Sleeping Princess

Ch.38 – Connection (3/3)


As the day ended, I stood up from my desk. Okabe-san did the same as she brought up her backpack.

"I have work today…."

Okabe-san slumped her shoulders. We both began walking together.

"I have some stuff to do at home today. I'll be back at work tomorrow, though."

We both exited the school. I think this was the first time that Okabe-san and I actually walked together like this. I wasn't sure what was going through her mind as she held her back and walked beside me. We didn't have much of a conversation. Usually, she was ahead of me as she would go right to work, but today… she seemed to be trying to take it easy.


“That new teacher in training… Addison-sensei.”

I could hear some irritation in her as she spoke up. I turned to her as she brushed her ivy bangs back.

“She had the nerve to ask me if I understood the material today.”

Annoyed, she barked. I could see her grind her teeth a bit.

"I don't think she's too bad. She didn't talk much today…."

I admitted. I thought Addison-sensei was as cute as a pink bunny. Addison-sensei couldn't be anything other than a pink one, too… she had to be pink.

My mind kept swirling around that fact.

“She just… rubs me the wrong way. Her Japanese is terrible, and she dared to ask me if I understood the lecture? I'm not an idiot… Nakagawa-san.”

I realized that Okabe-san… was slowly opening up to me. She clenched that bag of hers… waiting for my reactions. So, I told her the truth.

"I think she would look good in bunny sleepwear."



“What the hell is your problem, Nakagawa-san?”

Before I could answer, the little flower slammed her body into my stomach. I felt the air push from my body with the force of a sledgehammer.



We both held one another. Okabe-san just continued walking, though. I lifted my head as she was getting further from us.

“Hey, Okabe-san!”

I called out… and to my surprise, she looked our way. So… I decided to do my best to explore these small moments between us.

“It’s rude to walk away like that.”

I teased, earning a middle finger from her.

“Oh, piss off. I just wanted to give you lovey-dovey time with your little step-sister.”

Hana-chan put her hands on her hips. She was about to bite, and I had to hold her back.

“Well, we were talking about Addison-sensei. I still had things to say.”

Annoyed, she stood in place, waiting for Hana-chan and me to catch up with her. And we did just that. Before we knew it… we were in this strange group with Okabe-san walking beside the flower.


Hana-chan didn't know what to say, and that was expected. The last time they chatted was when Okabe-san rudely brought up Mae-chan’s problems in front of me. We were at the food court with Nagumi-chan too. It was there that Hana-chan put her hand on my thigh, telling me internally that she was beside me.

Needless to say, Hana-chan thought of Okabe-san as a bully… for a good reason.

"What I wanted to say is… I think the new sensei is nice and maybe even a bit of a stickler.”

Okabe-san shrugged her shoulders.

"I just don't want her messing with me. She can gawk over all the girls in the class, but if she tries to bring that over-friendly western crap to me, I'll punch her light out."

Hana-chan looked at her, shocked.

“Ah… are you talking about a student?”

Hana-chan asked, warily. Okabe-san crossed her arms as we waited for the train.

“No, I’m talking about a wannabe teacher.”

This only added to Hana-chan’s disconnect to the situation.

“Ah… Okabe-san, was it? You're talking about punching a teacher?"

“What’s the problem with that, shorty?”



I had to step in as I could see Hana-chan growing visibly upset.

"Okay, that's enough, you two."

“But Onee-chan, she’s talking about assaulting a teacher! That’s clearly wrong!”

Okabe-san sighed as she crossed her arms.


I felt the tension between them. Two people with completely opposite morals were right next to one another. Someone who respected their adults like Hana-chan… and the other who had been suffering because of them. The train finally arrived, and we rode in this awkward silence. Before the shopping district, Okabe-san walked to the door.

“Oh, are you going somewhere before work?”

I asked.

“Yeah, I need to get Nagumi-chan from school. I’ll catch you later, Nakagawa-san.”

With a peace sign, she exited the train.

“That girl is mean.”

Hana-chan muttered from under her breath.

“Yeah, she is mean… but she’s mean because she’s in a difficult place...”

I added. It was confusing for Hana-chan as she tilted her head at me. I gave her a smile.

“Okabe-san is going through a lot… and I want to help her out a little. If you see her on the train when I’m not here, Hana-chan… would you smile at her for me?”

