A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 542-549

Chapter 542: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (2)

After the message was successfully sent, He Jichen entered the game.

This time, he chose to be an archer, but he didn’t take the bottom lane and headed for the middle lane.

The teammates fighting in the middle lane told him endlessly to retreat, but He Jichen went ahead anyway like he hadn’t seen their messages. After respawning from dying by the tower, he continued to use the same lane and was killed again by the tower. He respawned again…

After three consecutive times, “Young Windchaser” sent a few question marks in the game.

He Jichen pretended not to see his messages. He walked ahead and got killed by the tower again.

His teammates had seen enough and started to yell at He Jichen. As though he wasn’t being shouted at, He Jichen leaned back leisurely on the sofa and continued to walk forward while he was killed by the tower and waited to be respawned.

Because He Jichen fed his opponents like crazy, the middle lane wave got exp every now and then. This caused the middle lane mage to not level up fully, so this was another lost game.

After coming out of the game, he opened the game assistant and saw that “Young Windchaser” had already sent two messages.

“If you didn’t play, then who did?”

“What the hell? Why are you always giving the tower away?”

He Jichen didn’t hesitate for a moment. He tapped the screen a few times and said: “Her husband.”

“Her husband?” “Young Windchaser” quickly got to the main point: “Then who are you?”

He Jichen: “I’m her daughter. I’m two and a half.”

To make his lie more realistic, after He Jichen sent his message, he sent another: “What does ‘give the tower away’ mean?”

After reading that line, Ji Yi couldn’t help but burst out laughing: “Pft!”

He wanted to hit on a girl, but he ended up losing six stars. Alright, so in the end, the girl he tried to hit on had a husband and also had a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter!

Ji Yi could almost imagine “Young Windchaser” vomiting blood from anger!

He Jichen didn’t wait for “Young Windchaser” to reply and dragged him onto the blocked users list. Then he handed Ji Yi her phone back. “Not angry anymore, right?”

Ji Yi shook her head and couldn’t help but laugh out loud, thinking about what just happened.

With a calm face, He Jichen revealed what looked like a loving expression when he heard Ji Yi’s laugh. He raised his wrist to check the time and realized it was half-past eleven. “Aren’t there going to be fireworks? If we don’t leave now, we won’t make it.”

There were few cars on the road in Beijing during new year’s. The streets in the dead of the night seemed even more empty.

At ten to eleven, Ji Yi and He Jichen reached Houhai.

There were young guys and girls everywhere. Ji Yi weaved through the group of people for some time before she finally found a spot.

Not long after she and He Jichen found a spot, the bell tower rang and everyone around them started chanting an ear-splitting countdown in unison, “Ten, nine, eight, seven…”

Neither He Jichen and Ji Yi made a sound, but they were secretly counting on the inside.

The moment “One” was said, He Jichen and Ji Yi spoke at the same time as though they had planned it in advance.

“Ji Yi, happy new year.”

“He Jichen, happy new year.”

As their voices fell, an infinite array of sparkling fireworks exploded, sending vibrant multicolored lights into the night sky.

At that moment, Ji Yi stared at the sky of fireworks with a sweet smile.

After He Jichen took her home at two in the morning, she laid in bed while hugging her covers to sleep with a big smile. Ji Yi clearly had a happy new year’s eve, but when she woke up, her entire world had changed.

Chapter 543: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (3)

Ji Yi slept late the night before and when woke up at eleven in the morning the next day, she was still dreaming under her warm comforter.

It really was a wonderful dream. She dreamed she and He Jichen were standing in front of the white stone fence in Houhai, watching the sky filled with fireworks.

In the midst of the exploding fireworks, Ji Yi felt her phone vibrate gently in her hand. She tapped the screen and saw an Alipay red envelope. After clicking on it, Ji Yi realized it was sent by He Jichen who was standing right next to her.

The message on the red envelope was simple; there were just three words: New year’s money.

The sum in the red envelope read: 8888.

Ji Yi hadn’t finished the latter half of her dream when she heard her mom cry, “Ji Yi, get up. Ji Yi!”

She then removed her comforter, allowing the chill to wake her up from her dream.

She groggily opened her eyes and stared at her mom standing against the sunlight from the window. It took some time for her to slowly come to her senses.

“Quickly get up. It’s eleven! Time for lunch!”

