Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Hero’s Companion (2)

Well then, for now, let’s save the talk with the hero for later.

Also, I’ll postpone giving a scolding to the hero, who can’t seem to lift his head properly.

Even though we feel the need for a calm conversation between just the two of us, this isn’t the right place for it.

“I’m sorry. Among the rumors going around these days, the one about you and the Dragon’s Priestess seems to be the hottest topic.”

“Rumors about me and you… hmm….”

Well, it isn’t strange for rumors to spread about a guy in his 30s going on adventures with a little girl.

But no matter what, the thought of being labeled as the hero’s companion… being with a child I raised like my own! I know these are just baseless rumors, but come on!

Plus, my mind is still that of a man! Sure, I’ve lived in this female body for countless years, and tons of kids call me “Mom,” but I haven’t lost my male identity!

Wait a second. Something’s a bit off. I’ve lived in this body for thousands of years, so why is my modern human identity still intact?

Was my original identity really strong enough to stick around for that long? No way, that can’t be right. I was just an ordinary human identity, nothing special. Yet, it’s still hanging on, which feels weird.

Or is something outside keeping my identity intact? Hmm… I have no clue!

Well, as long as my identity as “me” is still there, that’s a good thing. Let’s not dig too deep and just move on. Good is good, after all.

There’s no immediate problem, so I can worry about that later if it becomes an issue.

Anyway, let’s put my identity aside for now.

“I’d really like to uproot those ridiculous rumors, but for now, let’s just move on. What are you all doing here?”

“Oh, us? We’re patrolling this cursed land.”


“Yes. This desolate land may be uninhabited now, but it used to be our homeland. We’re just keeping an eye on things to make sure there are no other problems.”

Homeland, huh.

“Are you from Arcad?”

“Arcad. That name makes me nostalgic. It’s been decades since it disappeared…”

The cavalrymen looked at the barren earth with a hint of longing in their eyes.

“Sure, this land has been twisted by the god’s curse, but it’s still our homeland.”

“This land is so dry that even bandits can’t survive here, but we believe that one day we’ll return.”

A thin smile crept onto their faces.

“This land is our homeland.”

Hmm. I feel a twinge of guilt. Maybe their exile from their homeland is somewhat my fault.

Should I… lift the curse?

No, no! That guy hasn’t come to ask for forgiveness yet! I can’t go back on my word.

Instead… I could try to make life a little better for those who’ve left their homeland, and help them thrive when they eventually come back.

Wait, is that favoritism? Hmm…

Well, they’re pretty much victims of my actions, so helping them out shouldn’t be considered favoritism, right?

While I’m at it, I might as well give that second prince, who still hasn’t come to apologize, a little more trouble! If he had just apologized right off the bat, we wouldn’t even be in this mess!

Sure, that argument feels a little forced, but whatever.

“Ahem. So, hero and Dragon’s Priestess, can you tell us where you’re headed?”

“We don’t really have a destination. We’re just wandering around, taking out monsters that harm people.”

Back in the day, we chased after monsters based on various rumors, but it seems the strong ones have vanished lately, as we haven’t heard much about them.

Even the weakest monsters can now be dealt with by the soldiers or village watch.

“So we’ve just been traveling leisurely for the past few months.”

Sometimes a monster will appear and get sliced by the hero’s sword, but that’s super rare.

“Hmm… If you don’t have a clear destination, how about traveling with us?”

“With you guys?”

The cavalrymen nodded eagerly.

“If it’s the famous hero and Dragon’s Priestess, everyone will welcome you, even our king.”

Hmm. Since we have no clear destination and are just wandering aimlessly, I don’t mind traveling with them.

I glanced at the hero, who still couldn’t lift his head properly, and said,

“What do you think?”

“Huh? Uh, yes?”

“Since we have no destination, should we travel together with them? What’s your opinion?”

“Ah, well, I’m okay with that.”

The hero didn’t seem to have any particular concerns.

Well, if the hero is okay with it, then I don’t have any specific purpose for this trip either.

I nodded and addressed the cavalrymen,

“I’ll travel with you all since we don’t have a clear destination anyway.”

It’s definitely better to travel with a purpose than to wander aimlessly.

Following them doesn’t sound bad either.

“Understood. Then we will guide the hero and Dragon’s Priestess to our homeland, Arcadia.”

And so we began moving, leaving the desolate wasteland behind, alongside the cavalrymen.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“So, can you explain why people are calling me your companion?”

I stood in front of the hero, arms crossed and looking serious.

“I-I don’t know anything about that…”

“If you don’t know, then who does?!”

The cavalry had set up a makeshift base in the tents and had temporarily left to look around.

Now’s my chance to pressure the hero for some answers!

“I have no clue either. I don’t know who started those rumors…”

“If you deny it emphatically, won’t the rumors go away?!”

“I’ve tried! It’s not like I’ve only denied it once or twice! But people keep asking! Even when I go, ‘No!’ they still say things like, ‘How’s it going?’ or ‘When are you going to have a kid?’ It’s like, come on people, listen to me!”

A kid? A kid?! What on earth is this guy saying?!

I gave a loud smack to the top of the hero’s head and exclaimed, “A kid?! That’s hundreds of years too soon!!”

“Ugh… I’m already in my 30s, you know! Normally, people by this age are married and have kids! If I had married early and had a child, they’d be ready to get married by now!!! And humans can’t live for hundreds of years, you know!!!”

Oh, right. That is true.

“Anyway, we need to get rid of those absurd rumors ASAP. You should start denying those rumors more proactively.”

“What? Deny the rumors…? You want me to brag about being an unmarried man at my age across town?”

Oh right, hmm.

“I-I’m sorry about that.”

In this day and age, teenagers in their mid-teens get married.

It’s pretty cruel for a hero in their 30s to flaunt their single status.

“Wait, here’s an idea! You should seek out a partner! We’re recruiting for the hero’s companion!!! Let’s spread the word all over and gather someone for you…”

“Are you suggesting I should announce to the whole world that I’m still single?”

“Uh, well…”

Ugh… It’s a no-win situation here.

That said, let’s just find a partner for the hero. Starting with that girl from the village near the Temple of Life…

“Why not just have you be my partner, sis?”


My mind went completely blank for a moment.

Did the hero just say what I think he said?

“I mean, if the rumors become true, then there won’t be a problem, right? They’ve already spread, and we can’t just gather up the scattered words…”

The hero hesitated but pushed on with his point.

“Honestly, the reason I didn’t completely deny the rumors… is that, uh… Er, it’s a bit embarrassing to say it directly…”

He washed his face and seemed to have made some sort of resolve.

“I love you. Sis.”

Uh, no, wait, that’s, like, what the… really?

“I’ve liked you since the first moment we met.”

No, this isn’t happening…

“You were the one who completely changed the life of this orphan on the street and made me a hero, praised by countless people. I love you.”

Oh gosh, what?! No, no, this isn’t what it looks like, uh, uh, uh!

“To be honest, I thought I’d bury these feelings forever. I know you have your own circumstances. You’re working hard for the world while hiding behind the mask of the goddess’s representative… I was trying hard to suppress my feelings for you.”


“So, I love you. The goddess of life who strives for the sake of all living things within you.”

Uh, uh… Uh, uh, uh, WHAT?!

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