Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 83

Chapter 83 The Admiral and Musashi (Part 2)

A new chapter is added for the book friend Qinglong Sky! Thank you for your support!

A long red carpet spans hundreds of meters and extends to the building closest to the pier. Standing on both sides of the red carpet were two rows of soldiers wearing white navy dresses with serious expressions. The Qianzao group portrait took the lead on the red carpet, followed by the crowd escorting the vibrating warhead. With the pace of the people in the Qianzao Group, the navy soldiers on both sides raised their hands in salute.

“It feels so grand,” Kirishima whispered while being held in his arms by the criminal department Makie.

“Successfully escorting mankind’s last hope-vibrating warhead here, is a human hero. This etiquette is natural.” Haruna said on the Internet.

“But if Hayate and King Kong hadn’t used a trick to divert Bi Rui, maybe we wouldn’t be able to get here.” Kaohsiung intervened and said.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. King Kong is not easily sunk. The most important thing is that I sunk sister Iona’s hull. I can’t forgive it! Not even part of the plan!” Hyuga exclaimed. The network cursed.

“Hyuga, don’t speak ill of King Kong and Hayate.” Iona reprimanded a little, but Hyuga got even higher.

“This dead lady. Haruna, can you still receive information about King Kong?” Kaohsiung cursed in a low voice, then asked Haruna.

“No. We seem to be disconnected from the network. No information can be received.” Haruna shook his head and said softly. After listening, there was a moment of silence.

At this time, the group portrait of Qianzao had finished that section of the red carpet and came to Lieutenant Cruzhard and a strange man.

“Welcome all the heroes from I-401, I represent human beings proud of your achievements.” Cruzhard shook hands with the Chihaya group before looking around a week later and said loudly.

“Hello! Qianzao group portrait. I am Dino. We have seen each other a few days ago. It is just off the coast of San Diego.” Dino walked forward with a charming smile and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

“Oh, it turned out to be your Excellency. Thank you very much for your timely support.” The Chihzao Group suddenly woke up. The person in front of him is one of the unknown forces supporting them in the open sea.

“It’s a little thing, don’t care. It’s really great compared to you sending this thing over.” Dino gave a thumbs up.

“In fact, thanks to one person, we were able to send the vibrating warhead over.” Qianzao Group Portrait said slightly lower.

“Oh, you are the wind, right. Indeed, if you didn’t divert the Fog Fleet without him. Even if you could come here, it would be a heavy loss.” Dino nodded and said.

“It’s a pity that there is no news from him now.” Qianzao Group smiled wryly.

“You can rest assured about the information about that kid in Haifeng. That kid has completed the task like us, and he is probably ready to go back.” Dino chuckled, comforting the Qianzao group portrait. At this time, the two men looked at the staff who was handing over the vibrating warhead. “”

“Attention to all challengers! Mission 1 has been completed by the challengers. All remaining challengers who accept mission 2 will usher in the last wave of offensive. Please pay attention! Please pay attention!” The voice of Velos was the moment the staff handover was completed. At the same time it rang in the ears of all the surviving challengers.

“Finally finished. This **** world. Goodbye!” After Dino took his gaze back, he ignored Cruzhard’s retention. Take everyone straight away.

“Boss, are we also completing task one?” Aisha asked puzzledly from behind.

“Forget it, why not. The task reminder doesn’t say how much the **** distance is, so as long as the **** facts are formed. It’s just that the evaluation will be lower, but you can leave this **** world. The low evaluation point is low.” Dino Thinking of the Apsaras that almost exploded due to overloading, it was painful. Originally, a huge amount of points were needed for modification, but now it still has to be used for repairs. It hurts!

“Veros, return to the ultra-dimensional fortress!” Dino shouted into the air after leading everyone to a secluded place. A ray of light shot down from mid-air and enveloped everyone in it. In a blink of an eye, everyone disappeared into this world.

In the bottomless ocean depths, a huge shadow quietly hides in the shadow of a deep trench on the seabed. In the defensive field, He inexplicably looked at King Kong quietly. King Kong has always resisted diving. But today, under the cover of the MED bomb, King Kong didn’t say anything, plunged directly into the water, and dived deep into the deep seabed to hide. King Kong felt He’s inexplicable gaze and looked back, then stretched out his hand to hold He inexplicable. In an instant, He inexplicably started the changer and came to the pavilion again, the familiar tea table, the familiar blonde woman and the silver-haired loli.

“It’s done pretty well! This is human tactics? It made me mess up by uncovering my secrets, and took the opportunity to forcibly unlock the locks. Humans, well done.” Musashi gently put down his teacup and said with appreciation.

“This is necessary.” The calm tone couldn’t hear any emotion.

“Really? So where are you hiding now? That little bug flying around in the sky, I really want to knock it down.” Musashi said softly. It seemed like a girl about to play a prank.

“If you have the ability, do whatever you want.” Obviously, Musashi’s radical commanding method can’t do anything for Ho inexplicably.

“Really? King Kong, didn’t you really want to try the flagship equipment? So today I will let you see the power of the super flagship. Even if it is hidden in the deep sea, it is useless.” Musashi’s crisp laughter sounded, but the figure was Leaving this space in a blink of an eye.

