A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 559-566

Chapter 559: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (19)


Hearing Ji Yi apologize again, Ji Yi’s mum was stunned for a moment before she opened her eyes and looked over at Ji Yi with a warm smile. “Why do you keep saying sorry?”

Ji Yi’s mum probably wanted to ease the atmosphere, so she paused for a moment then said, “You couldn’t have done something that would make me angry, right? Did you spill the honey in my freezer?”

Ji Yi knew she was just joking, but she didn’t smile at all. Instead, her eyes puffed up and she had the urge to cry again.

She knew she was this upset because of He Jichen.

Ji Yi’s mum could easily sense that something was wrong with Ji Yi, so she couldn’t just lay in bed resting anymore. She immediately shot up from the bed and rushed over to Ji Yi.

Drawing closer, Ji Yi’s mum realized that Ji Yi’s eyes were a little red and swollen. It was obvious she’d been crying as worry suddenly crept into her eyes. “Xiao Yi, what’s going on?”

Ji Yi didn’t say anything.

Ji Yi’s mum figured she must be sad over what happened online and said, “Xiao Yi, other people can say what they want; only you know what you’ve done. No matter what happens, you’ll always have mum and dad.”

As Ji Yi’s eyes turned red, she reached her hand out and hugged her mum’s waist then buried her face into her embrace. After a short while, Ji Yi said in a dull voice, “Ma, I’m not upset about what happened online. I suddenly felt sorry to you and dad for worrying about me all these years.”

No matter if it was the car accident from four years ago or being in a coma for three long years, or all the nasty rumors about her… They were probably the only people in the world who watched her experience it all and worried most about her.

“What are you saying? As parents, it’s normal to worry about their children, isn’t it?” As Ji Yi’s mum said this, her worried heart dropped into her chest again.

Ji Yi didn’t say anything but she tightly hugged her mum’s waist. After about ten seconds, she softly said, “Ma, if I can never film again and can’t earn money, would you and dad support me?”

Ji Yi knew that the hypothetical question she just asked could possibly become true.

With her current ruined reputation, she was afraid she was probably going to be fired by YC.

“Silly child, asking such silly questions. If your dad and I don’t support you, then who will?” Ji Yi’s mum stroked Ji Yi’s hair for a moment then said in a warm yet serious voice, “Xiao Yi, if you’re unhappy filming, then don’t do it anymore. Your dad and I just want you to be happy.”

A single tear fell from the corner of Ji Yi’s eye.

She stayed in her mum’s embrace for a long time before she removed herself.

That was when Ji Yi’s mum said, “Alright now… stop with these wild thoughts. Wait for mama to get changed. After, let’s head back home and I’ll make you some food.”

Ji Yi replied with a silent smile and gentle nod of the head.

Soon enough, Ji Yi’s mum got changed.

Ji Yi helped her mum carry her bag and held her mum’s hand as they left the room together.

The room they booked was in the furthest corner of the salon. As they walked down the hallway and past the front desk, they happened to overhear a conversation coming from one of the rooms that left their door open.

“Did you know? The young woman in room 1002 is Ji Yi.”

“She looks really pretty. She’s prettier in real life than on television.”

Chapter 560: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (20)


Ji Yi and her mum peeked into the room at the same time to see that it was two technicians chatting away while cleaning up a room.

“What use is there in being pretty? Her personality is bad… She’s truly shameless to copy Qian Ge’s performance!”

“Not only that, but I gave Qian Ge and her friends treatments just now. They were talking about how Ji Yi’s personal life is pretty messed up. She had an abortion and she schemes a lot; she’s not as harmless as she looks…”

Ji Yi’s mum suddenly stopped walking and turned around with an angry look on her face, prepared to charge right into the room.

But before she could do so, Ji Yi stopped her in her tracks, walked a few quick steps ahead and softly said, “There’s no point in arguing with them. There’s no telling – this might even be Qian Ge’s trap to wait for us to angrily charge in and pick a fight with two technicians. It’ll just become another headline if other people post it online.”

“But you heard what they just said…”

“Didn’t you just say that others can say what they want, and we’ll continue living our lives?” With that, Ji Yi and her mum walked over to the front desk.

Ji Yi glanced at the bill the lady at the front desk handed her. After confirming there were no mistakes, she handed her the credit card.

