A gamer in Rwby with reverse morals.

Chapter 8

Walking down the street Matt had a smile on his face, reflecting on the past two weeks he has had. He has enjoyed his time working at Captain Comics, not only did he get to indulge in his hobby all the time, but he got to interact with other people that had the same hobby as him. The customers were usually girls and sometimes he enjoyed teasing them, most of them had issues with their social skills so a compliment or two had them grinning for the rest of the day. He wondered if this was how hot girls felt in his last world, being able to make someone smile so easily. For the first time in his life he felt wanted, the people around him would go out of their way to talk to him or compliment him and it felt great. He also got a raise because the store started getting more returning customers after he showed up.


Ruby was always fun to talk to and she kept coming back every weekend to spend time with him, she was easy to excite and so dorky it was adorable. He ended up giving her the cookies and she seemed really moved, after asking she told me no one but her family had ever given her something, and that was when Matt realized she probably had very few friends. Even in the show she struggled with communication, but she was a cute girl so he imagined she never faced too much struggle. However in this world, girls are not treated with the same delicate hand as in his old world, and communication is probably one of the most important skills one needs to survive in this world. So Ruby was bullied heavily and had at most acquaintances, until she met me. Because of this Matt just tried to be a good friend because he somewhat sympathized with her. While he was never terrible at communicating with people, he wasn't very good at it either and would put his foot in his mouth a lot.


He had finally managed to pay Blake back after earning another uncommon token after figuring out his semblance. From it he got one thousand lien which all went to her. She tried to refuse but eventually he convinced her to accept. The two kept growing closer to each other, having sex almost every night. She seemed to be almost addicted to it, not that he was complaining. 


Matt was also struggling to not smoke pot, using it almost every day. After seeing his smoking habit Blake seemed almost worried and would try to dissuade him from using it, but he always ended up high. He never did it before work though because it was almost painfully easy to tell when Matt was high. He kept telling himself he would quit but just wasn't able to.


On the subject of his telekinesis he hasn't made as much progress as he would like, only managing to get it up to level five. It seemed like each level added two pounds to his lifting limit, although the heavier it was the more he struggled to move it. His skill didn't seem to use aura or magic, but there was still a drawback to using it. If overused it would cause a horrible migraine that made him unable to focus on anything, once he tried to see how far he could push himself and ended up with a headache so bad he almost passed out from the pain. After getting back to the hotel his head continued to hurt for almost twenty four hours. After that he was more careful with his training. He had also managed to sign up for a gym and improve his stats slightly.




Name: Matthew Artendale 

Race: Cat Faunus

Aura: 173/200

System note: when activated aura increases all physical stats by 3x

Semblance: Locked

Magic: Locked


Strength: 5(+2)

Dexterity: 9(+1)

Constitution: 5(+1)

Charm: 32(+7)

Luck: 13


While it wasn't much for a gamer, compared to a normal human he was making incredible progress. Gone was the flat stomach, now he had barely visible abs and pecks. The rest of his body was similarly muscled, although it wasn’t a lot he was still proud of improving his body. Blake seemed to appreciate it as well, groping him a lot more than she did at first.


Matt was shaken out of his thoughts when he realized he had arrived at his destination, “The Dairy Corner”  was written in plain text above the door. It didn't look like much, appearing like a slightly run down store, but Ruby had assured him it was the best ice cream place in Vale. He had decided to get some ice cream after he saw and felt the temperature outside, it being almost ninety degrees Fahrenheit.


(Gay interaction with a trap ahead, no smut, I'll add another AN when its over)


Walking in he was hit with a blast of cool air and a sweet smell that made his mouth water. He looked around and saw a couple tables with people sitting at them, fridge’s field with ice cream, and a checkout counter with a viewing window to look at all the different ice creams. Walking up to the front desk he saw an attractive boy working at the register. Taking in his appearance he seemed to be about 18, with light blue hair and eyes. The boy's hair went to his lower back and he stood at about 5’4 with a thin, almost feminine body. Looking at his face it was difficult to distinguish him from a woman, he also appeared to be Asian, although it would be Mistralian here.


The trap smiled at him with a small blush and asked, “Hello sir, how can I help you?” 


Matt noticed the interested glint in his eyes, mentally grinning ‘is he gay?’ He kind of hoped he was. He'd never had sex with a guy before, he just wasn't interested in 99.99% of them, but the man in front of him was feminine enough for Matt to be interested. Giving the cute cashier a grin he made his order, “A waffle cone with two scoops of mint chip and your name please.”


Looking slightly surprised the blush grew on his face, “Right away, and it's Azul.” He said happily, curling a strand of hair playfully, before looking at him in curiosity, “What's your name?” He asked as he started to scoop his ice cream onto a waffle cone.


“It's Matthew but since you're so cute you can just call me Matt.” He said with a wink. He knew he was being a bit forward but he wanted to see if Azul was interested.


With a bright red face he smiled happily, “Well then Matt, here's your ice cream, that will be six lien.” 


‘Definitely at least bi’ He thought with satisfaction. Paying and taking the ice cream happily he gave Azul a smile and a thank you before sitting down at one of the open tables. Right as he started to take a bite he felt like smacking himself ‘I didn't get his number! Shit!’ He thought in annoyance. Deciding he would get his number after he's done eating he went back to his ice cream, enjoying the mint flavor. Right as he started on the cone he noticed Azul walk up to his table from the corner of his eye and smiled. 


Sitting across from him Azul smiled, “I'm on break right now so I figured I’d talk to you instead of sitting alone.”


“Well I'm glad you joined me, I was getting a bit lonely” He said with a grin. Deciding to test Azul a little more he became bolder, “I'm curious, have you ever thought of modeling? You're certainly attractive enough to be on the front page.” It came out a bit forced, he was horrible at flirting after all, but Azul seemed to appreciate it based on the happy smile and blush on his face.


