Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Assassin’S Creed

Chapter 143 Assassin’s Creed

“The invitation to the sky battleship, and the award, what the hell?”

Under the guidance of Iron, the team finally came, and the senior engineer also got the bean sprouts, which is the message from Director Du’s personal secretary.

The senior engineer has a little impression of the six major generals of the Security Legion. This is mainly in the expansion film. These six are passers-by armors used to set off the battle of Hydra, and the overwhelming beast tide. The angle is quite refreshing.

But about this lieutenant general, he has no impression at all. During the battle of Hydra, this one behaved like an invisible man.

It’s pretty weird anyway.

“Sister Du also said, be careful with the Xiao family, they will go too.”

The senior engineer knew that he was thinking about drawing blood for himself. He was so anxious to go to the research institute because he wanted to see if there was any bionic technology that could fool the opponent.

I don’t need it now, the authentic bloodline of the emperor can no longer be authentic, the true inheritance of the emperor, the inheritance of the black prince, whoever says that he is not a descendant of the empire, touch his conscience!

Putting down the invitation, the senior engineer coughed dryly: “Why didn’t Director Du come, he’s still angry.”

Bean sprouts rolled her eyes, “Sister Du is not angry that you are sleeping with a woman outside, but that you laid an egg for her, and you can lay an egg. Who knows if your other functions will not work.”

“That makes sense!” The senior worker got up and walked back.

“What are you doing?” Bean sprouts were stunned.

“I’m going to see and study all bionics without reproductive systems. Real men should speak with strength.”

Bean sprouts quickly chased after him, pulled him and said, “Don’t go, I have something to tell you.”

The    senior engineer glanced at the other party and said in surprise: “What can you do? As a secretary, you must consciously keep a distance from your boss’s man. Could it be that you want to put a hat on your boss?”

Bean sprouts rolled his eyes and said, “I admit that you have a little beauty, but you are not the one I like.”

“Oh? Which one do you like?”

“I like petite, cute, clingy brother-type boyfriends, preferably with big eyes like water,” Dou Sprout said hopefully.

Isn’t this the Rich Woman Aiai I developed by me, girl, you are very discerning, if you perform well, I will develop it later and give you the final prize that year.

“Cough cough,” Seeing the senior engineer looking at her with an ambiguous expression, Bean Sprout coughed dryly with a reddish face, and said, “There is a robot who wants to see you, you can figure it out if you see it.”


At the suggestion of the senior engineer, Bean Sprouts quickly led the person in. Before leaving, he did not forget to roll his eyes at the senior engineer.

Oh, the little girl is quite arrogant. Believe it or not, I will go back to my old business and operate the Rich Woman I type machine to hook up with you first, and then I will always give up on you.

Is this an alternative tauren?

The senior engineer retracted his thoughts and looked at the young man in front of him. His face was ordinary, his temperament was ordinary, and his height was ordinary. But when the other party took a step forward, an instinctive sense of danger came from the bottom of his heart. This feeling ——

“You are Miyamoto’s AI killer apprentice?”

The man nodded and said calmly, “My name is Jiro, Sasaki Jiro.”

Coincidentally, I also have a name, Jujiro, Yiye Jujiro.

The senior worker coughed dryly and said, “Then the second prince, what is the reason for you to come to me?”

“Finding you is the result of big data calculations. After my master died, I conducted in-depth data simulations and found that there was only a 5.8% chance of surpassing Master, but if you were you, there would be a 67% chance of surpassing Master and rejoining the Assassination Alliance. Fulfill Master’s last wish.”

Good guy, it turns out that this old boy is the one who assassinated the alliance, no wonder the outbreak is so violent.

In Neon, the gangsters are illegal, but the gang is a regular business organization.

In the cyber proving ground, terrorist organizations are illegal, while killer organizations are legal operating organizations. Business wars between companies also include hiring killers and assassinating rival executives.

Needless to say,    street gangs will give the enemy leader an assassin spree every three weeks.

These are all legal acts and are protected by the highest machinery directive.

It is precisely because of the huge market demand that a large number of killer organizations have been born, and among them, the strongest three, the dark web, the cyber cowboy, and the assassination alliance, are all powerful underground forces that can subvert the world pattern.

Even many giant companies, in order not to be assassinated by executives, can only sign large-scale employment contracts, that is, pay protection fees in disguise.

The characteristics of these three major killer organizations are different. 90% of darknet killers are androids. The assassination style is that as long as they can’t kill you, they will continue to produce models that can kill you. They belong to the undead type.

Cyber Cowboys are known as ‘keyboard killers’, they are a group of hackers hidden in the cyber network, they can directly blow your head through the virtual screen, or hack into the mechanical city system to physically remove you, or even Implant a memory that you can’t bear and make you jump off the building to commit suicide.

