Chapter 90: Vol.3 Ch.28: Rescuing Valarie part 2
Kyros pov
Several hours before last chapter
It's February 14 Valentine's Day and both Helena and Lyra have just gone off to someplace. 'They didn't even tell me where they went,' I think as I look at the ceiling in the room of requirement. I look across my draws.
26. Common - costume jewelry box
27. Common - cotton seeds x 1000
28. Common - papaya x 100
29. Uncommon - Blackstone gas griddle/ grill
30. Common - grilled cheese with bacon x 100
31. Legendary - Burial blade Bloodborne
1. Rare - 1776 black powder musket
2. Uncommon - skill: brewing
3. Common - Idaho potatoes 5 lb bag x 100
4. Common - soba noodle sandwich x 100
5. Common - super Mario Bros (NES)
6. Common - starfox adventures (GameCube)
7. Common - Pokemon collesium (GameCube)
8. Common - reading glasses
9. Uncommon - raccoon skin hat
10. Uncommon - holy water pint jar x 100
11. Rare - neurolizer MIB
12. Rare - Bloodborne outfit
13. Epic - enchanting table (elder scrolls)
14. Common - lonesome Dove book
15. Common - family size funyuns x 100
16. Common - pulled pork sandwiches x 100
17. Uncommon - mead with juniper berries x10
18. Uncommon - leather jacket
19. Common - roasted goat x 100
20. Common - green Polo shirt
21. Common - blue polo shirt
22. Common - yellow polo shirt
23. Uncommon - alligator tail x 10
24. Common - purple Polo shirt
25. Uncommon - moonshine still
26. Rare - conjuration: bound bow
27. Rare - boltok pistol
28. Rare - moonstone ore
29. Summon - white tiger
30. Legendary - Hydrocon (doom3): a machine that turns iron oxide into hydrogen fuel, and clean water
31. Common - Jumanji movie ( Robin Williams)
1. Common - shamisen
2. Common - black dress pants
3. Common - acacia flavored water x 100
4. Common - lemon x100
5. Common - lime x100
6. Common - ketel one vodka x 100
7. Common - tangerine x 100
8. Common - pecan pie x100
9. Common - art of war by Sun Tzu
10. Rare - shockwave grenade launcher (fortnite)
11. Common - butter milk pie x100
12. Uncommon - blunt rolled by Snoop Dogg
13. Rare - gold splash (fortnite)
14. Common - banana pudding x 100
I sigh as I get out of the bed and as I do Lyra comes back and grabs my arm, telling me what is going on. Putting on my new Bloodborne outfit I pull out the saw cleaver and burial blade before going to Romania with her. Appearing before Bran castle I smile before telling the girls I got the enemies if they get the girl they want to save.
Approaching the castle I arrive at the gate as two stray exorcist just look at me confused. I disappear from my spot and arrive behind them flicking the saw cleaver as their heads are removed from their body. Walking in I see several stray exorcist and a few fallen angels just inside. They prepare to attack me but I use the body of the closest exorcist to take the light bullets and slice several light spears with the saw cleaver. Slowly moving forward and fighting until I cut down the last fallen angel. I sigh as I look at my ruined outfit of blood and new holes. " And I just had this dry-cleaned," I say removing the outfit until I'm in a nth metal vest modeled after blade's vest.
After a while of cutting down fallen angels, destroying devils, disemboweling stray exorcist, and slaying vampires I finally stop in a large courtyard fully surrounded by a mass of enemies. " You know this place should be a little bit more lively. Maybe some nice art," I say activating the explosion release from crawling clay spiders I made destroying enemies and structures of the castle. I move quickly move out of the way when a large magic circle forms below me. A gout of green poisonous fire spews forward. I disappear and reappear behind the person that done the deed.
" You know that wasn't a nice way to say hi, especially to family," I say as I shove a pod covered hands into both shalba Beelzebub and Creuserey asmosdeus destroying their hearts before dragging them up through their heads as they die a pathetic death. I throw Excalibur in her lance form into the retreating form of Lord tepes nailing him in his non beating heart. " Ok I believe I've had enough fun," I say destroying the rest of the bodies so no necromancy magic could be used on them or whatever.
" Seriously why wait for a evil person to charge an attack or go on a monologue, this isn't an anime?" I say out loud before sighing and thinking,' why was this so fucking easy. Oh right ophis hasn't gave her snakes away as much like cannon'
Leaving bran castle I meet Helena and Lyra chatting with a new person. A beautiful girl slightly older than us with short blonde hair and red eyes. Her attire is a dirty sack covering her pale body as I see burned chain marks on her skin.
I sigh and pull out a set of clothes for her. A off the shoulder long sleeve maroon sweater that has a bat embroidery detail around the hems and a green knee length skirt with knee high soft leather riding boots.
I turn around as Helena helps her get dressed and I hear her whisper softly," thank you." I nod at her and leave her in Helena's care as she leaves to go back to the Carmilla faction. Arriving back at Hogwarts I walk down the halls towards the Hufflepuff common room when I pass moaning Myrtle's bathroom being flooded again. Slipping in I find the horcrux and immediately shove it into my inventory. Looking around I find Ginny Weasley bleeding and lying face down in the water a shard of glass in her hand. Picking her up and rushing towards the hospital wing with Ginny I pass several students that clear the way. Reaching the hospital wing I immediately place her in a bed as madam pomfrey comes out to scold me but stops when she sees Ginny's arms flayed open. Immediately rushing and pushing me out of the way she starts dressing the deep wounds and uses her wand to summon blood replenishing potions but they drop short due to something and shatter along the ground.
" Bollocks that was the last of the stock," says madam pomfrey as she now worries. I subtly summon two healing potions from my inventory I crafted in Konosuba and hand them to her. She hurriedly takes them after I explain I bought them from the dragon's cure potion shop. She takes the potions and has Ginny forcefully swallow them. As they enter her body her color comes back and she starts breathing normally as her blood is replenished and her wounds start healing faster. Madam pomfrey shoos me out of the medical wing after I gave my statement on how I found her to professor McGonagall and professor sprout. Reaching the common room I sit in a chair and sigh as I massage my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. ' Ginny tried to get rid of the horcrux like the movies but it retaliated claiming her mind and having her try to commit suicide. Then the leftover residue of it on her stopped the vials that pomfrey summoned. If it wasn't for my actions she would've died tonight.'