“My dad wanted me to model but I was never very comfortable with it, I don't like showing that much skin to the world.” He said as he pulled out a popsicle, opening the rapper and starting to eat it.


Matt grinned teasingly, “Yeah some of those outfits are kind of outrageous” He's seen some of them in magazines, and he almost threw it at the wall after seeing a shirtless guy in what looked like a lace thong. 


“Right? My dad likes to wear that stuff and show off but my mom hates it. I think he might enjoy how possessive she gets of him.” Azul said, although it seemed to lower his mood slightly.


‘That sounds like a recipe for disaster’ He knew better than to say that out loud though. Wiggling his eyebrows suggestively he asked, “Have you ever thought about wearing them in private?”


Azul’s face went almost completely scarlet before he composed himself and gave him what Matt called the ‘bedroom eyes’, “Well, I'd need a good audience. Maybe a handsome cat Faunus would suffice.” He said, slowly taking the popsicle into his mouth, making eye contact with him the whole time the creamy tread slid down his throat.


Now it was Matt's turn to blush slightly at the traps actions, “Well that works out perfectly, we should trade info so I can give you tips on modeling.” ‘God I'm bad at flirting’ he thought self-deprecatingly, 'at least it seems to be working'.


(Gay interaction over)


Azul grinned and asked for Matt's scroll, punching his number into his. For the next fifteen minutes they continued to talk happily, Matt enjoyed his time with the trap but unfortunately it had to come to an end eventually. 


Looking at his watch Azul frowned slightly, “Well my break just ended so I have to get back to work, I’ll text you later” He added with a wink before starting to head over to the register. 


Matt was a bit disappointed but decided he would come back when Azul was working again. As Matt watched Azul head back to the counter he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head to get a better look he felt his heart stop. Sitting on one of the tables near the back was a very short girl, standing at about 4’6. She had pink and brown hair with a white streak running through it, her eyes were also the same colors, one vibrant pink and the other brown. On her lap was a big tub of Neapolitan ice cream which she was eating at a speed that bordered impossible. ‘Neo' He thought with dread. This short girl might not look like much, but she was Romans resident psychopath and took out Yang easily. Underneath that cute appearance was a deadly killer who enjoyed hunting prey. 


Unfortunately he stared for a bit too long, causing her to look up and make eye contact with him. Matt was frozen for a moment before quickly looking at his scroll and pretending nothing happened, but he could still feel her eyes drilling into the back of his head. Panicking slightly he got up like nothing was wrong and exited the store quickly. Speed walking down the street he eventually made it to the corner and right as he was out of view from the ice cream store he booked it down the sidewalk, activating his aura to run faster. He knew he was attracting some eyes but he was too panicked to care, ‘Neo was crazy by my old world standards, and here women are much more aggressive so she must be even worse than she was in the show’ He had no idea what she would do to him and he didn't want to find out, but he knew he caught her attention in the store. Pushing his legs even harder he eventually reached the hotel.



Blake was laying on her bed reading a book, relaxing on her day off from work. At the moment she was working at a nice bookstore called ‘Tukson’s Book Trade’. The store was owned by a nice Faunus man named, you guessed it, Tukson. He was really kind and even hired her knowing she had a sketchy background so Blake really appreciated the man. Right now the book she was reading was called ‘Ninjas of love’ and it was starting to get steamy causing Blake to get turned on. Right as she started to bring her hand down to her crotch she heard a loud banging on her door causing her to jump out of bed in surprise. Quickly throwing the book under her bed she opened her door and was surprised to see a nervous Matt who quickly walked in her room and closed the door behind him. He seemed pretty shaken up about something, “Matt, are you ok?!” she asked as she led him to her bed and had him sit down.


Matt looked around like he was paranoid, checking the corners and everything. Eventually after Blake started comforting him he calmed down. “Sorry I just thought I was being followed. I felt like I was being watched the whole time I was coming here.” That wasn't exactly true but he had no way of explaining how he knew who Neo was that would sound reasonable. The only time he felt her gaze on him was right after he made eye contact. While normally he wouldn't run from someone, he had felt a bad feeling from Neo, and he was worried she would try and kidnap him or something along those lines, he just had no idea what was going through her head.


Blake put her arm around him and spoke with confidence, “Don't worry, if you're in danger I'll save you. I'm strong enough to be heading to Beacon after all, no civilian can take me in a fight.”


While Matt appreciated the sentiment, he knew Blake could not take on Neo. She was in a whole nother league from a Beacon student. Still he made a show of relaxing into her and thanking her. Deciding he wanted to take his mind off Neo for the moment he started groping Blake, causing her to grin and push him down onto the bed.




Sat in the corner, invisible to the naked eye, was Neo Politan herself. As she watched the two Faunus fuck each other, she started to touch herself. Neo didn't care about the girl, only focused on the boy. As she got more intense her breathing started to labor and she had to hold in her moans. ‘Your eyes, they are so beautiful Matt’ She had heard his name from the female kitty when she sneaked through the door. It was almost pathetically easy to follow Matt to this hotel, he ran in a straight line there after all.

When she first saw the cat Faunus in the ice cream store she didn't think much of him, just another boy among a sea of people. However, when he looked into her eyes she saw something that made her heart race. Behind those eyes she saw that he was dead inside, almost numb to the world around him. He did a great job hiding it, but he couldn’t hide it from her. After all she was dead inside as well so she knew exactly what to look for. For the first time since she was a child she felt excitement, finally meeting someone with the same eyes as her. Matt was, at his core, a broken man, and she loved broken things. Licking her lips she kept her eyes focused completely on the boy, ‘You will be mine someday Matt’

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