A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 271: PAIN!!!

"Hello" Alex greeted with a smile.

"Brat, you are here again. What do you want? Don't tell me that you are here because of the direction to that mysterious cave?" This person who was Jared asked with mockery in his tone.

"Well, that is what I want and why I came here. So, are you ready to tell me?" Alex asked with seriousness in his tone.

"Nope. I won't tell you a thing. I repeat, a thing" Jared coldly replied.

"Hmm. You want to be returned to that cage that has indefinitely lingering unbearable pressure and be forgotten forever in there?" Alex asked with a wicked tone in his voice.

"Haha. You can return me there and completely forget about me. When I eventually die because of it, you wouldn't get the direction to the cave. And that would be your tremendous loss, you fucking bastard" Jared said with a voice that radiated extreme wrath and vengefulness.

Then he spat in Alex's face who readily dodged it and launched a powerful, echoing slap at his face.


Once Alex's palm struck his face, a loud sound rang out while the shape of Alex's palm could be seen in his face.

Alex then ignored Jared's venomous gaze and sank his mind into his sea of thoughts as he began to contemplate tons of what to do to compel Jared to give him the location of that mysterious cave which he wanted to know so badly.

Then a simple thought struck him. And very quickly, he carried it out.

He abruptly sent a sliver of his perception into the danger-signaling treasure at the center of his forehead and asked the treasure-spirit inhabiting the space in the danger-detection treasure.

"Ashbolt" Alex said.

"Young Master. It has been a great while since you last came here to see me or to ask for my help or assistance. So what's it that you may want my help with? But if you are here to ask for the keys into the storage rooms of your dad's mighty treasure-palace, I am sorry for I wouldn't be able to oblige to that kind of request" A voice that would invoke the feeling of ancientness in anyone sounded out a few seconds after Alex called out its name.

"Oh! Not that Ashbolt. I am not here for those. What I actually want is your help to compel an expert that I caught and turned into a miserable captive to say the location of a hidden secret cave to me." Alex said with proudness in his tone. Who at his cultivation level would be able to incarcerate an human cultivation expert that is at the Great Saint stage?

Then he continued as he started to sugar-coat his words so as to get the help of Ashbolt "And once I can get the location of this cave, I would be transported to a strange, uncharted land where I would get tons of resources that would make me grow very quickly into a fearsome cultivator, and possibly cultivate new and powerful energies that have not been recorded in the large ancient book that only possesses detailed information of just about thirty percent of the realm-energies that has been discovered and have methods to cultivate. Therefore, once I can get my hands on these, collecting the keys into the storage vaults of my dad's immense treasure-palace from you is only a matter of time."

"Hmm" Ashbolt said as it began to think.

Alex's father had told him to be strict with Alex, so he didn't want to jump into immediately helping Alex. It first wanted Alex to be able achieve his goals or objectives without the help of anyone. But if he couldn't, then it could assist him.

"Alright. So how do you want me to help you?" Ashbolt asked.

"Can I get something, like a serum that would cause my stupid captive immense pain and force him to totally spill out the truth?" Alex asked.

"Oh that. It's very easy. Check your dad's or mom's storage treasures for truth-compulsion serums. You would find them in small bottles in great amounts in their storage treasures." Ashbolt responded.

"Nah. I can't do that. My parent's heaps of materials and resources are mountainous in size and nearly innumerable in quantities. Till now, I haven't figured out a percent of what many of them can do, as I definitely can't go through the mentally transmitted information about all of them which number in the trillions." Alex said dejectedly.

Then he continued with a smile in his face "I would only go through all of them when I have more than one thousand clones who are above the Celestial Ruler cultivation stage"

And before Ashbolt could say anything, Alex immediately said "Just kidding. But can you please give me that kind of serum from within the treasure that you inhabit. I know that apart from it being a peerless danger-signaling treasure, it can also act as a storage treasure. I am sure that there would be many large, hidden vaults of treasures or resources in there. So, please give me the serum. I have no time to start rummaging through the many different types and astronomical quantities of liquid serums in my parent's interspatial containment treasures. Please" Alex begged. 

"Hmm. Alright." Ashbolt replied. Then it asked "What cultivation stage is this cultivator captive of yours at?"

"The Great Saint stage" Alex replied.

"Okay" Ashbolt responded.

Then space warped in front of Alex as a small bottle that contained a thick green liquid appeared in the air before him.

Alex immediately grabbed it in his palm and looked at Jared who narrowed his eyes with a light of uncertainty in it.

