonight, we will see the results tomorrow.

"1,2,3….7…", I started doing pushups

I can only do 7 pushups I need to increase my physical strength. There are multiple ways I can increase my strength, super soldier serum, radioactive spiders, and what not.

I too have some plans with Extrimis, Extrimis was developed by Maya Hansen and Aldrich Killian. Not only does it give superhuman strength it also has amazing regen factor. You can regenerate lost limbs under a minute. Also, you can shoot out plasma from your lungs. It will also give me a lesser Darwin like adaptation.


The next project I want to work on is Compound V, Compound V doesn't work on older people, they only use it on babies, But I will be using Extrimis together with compound V.


I was also planning to go for spartan Program but, it causes a sudden Increase in height. So, I need to practice cell manipulation more.


And at last, I need to understand combat techniques, which I can easily learn using my telepathy in sync with intuitive genius.


I practiced my phasing powers for a few hours and went to bed. Tomorrows gonna be a busy day.




Tring~ Tring~


I woke up at the sound of alarm, I checked my money across all the 50 accounts, "$163,230, hot damn".


I went out to the tech store and brought a few components; I upgraded my PC to a somewhat good system.


And started coding for an AI assistant, I don't want something like a Loli that calls the creator father. I don't want to create something that I will have to take care of instead I want someone to take care of me.


I spent my entire day creating ALFRED, I will upgrade him when I make a quantum computer, He sounds like a British Morgan freeman, should I Kidnap and brainwash Ulysses Klaue. 


"Good evening master Grant", spoke Alfred

"Evening Alfred, how are my accounts looking?"

"You have crossed half a million mark, $653,562 to be precise"


"This should be enough let's start the Bat Cave Project"




I phased through the ground straight into the mine, the mine was dark and suffocating, with only three sources of open air, I guess I will have to start building it up.


It's been a week since I came to this world, tomorrow I will start my school in midtown high, can't lie I am rather excited.


I have Made great progress with money, I have close to $9 Mil in my accounts, I brought a warehouse near the port, all machines are stored there and later they are brought in another warehouse using near my cave, from the cave, I phase the machines into the cave. I only order parts from different companies and assemble them in my cave.


The cave is coming nicely, I used thermite to blow up parts of it, and making it more spacious I have been using a fusion of graphene and concrete, it becomes harder than steel when its dried up I have been coating the walls with it, It looks a lot like a mix between Arkham batman's Batcave and Nolan's, It didn't have waterfall, so I created one, I desalted sea water and now I am running the water in a loop. It looks cool


Bat cave is almost completed now I need to make a power source. I already made a bad version of arc reactor, it is as big as me, now that I have resources I am planning to make 6 small arc reactors, the ones he used in Iron Man 2. Using the new element.


I have already created that new element and its highly radioactive, besides that I have already started collecting Chemicals for Extrimis and Compound V.

 I have been working out and using cellular manipulation to grow muscles, The only side effect being that I eat too much.

My body is building muscles rather fast 2hrs Gym each day and my cellular manipulation. It's as if I have been working out for 2 months. I could have gone even faster, but That would be suspicious.


[School Day, Mid Town High]

Today's my first day in school can't say I am not excited. My mom dropped me in front of the school.

 "Have a good day! Gray", she wished me.

"Thanks, you too mum", I waved as she went on her way to work.

I headed to the school Building and towards my class. 

On the way I met Peter who was standing with a Red-haired girl, which was MJ I presumed.

"What class You're Gray?", he asked me.

"1B, what about you and Ned?", I enquired

"I am in 1C, Ned is in the same class as yours, this is MJ by the way, she lives nearby", He said while introducing me to MJ. "She is in the same class as me.".

 I shook her hand and waved them goodbye as I went on my way to my classroom. I guess I will not be in the same class as him, at least I got Ned.

Here I was standing in front of my classroom 1B. Can't wait to meet my other classmates. I walked in the door.

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