While her card was being swiped, the two technicians who were talking about Ji Yi just now happened to walk out of the room cheerfully.

Ji Yi turned her head, glanced at them, and happened to catch their employee numbers on their chests.

“Miss, could you please sign here?” The lady pushed the bill towards Ji Yi.

Ji Yi picked up the pen and was about to sign when she suddenly thought of something. She raised her head and asked, “If I remember correctly, a technician who gets a complaint will have their wages cut, right?”

“Yes, Miss.” The lady at the front desk was stunned for a moment but then shot her a smile, as she never imagined Ji Yi would suddenly ask such a question.

While Ji Yi signed, she read out the two employee numbers right in front of those two technicians then handed the bill back to the lady. She added in a soft voice, “Those two technicians were disrespectful to customers. Please remember to help me file a complaint.”

After she said this, Ji Yi held onto her mum’s arm, picked up her bag, and walked out the door.

After just two steps. Ji Yi turned her head and added with a smile, “Oh right! Next time I visit, I want feedback on that complaint.”

With that, Ji Yi swept an emotionless look at the two technicians she filed a complaint about then shot them a sweet smile before looking away and walking out of the salon.

The beauty salon was on the third floor.

After she took the elevator to the first floor, Ji Yi and her mum were welcomed by the sound of frantic footsteps before they even reached the front doors of the building.

Before Ji Yi could figure out what those footsteps meant, she and her mum were faced with an audience of people.

They had cameras and microphones in their hands. Endless flashing lights followed as over ten microphones rushed at Ji Yi.

“Miss Ji Yi, what do you think about the online comments of you copying Qian Ge’s performance?”

“Miss Ji Yi, will you be issuing an apology to Qian Ge over this incident?”

“Miss Ji Yi, did you purposefully use Miss Qian Ge to promote yourself?”

Chapter 561: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (21)


“Miss Ji Yi, if you’re doing this to promote yourself, don’t you think this method is a little hard for people to accept?

“Miss Ji Yi…”

Practically everyone chimed in, but aside from the very first question asked, Ji Yi couldn’t hear any of the questions clearly as the latter questions were all mixed in together. Ji Yi couldn’t hear what they were asking with all that chatter.

The reporters noticed that Ji Yi wasn’t replying, so they started to ask even more obnoxious questions.

“Miss Ji Yi, can we take your silence for a confession?”

“Miss Ji Yi, I want to ask, is this person next to you your mother? Then can I ask your mother a question? When you raised your daughter, did you not teach her the ethics of not plagiarizing?”

“Yes, Ji Yi’s mother, could you please tell us – don’t you feel ashamed of seeing your daughter completely plagiarize someone else’s performance?”

The reporter who directed his question to Ji Yi’s mum then pushed the microphone over towards her.

Following those earth-shattering questions attacking Ji Yi’s mum, Ji Yi snapped to her senses from the chaos caused by the group of people surrounding them.

Without thinking twice, she took a step forward and blocked them. “Sorry, I hope you can direct all your questions to me and not drag my family into this. Thank you.”

As Ji Yi said this, she wanted to take her mum back into the elevator and into the beauty salon again to call Zhuang Yi for some help to get out of this mess.

A reporter must’ve figured out what Ji Yi was thinking as she ran to block their way. Soon enough, Ji Yi and her mum were surrounded by them again.

“Miss Ji Yi, could you please answer my last question?”

Seeing Ji Yi speak, the reporter pushed the microphone even further out towards Ji Yi and her mum.

Entrapped by reporters all around her, Ji Yi and her mum had no path to retreat, so all Ji Yi could do was say the words at the tip of her tongue: “Excuse me, I’m not accepting any interviews today. If everyone could please move aside…”

Those reporters were never going to let Ji Yi go… As her voice fell, another wave of questions came pouring in.

News about her was blown up online for everyone to see, so it was normal for reporters to want to interview her. However, for them to know of her and her mum’s last minute plans to go to the beauty salon, they must’ve been followed. Yet, if that were true, only one or two would’ve turned up – there definitely wouldn’t be a whole crowd of reporters like this. There was just one possibility – someone leaked her whereabouts.