“Super flagship? Not good. Run away!” King Kong muttered and immediately shouted. He inexplicably exited the space immediately, calling for the real to approach the King Kong while driving the void. At the same time, why inexplicably let King Kong start to float.

A bright light suddenly penetrated the darkness of the deep sea, illuminating the entire seabed. The sea was constantly pushed outward by a force, and the huge space was rapidly expanding with the Musashi as the center. The anti-gravity device of the Musashi supported the huge hull suspended in mid-air, and a trace of energy continuously appeared in the void, gathering around the Musashi. The individual supergravity gun components were separated from the Musashi hull and hovered around.

Although the King Kong quickly floated from the bottom of the sea, it was still locked. The King Kong was firmly fixed in the air, unable to move. At this time, the Void quickly approached the King Kong due to the unobstructed space formed by the repelling of the sea water. Arrived in a blink of an eye.

“King Kong, ask you one more time. Are you really willing to go to other worlds with me?” Ho inexplicably squinted his eyes to look at the frenzied Musashi, and asked King Kong.

“Yes.” King Kong answered bluntly.

“Challenger 663. The mission you accepted has been completed. Will you return to the Super Dimension Fortress to settle the mission?”

“Challenger 663. You completed the King Kong chase mission and gained King Kong’s favor. At present, the favorability is close. King Kong voluntarily becomes a follower of Challenger 663. King Kong owned by King Kong becomes the exclusive battleship of Challenger 663. Please confirm. !”

AI Verosse’s prompt sound made Ho inexplicably happy, and his whole body was refreshed. Unexpectedly, buy one get one free, and also gave away the King Kong battleship. It’s so cool. After confirming that the Void had landed on the King Kong, He Inexplicably looked at Musashi who was ready to go not far from the sky.

“Veros, come back!”

At the same time, Musashi’s super-gravity cannon reached its apex, and the extremely large beam of light swept across the location of the King Kong fiercely, hitting the seabed fiercely. A huge mushroom cloud was born suddenly. The Chihaya Group portrait in San Diego, USA, and others felt the negative impact of the devastating attack—a chain of earthquakes of different levels.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the sea water once again flooded the hollow area. After Musashi scanned it carefully back and forth several times, she came up with a result that she couldn’t accept. Gone? ! The human and King Kong disappeared. Disappeared under the attack of her supergravity cannon! But Musashi didn’t believe it. Because before the attack came, she saw He inexplicably unhurried face. This is not the face of human beings when they face death. For a while, Musashi went crazy looking for the wreckage she thought should exist all over the Arctic Ocean.

The room was still white and empty. After He Moming’s eyes went dark, he found that he had returned to the room he had entered for the second time.

“Ah! It’s finally out! This mission is not fun. I didn’t have a chance to appear on the stage. There are so many girls in the ship! I really want to know them. Master, why don’t you tell me to let me out!” A familiar and exaggerated voice It rang from Ho inexplicably shoulders. Needless to say, this must be the AI ​​personality of Xun, who is a fool.

“This is the new world?” King Kong’s cold voice sounded from behind him inexplicably.

“No. This is just a settlement space. Wait a while.” He said with an inexplicable smile. King Kong didn’t say anything when he heard the words, and sat down quietly. After seeing King Kong in the inexplicable Xun’s shoulders, he ran over and wanted to hook up the sister of the ship. Unexpectedly, King Kong glanced at Xun and stopped talking to Xun.

“Oh, now it’s another AI personality Xun. What you saw before is true.” He inexplicably watched Xun bluffing, and he caught a burst of upset and introduced him casually.

“Really? The previous AI personality looks more reliable.” After King Kong looked at the diamond-shaped cube in He Inexplicable’s hand, he nodded in agreement.

“Challenger 663, congratulations on clearing the survival mission world this time. Please wait for the settlement to begin now.”

King Kong was surprised by the sudden appearance of the face, and he stared at that face intently.

“Challenger 663. You completed the King Kong chasing mission in the Arpeggio of Blue Steel, killing more than ten challengers, killing the fallen pilot and destroying the abyssal body, and completing the final mission. The evaluation after all evaluations is integrated. A—. Now the settlement reward points are 215690.”

“Challenger 663. Does the special treasure chest you get from the mission bring out the settlement space? Bringing out the special treasure chest will pay an extra 10,000 bonus points. Please choose.”

“What? Need to pay extra?” Why was inexplicably dumbfounded.

“Pay. Special treasure chests are rare. In addition, other treasure chests are fully opened. Anyway, there is nothing good.” Xun reminded.

“Oh, all right. Bring out the special treasure chest and pay the points.” He inexplicably thought for a while, then made a decision.

“Confirm the payment. The points are deducted. Please open the remaining treasure chests, otherwise unnecessary losses will be caused.” Veros reminded.

He inexplicably opened the other messy boxes at will, and it turned out to be really nothing good. Maybe it is related to the mission world? The scientific and technological items that were all produced by humans were completely useless. Can only be used to sell, by the way, earn some points and forget it.

“Challenger 663 has completed the settlement, do you leave the settlement space?”

“Leave.” After a burst of white light, He inexplicably returned to the small room again.

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