A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 108 Father Vs Son.

Archer swung the massive sword at the three knights who were the closest, they attempted to defend themselves against the unstoppable force.

But it was all in vain, as the sword cleaved through their armor and bodies like a hot knife cutting through butter, slicing them in half with ease.

The air was thick with the stench of blood and guts, as Archer let out a maniacal laugh, his eyes glinting with complete madness.

He kept swinging, mowing down knights left and right, leaving a trail of carnage in his wake. The massive blade took the lives of many church knights.

Leonard, Ksara, and the Deacon stood rooted to the spot, their minds reeling in shock and disbelief as they watched dozens of men fall as Archer swung his sword.

It was like watching a child swinging a stick, except the consequences were far more deadly.

But even as the bodies piled up around him, Archer showed no signs of slowing down. He was a force of nature, a whirlwind of destruction, and nothing could stand in his way.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Teuila sprang into action, charging towards the knights who dared to sneak up on Archer as he lay waste to their comrades.

She was a blue blur of motion, her sword flashing through the air as she cut down anyone foolish enough to stand in her way.

But when the Dragon-kin soldiers saw their king under attack, they flew into a berserker rage, charging forward with reckless abandon.

They were a force to be reckoned with, dodging and weaving through the chaos as they unleashed a flurry of deadly blows with their axes, swords, and hammers.

The once-peaceful garden of the Duke's castle was now transformed into a brutal battlefield, as Dragon-kin, humans, and a mad boy wielding a massive sword clashed in a fierce and bloody struggle.

With a look of shock and fear etched on her face, Ksara watched in horror as the battle raged on around her.

She knew that something had to be done, and fast.

Turning to her husband, she spoke urgently. "Darling, you must deal with this monster. We should have dealt with him earlier on."

Duke Ashguard finally had enough. With anger in his eyes, he reached for his own great sword, which he had stored in his ring for just such an occasion.

With a mighty roar, he charged forward, ready to face Archer head-on and put an end to this madness once and for all.

Archer saw his father charging towards him, a wicked grin spread across his face. He braced his feet and swung his sword with all the force he could muster, determined to strike a fatal blow.

Leonard, saw the attack coming and raised his sword to defend himself. But when the two swords clashed, a massive force was unleashed, shaking the very ground beneath them.

The Duke realized too late, that he had underestimated his son's strength, Archer kept striking, not giving him any time to attack.

The battlefield was a cacophony of metal clangs and screams of agony.

Suddenly, General Mohamet arrived, accompanied by Ella's mother Sheira, and a few other maids. She was frantic, demanding to be taken to her daughter immediately.

Without delay, Mohamet directed one of his soldiers to escort Sheira to the mistress in the domain.

As they disappeared from the spot, he charged forward with his axe, ready to take on the commander from the Legion of Faith.

Meanwhile, Teuila had stopped attacking the knights when she noticed Ksara chanting a spell in Archer's direction.

With lightning speed, she rushed towards her and delivered a powerful blow to her stomach, knocking the woman out cold.

Teuila dropped Ksara to the ground like a sack of potatoes and resumed fighting, determined to keep any knights or soldiers from sneaking up on Archer.

The battle raged on, Archer halted his attack on his weary father, who stood panting before him.

Leonard gazed upon his son, who appeared transformed and spoke with a voice laced with remorse as he caught his breath.

''I know it's too late for us. But I accept that I was wrong. But what has become of you?''

Archer glared at him, his eyes narrowed as he replied, ''Yes, it is too late. But as for what has become of me, let's just say that the abuse I endured at your hands awakened something that has not been seen in thousands of years. And for that, I must thank you. If it weren't for your mistreatment, I wouldn't be the force that I am today.''

With that, he cast Blink and reappeared behind Leonard, who quickly spun around and raised his sword to defend himself as Archer attacked.