And for so many reporters to be contacted in such a short time, there could be no other person responsible but Qian Ge, who she bumped into at the salon earlier that afternoon…

Ji Yi knew she couldn’t escape the group of reporters without an army of assistants.

She didn’t have her phone on her, so she could only borrow her mum’s phone.

After she unlocked her mum’s phone screen, Ji Yi realized she didn’t have Zhuang Yi’s number memorized. In her mind, she quickly went over all the people who could help her get out of her situation right now, but aside from He Jichen’s number, she had no one else’s number memorized.

If what happened in the afternoon hadn’t come to light, she wouldn’t have hesitated to call He Jichen.

Chapter 562: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (22)


But now…

Ji Yi hesitated for a moment but didn’t dial He Jichen’s number in the end. She noticed the reporters had no intention of leaving, so after a moment’s silence, she said, “I’ll say it again. I’m not taking any interviews today. Everyone, please move aside.”

Her words were like a pebble thrown into a vast ocean which didn’t create a single ripple.

The reporters’ questions were neverending.

“Apologies, my mother has nothing to do with any of this. If it’s possible, I hope everyone can allow her to leave.” Seeing as the reporters had no intention of negotiating with her, all she could do was plead with them to let her mum go.

“Miss Ji Yi, could you please answer my question?”

“Miss Ji Yi, are you avoiding the topic because you’re guilty?”

“Miss Ji Yi…”

The two of them stood uncomfortably and unsteadily in the center of the group of reporters.

Trapped inside, they definitely couldn’t get out, so the best way to leave was for someone to escape first and call the police or call the office.

Seeing as nobody cared about what Ji Yi said, Ji Yi’s mum said, “I don’t work in showbiz. Could you please make a path for me to leave first?”

Ji Yi’s mum didn’t get a response either.

She furrowed her brows and said with a more threatening voice, “Could you please move aside? I’m going to call the police on all of you surrounding me like this.”

Those reporters still ignored what Ji Yi’s mum said as they continued to surround Ji Yi and her mum with an impenetrable wall.

Ji Yi’s mum didn’t waste her breath anymore and immediately snatched the phone from Ji Yi’s hand and dialed “110.”

A sharp-eyed reporter saw this then immediately grabbed the camera and pointed it at Ji Yi’s mum with her fingers on the phone. As he recorded her, he asked, “May I ask, Miss Ji Yi, are you asking your mother to call the police because you have a guilty conscience from plagiarizing Qian Ge’s performance and want to run away?”

This group of reporters could truly twist the story and make good seem bad and bad seem good. Seeing that Ji Yi’s mum was really calling the police, a wave of questions came flooding in after the first one.

“Ji Yi’s mother, are you calling the police to avoid our questions?”

“Miss Ji Yi, why would you rather call the police than face our cameras and answer our questions?”

There were reporters on the scene broadcasting live who twisted the truth: “Hello everyone, we are on the first floor of SF beauty salon and we bumped into Miss Ji Yi and her mother. To decline our interviews, Ji Yi’s mother has called the police here to threaten us. I would like to verify that those videos circulating online of Miss Ji Yi plagiarizing Miss Qian Ge’s acting are, in fact, true…”

Before “110” could get through, Ji Yi’s mum quickly lowered the phone from her ear. Even though she was slow to anger, when she heard the reporter, it was understandable for her to get angry. After she hung up the call, she headed for the live broadcaster and said, “This presenter here – how could you say that? When did I call the police to threaten you all?”

“I’ve been emphasizing I am not in showbiz and that I have my own freedom. I should be able to leave, but all of you won’t let me leave!”

Chapter 563: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (23)


“Madam, Miss Ji Yi did something wrong. Why aren’t you letting her in front of the camera to give everyone an explanation? Would you rather call the police and insist on leaving with Miss Ji Yi to protect her? Deep down, do you believe it wasn’t an accident that your own daughter plagiarized other people’s work?” The live reporter noticed Ji Yi’s mother had opened her mouth and immediately aimed the camera right at her.

From the moment the reporters surrounded Ji Yi and her mum till now, it wasn’t clear just how many times they heard the words “Ji Yi plagiarized Qian Ge’s performance.”

As a mother, it might’ve looked like she was blaming and yelling at her daughter, but in actuality, it truly hurt her heart.

