A Gorgeous White

Chapter 99: Love My Family In My Place

"Moulin... Who is that behind you?"

Moulin flinched. For a moment, he had almost let his expression crack. Hadrian was behind him, casually sitting on his bed. Alarm flashed briefly in his eyes before he pacified his emotions and calmed his expression. His silver eyes softened as he composedly glanced behind him shortly before he returned to look at his second brother within the image. 

"He's a friend..." Moulin smiled with knitted brows.

"He stayed here to borrow some of my books." Moulin leaned sideways to let Emlen see a glimpse of Torahn. The man with raven hair was silently concentrating on the book he was reading. Only when Moulin turned to stare at him, did he lifted his gaze and looked at Moulin. He gave a curt nod to his lover's second brother within the glowing imagery ring of the relic before resuming his reading.


Moulin's eyes lowered as he gave the nonchalant man a glare. Even in this current situation he still acts so apathetically. Fortunately, Hadrian had transformed his true appearance at the right moment. Narrowing his eyes, Moulin returned to face his second brother who was squinting his grey eyes filled with suspicion and doubt. Like a prowling tiger observing its victim.

Releasing a longing sigh, Moulin spoke, "How are you, brother?" His eyes formed crescents as he revealed a dazzling smile. While observing his second brother's calm expression, Moulin secretly assessed the background behind his brother. He finds it familiar.

"Don't worry about me, I am fine. How about you, Moulin? Are you alright? No injuries? Where are you right now? Are you eating well?... Why do you look so unwell?" It was the start of Emlen's rambling.

Fortunately, Moulin was well prepared to converse with his brother. Emlen always started with his worries and concerns for Moulin before shifting to the serious part of their conversation.

Happily shrugging his shoulders, Moulin responded softly. "I'm fine. I'm not missing my meals. I slept late last night but it isn't too bad."

"Forget your mission! You can sleep for a day if you want! I'll allow it! You just need to gather some experience and come home!" Emlen started pointing his finger as he raised his voice. 

Moulin heard a snort behind him making the youth frown while he kept a bright smile. Wait until I'm finished and I'll pummel you to the ground!

After listening to his second brother's one-hour long speech about prioritizing his health, Moulin immediately shifted the subject. The corners of his smile were twitching as he remained smiling helplessly. Hadrian finds the little show of the two brothers amusing while he reads. A faint smile gracing his elegant countenance.

"Brother, Are you... back at home?" Moulin asked. He was leaning towards the imagery ring, trying to get a closer look at Emlen's surroundings. How he missed the Fraunces manor. He wanted to be there with his family soon. Maxille must have dragged Emlen back home after Moulin's departure to Meian.

"Yes, I'm back in our family's manor. Do not talk to me about eldest brother. He's fine. I don't want to think about that bastard." Letting out a breath, Emlen groaned while he ran a hand through his hair, completely messing his hair. Calming down he gazed at Moulin with a worried gaze, "Don't sleep too late..." His grey eyes looked at the dark circles beneath his brother's eyes. 

"I can't promise that but I will try. Don't worry."

Emlen nodded, accepting Moulin's words temporarily. After a few exchanges of words, Moulin then asked, "Brother, can I ask you for a favor?"

"You can tell me right away. You don't need to ask for favors." 

Moulin paused. He nodded, "Alright. Can you call for Pola... I want to talk to her... alone."

There was a slight hesitation in Emlen's eyes, Moulin immediately noticed it. Despite that, Emlen still stood up and brought Pola with him. He said a few words to Pola before exiting the room. Moulin didn't ask for his father, eldest brother nor about his mother. Emlen had doubts about Moulin's personal attendant. He did not want anyone to tell Moulin about the situation of their mother while his youngest brother was in the middle of his mission. With a reluctant heart, Emlen guarded the door of the room.

Perhaps... it would still be better if Moulin knew... he should be aware of what was happening within the manor as the son of the Fraunces family.

"Young master! Is it really you?! It's been so long!"

Pola practically burst out in tears as she restrained herself not to shake the messaging relic. Her round eyes were watery and her nose turned a faint shade of red as she sniffed. She wiped her tears from her eyes as she focused on the image of her young master within the imagery ring without blinking. 

Her young master was as beautiful as ever! He looked so delicately charming as he smiles! Surely people would be swarming around him like bees to a flower! Of course, they can't resist her young master's tempting face!! Only... he looked tired...


She squinted her eyes. Who was that behind him?

"Hello, Pola. Are you well?" Moulin sweet voice entered her ears. She immediately stiffened while blinking. 

"I am well, young master. But... young master does not look alright... Have you not been sleeping well?"

Moulin blinked. He smiled, "I-I may have slept late last night."

The girl looked like she received a shock. Her eyes widened, the corners of her eyes reddened. She leaned forward with a strangely exaggerated expression. "You looked like you haven't been sleeping at all! Is master alright? A-Are you sick as well? No, this isn't right. You have to come home immediately!"

As well?

Moulin released a sigh as he tried to comfort the girl. He spoke softly, "I am fine. I am not sick."

"That... That is good..." Pola released a sigh.

