Travel through the 90s with the system, dig your own grave first at the beginning

Chapter 237 Her experience is not a reference

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Chapter 237 Her experience is not a reference

Half an hour later, Gu Zishu left the police station.

At the last minute before the dormitory closed, I entered the dormitory carrying two large bags.

"I thought you wouldn't come back today. We all asked for leave from the dormitory aunt." Everyone who was struggling was surprised by Gu Zishu who rushed back.

"Something delayed me. Do you want a midnight snack? They were robbed." Gu Zishu put two bags of things on the table.

"They're here for robbery!" A row of people sitting and busying themselves looked over.

"Yes, do you want to eat? It's still hot." In just half an hour, Gu Zishu was afraid that the food would get cold, so he asked the police comrades to help keep it warm. Now it is warm to the touch.

"Eat." Everyone was unceremonious. With so much food, Gu Zishu couldn't finish it all by himself. Who wouldn't be hungry at this point?

Everyone took advantage of the last lights-out time to feast, and the aroma even attracted people from the dormitory next to them.

Suddenly the dormitory was packed with people.

"Gu Zishu, where did you package this dish? It tastes really good." Zhang Cancan sighed while eating.

"They came for robbery." Gu Zishu said with a smile. It was impossible to advertise Jiangyue Village.


"The taste is quite good, but in my heart Bai Yueguang is still Taoyuanju." Wu Yun muttered, but did not delay her eating speed.

"That Taoyuanju must be so delicious." Zhang Cancan simply couldn't imagine it.

Wu Yun thought for a while, "It's just as delicious as the buns Gu Zishu brought back last time."


Although Zhang Cancan thinks the steamed buns made by Gu Zishu are delicious, he still doesn't believe they can be compared with other restaurants.

But Gu Zishu will be the one to take advantage of him, so don’t worry about these things.

After the lights were turned off, all the dishes were swept away and everyone fell asleep with satisfaction.

Gu Zishu also went to the original plane and went to the sea with satisfaction. In the end, he picked up too many things and couldn't put them in his backpack. He cleaned the backpack before returning to the dormitory to sleep.

Early the next morning, get up on time to exercise.

After practicing twice, Gu Zishu was about to go to class, but was stopped by Huang Yunsong, "Teacher Huang, do you have anything else to do?"

"What happened yesterday, I proposed to reconcile later, aren't you angry?" Huang Yunsong glanced at Gu Zishu like a cautious child, and then looked away indifferently.

"I'm not angry. If I'm angry, I won't come today.

Everyone’s position is different and their approach to handling it will definitely be different. "Gu Zishu will definitely not be angry about this trivial matter. Besides, it has nothing to do with him, he just met him.

"As long as you're not angry, it's okay as long as you're not angry." Huang Yunsong suddenly became happy.

Gu Zishu said why don't you be awkward this morning. The old man has a lot on his mind and is still worried about this matter. "Okay, Teacher Huang, you can practice here. I'll leave first. I have to go to class."

The class time was as usual, and Gu Zishu was doing everything as usual, but the atmosphere of the class was still affected by yesterday's events and was somewhat depressed.

"Gu Zishu, you've excited everyone so much." Zhang Cancan said mysteriously after class.

"Oh, how exciting is this?" Gu Zishu didn't understand what was so exciting about this.

"Everyone has learned a few things from you. If you want to suddenly improve your social status, the first way is to have a good family.

The second is to have a good father.

Thinking about it, everyone seems to have none. There are only three left. Work hard and one day you will turn around. "Zhang Cancan said analytically.

"Okay, I'll believe what you say, but it has nothing to do with me. I don't rely on my father or my family for my success." Her experience is not a reference.

"Then can you share your secret? I tried hard yesterday and found that it would be better not to work hard, and I would be even more confused and miserable."

"My secret is... there is no secret, keep working hard, and quantitative changes will accumulate into qualitative changes." Gu Zishu said with a smile, and walked away with his schoolbag.

"Hey, listening to you is like listening to a speech." Zhang Cancan muttered and chased after him with a book.

Gu Zishu did not go to the cafeteria, but turned to the restaurant outside the school.

"Gu Zishu, over here, I've ordered all the dishes. See if there's anything you want to add." Tao Jiabao looked at Gu Zishu with warm eyes. Today he received a call from Gu Zishu asking for a meal. He was overjoyed. There must be something new. It's a dish, otherwise she wouldn't look for him.

"Just have something to eat. I have something serious to discuss with you." Gu Zishu waved his hand nonchalantly, as long as he was full.

"Do you have the ingredients? Do you need a car? We'll pay for the freight. I can also find the car myself. You don't have to work hard. You just need to prepare the ingredients. I can handle the rest." Tao Jiabao was eager. expressed.


Suddenly, I regretted looking for this guy. Why did he look a little unreliable? All he could think about was the ingredients.

"No, there are no ingredients." Gu Zishu said firmly.

Tao Jiabao froze on the spot as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

It took a long time to recover from the shock, and all the dishes on the table were served.

"Okay, you just want someone to eat with you. Although I know I'm handsome, I'm also a wage earner. I have to earn money to support my family and find a partner." Tao Jiabao mumbled and stuffed a mouthful of rice into his mouth. .

"Eh." It tastes really bad.

Tao Jiabao cursed in his heart, looking at Gu Zishu's face as usual after eating, but didn't say anything.

Gu Zishu didn't dislike the food here even though he had so many delicious ingredients in his hands, who did he have the right to dislike it.

Gu Zishu quickly filled his stomach and looked at Tao Jiabao, who was eating and accepting the reality, "I want to take down Jiangyue Village, what do you think?"

"Fight Jiangyue Village? Jiangyue Village? Jiangyue Village... Pfft

Cough cough cough..." Tao Jiabao panicked.

Gu Zishu leaned back a little. Fortunately, he had just eaten, otherwise he would not be able to eat it this time.

"Drink some water. I didn't mean to knock down the island country. Why are you so excited?" Gu Zishu handed over a glass of water in disgust.

"Why did you suddenly have this idea?

After defeating Jiangyue Village, will it be our turn at Taoyuanju?

You are finally going to take action on catering, I know it! If you have the ingredients, you must have wanted to enter the catering industry for a long time. "How could Tao Jiabao not be excited? This is a precursor to the collapse of the family industry, and he may be the first witness.

Oops, isn't it a bit bad to think that I am such an outsider?

"Who said they were ready to attack Taoyuanju? Did you offend me?" Gu Zishu folded his hands and looked at where the other party's drama was.

"No, you are the God of Wealth. How dare we offend you." Tao Jiabao thought about it carefully. He had a tendency to offend Gu Zishu before, but in the end, he was taught how to behave by his family without Gu Zishu taking action. The God of Wealth is a living ancestor. Who dares to offend? I don’t want to have such a good business.

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