Maybe she became a little impatient with the harassment from the reporters, or maybe she really wanted to fight for her daughter’s justice, because when Ji Yi’s mother spoke again, she sounded serious and stern. “On this matter, I don’t believe those things online. I believe my daughter.”

Ji Yi’s mother’s words piqued every reporter’s interest and incited wave after wave of questions.

“Madam, are you saying you think your daughter didn’t copy Miss Qian Ge?”

“Madam, the videos online clearly show your daughter plagiarized Miss Qian Ge’s performance. What you’re saying is that you’re siding with the offender?”


But before the reporters could finish asking their questions, a sudden loud clamor came from the main doors.

“It’s true! The news was right; that little b*tch Ji Yi really is here!”

“Quickly everyone! Today, we have to force her to apologize to our queen, Qian Ge!”

About a dozen young girls and boys came rushing in.

“Little thief Ji, apologize to our queen!”

“Yeah! That b*tch is shameless to dare to steal our Qian Ge’s act. Did you think that us ‘Cornstarch’ are timid?!”

“Wow, that b*tch’s mum actually said she believes her daughter on live TV!”

“Well, sh*t… so that b*tch’s mum turns out to be a b*tch too!”

Having caught that line, Ji Yi instantly turned her head and looked over at the group of young girls and boys rushing towards them through the reporters. Her voice turned serious as she cried, “How could you say that? How did your parents raise you all!? Apologize!”

“Apologize? You should be the one to apologize to our queen! Such a shameless person… are you even worthy of an apology?” retaliated the sharp-tongued girl in front. Then someone with an egg in hand reached out and prepared to smash it onto Ji Yi’s head.

Ji Yi’s mum was standing beside Ji Yi. When Ji Yi’s mum saw this, she didn’t hesitate at all to run in front of Ji Yi to shield her.

Following this, many more objects came flying at Ji Yi and Ji Yi’s mum. As they threw things, they screamed, “Apologize to our queen!”

“For stealing our queen’s things!”

The whole situation got out of hand, but the reporters had no intention of controlling the scene.

They took photos and continued to broadcast the whole scene live.

Ji Yi’s mum hugged Ji Yi tightly in her arms so the objects didn’t touch her.

But her fingertips were covered in something sticky. She instinctively glanced down and saw that it was blood.

Did they hurt mum?

Ji Yi instinctively cried, “Stop! Stop!”

Those young guys and guys showed no intention of stopping.

And none of those reporters showed any signs of coming up to help them.

In fact, the live broadcaster sounded just as lively and upbeat as before. “That’s right. These young men and women are all Qian Ge’s fans. They call themselves ‘Cornstarch’ and they came to get justice for Qian Ge…”

Ji Yi wanted to struggle out of her mum’s grip, but her mum held her even tighter.

Ji Yi couldn’t fight her mum’s strength, so her tears came pouring out in frustration.

Just when she was wondering when this nightmare would end, a stern voice was suddenly heard in the lobby doors: “Stop!”


Chapter 564: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (25)


Just as she was wondering when this nightmare would end, a stern voice was suddenly heard from the lobby doors: “Stop!”

As that voice fell, a heavy series of footsteps could be heard in the lobby.

Ji Yi’s head was pushed hard into her mum’s arms, so she couldn’t see anything around her. All she could do was use the sound of the footsteps to guess that the person was drawing closer to her and her mother.


“All of you, stop now!”

It was the same stern voice, but this time, Ji Yi heard the sounds of girls screaming after the person finished speaking. Then she clearly felt the group of people surrounding her and her mum move away.

Is someone here to save me and mum?

After that thought flashed across Ji Yi’s mind, she quickly remembered that her mum was injured, so she tried to struggle out of her grip again.

Ji Yi’s mum sensed that someone had the situation under control, so she loosened her grip on Ji Yi enough for her to easily break free.

The first thing to come into view was the row of police officers who ushered the group of men and women called ‘Cornstarch’ against the wall. Each person had both their arms behind their heads while crouched on the ground. As for the reporters taking photos and broadcasting live coverage, they had their equipment packed away while they stood to one side.

Secondly, she noticed the messy floor all around her.

There was a phone, blades, cola bottles, broken egg shells, and even middle school textbooks… All those things were thrown at mum just now?

Ji Yi’s fingertips trembled then she quickly turned to look at her mum.