Moulin eyes narrowed as he silently watched the girl. His eyes were solemn and calculating as he stared. With furrowed brows, Pola fidgeted in her seat as he tried to avoid being caught doubtful within his young master's scrutinizing gaze. However, she knew Moulin would immediately catch a slight misgiving.

"Pola..." Moulin called with half-lowered lids.

"Y-Yes?" Pola flinched.

"What's going on in there?..." Moulin asked. His tone was heavy, carrying a careful suspicion. "My second brother seemed to be hiding something from me. And now, I believe you have as well. Tell me. I know you will not lie to me..."

This time Hadrian lifted his gaze from the book, receiving the heavy hint in Moulin's voice. There was unrest as well as anxiousness...

"Forgive me, young master..." Pola lowered her head. Moulin will always see through her. She clenched her hands on her skirt as a crease appeared between her brows. "Young master, I do not wish to sadden you. Can we please... talk about something else?"

Moulin paused. 

His eyes turned sharp as he stared at his personal attendant. Slightly lifting his chin, he exhaled. 

"A servant who tells his master what to do... How amusing..."

It was Hadrian who spoke. Moulin did not react but the girl he was talking to immediately stiffened as the words sank into her heart. She instantly lifted her moistening eyes with fear. With haste, she replied, "I-I would never! Forgive me, young master..."

"Then tell me, Pola..." Moulin pressed. "What happened while I was gone?" Why would Emlen hastily return with eldest brother? What were they hiding from them?

"It's the... It's... " Her gaze turned grievous as she stared at her young master, "It's the Lady... Lady Maxiel, young master's mother... Her health has deteriorated. A few days ago, she became bedridden. Her limb became immobile. She could no longer rise from the bed. She could not move at all."


At this moment, Moulin could not hear anything. There were boulders within his chest. He ached to breathe. His silver eyes lost their luster as he stared with unfocused eyes. The hands on his desk clenched and a shaky breath was released from his lips.

Father told me she would be alright... 

Moulin had convinced himself she was going to be fine that it was something to not be too worried about. Once, twice... a thousand times he had believed she would recover. His mother's smiling face appeared within his mind like a flash and his chest tightened.

There was pain akin to the cutting of flesh within his chest as his eyes grew anxious and afraid. 

Why did they keep it from him?! What good would it bring if they were to hide it from him? His mother was bedridden and he didn't know about it...

With dark eyes, Moulin's eyes turned grave and the flow of fear was exposed within his gaze. "Why would you hide this from me?"

Under Moulin's oppressing gaze, Pola shuddered. "I... I was told not to speak about it. We did not want to worry you while you were traveling"

In an instant, the temperature within Moulin's room fell. Frost spreads out from beneath his fists on the wooden desk. There was disbelief painting his expression. Moulin was about to open his mouth when he heard the loud slam of the doors at Pola's side of the transmission.

"M-Moulin..." Emlen hastily walked.

Moulin narrowed his eyes, refusing to shed a tear. Emotions filled his silver eyes. He hissed, "Were you going to tell me when she'd be at her last breath?"

"No, we planned to tell you sooner."

"Sooner?! Were father's letters lies? He told me she'd be alright. That she would recover! Then why is she bedridden? What good would it bring to keep all this hidden from me?" Moulin voice was breaking. Shattering as he spoke. How much pain has his mother endured while he was not beside her? 

'Love my family in my place...'

Overwhelmed. The original's voice floated in his mind as he breathed.

"I... should go... I should return..." Moulin made a move to stand.

"No, you can't. Zenin City's in confinement. The Kron has reached the city. No one can enter. Just... Just... keep yourself safe." Emlen softened his voice to placate the raging emotions he could see within his younger brother's eyes. "We will take care of mother..." 

The Kron has reached the city? A-Already?

Breaking and shattering. Moulin could hear his heart thundering. He shakes his head in defiance, "No, I-"

A warm hand suddenly covered Moulin's clenched fist. The sudden warmth instantly silenced Moulin. The youth slowly lifted his gaze beside him to see Hadrian gazing down at him with comforting eyes. Moulin pressed his lips together as reluctance flickered in his saddened silver eyes.

"Stay..." Hadrian spoke. There was a deep meaning behind the word as Moulin absorbed it. Stay to keep him safe, stay with him.

"Moulin?" Emlen's voice brought Moulin's attention back to Pola and Emlen. 

"You cannot come. I know it is hard but to ensure your safety you have to stay there until everything will be resolved. Please understand. I am... sorry. I should've told you about Mother's illness long before. I truly am regretful..." Emlen eyes were filled with dejection, the guilt weighing him down. Pola nodded in agreement as she stared at her young master's expression.

With great unwillingness, Moulin softly answered with sullen eyes. "Alright..."


The transmission was abruptly dropped. The ring disappeared instantly bringing with it an intolerable dimness. Intolerable and heavy.

Moulin stared at the wall unblinkingly.

His voice was like a whisper.

"I... wasn't finished..."

Hadrian stared down at his lover lost in a grievous trance. Unspeakable concern filled his eyes as he bent. With careful fingers, he caressed Moulin's hair and softly kissed his forehead. Letting Moulin lean on him, he spoke softly.

"Any more and you would've let them see you cry..."

Moulin slowly closed his eyes. 

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