The two swords clashed, but Leonard deftly deflected Archer's attack and delivered a sneaky kick to his chest, sending him hurtling backward.

As Archer landed on his feet, a priest attempted to cast a spell at him, but the Crown of Stars glimmered to life, shooting out a violet beam that halted the spell in its tracks.

Rising to his full height, Archer quickly blinked toward the priest and swiftly cut him in half.

Glancing around, he spotted his father charging at him but ignored him and focused on finding the man holding the golden orb.

Blinking around the battlefield, he searched until he spotted a priest-like figure standing by his sisters.

Archer cast Blink again with a smile, appearing in front of the man and swiftly grabbing him by the neck, snapping it in one fluid motion.

The orb dropped to the ground, and Archer tossed the lifeless body in front of the guards who had circled his sisters.

Archer looked at his blood sister Hyara and spoke. ''I remember all that you did to me, stay out of my way or you'll end up like Pallius and Aldwulf.''

He walked away leaving a scared Hyara wide eye, as he walked away Leonard came charging toward him again.

Looking at the tall man archer smiled as he took a deep breath and let out a massive earth-shaking roar.

That's when a stream of violet fire shot toward Leonard who luckily dodged it just in time but some nearby knights got burned to ashes.

As Archer scanned the battlefield, his sharp eyes caught movement in the corner of his vision.

He swiftly turned his head and saw Pallius stirring, prompting a big smile to spread across his face.

With purposeful strides, he made his way over to the dazed man.

Standing over his brother, Archer raised his boot high and brought it down with a sickening crunch on Pallius's family jewels, eliciting a bloodcurdling scream from the man.

Without missing a beat, he moved on to Aldwulf, who was still unconscious and crushed his jewels as well.

Aldwulf woke up screaming in agony, Archer looked at the two of them with eyes full of hate and spoke with a menacing tone.

"That's what you get for daring to harm my woman."

Suddenly, a painful roar echoed through the air, causing Archer to spin around and come face to face with a red-faced Leonard charging toward him.

Reacting quickly, Archer bellowed out to all the Dragon-kin and Teuila, "Everyone, retreat to the domain! Teuila, come with me!"

The domain had a screen that allowed all its residents to witness the ongoing battle, and Archer made sure to keep them informed.

Teuila landed beside him, her face beaming with a bloody smile. Archer gazed at her with love hearts in his eyes, unable to contain his admiration.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered without thinking.

Teuila blushed and looked away, embarrassed, before nudging him in the ribs and reminding him to focus.

"Pay attention, Arch," she scolded playfully.

Shaking his head as he turned to his father and whispered.


Suddenly, a blinding light illuminated the area as Archer began to transform.

His body grew in size, his once-human form replaced by four massive limbs, two enormous white wings, and a long neck that supported a massive head adorned with four colossal horns.

The transformation was awe-inspiring, leaving those who witnessed it speechless. In just moments, Archer had become a mighty creature of legend.

All movement ceased as a magnificent white dragon materialized before them, its large violet eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

Leonard attempted to halt in his tracks upon seeing the dragon, but before he could react, Archer struck him with a powerful claw, sending him hurtling into the castle.

Archer turned his piercing gaze toward the church knights, unleashing a deafening roar that shook the very earth beneath them, causing all but Teuila to crumble to the ground in fear.

Glancing down at Teuila's shimmering blue eyes, he spoke in a deep, rumbling voice.

"Jump onto me," he commanded.

Teuila's smile widened as she eagerly leaped onto his head, standing tall with  an expression of excitement on her face.

All eyes were wide with disbelief as they heard the dragon speak, its voice resonating with a power that shook the very air around them.

Archer's chest began to glow with a brilliant violet light as he drew in a deep breath.

Then, with a mighty exhale, a torrent of violet flames erupted from his gaping maw, engulfing every church knight and priest in its fiery embrace.

Miraculously, the group that included his sisters narrowly avoided the inferno, escaping unscathed.

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