Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 90 Floating

The manor is brightly lit, but the layout is indeed a bit crude, with almost no furniture.

It is said that the Jing family planned to buy their own furniture, so the huge house was empty.

This provided great convenience for Li Yelai and the others to find the missing persons.

"Detective, I leave it to you." Li Yelai said as he walked at the front carrying a big black umbrella. Now, Li Yelai is a third-level psychic. His physique is higher than that of the same level, and he has strong defense capabilities. Naturally, you have to be at the forefront to defend your teammates from possible threats.

Although the detective is not very strong, his psychic abilities are not offensive. But when it comes to finding clues, he's second to none.

He is a private detective, with attention to details, quick thinking and reaction, plus the ability of the spiritual eye path. He has strong auxiliary means, which is one of the reasons why Li Yelai invited him to join.

"I know, I'm already watching." The detective's eyes flickered, obviously his ability to track traces was turned on. He looked deep into the manor: "I didn't see any footprints coming up. They should all still be down there."

"All down there?" Li Yelai asked.

"There is a cellar below this manor. That's where the so-called undead people were seen. The space is not small. Please be careful." Cheese looked at the map of the manor for a while and then said: "Just in case, the detective stayed on the first floor to respond. , Ye Jiang and I went down to look for someone.”

There are now three psykers in the team. Two of them are third-level psionic beings with higher psychic resistance and are less likely to be attacked.

Currently, he is still a detective, so staying on the first floor to monitor and respond is the best plan.

This is to ensure that if the worst happens, after Li Yelai and Cheese are trapped, there will still be someone who can call for support.

Of course, this probability is very low. But one has to be careful.

"Okay, if something unexpected happens, I will fire a warning shot and notify the branch for support." The detective nodded in agreement and took out a large-caliber revolver: "You must be careful, if there is something weird. , it’s best to exit and wait for support.”

The two nodded and walked into the cellar one after another.

Compared to the brightly lit upper floors, the light in the cellar is much darker.

The huge cellar was illuminated only by a few dysprosium lamps, but obvious footprints could be seen on the dusty floor.

This allowed Li Yelai and Cheese to clearly see the movements of those people, and they moved closer to the rooms deeper in the cellar.

And that's where the original homeowner's grandfather died.

Li Yelai and Cheese looked at each other silently, and then followed the footsteps one after the other.

Soon, the two heard talking not far away.

"I have money now, and my job is stable. Our life will definitely get better and better. I know you won't abandon me. When I take you out, we can buy a big house." Someone said, it seemed to be a middle-aged man Year man. His voice was filled with fantasy and longing for the future, but it eventually turned into a painful whisper: "I regret it so much. I shouldn't have left you at home at that time."

"It's okay, I'll always be here." A clear voice responded, with a hint of illusion in it. But you can tell it's a woman.

This made Li Yelai and Cheese's expressions change. According to the intelligence, there were no women among the employees who escaped this time and the scavenger guards who came to take them away.

Is this the so-called undead?

The two approached quietly and saw an employee having a close conversation with a vague figure at a corner of the cellar.

He was about forty years old, his face was a little pale, and there was a cry in his voice, but he was also excited about regaining something.

In front of him was a young woman with a somewhat unreal figure. She was softly comforting the man. If one ignored the age gap between the two, judging from the conversation, the two looked like lovers they had not seen for a long time.

"Are there really undead?" Li Yelai and Cheese were a little shocked and wary.

The illusory figure of the woman is obviously not human.

"What should I do? Use your ability to take him away by force?" Li Yelai asked in a low voice.

"It's not good. Intervening rashly may have other consequences. Let's communicate verbally first and see if we can take him away. Or get some other information." Cheese took out a soft whip from his arms and said: "But First determine if the woman is in danger."

"Can your whip work?" Li Yelai asked in a low voice.

"It's a psychic weapon containing a mysterious substance that governs the divine path. It may not be very powerful, but it can still tie people up." Cheese responded.

Then, the two began to approach slowly, but unexpectedly, they didn't speak.

