This Mizukage Is Very Strong, But Overly Cautious

Chapter 283

Chapter 283, Did You Sit And Stand?

This is the Land of Frost, a small country unknown in the Ninja world.

If it is said that among the small countries in the ninja world, countries like the River of Rain, which are sandwiched between large countries, belong to the “Hell Difficulty” start.

Then a country like the Kingdom of Frost is undoubtedly directly opening the “Paradise Mode”.

The Kingdom of Frost faces the sea to the north, the kingdom of Taki, the overlord of the small countries, to the east, and the kingdom of Tian and Moon to the west.

The only big country that borders it is the Land of Fire to the south.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Frost will never face the embarrassing situation of being sandwiched between two great powers.

The Kingdom of Frost is also very open about this, and does not do anything unrealistic such as “independence” and “neutrality”.

Instead, he bowed directly to Konoha Natou, recognizing his status as a younger brother.

Although it will be squeezed by big powers, it is better than being involved in inexplicable wars between big powers from time to time.

Therefore, this country has been in a relatively “invisible” state in the ninja world.

It is even so transparent that it seldom appears on the table of negotiations in the business conferences of major countries.

Half of the land of the Land of Frost is close to the sea, so the domestic fishery is extremely developed. As a country, its most famous place is some of the specialty seafood it produces.

In addition, the huge frost country has nothing to praise.

Although the resources of the Kingdom of Frost are not rich, they are still enough for the people of the country to live.

Neither rich nor barren.

Although there is a Ninja Village in the Kingdom of Frost, it has never been known for its combat power. In other words, this country called the Kingdom of Frost is a real “weak chicken” in the Ninja World.


In fact, in the turbulent ninja world, sometimes obscurity is not a bad thing.

The so-called “deer died of musk deer” and “deer died of horns”, the common man is innocent and guilty

In such an environment as the Ninja World, obscurity brought an elusive peace to the Kingdom of Frost.

This is not a bad thing, it can even be said that it is a big good thing.

The lack of Chen Keshan’s resources in the Kingdom of Frost will never lead to the peeping of big powers.

The fighting strength of Frost Ninja Village also shows from the side that this country does not need strong force and violent institutions to maintain stability.

What’s so bad about this?

Peace is sometimes something that some countries dream of but still cannot achieve.

Also because of the above reasons, the ratio is extremely confused at the moment.

He did not understand why, at this moment, as a core member of Cloud Shinobi, he appeared in a country that was incompatible with him inexplicably.

There is no doubt that it is a long journey from Mist Shinobi, the land of water, to the land of the moon, the center of the battle between Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi.

If this journey was completed in a normal way, even a ninja rushing at full speed would take two weeks.

Even if Mizuki Ryosuke and other hot ice dragon kings travel, it is conservatively estimated that they need to continue flying for more than a day.

The scenery on the back of the Ice Dragon King is indeed very magnificent, but if you look at it too much, it will inevitably cause aesthetic fatigue.

So, after a while, Bi and Troy chose to “close their eyes and rest.”

Facts have proved that the so-called “eyes closed” is just a reasonable excuse for taking a nap in most cases.

Gradually, some icy snowflakes appeared in the sky, and these snowflakes also slapped on the faces of Bi and Samoy with the rapid advance of the Ice Dragon King.

The slight tingling in their cheeks caused Bee and Troy to open their eyes again, only this time they had come to a pale earth.

At first, Bi also mistakenly thought that he was in the Iron Country between the Moon Country and the Tang Country, but as a town in the distance came into view, he gradually realized that something was wrong.

Even though he had visited the Iron Country before, he still had a fresh memory of the towns within the Iron Country.

The towns of the Iron Country are always full of chimneys made of steel and thick smoke due to the activities of blacksmiths in the towns, and this town right now is not right.

As the town in front came into view, the Ice Dragon King also chose to land slowly.

Several people jumped down from the Ice Dragon King’s back, and Mizuki Ryosuke stroked the Ice Dragon King’s head.

Afterwards, the Ice Dragon King stretched out his body, and the huge and ferocious body shattered directly into the sky full of ice chips on the pale earth.

In the snow scene of the Land of Frost, the Ice Dragon King, who shocked the stage, contributed a slightly dreamy exit.

“Mizukage-sama, where are we?

Now, than asked Mizuki Ryosuke directly.

“Huh? Isn’t that obvious?”

An inexplicable glint flashed in Mizuki Ryosuke’s eyes.

Seeing this, Yuta Kaguya’s expression changed beside him, and he knew that whenever Ryosuke showed such an expression, it meant that his bad taste broke out and he was about to make fun of people again.


Hearing Mizuki Ryosuke’s answer, Bi was a little silent, and he opened his mouth not knowing how to answer.

He didn’t choose to ask again and again, since Mizuki Ryosuke didn’t want to answer, it wouldn’t make any sense for him to continue asking too much. Anyway, after entering the town for a while, he will know where this place is sooner or later.

“Then what are we staying here for?”

Than simply changed the way of asking.

“Of course it’s a meal.”

Mizuki Ryosuke showed a natural look.

Hearing this, Bi Ye didn’t raise any objection, just nodded slowly.

After a long journey, it was time for them to have a full meal.

What I didn’t realize was that there was a strange look in Mizuki Ryosuke’s eyes.

So, after a while, looking at Mizuki Ryosuke who had turned on the “Master Travel” mode in front of him, the corners of Bi’s eyes began to twitch.

After entering the town, looking at the flags with the word “Frost” everywhere, it is clear that they have crossed the country of the moon and arrived at the country of frost, which is between the country of the moon and the country of the earth.

This country has always been characterized by “transparency”.

Than couldn’t understand why they came to the land of the Land of Frost.

It can’t be like doing a bus, taking a stop, right?

And “Mizuki” is the pseudonym of Mizuki Ryosuke after entering the country of frost.

After entering the town in the Land of Frost, Mizuki Ryosuke asked everyone not to use their real names and instead use pseudonyms.

Mizuki Ryosuke becomes “Mizuki”.

Kaguya Yuta becomes “Taiichi”


Although Bi was very depressed in his heart, at the strong request of Mizuki Ryosuke, he changed his alias from “Bi B” to “Arthur C”


Ryosuke commented on and on while enjoying the special seafood of Frostland before his eyes.

Live like a food critic on the go.

I’m afraid no one could have imagined that such a person would be desperate to go to the battlefield of Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi in Kirigakure a day earlier.

“Mr. Mizuki, what are you going to do?”

If it was placed before, Mizuki Ryosuke’s inconspicuous behavior would definitely be disdainful, and he turned around and immediately went from the Kingdom of Frost to the battlefield of the Kingdom of Moon.

But after going through a series of previous events, Bi at this time did not dare to underestimate this Fourth Mizukage.

This unfathomable Fourth Mizukage seems to have incomprehensible meaning in every move.


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