What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 39. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

New York, United States

Peter Parker and Baobhan Sith on the way to their home

Many enemies try to get in their way, but they're no match for a couple of deadly combinations.

Peter already didn't hold back anymore and attacked them with everything he had at the enemy in front of him.

A group of bat-like creatures with sharp teeth called gargoyles came near, ready to feast on a couple.

Peter took a pen with a stone in the middle of it from his pocket and drew something with it. A Laser handgun suddenly appeared when Peter finished his drawing. He equipped the gun to his arms and shot his enemy with it.

He uses his new ability called Forge Field. It's his reward from Dimensional Chat and makes him capable of creating anything with his imagination. You can create weapons, armour, vehicles, and even nuclear bombs with it.

To use this ability, You need a stone called Forge Stone and a special pen as catalysts.

"Ara, Finally you've done the deed, master. My little spider has already grown up fufu." Baobhan says with a proud tone while killing the enemy in front of her.

She manipulates her opponent's blood to become a weapon then pierces or thrusts them with it. 

"I don't want to regret it anymore; I finally understand what he meant by it," Peter remembers the group chat member's words, Sometimes you need to take down your enemy permanently for the greater good of the person you love.

After an intense battle, the couple finally arrived at their destination.

Peter entered his house and input code into the device in the basement wall.

[Welcome, Mr Peter Parker]

[Welcome, Miss. Baobhan Sith]

The wall opened, showing a small lab and deadly gadgets shaped like six spider arms with different weapons in each hand.

Peter sits on the chair and equipped the gadget to his body with the help of his Artificial intelligence.

"I'm ready. Let's go, Baobhan."

"Yes~ Master."

Unknown Place

New York, United States

Now Satria, with the Fantastic Four, is killing some demons, ghouls, and many more who invaded here.

"Dragon Breath." Satria breathed dark fire from his mouth to burn the Undead who came to him.

"That's cool bro, how did you do that?" Johnny was amazed at Satria's skill to manipulate fire.

"Don't ask right now, boy. Focus on the enemy in front of you." Satria tells him to focus.

"You are not fun." Johnny pouted.

"He's right, you idiot Brother." The blonde-haired girl, whom we know as Susan Strom, is scolding her childish little brother.

The Thing or Ben Grimm agrees with Satria too. "I agree with Power Ranger. Let's crush these abominations first."

"I'm interested in your costume. Can I research it later?" Reed asks Satria's permission.

Susan Strom stared at him. "It's not the time for your Science stuff, Reed." She says it with an annoyed tone.

"....No." Satria refuses him because it's Reed. If it's him, he's sure this man can recreate or build the prototype somehow with his intelligence and make this world more chaotic than before.

Then he looked at a man in a black robe with a green aura surrounding him, It's a necromancer.

"Stop your resistance, humans. Just surrender to the might of the Burning Legion."

Suddenly, Johnny attacked him with his fire, which was easily blocked by the Necromancer's barrier magic.

"Who are you? And how can you enter this world, Demon?" Satria asked him.

"Hahaha, that's not your business, human, and my name is Rtundar, a necromancer from the cult of the damned. Be prepared to become part of my collection." He uses his dark magic to summon a skeleton army to surround Satria and the Fantastic Four. "Kill them."

"You must be kidding me." Johnny takes a battle stance when he sees an army of skeletons wielding weapons like a sword or bows aimed at him.

Susan Strom is ready to use her force field ability, but Satria stands in front of her.

"Leave it to me," Satria says to her.

Suddenly, Satria jumped and coated his hand with dark fire. "Hibashira." He makes a dark fire pillar and burns the skeleton army.

"You need to learn from him, dude." Ben Grimm said to Johnny

"Huh? I can do that too." Johnny retorted to Ben with an annoyed face.

'Puppy, Try to construct something with your speed force.' Fatalis tells him to use one of his speed-force abilities.

'..... How? Construct what?' Satria has no idea what she is talking about.

Fatalis facepalmed. 'Stupid, use the matter generated with your speed force to create a solid object like a weapon. First, concentrate and repeat the construct for it to remain stable. You can use this method to create an afterimage too.'

'Really? And I'm not stupid. How do you know about this?' Satria protested and refused to be called an Idiot.

'You watched Flash movies in your world before, right? Do you forget about it? Fatalis sweatdropped.

