The Dread of Damned


A knock on the door pulled me from my stupor. The composed voice of Vasen followed, asking for permission, which I granted. The doors opened, imposing figure strode in with his usual grace.

"I am here to inform you that night has been chosen as the time for you to begin your awakening. Only a few hours remain," he said with measured calm.

"Why tonight?" I inquired, sitting up on the bed.

"The moon will be full and at its brightest. Tonight is the most opportune time for your awakening, with the moon's light aiding the process," he explained.

"Is there anything I need to know beforehand?" I asked.

"The head has mentioned that, although your silver blood is a blessing, its true effects will only manifest after your successful awakening. Until then, it may feel more like a curse," Vasen said, his voice unwavering.

"Oh? This is the first I'm hearing of this," I replied, a note of surprise in my tone.

"That's because no one has ever had their body fully infused with silver blood immediately after the feeding ceremony. It's typically a gradual process, one that comes after refining the heart. No one knows how it will affect your awakening. The head may have seen something when he assessed you, which is why he asked me to warn you," Vasen said.

"Is that his approval?" I asked.

"It is his best wishes," he responded in his calm, steel voice.

"I will return when the time is near. It would be wise to wear something easily removable, for your own comfort," Vasen added before turning around. The door closed behind him, his last statement leaving me momentarily puzzled.

So, my silver blood was going to cause some issues. The thought made me chuckle. Life really doesn't give roses without thorns. Well, nothing could be done about it now. I would face it head-on, whatever it may be.

I stood and headed to the washroom, submerging myself in a tub of warm, bubbly water, letting the heat relax my body. After a while, I stood, dried myself with a towel, and donned a simple silk robe, recalling Vasen's words about wearing something easy to remove.

Returning to the bed, I waited in silence, feeling the moments tick by slowly. Soon enough, there was a knock on the door.

"It is time, Your Highness," Vasen's voice called from the other side.

I stood, opening the door to find him waiting. "Let's be on our way," I said, walking beside him.

We ascended a spiral staircase, walked down a long, dimly lit hallway, and then turned to climb another set of stairs. The repetitive motion heightened my anticipation. I could feel my blood stirring within me, as if it, too, sensed what was to come. Each step, each turn, made it rush faster, as if in sync with the growing tension.

Finally, we arrived before a massive set of double doors, ancient and white, with mysterious patterns carved into their surface, glowing faintly under the light. They radiated a quiet, powerful energy.

"You will enter this room and only emerge once your awakening is complete," Vasen said. "The head will keep watch, in case something goes wrong, or should you require assistance. But don't count on it. In the end, it will be your own willpower and endurance that decide the outcome."

The doors creaked open before me, revealing a grand, dome-like chamber. As I stepped inside, the doors closed behind me, sealing me in solitude.

The room was vast, its walls made of transparent, crystalline spirals that climbed toward a sharp point at the very top, like the peak of a mountain. Moonlight filtered through the crystal, its glow intensified and focused, bathing the room in a soft, almost ethereal radiance. In the center stood a raised platform of pure white jade, bathed in the concentrated moonlight. The floor around it was made of the finest white marble, gleaming under the celestial light, solid and indestructible.

I marveled at the craftsmanship as I approached the jade platform, the design of the room speaking to an ancient power and purpose. With a deep breath, I sat cross-legged on the platform, the moonlight pooling around me like liquid silver.

Closing my eyes, I turned my focus inward, centering on the blood coursing through my veins. I let go of the restraint I had been maintaining, allowing the silver blood to flow freely. Instantly, it was like a dam had burst. The blood surged, thrashing against the walls of my veins, making them tremble.

At first, there was a faint pressure, but it quickly intensified. Small cracks began to appear in my veins as the silver blood pushed with relentless force, demanding to break free.

It had begun.

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