Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 64 - Meditation full level

Watching Will’s eyes fall on Mary’s body more and more, Elsa gritted her teeth, grabbed Will’s hand, and reached into her chest underwear.

At the same time, the abdomen wriggled up and down on Will.

“The place where I live is here. See you tomorrow.” Then, Will jumped off the carriage like he was running away.

“Brother Will.”

Elsa stomped her feet in exasperation, trying to run out with Will.

“Elsa, you are too anxious.” Marella lived in Elsa. “To seduce men” also requires skills. There are more places you need to learn. “

“Not all because of you!” Elsa glared fiercely at Mary.

“Yes, is there?” Mary’s eyes dodged.

Back at the hotel, Will gave out the booklet in his arms after letting out his urge.

Will gently touched the cover of the book, Will was excited.

“Spiritual thoughts are finally here.”

Will didn’t know the existence of meditation at first, Will only wanted to solve physical problems.

After listening to Fern’s explanation, it was found that it was not a curse from the spirit, and Will was relieved.

Will opened the booklet and could not wait to practice.

Will’s condition is very bad now, and he must improve his mental strength as soon as possible.

Open the first page, the mind is condensed on the page.

A twisted and weird rune appeared slowly, as if someone was holding a pen to write.

Will’s eyes moved as the strokes moved.

After the characters on the first page appeared, Will opened the second page.

As usual, Will turned to page 7.


Will practiced again and again, but still stuck in the seventh rune, and he didn’t feel any signs of strengthening his mental strength. Instead, he was more tired because he didn’t sleep all night.

On this day, the weather was clear and the breeze was blowing.

Will sat among the flowers, and a faint fragrance drifted into Will’s nose with the wind.

With his eyes closed, Will is constantly depicting meditation runes in the spiritual space.

There are twelve meditation runes in total.

Only when all the runes are portrayed in the spiritual space and condensed but not scattered, the meditative thoughts are counted in the door.

again and again.

The runes shattered and gathered, and gathered and shattered.

Continuous attempts, ushered in, are continuous failures.

The sun was rising above the sky, and the golden “color” sun was shining on Will.

Will’s face was distorted.

“Fast, fast … be sure to hold on … alas … come again …”

Finally, after repeated failures, the twelfth rune condensed successfully.


The entire spiritual space is one of “swing”.

It was originally vague, like a spiritual space enveloped by mist. The mist was swept away, and the entire spiritual space was clearly displayed in front of Will.

Twelve golden “color” runes float in the spiritual space.

As Will’s spirit relaxed, the twelve runes broke apart and disappeared into the spiritual space.


Will lay down among the flowers.

“Twenty days later, the idea of ​​meditation has finally started.”

The day after leaving Manor Fran.

Fern’s messenger found the hotel where Will lived and connected Will to Manor Fran.

Fern personally guides the practice of Will’s spiritual thoughts, tells the notes of Will’s spiritual thoughts, and provides Will with the best practice place.

At the same time, they also try to deepen Will and Denise’s feelings.

It’s a pity that Denise hasn’t looked at Will for most of the month.

Will also wanted to cultivate feelings with Denise. After all, Denise was his fiancee, and Will didn’t want to marry someone without feelings.

As a result Denise took off her clothes and stood naked in front of Will.

“My body, you use it casually, but you never want to get my heart.”

Under Denise’s sarcasm, Will walked away.


At the same time, a trace of sympathy and pity for Denise in Will’s heart disappeared.

“Huh, do you think I want to marry you?”

Will originally wanted to discuss with Denise and find a way.

For example, you do n’t have to marry Denise?

There are still a lot of people in the Fran family.

Now Will has something to ask for help with Fern, not afraid to disobey Fern.

But next year, after entering the Gerald College of Medicine, it will be very different.

Will still be grateful to Fern, or will he leave his blood in the Fern family, but not necessarily Denise?

In the Fran family, there are not many women who want to have children with Will.

But Denise sneered at Will again and again, either ridicule or insult.

Clay figurines also have a three-pointer.

“You are pitiful, right?”

After a few closed doors, Will no longer ignored Denise.

Anyway, for Will, an extra peerless woman earns him.

As for the other party’s heart is not on him.

Do men care?

If Denise is Niya, Will will be heartbroken and try everything she can to win Denise ’s heart.

Unfortunately, Denise is not Niya.

“Blue Spirit.”

The mental meditation idea has already been introduced, and all that needs to be done now is to upgrade the level.

Finding the spiritual meditation idea that appeared in the Blue Spirit interface, Will’s spirit skillfully clicked the plus sign behind the meditation idea.

Upgrade mental meditation idea: whether or not.


After consuming 15 soul power, the spirit-mind idea is upgraded to level 1.

“15 soul power? Less than expected.”

After consuming 30 soul power, the spirit-mind idea is upgraded to level 2.

Consume 60 soul power …

Consume 120 soul power …

Consumes 240 soul power and upgrades the mind-mind idea to level 5.

“A total of 465 soul power was consumed?”

Seeing that there are still thousands of soul powers, do you smile a little, glancing at the seal of Alder of level 0?

“Would you like to upgrade the Seal of Alder?”

After thinking about it, Will gave up.

“The interface of the Seal of Alder is still gray, and I ca n’t use it now. I still do n’t want to consume my soul for no reason.”

Feeling the spiritual power rising up piece by piece.

The eyes gradually became clear, and the invisible **** of the body disappeared.

No one needs to elaborate. Will instinctively feels that the demonic suppression of the spirit has disappeared, and the illusion will not appear again in the future.

“Three years, exactly three years!”

Will looked up at the blue sky and sighed in his heart.

Only Will knew how painful he had been in the past three years.

“Now, it’s just the beginning.”

Will got up and left the garden and found Fern.

“Grandpa Fern, my mental meditation has already been introduced.”


Fern grabbed Will’s shoulder excitedly.

For the improvement of Will’s strength, Fern is more excited than anyone else.

Fern’s favorite granddaughter was all crushed on Will. The faster Will progressed and the stronger his talent, the happier Fern was.

At the beginning, Fern also doubted Will.

But later I knew that Will was a great knight, and after practicing the forging method to a very high level, the doubt in my heart disappeared.

To this day, after learning that Will will be introduced to the idea of ​​meditation in twenty days, I am only thankful.

“I don’t know what to do next?” Will asked.

“If you want to be a qualified wizard, although powerful strength is necessary, the corresponding knowledge is also indispensable. Every powerful wizard is also a great wise man.” Fern said.

“I heard Rep said that the wizard is synonymous with wisdom and power.”

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