Her mum had looked graceful after finishing her spa treatments, but now she looked like an absolute mess.

Her styled hair was covered in egg and coke. There were also blood stains slowly dripping from her temples.

Ji Yi opened her mouth slightly as her lips trembled like crazy. After a while, she softly cried, “Ma…”

When her mum heard this, she opened her eyes and looked over at Ji Yi. She scanned Ji Yi up and down to confirm she wasn’t hurt then she spoke with a compassionate smile: “Mama’s fine.”

Those two words instantly made Ji Yi’s tears fall.

“Xiao Yi, why are you crying… Mama is fine…” Ji Yi’s mum reached her hand out and gently stroked Ji Yi’s face to wipe the tears away.

Ji Yi held onto her mum’s hand as the tears came crashing down like crazy. She moved her lips and was just about to say “sorry” when she heard a stern voice again. “Mr. He.”

Mr. He… Ji Yi’s body trembled gently for a moment as she stared at her hands around her mum’s fingers. After some time, she slowly turned her head and looked over at the door.

He Jichen took big strides into the lobby in his long, black trench coat.

Behind him, Chen Bai walked at the same pace.

He nodded silently at the police officer who was talking to him then in the next minute, his gaze swept in the direction of Ji Yi and her mum.

When He Jichen saw Ji Yi’s wet eyes, his hasty steps suddenly slowed down and he came to an abrupt halt.

Chen Bai also stopped. Seeing He Jichen and Ji Yi staring at one another for a long time with no reaction, he quietly called out “Mr. He” to get his attention.

Chapter 565: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (25)


He Jichen snapped back to his senses then his gaze fell on Ji Yi’s mum. When he noticed the trickle of red by her temple, his fingers quivered for a moment then suddenly balled into fists. After about a second, he raised his foot and started walking again towards Ji Yi.

Earlier, when the police cried “Mr. He,” Ji Yi and her mum immediately knew He Jichen was the one who called the police.

While Ji Yi’s mum waited for He Jichen to walk over, she immediately smiled. “Jichen, thank goodness you called the police. If not, I don’t know what Xiao Yi and I would’ve done!”

Ji Yi’s mum’s genuinely thankful smile was like a needle pricking He Jichen’s eyes, causing him to avert his eyes to one side. He quietly replied, “Ji Bomu.” He bent down, trying to help Ji Yi’s mum up.

Then Chen Bai rushed over to He Jichen and he noticed Ji Yi was also crouched on the ground. He immediately reached out and grabbed Ji Yi’s mum’s arm first. “Ji Bomu, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

With that, Chen Bai carefully helped Ji Yi’s mum up from the floor and walked over to the front door.

In the middle of all this mess, only Ji Yi and He Jichen were left.

He Jichen stared at the eggshells by his feet for a few seconds then he turned to look at Ji Yi for just a short second before looking away. Then he reached his hand out and silently pulled her up from the floor.

As he passed the police standing beside them, He Jichen came to a halt with Ji Yi beside him.

He didn’t say anything but looked over at the police officer standing at the front.

The police silently understood what He Jichen meant as he politely said, “Mr. He, don’t worry. Leave things with me; I’ll handle this.”

He Jichen gave a gentle nod then without saying anything, he took Ji Yi’s arm and left.

Once they stepped out of the building, Ji Yi immediately saw He Jichen’s car parked at the entrance.

Ji Yi’s mum was already in the passenger’s seat.

Chen Bai watched the two of them step out and immediately pulled open the back door.

On the way to the hospital, Ji Yi called her dad with her mum’s phone.

Chen Bai called Dr. Xia in advance, so when they reached the hospital, he was waiting for them at the entrance.

As Ji Yi’s mum entered the operating room, Chen Bai went downstairs to check her in. At the waiting area outside the operating room, Ji Yi and He Jichen were left alone once again.

Ji Yi was worried about her mum, but she also remembered He Jichen and Chen Bai’s conversation at YC that afternoon, so she intended to stay silent.

He Jichen looked like he had something on his mind as he stood in front of the window not too far away. He stared out at the night sky with the same silent demeanor.

Not too long after, Ji Yi’s dad arrived in a hurry.

After Ji Yi’s dad asked how Ji Yi was, he chatted a little with He Jichen.

