A Journey to Love

Chapter 1: 1 - Memories in the past

Maria is a 13 year old student when she first met him, so called jerk who is her crush. He was 14 years old, very handsome and charming but he's also cold and distant. But sometimes he's very sweet and thoughtful.

Riverdale Academy, one of the prestigious academy for high school students. They offered so many benefits such as scholarship but only if you passed the test. Which is extremely difficult, but Maria manage to passed the exam.


"Riverdale Academy, first day of school"

After all those efforts. I'm finally here, I'm so excited to meet new people and make friends!

It was a sunny day, Maria's first day of class as a freshman in High School. It has been her dream to study in Riverdale Academy, and there she is right now - standing outside her classroom. Said to be the worse section, she sighed and silently walked inside, feeling all eyes are set on her.

She nervously picked an empty seat, it was beside a handsome boy who just stared at her. She gives him a polite smile and put her things down as she seated. She can still feel like someone is staring at her.

First day of classes, but no professor is coming. Maria started to feel bored, and rested her head on her table. Her arms covering her head, she drifted off to sleep. A hand gently patted her head, feeling the softness of her hair, he grins slyly. He then move closer to sniff her hair but he moves away when she suddenly wakes up.

( Maria's pov )

I'm very sensitive so as soon as I feel like someone was touching me, I jolted awake. Looking around if anyone is suspicious. But everyone has been busy chattering, laughters and whatsoever. No one seems to care about me anymore.

Who could have done that, could it be him?

I stared at him for a long time, picturing his good features. He stares back at me, raised his eyebrows and cleared his throat, that's when I looked away - blushing and feeling embarrassed. I composed myself, taking a deep breath. I feel myself calming down and faced him again, ready to strike a conversation.

"Hi, my name is Maria Castillo. What's your name?" I smiled and wait for his response.

"My name is Edward Saavedra." He coldly replied and looks away, picking up his phone and playing with it.

I just hummed softly, and quietly said, "well nice to meet you." I was about to say more when our professor arrived.

We all stand to greet her good morning and sit down again.

"Good morning class! My name is Olivia Finch. I'll be your English teacher and class advisor. Just call me Miss Finch." She introduced herself and set on her table.

"I don't expect much from this class, but I hope you all do your best. I have some rules, first is don't be late. Second, no talking in class and lastly no cheating. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Miss Finch!" we answered in union.

"Good, now I'll be handling you textbooks, kindly keep it in well condition. If anyone damage or lose their books will get a failing remarks." Miss Finch said as she handed everyone their books, there was a total of 35 students.

"Now that you all have your textbooks, read chapter 1 to 3, and answer the activities. Don't forget to write your name on the book. Write your answers on the blank pages. This will serve as your attendance. You may begin." She said and went back to her desk and make herself busy writing on her lesson plan.

I quickly opened my book and read while stealing glances to the boy beside me who's so immersed in reading. He's kinda cute, okay back to reading..

( Edward's pov )

The new girl who just entered the class is really pretty, I just keep staring at her. It's not like I haven't seen beautiful girls, she's just too attractive. There's something I can't really figure out why I'm so drawn into her. Even her smile was cute.

I also noticed she keeps staring at me, and finally introduced herself. I just acted like I don't care. And keep myself busy with my phone. But then our professor arrived, I quickly hid my phone.

I silently observe her while she's reading, and pretend to be immersed in reading the textbook. She's been stealing glances, as if I didn't noticed.

I never thought I'd say this, but this 4 years of torture might actually be enjoyable with her around.

After an hour..

"If you're done, put in on my desk. Deadline is after lunch. Get ready for your next class and behave." Miss Finch said before going out. And a few minutes later, a new professor entered the class. It was their mathematics teacher, writing equations on the board.

"Good morning class, today we will tackle about algebras. I'm sure most of you know me but I see some new faces. Just call me Mister Anderson." And he continues writing formulas and equations.

"Does anyone have any idea how to solve this equation 1? Kindly stand up and try solving." And he put the marker on the table.

Maria volunteered to answer, quickly solving the equation and hands the marker back to the prof. Mister Anderson examines her answers and beamed with glee.

"We have a smart student here, good job on solving the equation!" He exclaimed.

Some students gave her envious looks while Edward looks interested. Then the professor began explaining how to solve the equation, not forgetting to praise Maria for being able to solve a complex problem. As time passes, another professor arrived, and then it was time for lunch. Maria completed all her activities, she first submit her textbook to their advisor's desk. And the rest to the other prof. Then she went back to her seat and quietly eat lunch.

Edward was impressed with her, smiles secretly. She's not just pretty but smart too.

- end of first day memories -

After finishing high school, they were separated because they enrolled in different university in college. And he was also studying abroad because of his parents urging him. They don't have connections, but he still thinks of her. What would happen if they were to meet again?

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