A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 291: The Rescue and Return




Rampant booming sounds rang out when soulforce energy and the power of fire, lightning and corrosion which had condensed into massive attacks struck the enormous attack that Rebuke sent out. And immediately they struck Rebuke's soul-attack, waves of tremendous devastating power erupted from their points of collision and raged into the distance.

Alex's Soul-Beings were hit by the storm of soul energy when they penetrated into his soul-dwelling region, causing him to be knocked into the distance. While Rebuke coughed out several mouthfuls of blood and was flung into the distance when the rampaging waves of soul-energy and soul-power smashed into his Soul-Entity.

Alex stood from where he was launched to and looked at Rebuke who was in the far distance. He was seriously struggling to get back to his feet. And as he tried to stand back to his feet with extreme difficulty, he couldn't help but cough out more mouthfuls of blood. Also, a great pain racked his head. The splitting headache that he felt earlier had also increased in intensity. And if one looked into his soul-dwelling region, one would see that his Soul-Entity had cracked in about thousands of places, and were beginning to fall apart like a dilapidated structure, causing him more pain.

Seeing the state that Rebuke was at, Alex calmly approached him. Then on getting to where Rebuke was, where he lied helplessly on the ground and groaned loudly in pain, Alex said "Did you think that you could beat me? Anyways, thanks for the info. Now, I don't have to work hard in looking for it."

Still gazing at Rebuke who was miserably groaning, Alex shook his head. Now that his soul had been damaged beyond repair, Alex knew that he wouldn't be able to get any information from Rebuke. Then he said "Well, time to put you out of your misery"

Then clenching his hand into a fist, he sent it with immense heaviness towards Rebuke's head that was on the ground.


Once Alex's fist heavily smashed into Rebuke's head, his head exploded into mist of blood that sprayed onto Alex's cloth, dying it blood-red.

With dark scarlet raging flames erupting from his body, the blood-dyed cloth on him burnt to cinders. And when the flame ceased, his nakedness was revealed. He however covered it up by putting on another expensive cloth.

As soon as Alex finished changing into new clothes, he bent to take Rebuke's spatial ring which he stowed into his spatial necklace.

"Soul Transformation Sacred Ground huh? I would be back for you another time" Alex said, as he made a plan in his head. He couldn't let go of such a wonderful soul legacy. If just a small part of the legacy could make thousands soul cultivators, what about the sole inheritor of the legacy? How powerful would it make him.

Then he kept this thought at the back of his mind and closed his eyes as he pushed his percipience into the Ultra Perception State. Once he entered this state, he deployed his powerful hearing ability and used the sounds that he got around him to inwardly project a vast image of his immediate surrounding. The instant that he created a large, three-dimensional mental image of the environment that he was in, all the sound waves in the vicinity were picked up and filtered by his powerful enhanced hearing which he then utilized to trace the terrified, abducted children to the place that they were kept in.

Not long, he got to a room where Rebuke's men kept the abducted children.

As soon as Alex appeared before a door into the room that they were all in, he brought one of his knee to his chest and kicked it out with immense force.


Once the kick that Alex sent out which was a Snap Kick connected to the door of the room, a loud bang sound rang out as the door of the room forcefully tore away from it hinges and fell to the ground with another loud bang.

When the bang sound rang out, the little kids within became more terrified as their skins rapidly became pale-white. They thought that the men that abducted them had run out of patience and had come in to kill them one after the other. But seeing Alex who looked like a celestial being due to the flawlessness and bright color of his skin, despite the partial darkness of the room that they were in, and also gave a friendly and endearing smile, the great frights in their heart unexplainably vanished. Their fears had actually melted away because of his look and warm, amiable smile.

"Hello kids" Alex said.

"H-Hello!" The kids replied in unison.

"I am the person that your parent sent to rescue you guys from your abductors. So, put your minds at ease. You are no longer in bad hands, but in safe hands" Alex said with a radiant smile and then winked at them.

The kids' eyes suddenly shone with unbounded joy. Then they produced happy smiles in their faces and delightedly nodded their heads.

"Alright. Stand back now. I am going to tear away the doors of the different cages that you all are in." Alex said.