He wasn't sure what was in that bottle. But he was sure that it wasn't poison and that it was something which wouldn't cause him much harm.

Looking at Alex, he gave a mocking smile.

This smile gave Alex the feeling that no matter what he did, all his effort to get the location of that cave would be futile.

Alex smiled back.

'We shall see' Alex uttered within.

Then he removed the lid from the bottle and poured the entire liquid content of the small transparent bottle into Jared's mouth which was forced open by the palace-spirit and kept that way.

When this liquid got to his stomach, it turned into a large amount of truthforce energy which then began to circulate about in his body. This energy, also called truth-compulsion energy or truth-coercion energy was a type of realm-energy that coerces or compels anyone whether mortal, cultivator or divine-level cultivator to tell the complete truth about something that he, she or it was questioned about. Once a lie was being said in response to the question that was asked, the person would suffer. And by suffering, it was a pain that the person hadn't ever gone through in his or her life that he or she was going to experience. An agonizing pain that couldn't imagined or fathomed would be what one would be inflicted with upon providing a false or incorrect response to a question. No one would simply be able to withstand the extreme aggressiveness and fathomless viciousness of the truth-forcing realm-energy once one speaks falsehoods, or didn't give the correct or absolute reply to a simple or complicated question that was asked.

Alex waited for a few seconds for the energy to permeate Jared's entire body.

Then with a wicked smile hung on his lips and a cold gaze in his eyes, Alex asked relaxedly and patiently "So, tell me the location to the cave that you entered which transported you to an unknown region"

"Haha. I will tell you nothing." Jared laughed and said.

Then after feeling his body for sometime, he said with a mocking smile in his face "It even seems that the trash you poured down my mouth has no effect on my bod... Arghhh!"

He screamed out in pain in the next moment as his skin turned pale-white instantly and began to wriggle like it was been burrowed by worms which also moved across within it. Also, his eyes were bloodshot and one could see his face squirming.

The pain that Jared was beginning to feel couldn't be compared to anything that the greatest-ranked torturer in the world would be able to accomplish.

His entire organs felt like they were burning and freezing at the same time. Also, it felt like they were been stretched and then cut in thousands of places at once. Besides, he felt that his body was under a pressure that could cause him to shatter into pieces. Furthermore, he felt like every bones in his body were filled with lava and then buried deep in a place that had great, sub-zero degree temperature. Although the greatly unbearable hotness and coldness that Jared felt were supposed to cancel out each other as they were extreme opposite temperatures, they didn't. Instead, they multiplied each other's degree of pain infliction by many folds. From this, one would think that Jared was only suffering an illusionary attack. That wasn't so. He was truly experiencing the intense burning and extreme freezing effects that he felt acting on his organs. Then apart from the organs of his body going through these extreme temperature effects and being cut and stretched, the skin of his body began to writhe; they twisted and contorted like millions of tiny thick-skinned worms were moving in them. Also, it felt to Jared like it was being stretched. And surprisingly, Jared didn't die from all these that he suffered.

After sometime, all the effects that he felt in his body and on his body which caused him a great degree of pain vanished like they had never surfaced.

"So, were you thrilled by the beautiful and admirable performance of my wonder-working serum?" Alex asked with a happy smile.

This was definitely going to coerce Jared to give him the location to that cave.

Alex then asked again, with patience and calmness in his tone "Give me the location of that cave."

"I will never tell yo... Arghhhhhh!!!" Jared tried to say. But he couldn't complete his speech as the effects produced by the truthforce energy that had suffused his body sprung up into action again, causing him to loudly shriek in pain.

Now was worse than before as he began to feel like as if raging, uncanny electricity arcs were moving about and in his body, adding to the greatly excruciating pain that he suffered from the freezing and burning effect that he was already inflicted with. Also, he felt that his eyes were being continuously stabbed by long, acid-etched needles, and his nose, by large, red-hot needles which shot in with a lot of momentum, causing him another level of pain. Besides, he felt like dozens of small scorpions were in his mouth and were continually stinging his tongue with their caustic venom-carrying tails, and that his body was being continuously impaled by many thin swords in an instant, and his heart by flaming spears. What made the second round of pain-infliction by the truth-compelling energy worst was that the duration of the pain-afflicting effects lasted many times longer than when they first appeared. Now, they lasted for a couple of hours than the many minutes when they were first generated by the extremely vicious truth-energy.

After the effects disappeared and his body was back to normal, Jared immediately shouted in great horror and dread "I will tell you. I will tell you. I will tell you all that you need to know. Please"

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