The middle-aged man suddenly turned back to look at Li Yelai and Cheese, his eyes wide with anger: "Who are you?"

The illusory woman looked at the two of them calmly, as if there was no surprise.

"Your boss asked me to call you back." Li Yelai pointed the big black umbrella at the illusory woman and said, "Go back quickly, the boss is about to pay wages."

The middle-aged man was startled and looked suspicious: "Salary, but I have never seen you."

Li Yelai tried his best not to irritate the middle-aged man's nerves, but continued: "Go back now, it's already so late. Come see her next time."

The middle-aged man was furious: "Don't want us to separate!"

"Okay, okay, let's not separate. Then leave here together?" Li Yelai continued: "This is not a good place for a date."

The middle-aged man frowned, and then said hesitantly: "But she can't...can't leave here."

"Then what should we do? You always want to eat, drink and poop, right? Do you want to solve it here?" Li Yelai pointed to the dirty and messy environment here and continued to ask. He approached the middle-aged man and said, "Go back first and come back after you have rested.

Look at you, your clothes are dirty and your hair is messed up. You still look so bad. Why don't you go back and tidy up first, and come back for a date in high spirits tomorrow. You don’t want to appear in front of her in such a mess, right? "

The middle-aged man seemed a little moved.

At this time, the woman hiding behind him suddenly said: "Are you going to leave me? Again."

What tea talk? Li Yelai and Cheese's expressions froze.

"no no!"

The middle-aged man seemed to be suddenly alert. He pulled out a steel pipe from the pile of debris on the side, pointed it at Li Yelai and said, "You just want to separate me from her! What peace of mind do you have? Why do you do this to me?" ? I finally found her! No one can separate us!"

"Calm down, calm down!" Li Yelai held up the big black umbrella in front of him and continued: "Don't be impulsive. If you don't want to leave, it's okay. We won't force you. Calm down first."

The middle-aged man's attitude softened somewhat, and he muttered: "No one can separate us."

Li Yelai took a step closer and asked, "Then can you tell us where the others are?"

"Others?" The middle-aged man looked confused: "I don't know. There seems to be someone. No, where have they gone?"

It seems that he has fallen into some kind of emotional influence, and even his thinking has loopholes.

Cheese reached out and patted Li Yelai gently, indicating that he was about to use his ability.

Li Yelai stared at the woman, holding the black umbrella in his hand ready to go. In case the other party suddenly becomes violent.

The next moment, Cheese said: "[Listen to me], think clearly!"

In an instant, the middle-aged man's eyes became clear and he was freed from some influence.

At the same time, Cheese suddenly stretched out his hand, and the soft whip on his right hand stretched out like a snake, wrapped around the middle-aged man's waist, and pulled him aside with a sudden tug.

Li Yelai, holding a black umbrella, quickly rushed between the middle-aged man and the woman. Once the woman made any move, the hot melt would be released.

However, the woman was indifferent to this and just looked at the middle-aged man with some nostalgia.

There was no intention of attacking.

But the middle-aged man shouted in horror: "Don't hurt her, please, I can give you anything, don't hurt her!"

This made Li Yelai and Cheese a little surprised. The middle-aged man was in a trance because he was affected by some kind of force before, so he didn't even notice the weirdness of the woman.

Now that things have returned to normal, why is this still happening?

"Don't you know that she is not a human being?" Li Yelai was always wary of women and said, "She has no shadow! Look at your face, she is hurting you!"

The woman's figure is illusory and vague, and she is not human at first glance. And there's not even a shadow.

"I know, I know everything! I knew she was not human the first time I saw her." The middle-aged man struggled to break away from the soft whip, but was unable to do anything. I could only reach out and grab the corner of Li Yelai's clothes and shout, "But I really want to see her. Only by looking at her can I feel that she is still alive and back to me. Please, don't hurt her! Please, please." !”

He yelled at the top of his lungs, and his pale face became even more ugly.

He knew that the other party was not a human being, but some kind of existence that destroyed his life.

But he didn't care, he just wanted to continue seeing her and pursue that illusory comfort. He was actively influenced by the other party!

