7th Demon Prince Jilbagias' Chronicle of Demon Kingdom Toppling

Chapter 75.1 - Invitation to Abyss

Chapter 75.1 - Invitation to Abyss

75.1 Invitation to Abyss

Good day, this demon prince who got invited by humankind's bitter enemy(Lich) to learn necromancy.


Needless to say it was regarded as the heretical arts of darkness and deemed taboo in most parts of the alliance. In the first place, humankind rarely had darkness attribute which is a necessary condition for necromancy, and even if some of them learned necromancy, they would stay away from civilization due to various reasons such as cultures, religion, ethics, etcetc.

But, the main reason why the research about necromancy was done in secret was simply because The holy religion would kill all the undead. On the other hand, they seem to help the human who was born with a natural darkness attribute, protect them from discrimination, and have them help with research about taboo arts.

As a result, they could at least do some basic art such as reading the memory of the victim at the place of the incident or communicating with the soul of the deceased. Naturally, they couldn't read too complicated thoughts to protect the mind of the user of the arts alas

It had nothing to do with me, who was always wandering in the frontline.

But now, I was a darkling.

Meaning that I could employ such a method

What do you think? I know that you have the talent to become a great necromancer.

Do you really think so?

Well, your magical power is strong after all.

Enma replied in a roundabout way. Strong magical power alone could guarantee that I would become an excellent necromancer. No, she might be telling the truth but There must be more to it

Moreover, you're a pure darkness attribute instead of a composite attribute right? You're the most ideal person to learn the arts. The precision of the arts will fall when it gets mixed with other attributes after all.

Enma literally said that I was the only one among the demon king's children with pure darkness attributes.

Surely, my other siblings had other attributes aside from darkness. Even the demon king himself had fire and darkness attributes.

I myself regarded necromancy as one of the secret arts but Are you sure that you're going to teach it just for something as trivial as a gift for conferring peerage?

When I looked ahead while asking that, I saw Sofia's eyes glowing in excitement.

Fudge She was raring to learn it.

Of course. I know that you of all people will understand its' importance.

Enma's eyes were glowing just like Sofia's. Her eyes were supposed to be glass marble.


I averted my gaze while groaning unnaturally. Though I put on airs, I've made a decision in my heart. Based on profit and loss consideration, the necromancy was definitely A huge profit for me.

The reason why I didn't give her my reply immediately was simply because I had no idea what Enma was really thinking about, and because I was in front of Lyla.

The white dragon girl in a maid uniform was truly disqualified as an employee. The reason was her showed an anxious look on her face when her master was in the middle of a discussion

But, you'll surely accept Enma's invitation right, Ante?

I muttered inside alas, said the girl didn't answer me back. Well, she was still sleeping in my room with her stomach completely exposed after all.

Before I knew it, I regarded her existence within me as a natural thing. Now that she left me for a nap, I felt really isolated Alas, I decided to continue with the conversation despite the indescribable forlorn I felt inside and disappointment for my weak self.

That's truly a wonderful offer So what's your true goal?

AHA! By the time you started with Wonderful offer, I knew that I had chosen the right person.

What do you mean?

Seeing me tilting my head in puzzlement, Enma chuckled happily.

I mean, if I give this offer to the other demon race, their reply will say It will tarnish my pride as a warrior!, or Sorry but I don't want to learn such shady arts even if you pay me. In the worst case, they will say So now you're looking for a companion after failing to die yourself!, or Stay away from me, you smell like a rotten corpse! etch etc.

Said Enma as she looked at me with a huge grin on her face.

But in your case, you said Wonderful offer instead. In short, you understand the value of necromancy. That's why I feel honored by your statement

I have a really bad feeling about this.

It felt as if I got entangled by an invisible thread

The pros and cons of necromancy aside

I paused for a while, choosing my words really carefully.

No matter what kind of art it was, I personally held the arts that have been developed for years in high regard. That's why I said Wonderful offer.

Then my answer is, I'm an open-minded person.

Enma was smiling mischievously alas, all expression suddenly vanished from her face.

I would have never expected that you held necromancy in such high regard.

She looked at the garden quietly with an expressionless, doll-like face.

It seems I ended up causing unnecessary suspicion due to my extremely generous offer. That's why even if I'm telling the truth, you can't help but think that the undead are up to something.

I reflexively straightened my back hearing Enma's remark. I don't know why but, an unexpected remark about a gift for conferring my peerage ended up becoming something huge.

His Majesty Demon King generously conferred count rank to me, the undead isn't persecuted or killed for no reason in the demon kingdom, we literally received a guaranteed status. Alas, we weren't treated as Citizen, we're nothing more than Soldier.

I blinked awkwardly So she was conscious about that.

Even Sofia had this Here I thought you guys weren't aware of that bad treatment Look on her face.

Still, it's a much better treatment than those guys from the Holy religion who will chase us to the ends of the world. Am I wrong for saying that?

Said Enma with an exaggerated sigh, not that she needed to breathe to begin with.

But, it doesn't mean that we undead love war or fighting. We're pacifists.



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