A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 301: The City Lord's son

When the small ultivehicle arrived at Skytrident city, Hourste state which was their destination, it landed at the ultivehicle garage in the city.

Then they came down from the ultivehicle and out of the garage through a building before the garage. It was this building that people who arrived in the garage exited to go to their true destination, or entered into too buy an ultivehicle flight ticket to another region.

After a few minutes of walking in the street, they both arrived before the carriage park. It was here they would find beast-drawn carriage from the low-grade type to the high-grade type. So, one would choose one that one could afford.

Immediately they arrived at the carriage park, they entered into a building there to pay for a carriage that would lift them to the area where the Moonglow lake was.

But before they could enter after paying the fees, someone who was quite tall and hefty in size rushed down from one of the tallest building in the garage towards where they were.

"Didn't you see the signboard that says masked people aren't allowed into this garage. If you want to use any of the beast-pulled carriage here, you must take off your masks. And if you can't comply to the simple rules of the carriage park, you can get out and use your legs to go to whatever place you have in mind" The person said after arriving before them.

"Oh." Alex exclaimed.

Then he looked at Layla and said "Collect the money you paid and let's leave here. Don't worry, I have another means by which we could go to that place"

Layla looked at him and then shook her head. But before she could carry out any action, the hefty guy who had a smile in his face said "I am sorry, we can't reimburse you. Only until you have done what I asked you both to do would I tell the carriage driver you paid to too give you guys back the money you paid as fee."

Alex looked at him with furrowed brows.

"Why should we take off our masks? Besides, come and show me where it was stated that masks aren't allowed into the carriage park. Because on our way down here, we couldn't find any signboard or anything like that. So, I have a feeling that you are just trying to make trouble with us, or that you have a motive for doing so." Alex said. Then he looked at the driver Layla paid to and ordered "Hey! Give her back the money she gave you to use your beast-pulled carriage"

"I am sorry" The driver said. Then he continued by saying "This young man here before us is the son of the city lord and one who manages the carriage park. So he runs it as he sees fit. You have to listen to him, or you can leave here to avoid trouble. I am sorry once again."

"Oh, so are the son of the city lord. That's cool. Anyways, that doesn't concern me." Alex said. Then he looked at the carriage driver and said with an angry tone "I will say once again, give her the money she paid you. Or you would regret it"

"What? What do you think you can do? This place is our boss's territory. So, you can't do anything here. Besides, he is surrounded by powerful cultivators who are in the building, quietly watching what's happening here. So don't think you can beat him up and come for me his worker. Or you would seriously regret it. Therefore, my advice once again to you is that you should comply to what he said or just leave here to avoid problems." The carriage driver said.

Layla looked at Alex and said "Well, there's nothing bad in taking off our masks. We are no longer in our city where there are lot of eyes that would gaze at us. And if you don't want to do that, we can just leave. We would definitely find another means to go that place, just like you said. Therefore, no need to start up things that we wouldn't be able to finish. Also, remember we aren't in our city, my father isn't here to protect me while I left without any bodyguard. Same with you whose uncle is very far away. So, if you don't want to to do as he said, we can just leave"

Alex looked at her with a smile and said "Well, I would have listened to what you said, but no I wouldn't. This bastard here is after you. And I seriously hate it when some bastard looks at any of my ladies. It totally disgusts me. Like, can't you find your own lady? This bastard's aim is to see your face concealed behind the mask you wore because he feels that you would look beautiful due to your great body shape. However, to prevent any problem like you said, I would leave since you have demanded for it. But only until they give you your back your money would I leave"

When Layla heard that, her eyes shone with happiness.

Alex had just said 'Any of my ladies', meaning that she was one of his ladies. Besides, he was fighting for her sake. Although the money paid to the driver wasn't much and could be left behind, Alex didn't want to do so because of the way the young man before them had the motive to lust after his woman. She herself knew that was the aim of the young man before them, which was to see her face and then use the power he possesses because of his background to try to take her for himself.

"Alex, I know. But this is his territory. We can't do anything. Let's just leave to avoid issues that we wouldn't be able to end." Layla said worriedly. She didn't want Alex to start up something that he wouldn't be able to finish. Besides, she didn't want anything bad to happen to Alex, or she would be devastated. Then immediately she said that, and with an endearing smile appearing in her face, she said to him "I understand why you are doing this. Thank you much. I appreciate it."

Alex shook his head which meant 'No'. Then he looked at the young man before him with a ruthless smile in his face. However, his wicked smile was concealed by the mask he wore.

He looked back at Layla and said" Let's take off our masks"

Layla was surprised while the young man before them laughed.

'Finally!' He said within.

Alex and Layla took off their masks at the same time with the young man looking at Layla intently.

Once her mask was removed with her long straight hair fluttering in the wind, the young man smiled.

'So beautiful' He said within. Then he contemplated within himself 'Her beauty is more than enough to carry her to the position of number one in my harem of thirty-five young women. Look at her skin, it's smooth like jade, faultless and looks so soft. Unlike those ones in my home, this lady would fill me with happiness. Tremendous happiness. Haha. I actually just got a gem. Let me end this ongoing scenario first, then I would use you to my satisfaction later in my room tonight. Haha"

Once they took off their masks, Alex asked "So?!"

However, the young man totally ignored Alex like air and walked closer to Layla who was looking at him with a cold gaze in her eyes. Also ignoring her frosty gaze, he carried his hand to try to rub her beautiful, linen-smooth face.

But before he could do so, a loud snap of the bone suddenly rang out with the young man before Layla shooting into the air for more than thirteen feet before crashing back to the ground very hard at a distance of six feet away.

Alex had actually delivered a kick to the buttocks of the young man using his powerful legs. While the loud snap sound that rang out were many of the bones of his butt breaking in an instant.

Immediately the young man crashed into the ground, his eyes became red from pain. Also, blood could be seen thinly streaming down his mouth slowly but out of his ass profusely. This was because the broken bones of his butt could be seen jutting out of the skin of his buttocks, causing severe bleeding.

Then in the next instant, a booming wrathful voice rang out "How dare you?!!"

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