7th Demon Prince Jilbagias' Chronicle of Demon Kingdom Toppling

Chapter 72: Trump Card

Chapter 72: Trump Card

Trump Card

Our Name is Jilbagias

I used naming while sizing up Platy.

We Shall Become a Brave Stalwart of the Demon Race!

Basically, I've never used magic in my bouts against Platy but, Naming and defensive spells were allowed. Reason being to make me familiar with utilizing them during battle.

The moment I'm done, I feel that my very existence has swelled up.

As if the world itself twisted to match me.

The law of nature prostrated before me

It was as if I turned into a giant lump of steel.

Or brandished a giant sword.

My rush in this state rivaled that of a dragon!


Seeing that, Platy opened her eyes wide like a saucers, laughing with a thrilled look on her face.

You've exceeded my expectation, Jilbagias!!

Platy circulated the magical power in her body, and unleashed a strong thrust right off the bat.

Her thrust felt like the weight of a giant boulder focused into the tip of her spear.

The thrust contained enough power to kill me and was unleashed without hesitation.

But I Had seen through her attack.

My sword(Adamas)'s blade runs smoothly on Platy's spear.

Then in one breath, I flipped her spear upward, reeled in her spear with circular motion. It was a practical use of parrying a spear thrust with sword and getting close into spear distance.

Naturally I could do the same with a spear alas, it wasn't as deadly as when I did it with a sword.


Platy raised a voice of admiration. But, a careless mistake would cost her fingers.

Platy was trying to suppress my movement with her strength, but she stepped back right away upon noticing that it was my trap all along.

My stance as I flipped up my spear-sword Was a stance that allowed me to slash her down as it was.

If the one I used was an ordinary spear, it would become a Strike from above. If it was a normal strike attack, the receiving side could seal the attack by catching the spear shaft.

But, what would happen if the shaft was replaced with a blade?

Trying to catch a blade with a bare hand was a suicidal act. Not to mention that it was an attack loaded with my magical power and strength. This attack was strong enough to slice through Platy's torso. The choice was to receive the slash with her spear, or sacrificing her limb

The choice is yours!

I forced those two options onto her by solely relying on my magical power and pure physical strength. The sleeping holy sword cut the empty space along with the sound of a gust of wind.


Platy let out a daring smile as she warding off the slash by quickly turning her spear.

But, I pushed through!

Platy's magical power was huge, alas, the me who used Naming wouldn't lose to her. Even in a match of pure physical strength, I would at least persist for 5 mi


The blade glided on top of the enchanted metal spear while scattering countless sparks.

At this rate, she would lose her fingers. Upon realizing that, Platy bent her back, hitting the blade of my spear-sword with a knee-strike in an acrobatic-like movement.

I knew it was coming. Demon race spearcraft was combination of spear arts with body arts after all. She tried to slap the blade like she did with Verossa's sword.

Having seen that coming, I twisted my wrist the moment Platy bent her body.

With this, the sharp part would face Platy's knee.

Platy's knee would Receive it from the front.

Namely, the blade.

No way Defensive ward?


At that moment, I loaded my entire magical power into the blade.

This was a skill that I mastered during my hero era to fight more efficiently with a minimal amount of magical power. If the aggregate amount of my magical power was inferior to my opponent, I compensate for it by focusing my magical power into a single point.

Albeit it was in a hibernated state, the holy sword that trembled, absorbed my magical power And sliced through the defensive ward as if it was made of paper.

And bite down ferociously into its target.

Along with a dry sound.


Platy whose kneecap got sliced in half looked at me with a pained look on her face. And yet, she didn't stop moving, nor did she intend to do that. She unleashed a thrust with her spear into my solar plexus.

This time, I brushed off her spear with my left arm just like when I used a shield.

And right at the same time, I adjusted the grip on the spear-sword in my right hand Just like when I wield a sword.

Both of us were looking into each other's eyes from point blank range to the point that we could see the details in each other's irises.

Yeah, no doubt about it.

This is sword's ra!


I heaved a short breath as I unleashed a slash from the side. The blade of my spear-sword was aiming for head


That moment, Platy snapped out and raised her left arm in a hurry to protect her head. She avoided a fatal wound at the cost of one arm.

But I twisted my arm right before the blade hit her left arm changing the orientation of the blade.

Thus, the flat side of the blade struck at Platy's arm at full force. Alas, she couldn't kill the force behind my swing and I still hit her horn as a result.

Thus, the sound of a collision between metal and horn resounded in that place. Platy lost her focus for a moment due to that collision and fell on her knee.