Ji Yi’s mum was severely injured and the cut was a little deep. Dr. Xia gave her a few stitches then quickly came out of the operating room.

Ji Yi’s mum could leave the hospital afterward, but He Jichen was worried there’d be problems down the line with the wound on her chest, so he asked Dr. Xia to prepare a room for her for the night to make sure she would be okay.

With Ji Yi’s dad there, they didn’t need so many visitors lingering at the hospital.

Originally, Ji Yi and her mum planned to go out to get their minds off recent events, but things ended up like this. Ji Yi’s parents were worried about their daughter, so when they saw He Jichen there, they asked him to take Ji Yi home.

On the way to the hospital, the atmosphere wasn’t so awkward because Ji Yi’s mum and Chen Bai were present and shared a few words.

However, on the trip heading home, He Jichen and Ji Yi didn’t say a word. Naturally, Chen Bai didn’t dare say anything, so the atmosphere in the car felt particularly flat.

Chapter 566: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (26)


Chen Bai gradually felt his breathing growing unsteady, so to escape this stifled feeling, he drove faster.

Just as the car passed “China World Hotel, Beijing,” He Jichen, who remained quiet all this time, finally broke the silence. “Stop the car.”

Chen Bai slammed the brakes but because they were going so quickly, the car traveled for quite some distance before stopping.

“Head to China World Hotel, Beijing,” ordered He Jichen in a flat voice, leaving the car to fall silent once again. But it was alright this time as the car turned around and quickly stopped at the entrance of China World Hotel, Beijing.

The manager for China World Hotel, Beijing happened to be seeing a guest off at the entrance and recognized He Jichen’s car. After the customer left, he immediately ran over.

Chen Bai rolled the window down and the manager bent over to speak to He Jichen with a smile. “Mr. He, are you here to dine?”

He Jichen let out a soft “Mm” turned his head and looked over at Ji Yi. “You haven’t had dinner. Let’s go eat.”

In three short days, the whole world had changed for Ji Yi. At this very moment, how could she have an appetite? When she heard He Jichen’s voice, she didn’t look at him but gently shook her head. “I’m not hungry.”

She paused for a moment then wondered whether He Jichen and Chen Bai would try to persuade her, so she added, “I’m a little tired. I want to go home and get some rest. If you guys want to eat, I’ll call a taxi from here.”

He Jichen stared at Ji Yi’s profile for a while then his eyes fell to the manager’s face. “How about this? Ask the chef to cook us something to go.”

“Alright Mr. He, what would you like?” After the manager grabbed his walkie-talkie and called the chef, he looked over at He Jichen.

He Jichen didn’t even look at the menu and listed a few dishes.

Those dishes were Ji Yi’s favorites.

Ji Yi knew He Jichen ordered them for her.

If this was yesterday, she would definitely be happy to receive this special treatment, but right now, she felt unspeakable pain and discomfort inside.

“Mr. He, is there anything else you’d like to add?” asked the manager as he noticed He Jichen had stopped listing dishes.

He Jichen shook his head.

The manager straightened up and was about to go back into the restaurant to relay the order when He Jichen suddenly remembered something. Then he cried, “Oh right! And a portion of hot spicy soup.”

Hot spicy soup… Those three simple words made the rims of Ji Yi’s eyes turn red.

When did it begin?

It might’ve been the day of the end-of-production party for “Three Thousand Lunatics” when she was forced to drink. He Jichen was afraid she drank too much, so he called her over to him and asked what she wanted to eat. She said she really wanted some hot spicy soup and from that day on, whenever they went to a classy restaurant or a Chinese restaurant together, he always asked them to make hot spicy soup…

But now, these things that once secretly made her happy now hurt her beyond measure.

Ji Yi was afraid to cry in front of He Jichen, so she kept her head down and pretended to look at her phone.

On her Moments, she saw the Weibo posts shared between classmates at B-film.

“I love eating mangoes” had a new post: “According to an insider on the set of ‘The Tempestuous Grand Tang,’ when Ji Yi had to shoot the scene where she watched the male lead fall in deep sleep, she made a lot of mistakes. In the end, the director asked her to get some rest, so she left on her own. When she came back, she filmed it perfectly, but it was the same as Qian Ge’s scene in ‘The Legend of Qingcheng’…”

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