The style of this organization is to make you die without knowing how.

The last type is very ‘business’ and very ‘formal’, with pre-job training, accident insurance, and a complete promotion system, including star killers, idol killers, and even killer executives and killer group CEOs. The organization’s stock, which was listed in its home city last year, was snapped up by financial institutions, and the rally was quite good.

This is the Assassination League, a large corporation packaged as a killer organization.

If you have enough assassination targets, you can even get a discount and a monthly subscription.

“This old man actually came from the Assassination Alliance,” the senior engineer said to himself, “It’s impossible to be an idol. This old man seems to be taking the line of power. It’s a task that he can’t handle. I’m afraid it’s quite troublesome.”

“Then what will I gain by fulfilling his last wish?”

Jiro Sasaki said calmly: “I will hand over all the killer skills master has mastered to you, and I will also serve under your command, and before my death, master gave me the killer training software he cracked.”

The senior engineers were indifferent to the previous conditions, but as soon as the word ‘killer training software’ came out, the senior engineers’ eyes suddenly lit up.

He knows what this represents, this is the faction version of ‘professional inheritance’.

“Please take a seat, please sit up,” the senior engineer’s face changed, and he said with a sad face: “Actually, I have always had the idea of fulfilling the last wish of your teacher. I’m afraid you don’t know, I have a good relationship with your teacher, which is standard. confidant.”

Sasaki Jiro hesitated: “But according to my memory data—”

“If the data is useful, what do you need the killer to do?” The senior engineer kindly took Jiro’s hand: “After my new oasis is opened, you will go to my oasis to be the first killer instructor. As for fulfilling your last wish , we think long-term, think long-term.”


“To be honest, I was very kind when I saw you. Your name is Jiro, right? I have a nickname of Jujiro. We look like good half-brothers…”

Sasaki Jiro was fooled by the senior engineer for a while, and the senior engineer personally promised to fulfill Miyamoto’s last wish, so he answered in a daze.

The attractiveness of a faction to players largely depends on the richness of occupations.

The profession of   killer seems to suit the appetite of some players.

Do you want to make an Assassin’s Creed to add some historical heaviness? It seemed to be a bit tricky, and he moved as soon as he said it. He immediately picked up the paper and pen and began to write the background of the story.

A tribe of assassins inherited from civilization has wandered into the radiation zone.

As the persecutor, the big company intends to be the ancient artifact of the inheritor.

The descendants of the empire, the protection objects of the inheritors.

Now, someone wants to clear the last bloodline of the empire, as a defender, it’s time to take up your arms.

After another day, Professor Han finally made all the preliminary preparations.

The senior engineer was led into a ‘high temperature steaming room’ by him.

The senior engineer looked at the dense high-temperature vents on the wall, turned his head and said, “Professor, I have an ominous feeling.”

“Bionic experiment is different from human modification surgery. If modification surgery is replacement, then bionic experiment is change.”

Professor Han manipulated the instrument, “The high-temperature spray will melt the surface of your skin, and the bionic medicinal liquid will be sucked into the body by the cells. Don’t worry, in terms of your vitality, this little trouble is not a problem.”

The bioclone on the side nodded fiercely, and by the way grew a thumb, giving Professor Han a compliment.

“The flatterer.”

The senior engineer pouted and put on a bionic suit. This bionic suit is translucent. It is said that wearing it can better test the data.

“bring it on.”

After entering the ‘high temperature steaming room’, the senior engineer nodded towards Professor Han.

The next moment, the dense high-temperature nozzles began to sound, and a unique high-temperature medicinal mist was sprayed out.

There is no high temperature, but the senior engineer feels a cold feeling, and can clearly feel that some special substances are integrated into the body.

This made the senior engineer inexplicably think of synthetic people.

Synthesizers and bionics are somewhat similar, but the biggest difference between the two is that the ultimate goal of bionics is to use high-tech materials to achieve 100% human simulation. Remember, simulation is not restoration. For example, a certain function of the human body is 100%, but the bionic man can reach 1000%, or even 10,000% strength.

Unlike synthetics, synthetics do not need 100% simulation, or even some systems of the human body, such as removing the digestive system, endocrine system, and even pain, smell, and hearing.

Synthetic people are more, low-level warriors, consciousness carriers, explorers, and starship pilots of advanced civilizations, and they are very popular in the black market of the universe.

The human body is a whole, once a certain part disappears, the person’s character, memory, and three views will be affected.

And synths have no emotions.

The senior engineer now feels a bit like a synthetic person.

The surface is icy cold, but in his heart, the icy tide is drowning him.

In the eyes of outsiders, the surface of Gao Gong’s body is rapidly melting, like ingredients in a microwave oven.

(end of this chapter)

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