Are those affected employees all because of this?

But in this case, he must be taken away.

So, after eating a piece of candy, Cheese said quickly: "[Listen to me] and fall into a deep sleep!"

The next second, the middle-aged man, who was already in a very bad state, fell asleep.

The woman's face turned gloomy after she fell asleep in middle age.

"Why, he himself wants to stay here and reunite with me, why do you want to meddle in other people's business?" The woman looked at Li Yelai and Cheese coldly: "Do you also want to disturb our reunion?"

"Reunion?" Li Yelai sneered: "A weird fake in human skin dares to mention this?"

He decisively thrust out the big black umbrella. Although the big black umbrella had been transformed into a melt gun, it was made of hard material and was very heavy. The equipment department had confirmed that it could be used as a melee weapon. Broken warranty.

Li Yelai wanted to catch this woman first and torture her to get more information.

However, the woman disappeared without a trace the moment she was hit.

Li Yelai didn't have the touch to hit at all.

The two of them immediately looked around cautiously.

"It's a bit troublesome. The so-called undead are actually something that affects people's minds and destroys their vitality." Cheese said.

"We have to find the others as soon as possible. We can't let them stay here. Please ask for support from the branch." Li Yelai responded quickly, picked up the middle-aged man and walked towards the stairs.

Save one first.

However, when the two of them were about to return to the stairs, they heard a girl's laughter.

"Xiaoya, you have grown up a lot. Now you can also stand alone." A girl wearing a black windbreaker with lightweight armored shoulder pads suddenly appeared beside the two of them.

She is pretty and has a short ponytail. Paired with that outfit, he has a sassy temperament.

The black robe that never wears off at night?

Reinforcements? wrong! This is ‘undead’!

Li Yelai suddenly stopped and pointed the big black umbrella in his hand at the girl.

But Cheese's expression was a little weird. She looked at the girl with a little nostalgia in her eyes: "Okay, I guessed it more or less. If I can really summon the undead, I should be able to see you. Sister Xiaoqi ,long time no see."

Sister Xiaoqi? Uncle Cheese's daughter?

Li Yelai's heart moved. Knowing the identity of the ‘undead’ in front of me.

This time, the ‘undead’ that appeared was Cheese’s cousin, the member of the Night Break who had sacrificed his life several years ago, Floating!

No wonder he is wearing a black standard coat that never closes at night!

"It's been such a long time. How many years, five years?" A slight smile appeared on Fuyou's face: "You have grown so big."

She looked at Cheese's chest and couldn't help showing a slightly annoyed expression: "Tsk, it's too big in places that shouldn't be big. It's really annoying."

Then, she looked at Li Yelai next to Cheese, with a teasing look in her eyes: "Hey, this handsome guy is your little boyfriend, right? He looks so handsome. Come on, why don't you call me sister-in-law?"

Li Yelai did not respond, but took out the summoning bell and shook it gently.

Soon, the double-sword knight appeared. Kneel down on one knee beside Li Yelai.

"Take him out and hand him over to the detective." Li Yelai handed the middle-aged man on his shoulder to the double-sword knight.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on 'Float'. If 'Floating' makes any move, Li Yelai will treat her to a hot melt.

Fortunately, until the double-sword knight carried the middle-aged man up the stairs, 'Floating' didn't act rashly.

But with a meaningful smile: "Xiaoya, when you see your sister, don't you plan to get close to her?"

"Cheese!" Li Yelai reminded in a low voice.

"I know." Cheese responded with a faint smile: "However, the pretending is really similar. The words are also not serious."

"Pretending?" 'Fuyou' shook his head: "Although it's unexpected to appear here. But, it's really me. Do you remember? When you were a kid, I took you to buy food. You didn't like sweet food, so you bought a lot. The bag of potato chips was all over your face. I said you were a little cat, and you started crying. You couldn't comfort me, which made me scolded by my parents. By the way, my parents were fine. Did you accompany them well?"

Cheese's eyes flashed, this was indeed an experience she had with her cousin when they were young.

Could this place really summon the undead?

Is she really back?

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