'Ehmmm, I thought it wasn't important for my life? So, I didn't bother to remember it.' Satria has a nervous smile.

Fatalis sighed. 'You're hopeless; I really can't leave you alone in this world, puppy.'

'Stop calling me a puppy! And let me concentrate first.' Satria begins to concentrate and imagines weapons in his mind.

Dark lightning sparkled in his arms, then he constructed a weapon like Kiyohime Naginata.

"It's working. With this, no one can stop the Amazing Satria Baby!" Satria leaps out and slashes the skeleton soldiers one by one using his weapon combined with super speed, then goes straight to its caster.

The Fantastic Four only can see dark lightning, They can't follow Satria's very fast movement.

'Who's this man? Not only does he have an ability like Johnny, but He can also move this fast too.' Reed was surprised by Satria's ability.

"Protect me, you idiot skeleton." The necromancer panicked. He chanted weird language and was protected by a wall of skeletons.

"Finish him! Remember, your body can't hold this power for very long. You're still a normal human after all." Fatalis warns him, His body can't hold this much power yet.

Just with her power is already difficult enough to control and now it's combined with his speed force ability.

"Dark Platinum, Stop Time!" Satria stopped time and separated the head of the Necromancer from its body. "Time will be continued again." When the Necromancer was killed, the skeleton army he summoned vanished too.

"Wh-What? When do you do that?" Susan is completely shocked. She can't follow his movement, and suddenly this mysterious man has already killed the necromancer in the blink of an eye.

Susan vomited because she was not used to seeing the bloody view in front of her and smelled the scent of blood.

"Sis, Are you okay?" Johnny asked his sister with a worried tone.

"... I'm okay." Susan didn't want her team to stop focusing and end up injured because of her.

"Who are you? I never see you in this country." Reed never heard a story or heard the news about this black armoured guy with many abilities in America.

"Story for another time. More importantly, we must focus on the enemy in front of us." Satria went to where the gate was located, and they all followed him.

Patronus POV

"Help!!! It's so hurt!" Creatures that look like they were sewn together with many corpses chop up the soldier's body parts and eat them slowly.

(Illustration Abomination)

"Haaa~ Fresh meat." The creature ate the soldier's flesh with a delightful expression.

"No! They eat Dariel, Oh my God." U.S. soldiers are terrified to see a monster in front of them eating humans like a snack.

"Soldier standby, Hold your formation, and kill them all!" The leader of S.W.A.T. ordered his soldiers to attack.

They shoot their enemy in front of them without stopping.

"We need more ammo; they're too much."

"Medic! Someone is hurt here."

When they killed humans, their army increased without stopping, making U.S. soldiers overwhelmed by the Invader.

(Play OST)

"Foolish human, Surrender and serve the Burning Legion." When the lich wants to use magic, Kunai passes him, and Patronus suddenly appears from behind and separates his head from its body with his sword.


The other monster then looked at him and tried to attack Patronus.

Patronus unleashes his Godly Aura, making the Undead and demons intimidated when they near him.

"Come and face me, you Monster!"

He cut off all the demons and undead on the spot with his incredible swordsmanship, the soldier was glad someone helped them when in crisis.

"We...Thank you, Hero. Are you a member of the Avengers?" One of the soldiers asked him.

He shook his head. "No, I'm just a man who helps people in need. Let me help you guys." Patronus walks to the badly injured soldier.

"What do you want to do to him?" The soldier's friend asked Patronu's intention.

Suddenly, Patronus's hand glowed with white light and touched the soldier's wound, making it instantly heal.

"This is a miracle, Thank you, Hero. Can we know the name of our saviour?" The soldier was shocked to see his wound completely healed and wanted to know who saved him.

Patronus nodded. "Just call me Patronus Maximus." He then vanished from the scene in an instant.

Jiraiya POV

Jiraiya inspects Hiraishin Kunai in his hand.

"Impossible, It's the fourth Hiraishin Kunai. Who's this Patronus?" Jiraiya can't believe Someone has abilities similar to that of a fourth Hokage.

Jiraiya felt an earthquake in his spot. "What the hell is that?" Jiraiya looks at the giant with two heads.

Quinjets attack the giant with a rain of bullets or missiles from the sky, helping other heroes to defeat him.