Ji Yi’s mom was afraid Ji Yi was still sleeping, so she reached her hand out and pulled Ji Yi’s arm to make her sit upright. Ji Yi’s entire body swayed for a moment. Seeing as Ji Yi was completely awake, she left the bedroom after saying “Quickly, go freshen up!”

As Ji Yi’s mom shut the bedroom door, Ji Yi slowly got out of bed and took her phone into the bathroom with her.

While brushing her teeth, Ji Yi opened Alipay and saw the “8888” red envelope He Jichen sent. Then she realized the dream she just had was real and yesterday really did happen.

The corners of Ji Yi’s lips couldn’t help but curve into a smile. While brushing her teeth, she tapped on Weibo out of habit.

Yesterday, the new year’s blessing Zhuang Yi told her to post on Weibo got over three million likes and over nine thousand replies.

There were too many messages and Ji Yi couldn’t reply to every fan, so she skimmed through all the popular replies.

Apart from the comments, there were also many messages with@JiYi. Just as she skimmed through the replies, Ji Yi vaguely glanced through those messages until she saw one which crushed her.

It was a Weibo post from someone called “I love eating mangoes”: “Trash! Ji Yi has no acting skills. Plagiarizes other people’s performances! A disgrace!”

There were two gifs under the post.

Ji Yi tapped it to see that the first gif was of Qian Ge in “The Legend of Qingcheng.” It was the scene where she and the main actor first met. She glanced shyly at the lead actor, blushed without saying a word, and turned to run away.

The second gif was of Ji Yi in “The Tempestuous Grand Tang.” She accidentally stumbled into the main actor’s arms. She quickly glanced at the lead actor, blushed without saying a word too, and turned to run away.

“I love eating mango”‘s post was sent about over an hour ago. Just a few people replied to voice their opinions to Ji Yi. They must’ve been Qian Ge’s fans.

Deep down, it was inevitable for Ji Yi to feel a little uneasy, but she knew that no matter how good the celebrity was, it was impossible to not receive just one hate comment. What’s more, she felt like “I love eating mango”‘s post was twisting the truth, so she didn’t take it to heart. Choosing to just ignore it, she heard her mom ushering her to eat on the other side of the door. She hurriedly exited Weibo, quickly freshened up and left the bedroom to eat lunch.

Chapter 544: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (4)

After lunch, Ji Yi went back into her room to get changed. With various-sized bags in hand, she went out with her parents to make their annual new year visits.

Before she went to sleep last night, Ji Yi forgot to charge her phone. After she left the house, she realized she only had twenty percent battery left.

Even though Ji Yi carefully monitored her usage while outside, her phone still ran out of battery at half past four in the afternoon.

It was already nine in the evening by the time she got back home.

The first thing Ji Yi did when she went to her room was to charge her phone and take a shower.

After drying her hair and applying skin care products, her phone had automatically turned on by the time she climbed into bed.

Ji Yi laid against the headboard. After snuggling into a comfortable position, she picked up her phone.

She unlocked the screen and glanced at her Weibo message notifications. There were almost double the usual amount.

After opening Weibo, Ji Yi saw most of the messages were from other people’s @myself.

Ji Yi figured that the story during tonight’s showing of “The Tempestuous Grand Tang” stirred up some debate. She thought this must be why so many people posted @myself, so she didn’t think much of it and casually tapped into the conversation threads. Who knew that she would see a wall of curses and abusive hate messages?

“Plagiarizing b*tch! Not one of them are innocent!”

“To think that the new YC artist must be talented. I never imagined she’d be a plagiarizing b*tch!!”

“Trash actress! Is she worthy of working in showbiz with that kind of personality?”

Ji Yi read the series of hate messages in a daze for an entire half minute before she saw the first Weibo post. It was from that “I love eating mangoes” user’s Weibo, but it wasn’t the same post she saw earlier; it was a new Weibo post.

It was another post with two gifs.

The first gif was of Qian Ge’s “The Legend of Qingcheng.” When the main actor got injured and fell unconscious, she stayed by his side and stared intensely at him. She couldn’t help but reach her fingers out to touch the man’s forehead. She revealed a sentimental expression on her face.

