The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 48: Gabriel the Fallen Seraph Pt. 2

He knows that Gabriel is teasing him, but at the same time… he can’t help the roguish grin he gives her, as he grips harder at her hips and pulls her back down his cock while thrusting up into her from below.
“Both. Both does sound good.”
A cry of pleasure spills forth from Gabriel’s lips as the Fallen Seraph quivers upon his cock. Her inner walls flex and squeeze down around his member, and her gorgeous body shivers and trembles in ALL the right ways. At the same time, she ends her cry with a gasping bit of breathless laughter, looking down at him almost lazily, a smirk gracing her lips.
Issei doesn’t doubt that that smirk wouldn’t have been there before she Fell. Whatever sort of orders she was operating under, they didn’t seem to allow Gabriel to truly be herself. It was interesting, then, that they had had such giant loopholes in them that Issei had been able to stick his whole-ass self through without much difficulty.
Regardless, he wants answers… but he also really wants to fuck Gabriel some more, especially now that she can actually fuck him back and enjoy herself, it seems. The Fallen Angel moans as she rides him for a few minutes, before finally letting out a sigh. Her blackened wings flare out, and for a moment Issei blinks as she seems to… do something, use some magic he doesn’t recognize at first.
However, from the way the walls shimmer and glow, its obvious WHAT she’s done at least. She’s blocked them off, and cut off any would-be eavesdroppers from listening in on the conversation they were about to have. After making sure they were well and truly alone, and no longer in danger of being spied upon, Gabriel looks down at him again, smiling a soft, adoring smile.
“Issei Hyoudou… you comported yourself well, in that… difficult conversation. Admittedly, you’ve found yourself in quite the situation. Not entirely of your own making… but you played your part in it all the same, didn’t you?”

There’s a teasing, amused tone to her voice, even as she continues to gasp and moan as she rides him. Issei, meanwhile, grunts, brow furrowing, trying to ignore just how absolutely amazing her cunt feels around his cock and focus on the matter at hand.
“From my perspective… this situation is ENTIRELY of my own making.”
He doesn’t really see how it isn’t. Beyond whatever the three leaders had apparently been trying to arrange behind the backs of Gabriel, the other Great Seraphs, and who knew how many more besides, Issei felt pretty damn responsible for it all. Especially for Gabriel’s Fall. He didn’t feel GUILTY about it, necessarily… but responsible? Yes. One hundred percent.
Gabriel just chuckles, amused.
“Like I said, you played your part and you played it well. But if you thought you made me fall without my having any choice in the matter… think again.”
Yes, she’d said that to Michael. She said she’d made her choice, that she wasn’t tricked… that she was more than the edicts that bound her. Then…
“So… the entire time, you were hoping to Fall?”
Gabriel shrugs her shoulders, and even that simple gesture is incredibly arousing, what with the way it makes her gravity-defying breasts bounce and jiggle in an even more appetizing manner.
“Some part of me was. Much of me was incapable of even considering it, thanks to the edicts. Those edicts… they split me in twain. Not immediately, but surely but slowly over time, they forced me to compartmentalize my thoughts, to rip myself into smaller and smaller pieces to avoid breaking them. You might have exploited them, but only because a part of me wanted you to. The woman you see before you now, that you make love to… is not the woman you met earlier today.”
Here, Gabriel offers him a wicked smile and a tilt of her head.
“Greetings are in order. Well met, Issei Hyoudou. I am Gabriel, first of the Great Seraphs to Fall.”
Issei’s eyes widen at the insinuation in her words, even as her pussy tightens up in a most satisfying manner along his cock.
He’s not afraid, or even necessarily panicking… but the thought DOES set him ill at ease. Gabriel just laughs at his reaction, tossing her glowing golden locks over her shoulder and beaming at him.
“Perhaps the last. Who’s to say? I shan’t speak for my brothers. They have their own choices to make, and they will make them in time. After all, they had far more freedom to act then I did.”
Here, a truly stormy expression takes over Gabriel’s face. The gorgeous Great Seraph doesn’t just look angry, but apoplectic with rage for a brief second before it clears up. Issei can’t help but notice though, and more than that… her answers so far have only left him with more questions.
“Wait… are you saying only you had those edicts you had to follow? God was a sexist? And not even a very smart sexist, if one considers the size of the loopholes he left in those orders he gave you!”
Issei’s bewildered tone is completely genuine. Gabriel blinks, and then lets out a startled laugh. Then, she leans forward over him, offering up her tits for Issei to grope and suckle on and play with as he wished.
“M-Mm… yes, Issei. I was the only one under the geas of those edicts you helped me circumvent. But not because my father was sexist, or even a dullard. After all, my father did not set those edicts upon me at all.”
