A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 2: Journey

Chapter 2: Journey


“One man’s gain is another man’s loss, prosperity is taken by the winners, from the losers. Heed my words, men of the hour.”



General Albert of the Liberation Army, Battle for Extavium

Year 114


--POV: Clarrisa Chamberlayne—

--Place: Valley of the Summoning  / Time: 17:43—

“Tch-” I click my tongue in irritation as the drawn out battle between the mercs and the wolves, finally come to a close, with 8 dead wolves and 2 wolves that escaped, and 3 warriors and 1 mage who were injured……is my father doing this on purpose?

I observe the captain running towards my carriage, is that a spring in his step? Did that fucker think he did a good job? It took him 20 minutes to deal with one northern wolf himself…..you are kidding me.


At least he didn’t barge in….“Come in” He opens the door, before parking his ass right on front of me, the damn captain stinks of blood. Part of me wants to burn him with fire magic just to get rid of his very existence, along with his stench “You did a good job, I have to thank you once more.” I grin despite his gaze looking somewhere other than my face.

“N-no problem!” He…shouts? His red face is back, along with a toothy grin….isn’t this guy getting too enthralled here? Just because I pay attention to trash makes it think it’s more than trash? Geez…

“Shall we continue along then?” He wakes up from whatever he was fantasising about and looks at me with eyes opened wide. “Y-yes!”

And with that, we finally start moving again….

--POV: James—

Wow…..She is as sexy as they get! Her silky blonde hair that just reaches her hips, is just gorgeous. No matter how many times I look, I can’t get enough of it, or the eye candy that is her breasts. I mean ample huge breasts that threaten to rip her somewhat tight dress.

“Dreamin’ of ‘er again, capt?” Steve cackles “You seriously into her? She a noble, ya know? Plus she belongs to the Chamberlaynes…..they ‘re quite the bunch, don’t ya say?”

“Hahahaha, the captain has eyes for someone that isn’t a prostitute, ehhh” Victor gets in on the laughin, I mean it isn’t so far-fetched to think we had some spark, right? “I saw the smile she was givin’ you before we set off, what luck!”

“Ya turned into a docile little kitten, ya were stutterin like a toddler, where did ya balls go?” Jon punches my shoulder lightly.

“I’m serious guys, I think she may be interested” the laughing the trio were in died down “She was staring at me very hard, and she was also sighing, I’m talking hot breaths here” They don’t seem convinced, they didn’t see her when we were alone.

“She is a noble……and you are a commoner, forget what she feels, the family will kill you if you lay a single finger on her.” Victor starts talking as he looks at the moving carriage on front of us.

“What if the family doesn’t care? Plus I am strong, reliable, and a captain of the WonderWings Mercenary company”

Steve puts a hand on my shoulder as we sit in the carriage. “Forget her bud, once this job is done, we’ll report to Lord Chamberlayne, get our gold, and get you to a brothel”

“Yea yea, afta ya fuck a few whores, you won’t even remember 'er” Jon slaps my back. And those slackers start laughing again.

Can’t wait to see their faces once I make that hot babe mine!

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