The second gif was of Ji Yi’s “The Tempestuous Grand Tang.” The difference between this and “The Legend of Qingcheng” was that the main actor wasn’t injured or unconscious but he was drunk instead. Deep in the night, Ji Yi took care of him without getting any rest herself. After the male lead fell deep asleep, the scene played out exactly the same as Qian Ge’s “The Legend of Qingcheng.” Ji Yi stared at the main actor in a daze then slowly reached her fingers out to trace the outline of his face. When she touched the corners of his lips, Ji Yi’s fingers trembled softly. Even the motions of her trembling finger were the same as Qian Ge’s; there weren’t the slightest bit of difference. The expression on Ji Yi’s face was the same as Qian Ge in the “The Legend of Qingcheng” – her pupils shifted as she wore a shy smile.

If the two gifs from the afternoon were considered just a coincidence, Ji Yi found that quite unbelievable with this side-by-side comparison.

She clearly remembered how she found it difficult to adjust to acting when she first started shooting scenes at Hengdian studios in the evenings. She could never seem to grasp the right emotions, so she had endless outtakes. Eventually, the director couldn’t take it anymore and asked her to take a break and called in other actors to shoot first.

To help her get into character, she hid alone in the restroom and reread the script from start to end just to completely immerse herself into the story. Once she grasped the emotions, she finally came out of the restroom and made an “OK” hand gesture to the director. She got her makeup retouched and smoothly finished shooting the scenes.

Chapter 545: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (5)

What was most important was that her inspiration came originally from the first night she rushed over to the hospital and took care of He Jichen. After her name reached the top searches list as the first and only artist to sign under YC, she called He Jichen, but he fainted over the phone before she could speak. After he slept, she listened to”Within Your Radius” and stared at his sleeping face in a daze. Ji Yi took that and exhibited her feelings from that moment in her performance.

This was clearly her original experience, so how could Qian Ge replicate that with ninety-nine percent accuracy?

In the few hours Ji Yi had her phone switched off, “I love eating mangoes” hadn’t made just one Weibo post.

The other Weibo posts were also comparisons similar to the one Ji Yi saw while brushing her teeth in the morning.

Weibo posts from “I love eating mangoes” became increasingly popular. When Ji Yi first opened Weibo and saw the comparison gifs, they had already been shared amongst several major verified users. In the ten short minutes or so that it took for Ji Yi to read “I love eating mangoes”‘s Weibo post, the post was shared over a thousand times and the hashtag #JiYiplagerizesQianGe# had already started circling.

Because “The Legend of Qingcheng” finished filming first and was first to broadcast, everyone watched that show first and it was naturally the original, whereas Ji Yi’s “The Tempestuous Grand Tang” inevitably became the copy and plagiarized version since it was broadcast later.

No matter whether it was “The Legend of Qingcheng” or “The Tempestuous Grand Tang,” both series were the hottest dramas that spring. Since people paid a lot of attention to them, it didn’t take long for conversations around the series to climb to the top of Weibo’s hottest search list.

Having encountered something like this, any artist would seek advice from their manager.

So Ji Yi immediately called Zhuang Yi first thing.

The situation escalated faster than Ji Yi imagined. Zhuang Yi already heard the gossip and was discussing it with the company.

Zhuang Yi was afraid Ji Yi would say something wrong and someone would have something they could use against her, so before Zhuang Yi hung up, she specifically ordered Ji Yi not to post anything on Weibo without the company’s permission. Zhuang Yi also told Ji Yi there were no celebrities who hadn’t had any scandals, so she had to stay calm and wait for her call.

The situation not only escalated faster than Ji Yi imagined, but it was also far worse than she imagined.


After the call with Zhuang Yi, Ji Yi then opened Weibo again to see that #JiYiplagerizedQianGe# had already shot up to the top ten most-searched list.

Having clicked into the conversation, she not only saw many major verified users and news outlets who shared it, but even minor celebrities shared “I love eating mangoes”‘s Weibo post.

The topic skyrocketed by the minute until it reached first place. In under ten minutes, the hashtag #JiYiplagerizedQianGe# already reached first place and even had a fire emoji after the title.

The Weibo post Ji Yi made yesterday was about to break the highest record of three million, but after she checked it, the first line was filled with abusive comments.

There were so many direct messages that she couldn’t count them all. They were all the same type of unbearably abusive, hateful messages.

This kind of thing was just unacceptable.

Zhuang Yi deliberated for a long time before she eventually replied to Ji Yi: “What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over. Let’s wait and see how things pan out.”