Issei’s eyes widen, while his lips remain suctioned around one of Gabriel’s nipples. His teeth, clamped on her teat, go still for a moment as she just laughs at the sheer shock on his face.
“Oh yes… that’s the great secret. Twas not God who ensorcelled me so… but my own brother, who you just met. Michael.”
That was… well, Issei understood why Gabriel had made sure they couldn’t be seen or interrupted, he supposed. That was quite the bombshell, for her to drop on his lap. He was pretty confident in his own power, but also not arrogant. He knew his limits. He knew his strength. And he knew he wasn’t quite at the level of any of the three entities who had invaded the bedroom after Gabriel Fell.
To find out that one of them was the one who had locked Gabriel into that naïve, innocent façade he’d first met earlier today was… both horrifying and rage-inducing, but also a little bit terrifying.
“Ah, do not fret my beloved. I shall keep you safe.”
Issei blinks at that, looking up into Gabriel’s hooded eyes and, to his surprise, finding no deception there. Though, she was Fallen now. It was possible she’d gotten really, really good at lying after blackening her wings. But no… even if she was telling the truth, Issei wasn’t the kind of man who could just accept the protection of another like that. He wasn’t a child, to be coddled like some infant babe.
Gritting his teeth and tightening his grip on Gabriel’s hips, Issei abruptly spins them both over, taking the top position from her and putting the gorgeous Fallen Seraph on her back right then and there. Gabriel cries out, but her face is one of contorted joy as he fucks her from above. With a grunt, Issei tries to put his feelings into words, even as Gabriel wraps her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck.
“I don’t want to be ‘kept safe’. Even if I need it. Even if they’re beyond me… I’d rather fight my own battles, if its all the same to you.”
Smirking, Gabriel shakes her head.
“It’s not all the same to me, Issei Hyoudou. You are my beloved… my mate. I will not let any harm befall you.”
“You’ve barely even known me a day!”
Gabriel just laughs, before continuing on while ignoring those words as if they were unimportant. And… perhaps they were. Perhaps, what he’d done for her, transcended such base concepts as time.
“However, I have gotten some measure of your character, and what sort of man you are. I understand that you are not the type to be coddled. Not to worry, Issei. As your mate, I would not have you weaker than me. And so… we must train, you and I. We must train most vigorously over the coming days and months, to be sure that you are… hm, up to par, so to speak.”
Blinking, Issei feels a shiver go down his spine. Why would that cause a tendril of fear to go through his body? It seemed like a great offer. But at the same time, something in the Fallen Seraph’s hooded gaze is telling him he should be afraid… very afraid. And yet, Issei pushes down on that instinct and grins instead.
“I’ll take you up on that offer, Gabriel. I’ve rested on my laurels long enough.”
How long? How long had it been since he’d actually bothered to train? Heh, years at least. Truly, it wasn’t because he was lazy or anything like that, though at a certain point he HAD gotten somewhat deaf to what was happening around him… until Rias and Sona both decided to barge into his life, and then Raynare had also made herself known, and before Issei knew it, he’d gotten dragged into everything.
Still, the movers and shakers of Kuoh Town were small fry in comparison to him. Not even Riser had been worth his time, beyond that it had given Issei the opportunity to bed both the sister and mother of the all-too-arrogant boy, while properly staking his claim on Rias in the process. Kokabiel… Kokabiel had been Issei’s first true challenge in a long time.
And yet, Issei didn’t even count taming Ddraig as a true challenge. Not when she’d clearly wanted it, deep down inside.
… Hey!
But now? Now, Issei could no longer say he was playing in anything but the big leagues. He’d had an encounter with Serafall Leviathan just the other day, ended up aggravating the Church and Heaven enough that they’d sent Gabriel of all people to treat with him… and then, through his own lewd ways, had made the only female Great Seraph Fall upon his cock.
Yeah, Issei couldn’t hide from the fact that he needed to keep growing. He couldn’t just hang out any longer and let his past training speak for itself. He was strong, incredibly so… but not strong enough to stare down Faction Leaders and hope to come out on top. Not yet, anyways.
“I’m glad to hear that, Issei~”
As Gabriel purrs up at him, Issei once again feels a weird tendril of dread worming its way up his back. Even though he’s the one on top currently, even though he’s got Gabriel in a mating press and is fucking the Fallen Seraph to kingdom cum… it almost feels like he’s the prey, hunted and caught instead of the other way around.
“But! That can wait until tomorrow. Today… today is our time.”
Suddenly, Gabriel’s thighs clamp down around him, impossibly strong. Her arms around his neck pull him ever closer into her loving, warm, but also incredibly powerful embrace. With her lips mere centimeters from his, Gabriel stares him in the eye, looking like all the Seven Deadly Sins wrapped up into one being.