The demon race's horn was connected directly with their skull. Strong impact on that horn would make them lose their balance. And no matter what kind of helmet they wore during the battle, their horn was left unprotected, one might say that it was one of few weaknesses of the demon race.

And shutting ones eyes during close quarter combat would spell death.

After silently delivering a finishing blow-like movement to Platy who fall on her knee, I took three steps back.


Garounya, who saw our match, muttered under her breath.

If I didn't change the orientation of my blade at the last minute, the last slash would definitely separate Platy's head from its torso.

This was the first time.

The first time I managed to force Platy on her knee.

Focusing magical power in one point was the skill that I always used back when I was a hero but, this was the first time I used that skill in this life. The reason for that was simply because the distance toward the spear-tip was too far, making it harder for me to get the sense to control my magical power.

But with this weapon, I could treat it as the extension of my sword.

Moreover, if the speartip was the holy sword from my previous life.

It was far easier Than my expectations.

At the same time I became terrified at the sleight of hand that I mastered in my previous life due to miniscule amount of my holy attribute.

It'll be more interesting if she ended up wetting her pants.

Agreed. I mean, I had no choice to explain about this if she asked later


In contrast to me who was drenched in a cold sweat inside, Platy let out a small laugh.

Wonderful!! Truly wonderful, Jilbagias!!

Her eyes were glowing brightly.

Such amazing innate talent! Yes, that's the only way to call it! Verossa, your judgment is absolutely correct!

Seeing Platy dancing happily, Verossa who watched us while folding his arms straightened his back and nodded quietly.

He didn't look that surprised since he witnessed the might of my original style first hand during our mock combat on the way back. Spearcraft of the demon race, and the swordcraft that I honed as a hero

My movement might seem more unpolished compared with Verossa's extremely refined movement. Even the swordcraft that I refined as a hero has always been relying on the sleight of hand which I mastered in my previous life.

It was a lucky coincidence that I regained my sense in focusing my magical power in a single point to enhance my destructive power.

Truly A surprise. To think that you can easily slice through the defensive ward as if it was made of paper.

Platy kept brushing my head even though blood kept gushing out from her knee.

Ah, let me to cure it.

I took over Platy's wound.

Dammit, ain't this so fu*cking painful!?

Rather, my head was hurt too! It felt as if there was this dull pain that traveled from the tip of my horn straight into the center of my brain!


Woof woof! Liliana barked as she saw me on my knees. Sorry Liliana

Splendid. Truly splendid, Jilbagias. Your potential is immeasurable.

Platy was smiling a whole faced smile after seeing my wound healed by Liliana's saliva.

And just as you said, the way to utilize that weapon is different from the spearcraft of the demon race. It's still a diamond in the rough but, you can polish your skill by training with Verossa from now on. Your name will definitely recorded in our history as the founder of a new Spearcraft-style.

Yes, I'll do my best to polish my skill.

Not that I had the intention to pass down this style though.

Yeah, this is truly wonderful. You can be counted as a formidable force now. It's a style with endless possibility once you combine it with ma!

Suddenly, the cheerful expression vanished from Platy's face, she touched her chin as if pondering about something.

Come to think of it. Now that you've become a viscount, I think you're already strong enough. Starting from today, I'll lift the ban on using all kinds of magic and underhanded tricks during the training.


Just when I thought I finally reached her


Okay. You've already patched up right? Let's duke it out again, Jilbagias.

Platy readied her spear as she smiled cheerfully.

Having no other choice, I could only heave a sigh as I stood, and unsheathe Adamas.

I'll lose my face as your parent if I keep losing to you. That's why on this occasion, I'll show you my trump card.


Seeing the dejected me, Platy took out two portable enchanted spears coiling around her belt.

Comeforth, Katachrysis

The moment Platy finished her aria.

A muscular and transparent arm grew from Platy's back.



This is the arm of the devil I made a pact with, Katachrysis. And just like you, I also house part of devil inside me.

And then, when Platy threw her spare spear into the air

The devil's hand caught it and readied their stance.

With the arm on her back and her own arms, Platy was currently wielding three spears.

Three Spear Style. [TN: Parody of Zorro three sword style.]

Well then, here I come.

Said Platy as she approached me with a bright smile on her face.

This is too damn childish

Let me at least enjoy my glory for the rest of the day

Do your best, hero Alexander! Show her who's the boss!

Ante started cackling non stop.


Thus I rushed at Platy who used her three-spear style in desperation

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