A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 283: Schemes

After going through all the palace rooms and halls, they arrived back at the central hall of the palace.

"Brother, thanks for taking me round your palace" Nailah said.

"Don't mention" Alex said with a smile.

Then he said into the air "Palace-spirit, take us out of the palace"

"Alright" The ancient voice of the Palace-spirit rang out.

Once it voice sounded out, space warped around Alex, Olivia and Nailah. Then their bodies faded into thin air and re-materialized in the room that they were teleported away from.

"We would like to be on our way now" Olivia said.

"Alright. Let me see you guys off" Alex said.

Then he opened the door for them and Olivia and Nailah stepped out of the room. He then followed behind them. And as they moved down to the gate to leave the building, the members of Alex's organization greeted them respectfully.

It wasn't because of Alex that they respected Olivia and Nailah, although it was one of it, but it was because of Olivia's status in the Immovable Mountain Academy, and also, because she was a Sky Lord stage cultivator. While they were mere condensation stage and earth adept stage cultivators. So, because of her level in cultivation, she had to be respected. And as for Nailah, she was the adopted sister of their boss which they discovered later from someone that led Alex to the private waiting room.

As soon as they came out of the building, Nailah climbed again on Olivia's back who then took into the air and shot away at great speed on the direction of their academy.

Alex waved at them as they flew away. Then he walked back into the building.

As Olivia flew away with Nailah on her back at a high speed, two people who were at the Saint stage and were students of the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy were looking at her with an aura of vengeance emanating unbridledly from them.

With powerful visions because of the Saint cultivation stage that they were in, they gazed wickedly at Olivia as she flew away.

"Who is that on her back?" Lenna asked Maxwell.

"Don't know. She could be a younger member of her faction who she took her out with her to go meet her damned lover." Maxwell replied.

"Hmm. Since you cultivate puppetforce energy, we could grab some of his men and turn them into our puppets. It is these human-puppets of yours that would transmit details about what goes on in his organization to you." Lenna said.

"Okay. And how do we go about that? Turning his men into puppets. I can't just go there and transform them into my puppets" Maxwell said.

"This is what we will do. We would direct a group of disarrayed people that reside in a particular area to go to his organization to ask for their help in chasing off or eliminating a bunch of criminal-minded cultivators who come to their residential areas to steal from them and terrify them." Lenna replied.

"Hmm. But would that work?" Maxwell asked in a curious tone.

"Yes" Lenna replied.

Maxwell then looked at Lenna and asked "What makes you think they would want to do that? Is that what his organization is for? I don't think so"

"Haha. Then what fucking aim would his organization want to achieve? Just there and be prospering with his uncle's wealth? Brother, take a look at the name that he gave his organization. The Punisher's society. What do you think that implies? Why would he give that kind of tyrannical name to his organization if there isn't a motive to punish people with ominous or demonical intents. Also, look at the fearsome alias he gave himself; The Godly Punisher. That boy is surely going to set out to punish folks who do nefarious and sinister things in the society. I am extremely certain of that" Lenna responded confidently.

"Hmm. You might be right." Maxwell said with a slight nod of his head.

Then he asked "But how are we going to go about that? You know, make mortals living in a particular area be terrorized to the point of death and become desperate for freedom fighters or warriors to come liberate them from the situation that they are in? Wait, I have a feeling, that you might make some of the students from our institution go to a particular community to disturb the peace and serenity there, bring down hell and chaos, right?"

"Exactly brother. We are going to make many of the boys in Drille's faction go to places to cause problems. They could even kill and rape wives and female children if they want to. Blood of lot of mortals would surely be shed so that we can achieve our aim." Lenna said with a light of viciousness in her eyes.

"True. We must do anything to achieve our aim." Maxwell said. Then he continued "After those disarrayed people would have gone to call upon some of the members of his organization to the places where hell has been brought down on, I would be there already to pervade their bodies with my puppet-transformation energy and take control of their bodies. Then everything that the bastard would say or do would be made known to me through the puppet-control link between me and the human-puppets I turned his members into."

"Yes, brother" Lenna said.

But then, a thought which overly frightened abruptly came to his mind.

"But we have to plan through this well. We can't afford to let his uncle who possesses unfathomable strength to know about this. Or it would result in our doom, and the demolishment of our institution."