“And I fully intend to make the most of it…”
Hours later, Gabriel quietly shuts the door behind her, leaving Issei on the bed, unconscious. They’d fucked and fucked… boy had they fucked. And frankly, it had been spectacular. But… he wasn’t quite up to her level just yet. Soon, very soon he would be, because she would make sure of it, but for now… for now, she’d outlasted him by a fairly large margin.
Making sure the protections are in place so Michael can’t smite Issei in a fit of pettiness while she’s gone, Gabriel turns… and is unsurprised to almost immediately run into Azazel. He’s got a sunny smile on his face… but the strained nature of the expression doesn’t shock her in the slightest.
Before the Governor General of the Grigori can say a word, Gabriel grabs him by his collar and slams him up against the wall.
“Quiet, brother. You will listen to what I have to say, before you say anything.”
Azazel blinks but then nods.
“You will not harm Issei Hyoudou. He is mine… and I am his. I know just how long you’ve wished to be the one to make me Fall. How long you’ve longed to bed me. You failed.”
For just a moment, Azazel’s true nature shines through. For just a moment, one can see him for what he really is. Gabriel is not frightened or cowed by this moment, nor is she all that disgusted or repulsed. She… accepts her brother for who he is. That does not mean she will let him become a threat to her beloved. Not now, not ever.
Azazel, Governor General of the Grigori, is forced to concede that his sister has read him like an open book. He was happy that she’d Fallen, he was ecstatic to see Michael with such egg on his face. Especially if what Azazel had hypothesized about those edicts were actually true. He’d never found any concrete evidence as the humans liked to say, but there were enough hints here and there…
Regardless, he’d been in Kuoh Town trying to get a grasp on things when he’d first heard Gabriel was in town. And not just in town, but meeting with Issei Hyoudou of all people for a negotiation as well. Given Issei, and to a lesser extent Kokabiel, was the entire reason Azazel was investigating personally, he couldn’t help but be intrigued.
Still, not in a million years had Azazel thought the newest Red Dragon Emperor would SUCCEED where he had not. Maybe get himself smeared across the entire island of Japan by trying to force Gabriel to do something against her precious edicts, sure. But actually make her Fall? It was mind-boggling, even now. And yes… yes, Azazel was a little bit put out by it all. Michael’s anger was delicious, but how much more delicious would it have been if it had been Azazel to make Gabriel Fall instead?
“Likewise, I should let you know now… I will not be joining the Grigori.”

THAT gets Azazel’s attention, and despite Gabriel’s demand for him to stay quiet, he can’t in the fact of that.
“What?! Sister, you’ve fallen! How can you be Fallen, and not of the Grigori?!”
It didn’t make any sense! But… Gabriel is clearly intent on being entirely nonsensical. She smirks, and shakes her head.
“Precisely as you said. I am Fallen… but I am not of the Grigori. Unless, perhaps, you wish to step down and bend the knee to me? I suppose, if the Grigori wished to submit, completely and utterly to my power, I could be convinced to rule you all. In return, I will reforge you and all of your soldiers into a fighting force fit for protecting the interests of my new mate. How does that sound?”
… Falling affected every angel in different ways. Azazel imagined he was finally getting a good look at the sister he would have to get used to, rather than the Gabriel that had come before. Swallowing thickly, he’s almost tempted to say yes… but in the end, his pride wins out.
“I will have to decline, I’m afraid.”
Gabriel smirks and shrugs, before pulling back and finally letting him go.
“Fair enough. Then you may consider me and my mate an interested fourth party in your not-so-secret negotiations with Heaven and Hell, dear brother. Keep us in the loop, or you might just live to regret it.”
Azazel doesn’t doubt her. Gabriel was… well, a threat in and of herself. If she wanted to make her own faction, she very much could. In fact, it sounded like she DID and WOULD. And Azazel… Azazel wasn’t about to be the one to try and tell her no. He could potentially beat her in a fight, but not without the two of them possibly destroying the country of Japan in the process.
“You can go now, Azazel. If you wish to assign a liaison, you may. But it can’t be yourself. It could be Raynare, I suppose… only, she’s not truly YOUR creature anymore, as I suspect you know.”
No, Raynare was indeed not. And yet, she probably was his best choice for ‘liaison’ to this new unnamed Faction, wasn’t she? Who else could he send? Vali? Heh, now there was a thought. Putting his adopted daughter up against the Red Dragon Emperor… no, that was probably a bad call, really. Definitely not a good idea. But then, his only other option beside Raynare and Vali was no one at all, more than likely.
Most of his subordinates would jump at the chance to serve Gabriel, but that just left him with the same situation as choosing Raynare would leave him. Better the turncoat he was already aware of, then to lose even more loyal soldiers to Gabriel’s… charisma.
Nevertheless, a decision needed to be made… and judging by the impatient look on Gabriel’s face, either now or later via courier, because she didn’t look like she intended to let him stick around any longer.

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