At this stage, there was only one path to take – Ji Yi uninstalled Weibo. Deep down, she hoped it would all blow over after tonight, but she never imagined that not only were there no signs of it stopping but the situation would worsen.

Chapter 546: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (6)

Ji Yi practically didn’t sleep all night. There were many times when she wanted to grab her phone and glance at the online discussions. However, the moment her fingertips touched the screen, they shrank back again at the very thought of those vicious comments.

Ji Yi repeated this for who knew how many times. The sky outside slowly got brighter and her body was so exhausted that she couldn’t take it anymore. Finally, Ji Yi fell asleep.

Even if she was asleep, Ji Yi didn’t sleep well as her entire body woke up every now and then. She would flip over then groggily fall back asleep. After sleeping, waking up, and tossing and turning like this repeatedly for who knew how long, Ji Yi fell deep asleep again after much difficulty. She only managed to sleep for no more than over an hour before she suddenly woke from her dreams.

It was already bright outside. The sun shone brightly the day after new year’s, gloriously radiating over the entire city.

Ji Yi reached for her phone and checked the time. It was just before half past nine in the morning; she slept for less than four hours.

Seriously sleep deprived, Ji Yi just couldn’t sleep, so she figured that she might as well get up.

Ji Yi’s mom had breakfast ready, but Ji Yi didn’t have the slightest bit of appetite. She messily drank half a bowl of congee and headed back into the bedroom.

Just as she closed her door, the phone rang. It was a WeChat message from Zhuang Yi: “Xiao Yi, didn’t you say a while back that you wanted to go to the Maldives? Look, do you and your parents have free time the next few days? Or your friends even? I can ask the company to arrange a holiday for you all to go to the Maldives.”

Even though Zhuang Yi never mentioned how she was randomly accused of plagiarizing Qian Ge’s performance, Ji Yi could tell that the situation had escalated severely in the news.

Ji Yi was naturally curious about how the situation developed, but she didn’t quite dare face it, so she didn’t mention anything. She just replied to Zhuang Yi with, “No thanks. I don’t want to go anywhere these days.”

“Alright. For the next few days, you should eat, sleep, and spend your holidays at home,” replied Zhuang Yi quickly.

Ji Yi replied with an “Mhm.”

After about half a minute, Zhuang Yi sent another message: “Oh right, Xiao Yi. It’s best if you don’t read the news or Weibo or that kind of thing.”

Ji Yi replied with another “Mhm” then exited the chat.

Aside from her WeChat Moments, she received a new notification. Ji Yi tapped it to see that it was a notification for Chen Bai liking the picture she posted on new year’s eve on her Moments.

After reading the notification, Ji Yi casually swiped through her Moments and the first Moments status about her was: “The Tempestuous Grand Tang” can now be changed to “Ji Yi’s celebrity impressions show.”

This Moments group had some of her classmates from B-film.

The people replying below were mostly her classmates from B-film who Ji Yi had also added as friends so she could see the laughing at her first-hand.

“‘Impression’, that word is too soft. This is blatantly stealing!”

“I truly never thought you could even plagiarize a performance. WTF!”

“The problem is that even if she plagiarized another actress’ performance, shouldn’t she have been so obvious? She even copied the amount of times she trembled her finger exactly! laughing crying

“Ji Yi counts as a disgrace to our B-Film!”


The following words were even more hard-to-read. Ji Yi’s fingers swiped up and continued to read the Moments below.

Chapter 547: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (7)

She worked in showbiz, so her WeChat friends were practically all people in the industry already. As she glanced through her latest Moments feed, they were all posts about her copying Qian Ge. Everyone’s thoughts and opinions were more or less the same as the first post she saw on Moments – they were all conversations belittling her and making fun of her, but after the initial shock, they weren’t as hard to hear.

Everyone was already talking about it on WeChat Moments, so she was afraid her Weibo must be popping off.

When Zhuang Yi sent her the WeChat message just now, Ji Yi wanted to take a look out of curiosity. Yet she was afraid and didn’t dare look, so she figured she might as well toss her phone aside. Then she found a book and read to calm herself down.

There were many things that were easier said than done. Ji Yi forced herself to read over three pages before she couldn’t read anymore.

She threw the book away, laid in bed, and tried to sleep. However, with a distracted mind, she simply couldn’t fall asleep.

Eventually, she anxiously picked up the phone and downloaded Weibo again.