"You are correct, brother" Lenna said. Then she continued "We would revise our scheme many times more to remove every form of flaw in it. Once we feel it is perfect, that is when we would set out to execute it. And by all the luck in the realmverse, our machinations would come to fruition." Lenna said.

Maxwell nodded.

Then as if they read each other's mind, they both took into the air and flew back to the academy that they were from.


Few months later...

- New Glory town -

Large, tall flames could be seen burning on buildings. While shriek-like cries of people could be heard.


An explosion suddenly took place and resulted in the appearance of a gigantic, mushroom-shaped cloud of orange fire which was accompanied by a wave of destructive power and tremendously energized air that swept many people off their feet into the distance, resulting in their instant deaths.




Heads of people began to roll off their necks to the ground as swords and blades cut through them.

While loud sexual moans that radiated intense sadness and grief could be heard coming from beautiful-skinned young girls and ladies that were being sexually assaulted and harassed by masked people who wore large hooded cloaks.

Then other people whose face were pale-white because of the terrifying and horrifying things that they were witnessing began to run helter-skelter for fear of their lives.

Not long, the masked and cloaked people who wielded blades and swords to behead or slash people's bodies apart quickly left the area before law enforcement agents would arrive.

They had to do things quickly and leave the area as they couldn't risk getting exposed, or it would result in their annihilation by even the government itself.


Few hours later...

People who had ran far away from the area came back and began to wail. They had come back to retrieve a few of the properties that they felt they would have left. But when they saw that all their properties had been destroyed by the fire from the multiple explosions that occurred, they couldn't help but cry out in sadness and sorrow. While some who saw the dead bodies of their sexually violated female children on the ground couldn't help but cry out in anguish and have pangs of intense pain afflict their hearts.

At this point in time, there were already agents sent by the city lord to the this town to come carry out investigation on who would have dared to do such a wicked thing to these mortals. But all that they conclude from their investigation was that the people who carried out the evil and sinister acts were cultivators, and that they were perhaps outcast or outlaws.

However, the agents who were here promised the mortals living in this area that the city lord was going to build new homes and shops for them, and give them large amounts of money as compensation for the female children that were killed by the wicked cultivators that invaded their town.


Not quite long, news about what happened in New Glory town spread like wildfire throughout the city. Then everyone from academies, societies, guilds, churches, shrines and so on began to talk about it.

Now, people, especially the mortals, began to live in great fear and terror, as they didn't know when and where these bad guys would strike again and cause disastrous problems in their communities.

Alex too had heard about these and became sad at the number of innocent, peace-loving mortals that were killed, and angry because of the wicked acts of the cultivators that rained hell and chaos in there.

Suddenly, Alex who was in his room in the cross-legged position on his bed heard some footsteps at his door.


That person that was standing before his door knocked.

"Come in" Alex's voice sounded from within.

Then the door opened and the person that knocked on his door stepped in.

Immediately he entered, he entered into a bow. And when he straightened himself back, he said humbly "Master, there are some folks here to see you"

"Folks here to see me?" Alex asked in a surprised tone. Then he said "Alright, take me to where they are"

The person then nodded and walked out of Alex's room with Alex following behind him to the place where some people wanted to see him.

Immediately Alex appeared in a hall where some people waited for him, a middle-aged man and woman who could recognize Alex instantly knelt before him with tears streaming down unbridledly from their eyes.

"Please, help us, they have abducted my children. We beg you" The middle-aged woman quickly said with tears flowing down her red eyes. The redness of her eyes showed that she had been crying for hours.

Alex looked at their anguished states and felt really sorry for them. Then he said "Mr and Miss, I am really sorry. I won't be able to do that. That's not what my organization is for. You should go to the law enforcement agency in the city to report about your missing children. The agency would be able to help you find your missing children. Not me"

Once Alex said this, the woman began to cry and wail the more. While the middle-aged man looked at Alex with both intense sorrow and blazing hope in his eyes. Then he said without a breaking voice "Actually, our four children that consisted of three boys and a young girl were abducted because of you. And their abductors said that if you don't appear before them in seventy-two hours, our children would be killed, and their bodies burnt into a crisp. Then that they would come for us and the rest of my family to slay each and everyone of us. Please, I beg you. For the sake of my children, please help us."

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