A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 127: (2)

Was that what they meant? Just as Kaiyan was about to ask, Rieka tugged at his clothes.

[Kaiyan! Could they be elves? I remember hearing from other player assistants! A race with pointed ears, similar to humans but with beautiful faces.]

“Elves? You don’t mean…. The elves I know?”

Elves. If they were the elves, then they would be the race that vanished after the World Tree on the Eunasia continent burned down.

Kaiyan had heard rumors of people seeing elves, but to meet them here.

Stunned by this revelation, Kaiyan took a closer look at their ears through their long hair and saw pointed ears.

“…Are you really elves?”

Realizing they were indeed elves, Kaiyan was more curious than rude in his questioning.

“First time seeing an elf? Answer my question. How did you, not being a half-elf, contract with a spirit, and even break through the barrier?”

Pointing to the wall behind Kaiyan, it seemed they were referring to that as the barrier.

“If you’re talking about this wall, well… I was lucky. And contracting with the low-level spirit, Windy… now that I think about it, I was lucky.”

“What? Are you playing with us?”

[It’s true!]

Kaiyan realized he might have gone too far after speaking. It would be hard for them to take his word for it without experiencing it themselves. But that was the truth, how could he convince them otherwise?

“…You may not believe it, but it’s true.”

“Hmm, humans have always been a race prone to lies.”

As the elf raised their hand again, the archers behind aimed their bows.

‘Am I going to have to fight the elves I just met?’

Kaiyan couldn’t just stand there and take it, so he gripped his sword tightly, ready to strike the elves the moment they shot their arrows.

But it seemed his concern was unnecessary as the elf, after a moment’s hesitation, lowered their hand.

“However, a human who has contracted with a spirit… might be different. Spirits favor pure lifeforms.”

“Phew… So, do you believe me now?”

“Not entirely. But the fact that you’ve contracted with a spirit… I’m willing to listen. Follow me.”

The elf gestured for Kaiyan to follow and walked down the dark corridor.

After walking for a while with the elves, Kaiyan arrived at a vast plaza.

The space was unbelievably vast for being underground, and in the center, there was a huge tree that required looking up to see its top.

The elf with the garland, who first spoke to Kaiyan, brought him in front of the tree and asked the other elves to step back.

“So you’re from the Eunasia continent?”

“Yes, I’ve been in Havnheim for just over 30 days.”

They exchanged some information while walking through the corridor. The elf shared a rough idea of what Havnheim was, and Kaiyan answered his questions.

“Hmm… Strange. How is that possible? The passage from Eunasia to Havnheim should be blocked?”

“I’m not sure, I just came over fighting monsters in a city called Lumbanium.”

“Monsters? You mean monsters?”

“Oh, yes… but they weren’t the monsters known in Eunasia. Maybe someone knew them, but I saw them for the first time.”

Thinking back, the creatures Kaiyan met in Lumbanium were quite different from the monsters that inhabit the Eunasia continent.

Especially one distinct difference.

‘They used the common language.’

The language of humans, capable of communication, indicating their high intelligence.

Hearing Kaiyan’s words, the elf nodded as if they understood something.

“Lumbanium… It seems you met the ghosts of Baryon. To think they were still alive on the Eunasia continent. I thought they all died back then.”

“Ghosts of Baryon? What are those?”

“The remnants of Baryon, called the twelve minions.”

“Excuse me? What’s that…?”

Looking confusedly at the elf, Kaiyan tilted his head as if not understanding his question.

“Hm? You don’t know about the Baryon War?”

“I’m hearing it for the first time.”

“How can that be… How old are you?”

“The winter hasn’t ended yet… so fifteen.”

“Fifteen… I see. It’s been 40 years, so it’s possible. Humans tend to forget the past quickly. But to forget the Baryon War…”

What was the Baryon War?

Curiously looking at the elf, Kaiyan signaled for him to tell him about it.

“Hmm… Do you want to hear about it?”


“The Baryon War was a massive conflict that threatened the existence of Havnheim and the Eunasia continent. Fortunately, with the help of a great mage, Eunasia was able to win. The number of people and elves who died was too many to count. At least millions died.”

“Millions? Didn’t you say it was 40 years ago?”

“That’s right.”

“Then… is the Baryon War… what you’re referring to as the Monster Wave?”

It’s not that far in the past if it was 40 years ago. But Kaiyan had never heard anyone talk about such a war from 40 years ago.

Not to mention a war that threatened the existence of the continent.

“Monster Wave? Haha! That war is incomparable. It seems you really don’t know anything. It’s surprising how humans have forgotten such a great war.”

‘If such a war had happened… it should have been recorded in history books?’

They were at an impasse of misunderstanding.

The elf didn’t understand Kaiyan, and Kaiyan didn’t understand him. The disparity in their thoughts was too great.

“…I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of such a war.”

“That might be because you’re young….”

“That’s not it.”


“If the elder, or elf, is correct, then a tremendous number of humans died… If there had been such a significant war, I wouldn’t be ignorant of it.”

It was indeed strange. If the elder elf’s words were true, then it would mean that such an event happened when Uncle Max and Jeff were children, but neither of them ever mentioned it.

It’s only been 40 years, and millions have died in a war forgotten? And not just any war, but one against Havnheim monsters?

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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