"Hulk will smash the two-headed giant, Hulk Smash!" The giant take steps back and felt hurt from the Hulk's punch.

"What? Insect? How dare you?" The two-headed giant was angry and swung its club at Hulk, throwing him far away.

"This is bad, He threw Hulk like nothing." The handsome man with a bow as a weapon is surprised, It's not every day he sees someone who can throw off the Hulk.

The giant grabbed the building ruins and threw them at other heroes.

"Watch out!!!"

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu."

Suddenly, a giant toad appeared and protected them from building the giant throw.

"Who are you?"

"I want to do that, but because of this dangerous situation, Let me introduce myself shortly. My name is Jiraiya, The Legendary Sage of the mountain of Myoboku." He introduces himself.

Arthuria POV

She cut the Undead and monsters out of her way, rushing to the giant portal, but she heard a roar close to her place.

She looked at three figures fighting two giant Undead dragons and a demonic humanoid Dragon called the Doom Guard.

(Undead Dragon)

(Doom Guard)

There is a blonde hair woman with a costume showing her good shape body fighting the dragon. She is Carol Danvers the Captain Marvel.

"Damn abomination, They can't just stay dead." She began to get annoyed facing her opponent. No matter how many times she killed the Dragon, They kept resurrecting themselves.

"Feel the power of Thor!" Thor makes lightning come to earth and hit the dragon. When the dragon falls to the ground, suddenly it's already regenerating its wound and stands up again.

The Dragonflies is ready to shoot something from his mouth.

"Be careful, he wants to do something." Warn the muscular guy. "Evade that Now!!!"

The Undead Dragon let out a Frost Blast making the surrounding environment ice up.

"That's dangerous. If we get hit by it, we're done." The Demi-God of the Greek Pantheon, Hercules feel dangerous from the dragon attack.

"The problem is they can regenerate their bodies every time we killed them," Captain Marvel says.

The Doom Guard is doing a sneak attack on Captain Marvel and is ready to attack the Hero with his flaming sword from behind, but Arthuria blocks his attack.

"Who are you?" Captain Marvel asks her, She has never seen this woman in her entire life; this woman exudes an aura like a King.

"Excuse me, warrior, Let me help you fight these creatures. Just call me Saber for now." Arthuria introduced herself to three heroes.

Thor smiled at her. "All help is accepted. We appreciate your help, Lady Saber."

The Four figures are ready to face two Undead dragons and the Doom Guard.

Peter Parker's POV

"A heat-missile rocket is quite useless here; They're not living beings." Peter shoots webs at his enemy, making them unable to move, and kills them with a laser beam using his robotic gadgets on his back. He has six robotic arms like a spider, each hand has its use.

"Aghhhhh!!!" The Ghoul burned to a crisp because of it.

Firsthand, he can fire an intense heat beam at his enemy.

Second-hand, It's a rocket launcher with a homing mechanism.

A third hand is capable to create barriers to protect himself or his ally.

Fourth Hand can unleash a swarm of Spider Nano-Robots to spy on his enemy.

Fifth Hand can throw a flare at his enemy and teleport them away to somewhere.

The sixth hand is secret; He only uses it when there's no other choice.

"They're so much, Master; I need to replenish my prana, and I don't want to eat their life force. It's very disgusting." Baobhan said to her master, She's going to be sick if she feeds on these living corpses.

Peter nodded. "Let's rest for a second, then."

They're hiding inside the building, the place looks safe from these hideous creatures.

Peter took out his mask and offered her his neck. "Go ahead."

"Fufufu, Thanks for the meal."

Baobhan bit his neck and sucked him dry.

"Ahhhh, Delicious as always. Your blood is like top-class wine, Master." Her eyes are shaped like love right now, and she doesn't want to be separated from him.

"Are you done, Baobhan?" Peter asks her, It's already five minutes she's doing this. If this continues, she's going to suck him dry.

It feels really good though.

"Wait for the second master, I am almost..."

"I didn't expect the little bitchy spider to be just a teenager and someone who has a wild fetish like this." A woman with white hair wearing a sexy cat costume comes out of her hideout.

"Black Cat?"

To be continued.

A/n: Do you guys enjoy the chapter? Give me your review and honestly, the rating makes me not motivated to write on this site, But I try my best to not drop this but no promise

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