Ji Yi stared at the phone screen unwaveringly for a while before she lifted her fingers. Then she entered her username and password.

After she successfully logged into Weibo, Ji Yi saw with her own eyes how her message notifications skyrocketed from 0 to over 9999.

She first opened Weibo’s main page and saw that her Weibo post from new year’s eve already had over ten million comments. From a simple glance, the comments all cursed her.

Ji Yi didn’t dare read what everyone actually posted about her and instead, she checked the top searches list.

Aside from the hashtag #JiYiplagerizedQianGe# which took the first spot on the top searches list before she uninstalled Weibo last night, there were also now #JiYiLeaveShowbiz# and #boycottJiYi# etc topics.

Everyone had lots of leisure time during the new year, but now with all the commotion online, she was afraid all the netizens would get involved.

At ten in the evening, it marked twenty-four whole hours since the situation first started and news broke out to everyone. It was only then that the heat of the situation finally started to subside.

After about ten minutes, Ji Yi refreshed Weibo’s top searches list and saw topics about her starting to drop, bit by bit. Ji Yi felt the large, crushing pressure upon her heart lessen a little.

At midnight, Ji Yi saw only one topic about herself still on the top searches list then she let out a sigh of relief.

Since eating two bites of breakfast in the morning, Ji Yi hadn’t eaten a thing. Just as she was about to look for snacks to fill her tummy, she saw that “I love eating mangoes” posted a new comparison gif about her and Qian Ge at ten past twelve.

The gif was a scene from “The Legend of Qingcheng” broadcasted ten days ago. Qian Ge and the male lead were standing in the majestic imperial city, staring at the billions of lights far away as they bid each other farewell.

Ji Yi’s gif was a farewell scene from “The Tempestuous Grand Tang” broadcasted just two hours ago. Ji Yi’s character and the male lead sat on a hillside under boundless starlight.

Ji Yi gave her best performance in this very scene in “The Tempestuous Grand Tang” since this part was incredibly similar to the night she asked Yuguang Ge for a divorce.

After she memorized her lines, she pretended the glistening stars in the sky were the sky lanterns Yuguang Ge set up for her. This scene was shot in one take.

At the time, the entire cast and crew remained silent for a whole minute after the scene was shot. Then the director cried, “Cut!”

Chapter 548: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (8)

There was a part in the scene she performed which was exactly the same as the day she asked Yuguang Ge for a divorce. The female clearly had the male character in her heart, but she was forced to give up on him.

So when she rejected the main actor, she didn’t dare to look at him. All she did was stare up at the sky and hold back the tears in her eyes as she read her lines with a determined voice.

She experienced the pain of enduring a parting before, so when she read her lines, she paused mid-sentence to better repress her emotions. After she calmed down, she continued to speak.

After she said the line “From here on, you and I are through,” she didn’t dare glance at the male character. She got up and turned around while crying and left.

“I love eating mangoes” used this exact scene.

She was definitely the one who acted it out, but in “The Legend of Qingcheng,” Qian Ge’s farewell to the supporting male character happened to be exactly the same.

When she rejected the supporting male character, she stared up at the sky too without daring to look at him.

There wasn’t a single difference between their lines nor the location where she broke up with him. Qian Ge even managed to copy how she silently clenched her fists to accentuate her sadness.

When she said her final line, Qian Ge got up, turned around, and cried. Aside from the different people acting, the whole picture of her leaving was practically the same as in “The Tempestuous Grand Tang”!

Ji Yi was confused by why this was all happening after what “I love eating mangoes” posted on Weibo yesterday, but she didn’t think much of it. She figured that the scene was purely coincidental.

But this scene couldn’t possibly be a coincidence!

This was a scene from my personal experience!

Even if Qian Ge’s acting is impeccable, she couldn’t have possibly acted exactly the same way as me!

U-unless it was Qian Ge…

At that thought, Ji Yi’s fingers suddenly clutched her phone.

…Unless Qian Ge posted a spy around me to get ahold of my scenes from “The Tempestuous Grand Tang” then copied all of my best performances!

For a period drama, it’d take at least two and a half to three months to film if they rushed production.

“The Legend of Qingcheng” took just two months to shoot. When they announced they finished production, Ji Yi was confused as to how they filmed so quickly!

Also, after Qian Ge suffered such a big loss at the BL Charity Gala, she wasn’t heard from in a long time. Ji Yi thought something was wrong. With her personality, how could she just let what happened at the gala slide?