Immediately he said so, the kids nodded their heads and moved to the back of the cages that they were in.

Alex then went to each of the cages that the children were in and used his astonishing physical strength to rip away the doors of their cages to set them free.

After Alex finished doing so, the kids who were now gazing at him with marvel filling the deep abyss of their eyes followed him out of the cave.

Then with a thought, an apartment-type treasure which was a shelter-purpose treasure shot out from his mom's spatial ring into the air. Immediately the apartment-type treasure appeared in the air, Alex caught it and activated the powerful spatial formation compressed into it. Then with a thought, the treasure-building suddenly glowed and erupted a force that engulfed each of the kids around Alex. Then in the next second, the force which was Spatial Force was pulled in back into the building with the children being teleported away from where they stood into a large room in the building-type treasure.

When the children appeared in the room, they became fearful again. As they were about to start panicking, Alex's gentle voice suddenly rang in the massive room that they were in.

"Hey kids, come on, you have absolutely nothing to be frightful or worried about. So just keep calm. Can you please do that for me? Thank you! And very soon, you would be re-united with your parent."

When the kids heard that, they calmed and sat on the large bed in the room that they were brought into.

Alex then focused on his mom's spatial ring and made the Azure Beastsman's treasure-palace to shoot out from it. Once the miniaturized palace appeared in the air before him, it started to float in the air by it own power.

Alex then sent a sliver of his perception into it and said "Palace-spirit, it's time we head out of this place. I have finished my mission here."

"Alright" The Ancient voice of the palace-spirit rang out in his head.

Then space warped around him and he was pulled into the palace central hall.

Since the treasure-palace can be used as a means of transportation, the treasure-palace entered into another layer of space and shot at tremendous speed back to Smith city; the city where Alex's organization was established in.

Not quite long, the treasure-palace which moved at extreme speed arrived in Smith city. Then it shot to the building of Alex's organization and finally appeared in his private room.

When the treasure-palace arrived in his room, it brought out Alex from the central hall in it. And immediately Alex appeared in his room, he produced the apartment-type treasure which after activation, began to glow and then in the next moment, produced the little kids that were brought into a room in it.

"Alright kids. We have just arrived at my organization which is actually based in the city that you all reside in with your loving parent. So, follow me to go meet your parent who eagerly await your return" Alex said to the kids.

With quick, excited nods of their heads which meant that they fully agreed with what he said, the kids all followed Alex who led them from his room to a large room in the building.

As Alex walked down the stairs with the four kids that were behind him and were looking around in awe, the people in the building who were members of his Punisher's society couldn't help but be shocked by Alex's appearance, but much more by the kids that were behind him.

"Master, welcome" They humbly said as Alex passed by them. While Alex only nodded at them with a smile in his face.

"Has master settled the people that abducted the children of those folks?" One asked another person that was beside him in a whisper.

"What do you mean by settle? Like he paid lot of money to have those kids released? Haha. If that is what you are thinking, then you are wrong. I believe that Master won't pay a dime for those kids to be released. Instead, he would wickedly slay their abductors and set the children free." The person that was asked a question replied in a confident tone.

"Hmm. You must be right. Master is truly very strong. He won't pay a sapphirstone to those bastards that committed such an heinous act" The person that earlier asked the question said. While the other nodded.

"But so fast? I didn't even know that he had left the building. Or do you know when he left here? 'Cause I never saw him leave" One asked with deep puzzlement in his tone.

"Nope. I never saw him leave too. I didn't even know that he had left the organization to go rescue those kids. But how did he actually do it without us knowing that he had gone? And me here still thought that he was cultivating, preparing himself before he finally headed out of the building for the city the abductors of those children were based in. Besides, how did he arrive there so fast and come back very quickly? Does he have teleporting powers? Because that damned city is just too far away from here." Another said.

"Yea! Also, he finished the mission extremely fast. Not even three hours has passed. The ways of our Master are numerous and hard to comprehend." Another person contributed, refusing to be left out from their discussion about their Master, Alex.

Some seconds later, Alex and the kids arrived before two middle-aged people who with widened eyes that was full of happiness and joy, and had tears thinly but rapidly streaming down their faces, rushed to their kids like they might disappear in the next second to tightly embrace them.

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