A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 123: (2)

“Kiruroot!” [Windy says to trust it.] “Sigh…” How did it come to this? Kaiyan was just thinking of a way to make the spirits safer. “Windy, are you sure you can do this? If it seems impossible now, let’s go back. It’s dangerous.” “Kiruroot!” Aware of Kaiyan’s concerns, Windy flapped its small wings as if to say it’s alright. “Rieka, is this really possible? After all… they’re just lower spirits.” [Hmmm… The power of spirits is quite unique… It’s hard to say definitively, but if the spirits say they can do it, maybe they can.] Windy’s method to make the Kuma leave the swamp… “Sigh… To dig under the swamp.” The spirits decided to dig under the swamp together. Given the swamp’s low water level, it would disappear. ‘This isn’t just making them leave; it’s about erasing the swamp itself.’ Initially, Kaiyan thought it was nonsense. Even if spirits use their mystical powers, eradicating an entire swamp seemed far-fetched. But. ‘There’s a large tunnel right under the swamp…’ According to Windy, there’s a large cave beneath the swamp where the Kuma are active. So, the plan is to connect that cave to the surface swamp, thus eliminating the swamp. ‘The question is…’ Can it really be done as the spirits say? It might be conceivable for a mid-level spirit like the brown bear that became one on the first day, but can these little ones truly accomplish such a task? “Sigh… If only it could be done perfectly.” [I knew spirits weren’t purely innocent beings, but I didn’t expect even the lower spirits to be like this.] “Huh? What do you mean?” As Kaiyan pondered whether to abandon this plan, Rieka spoke up quietly. [Lower spirits have very low intelligence. But how could they come up with such a plan? And so quickly.] “That’s……” [They had been thinking about this plan long before meeting Kaiyan. They’ve been seeking a way to give the Kuma a taste of their own medicine for a very long time.] “So… could it be?” [Spirits would have executed their plan even without meeting you. So, don’t worry too much.] Hearing Rieka’s words made Kaiyan feel a bit relieved. After all, the spirits have suffered a lot from the Kuma and would have wanted to get back at them. Plus, the more of the Kuma that dies, the more energy from the World Tree the spirits can absorb. ‘The spirits didn’t want to miss this opportunity.’ Kaiyan was moved when Windy asked for help without being asked. Knowing all the facts, that feeling of being touched crumbled a bit. It’s not that the spirits seemed greedy like humans, but… ‘Do spirits also want to return to the place where the World Tree is presumed to be?’ [Kaiyan, you need to concentrate now!] Rieka snapped Kaiyan back to reality, and looking ahead, he saw the swamp appearing through the dark forest. “Phew… Windy, if it gets dangerous, run away immediately. Understand?” “Kiruroot! Kirut!” [Windy says they’re fine. Hehe, Windy is more worried about you, Kaiyan. Be careful.] Looking at Windy’s eyes filled with worry, Kaiyan felt strange inside. It’s like having a family besides Rieka. After patting Windy’s head, Kaiyan sent it back, and the gathered spirits began to dig into the ground. “It’s fascinating. Is this really the power of spirits?” [You’ll be even more surprised by the power of mid-level spirits.] This was a different feeling from the wind bow Kaiyan had seen before. Each time the spirits waved their hands in the air, the ground moved on its own, creating a path. It was more like the ground was creating its path rather than being dug. “If they can maintain this speed, there should be no problem.” While Kaiyan was observing, the spirits had already dug deep and entered inside. With this pace, it wouldn’t take long to reach the underground tunnel, wherever it may be. “Alright, then let’s get to our part.” [Yes! Can I use the scrolls as much as I want?] “…Yes, since we’ll recover everything once we defeat the Kuma.” This opportunity might not come again. To sweep all the Kuma the moment the swamp disappears, Kaiyan bought a large amount of magic scrolls with the remaining G points he had. Mostly offensive magic. And then. Chang- “It hasn’t been that long, but it feels strange.” [Maybe because it’s not the sword you usually use?] Kaiyan bought a reasonably priced sword from the store to unleash his full power. Not just to face the crazy number of Kuma, but if something goes wrong, he might have to face monsters as strong as ogres in the swamp. Kururururu! After concentrating on the ground and waiting for about 10 minutes, Kaiyan felt a slight vibration. This was the signal the spirits agreed to send once they reached the tunnel. “It seems the spirits have arrived.” [Now we have to move!] Now the spirits will start digging upwards from the swamp, and Kaiyan has to distract the Kuma so they won’t notice. If the Kuma realize the spirits are making a hole beneath the swamp, they might interfere or flee. “Rieka, you can start.” [Hehe, then I’ll use the most flashy magic! The most expensive one is….] “No…” [Oh! This is it!] The attack magic scroll Rieka picked up was worth 550G. Considering that offensive magic is much more expensive than regular magic in the store, 550G isn’t that extravagant. It’s just a low-tier spell from the 5th circle. It’s impossible to inflict significant damage on thousands of Kuma brutes with a 5th circle spell. ‘But… this spell should cause considerable damage.’ One of the secret scrolls prepared for today’s battle. In the swamp, it would show the highest efficiency and tremendous power. [Take this! My Thunder Cannon!] “Oh… Rieka.” Rieka, excitedly tearing the scroll and unnecessarily shouting the magic name, made Kaiyan’s face flush with embarrassment.

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