At that very moment, Ji Yi understood everything.

Qian Ge didn’t let it go at all! She was just digging a ditch for five long months, waiting to bury me, Ji Yi, alive!

Qian Ge purposefully rushed the process to finish filming “The Legend of Qingcheng” and beat “The Tempestuous Grand Tang” in broadcasting first.

If this really did happen, Qian Ge was the true plagiarizer who came off as the original creator. Yet, I’m the creator who’s being called a little thief on Weibo this very minute!

When she entered showbiz four years ago, she learned full well that online opinions and scandals like this could annihilate a celebrity.

For Qian Ge to do something like this, she undoubtedly wanted to label Ji Yi as someone who plagiarized other people’s acting.

This was a problem of ethics. As soon as the thought had been planted in other people’s minds, she was afraid of this for a long, long time, perhaps her whole lifetime. She couldn’t possibly dream of making a comeback in the entertainment industry.

Chapter 549: Unexpectedly, Deeply in Love with Him (9)

She wasn’t afraid of vile people per se, but she was afraid of vile people with no bottom line. Ji Yi was careless; never in a million years did she think Qian Ge would actually make such a shameless move. To have taken Ji Yi’s things for her own, Qian Ge even went around and took a bite at her!

Ji Yi wanted nothing more than to post on Weibo and tell the whole world right now that she wasn’t the plagiarizer, Qian Ge was!

But she knew deep down that “The Legend of Qingcheng” aired before “The Tempestuous Grand Tang.” Even if she told the truth, nobody would believe her!

If she really did post anything like that on Weibo, she was afraid it would just serve to invite even more abusive and hateful comments.

Now, Ji Yi finally understood that the most upsetting situation in the world was the agony of not being able to explain yourself.

The agony of holding it in, of being hard done by, of being framed… All types of emotions instantly filled Ji Yi’s mind and boiled chaotically until the complicated feelings turned into an air of resentment.

She realized she must’ve been very angry, which was why her fingertips and body were trembling. Her teeth even started to chatter!

It had been a long time since Ji Yi was this angry. She wanted to calm her agitation, but the more she thought about it, the more the fire inside crackled.

Ji Yi figured she had to do something or she might go crazy.

With that thought, Ji Yi opened the game on her phone. However, after she got in, her fingers trembled as she couldn’t even control the character’s positioning.

Ji Yi got so mad that she threw her phone aside, found a rag in the bathroom, and started to wipe the floors.

Her bedroom was no more than twenty or so square feet, so she cleaned it pretty quickly. She didn’t sleep at all last night, so she was obviously very tired, but she couldn’t stop cleaning as she wiped the clean floors again…

She didn’t know just how long she crouched on the floor like that or how many times she repeatedly wiped the floorboards when suddenly her phone rang.

She instinctively got up and wanted to get her phone.

However, because her knees crouched on the ground for far too long while wiping the floor, they were so sore that she couldn’t get up. All she could do was climb over to the bedside and reach around for her phone.

When she saw the screen with the three words “He Jichen.,” Ji Yi’s eyes heated up and tears almost came crashing down.

When she swiped the screen to take the call, Ji Yi didn’t manage to say anything when He Jichen cried out with a worried voice, “Xiao Yi?”

Ji Yi wanted to reply to He Jichen, but when she opened her mouth, she realized she had an incredible pain in her throat. She just couldn’t speak.

Over the phone, He Jichen seemed to know how she felt at that very moment since he spoke without waiting for her response. “I flew to America last night. When I landed, it was already six in the morning. I was afraid you’d be asleep, so I didn’t disturb you and quickly bought a flight and hurried back. I just landed at Beijing airport.”

Even though He Jichen didn’t mention why he was in such a hurry to book a flight back, Ji Yi knew he couldn’t deal with everything in America because he was in trouble. He had to fly back.

Her heart suddenly warmed. The lasting feeling of being done hard by and the anger which circled her mind instantly intensified.

After He Jichen’s voice fell, he waited for a while. Seeing as Ji Yi hadn’t replied, he spoke again, “Xiao Yi, I’ll come to pick you up tomorrow morning. Come with me on my business trip to America?”

If he really wanted her to go to America with him, then he could’ve asked Chen Bai to book her a ticket for her to fly out there. Why did he come all the way back?

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