Chapter 15: Ch-15 JESSICA
[Downtown, Manhattan]
"May I come in?", said a man standing in front of an apartment. The owner looked out of the door in confusion and opened the door. The owner went inside
"Honey, who is it?", came a voice from the kitchen
"It's me", said the intruder. "Why don't you come hair and take your clothes off", the woman looked at him for a moment and took of her clothes. Killgrave sat on chair while the woman took of his pants and started sucking his cock. After a few minutes he ordered the husband to take of his clothes and ordered them to start fucking on the dinner table.
"I am getting tired of this.", the man mumbled. This was the 11th time he had done this in the past few weeks. He picked up a phone and called his favourite toy.
An hour later.
A man and a women were standing in the kitchen. They were completely naked and were cooking food. On the dining table sat 2 people, a man and a woman. The woman had black hair and a very pretty face. The man had a purple-tinted skin. He was talking to the expressionless woman with excitement bubbling.
[Killgrave POV]
"I knew it the moment I laid my eyes on you.", I said as I laid my eyes on her. Jessica Jones an extremely attractive and intelligent woman albeit with a drinking problem. Although everyone has a few vices.
"So, I saw you talking to that black guy in the Bar, who was he", The man asked.
"His name is Luke". The girl replied.
"HAHAHAA, you had sex with him. I know we haven't been in touch for past few months but you didn't have to do that to make me jealous". I asked her knowing very well who that man was, Luke Cage has already been under my control for quite a while. "Well, guess what it worked."
She said nothing, I sighed I wished she would atleast talk to me.
"You sure got that fight in you, I love it.", I chuckled as I told her
"THEN YOU WILL SURELY LOVE ME" came a voice from the wall beside us and I saw a black hand coming out of it about to hit me. I was sure that if it landed I probably would die. Before I could say anything Jessica came in between shielding me from the impact. The room vibrated due to the sheer might of the Punch and Jesica's defence.
I flew back from the chair and hit the ground. As I watched the masked vigilante Noctis phasing out of the wall. With a sudden rush I felt my control over her weakening. I looked at Noctis and used my powers on him… but he just shrugged it off.
Does he have something similar to my mind control powers? I wondered. Though my powers work stronger on the people that have been under my mind control for a long time, example Jessica who has been my slave for years.
"KILL HIM, KILL NOCTIS", I shouted at the top of my lungs, as the vigilante looked at me. But at the very next moment he was punched straight in his jaw by Jessica. Which caused him to fly out of the building, Jessica flew out to battle him. I stood up from the ground and ran towards the door.
[Gravy POV]
So, I found that pest. I thought I could have killed him as soon as I came in but Jessica was faster. I even tried my telepathic attacks but it only slowed her down for a few moments. I phased through gravity and used the force to fly up. She chased after me. Her flight speed is slower than mine and her strength and speed are almost equal to mine, maybe slightly lower.
I can't hit her while flying, my punches would just phase through so I was trying to lead her to an isolated place. We were flying at a height of 600m, just below the clouds. She was sub sonic while I was could go Mach 2 . I flew slowly not getting far ahead until I found dumping ground that was empty. I stopped the moment she came close to me, she phased through my body. I made myself tangible again as I grabbed her leg and yanked her to the trash yard bellow. She crashed down with a loud thud, forming a small crater in the ground. But she had super human durability so I knew this won't kill her.
As I floated to the ground she came rushing at me with her fist cocked back. Her punched passed right through me as I held her by her temples and used my telepathy to shock her back to consciousness. Agh- her voice came out, she fell down on the ground crying.
"What have I done?", she murmured her hands shivering, tears falling down her eyes. "we have to stop Killgrave"
"I will to stop him.", I said as I started to fly up. "You stay here."
"Alfred where is he?", I asked
"Sire, I have sent you his current location, he is somewhere in between the 40th - 43rd street", he replied as I headed towards the place, hoping he would not have caused more damage.
[Jessica Jones POV]
"I will to stop him.", "You stay here.". came the deep rumbling voice of Noctis before he flew away. I didn't focus on him as I was drowning myself in guilt. He ruined my life and the lives of many others. I stood up and flew up back in the direction of the city.
After flying for a while I slowed down in an alley near of Luke's Pub. I had a rather tiresome day maybe a drink and chat can lift up my mood. I headed for the Pub
The bar exploded and flying came out Luke, walking behind him was Noctis in flames who had just kicked him out. I quickly ran towards them and stood in the middle facing towards Noctis. "Why are you attacking him?", I Shouted at him.
He looked at me and said "Killgrave is con—", before he could finish his sentence I was kicked sideways from my back.
The kick so strong that I could feel a few of my ribs break, I flew and crashed into a car. I watched as how Luke and Noctis were battling. Luke had superior strength and defence, while Noctis was an allrounder but he had an annoying ability to phase through attacks.
Even the strongest attacks are useless if they can't hit you. And surprisingly even if they did hit him it would seem as if it didn't affect him. Slowly I noticed that Noctis was guiding Luke cage away from the civilians. A lot of people were watching the battle between Luke cage and him as if a show. Most of them even took out there phones. I stood up to stop Luke—
"Hey, Sweetheart, you have a mission pending", I heard a very familiar voice came from behind me It sent a chill ran down my back, "don't let him touch your beautiful face, only I can touch you". I turned around and saw him, "No Please", Before I knew it I was also charging into the battle between Luke and Noctis. Attacking Noctis. The last thing I saw was Killgrave turning his back and running away.
I headed behind Noctis stealthily and threw a strong punch at his back. Which passed through and hit Luke instead sending him a few meters away. He twisted and flipped me over his shoulder and buried me to the ground, His hand came near my forehead before Luke attacked him.
I floated up alongside Luke and we both stared at him in rage for attacking Killgrave. He too stared back at us.
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