I was asking a lot here. Clearly, Hana-chan didn't like the way she was. But I figured that if enough people were giving her positive attention, then her hardened heart might soften just a little.

“Okay, Onee-chan… Only because you asked, though."

I beamed at my little sister while giving her a pat on the head.

"Hey, I mentioned it when I messaged you earlier, Hana-chan, that Mary-san was coming over after school.”

She nodded.

"Yeah… you told me. I much rather you be at Mary-san's place than Mae-san’s.”

I tilted my head.

“Oh, why is that? Is it because she teased you.”

“You’re too kind to girls, Madoka-chan. One day someone is going to eat you without you realizing it.”

My little sister scolded me, and I wasn't sure if it was cute or humiliating. I took her hand in mine and pushed my shoulder next to her.

“We’re going to have a bunch of sleepovers, I promise.”

I assured her. With a beam, Hana-chan nodded.

“Yeah. This goodbye is only temporary, Onee-chan.”

Our stop finally arrived. We made our way home as we slowly walked past the park. A flood of memories came back. From the time that Hana-chan and I awkwardly made our way to school to when she first called me Onee-chan. I cherished all the memories we made in this short time.

Once we finally reached the door, Mary-san’s car was there. We stepped inside to see Mary-san, Mari-san, and mom standing in the living room.




I felt that tender call of my name from Mari-san. Clearly, she didn't want this to happen, but… it had to. Mom looked at me, and I caught her gaze. However, she didn't say anything as she looked away from me.


I tried to speak, but she just walked into her room… leaving me with Mary-san and Mari-san. Hana-chan let go of my hand.

"I'll go talk with her, Onee-chan. Get your stuff ready.”

My little warrior ran past us and raced down the hallway. Mary-san turned to Mari-san and sighed.

“Listen… Only you can work this out, Mari-san. You know that, right?”

With her arms crossed, she nodded.

“Madoka-san… I’ll do my best to get you back here sooner.”

I did my best to smile, but it was hard. I've only been in this home for a short while since I woke up… but I was leaving my mom, and that's what hurt me most. But instead of dwelling on that, I walked up the steps with Mary-san behind me. We both entered my room.

"Alright, we have a bed and furniture for you. The rooms were nice and warm too. Grab anything you need to feel at home."


I added a tad rebelliously. I looked over the things. There were mangas from Hana-chan’s collections that I still haven't given back. I… kind of wanted to keep it to link us, but I knew that was just sentimental things. I grabbed my pictures of dad, mom, Hana-chan, and Mari-san too. I wanted my new room to reflect everything I liked to keep my morale up.

“Oh, this is cool.”

Mary-san said, looking at my posters.


I answered the same way as before. I could feel the mood, and clearly, Mary-san felt like she was an intruder to me, someone here to kidnap me and force me away from the place that was mine. After I packed a small box, she took it in hand.

“I’ll load it into the car.”

And as simple as that, Mary-san walked out and down the steps.

“Why is she like that?”

I mumbled.

Something was off about Mary-san. The way she approached subjects like these was abnormal. Without me saying anything, it should have been clear to her that…

I’m struggling with this…

That I wanted to lash out and act immature…

But she didn’t see that as she would just go about things like this was an everyday thing.


I complained as I finished getting what I needed. When I got to the bottom of the steps, mom stood there with tears in her eyes.


Suddenly, she held me in her arms. Even though… it was her idea to kick me out in the first place, she was still holding onto me like she didn't want me to leave…

And that upset me even more.

"You got what you wanted, Mom…."




I said bitterly. I hated myself for saying what I was feeling… but I had to. We met each other, and I spoke the truth.

“Don’t act as you wanted me here anymore, mom. This is just what you wanted...”


Mom tried to speak to me but I shook her off. The bitterness in me finally came to the surface as I pushed past her. I couldn't look at her. My resentment overflowed, and I was left feeling disgusted as I set my last box into Mary-san’s car.

"You got everything, Madoka-san?"

Mary-san asked. I turned towards the house then back at the box in my hand. 


I answered. In silence, we rode together. I had nothing to say, and Mary-san likely felt that coming from me. We were going past the shopping district and past Sophia-san’s home. I would have to take at least 6 stops to get to school… likely adding on around 15 minutes to my commute to school. When we reached the home, it was actually larger than mine.

“Here we are… home sweet home.”

Mary-san said in a sweet and overly sugary voice. I stepped out and grabbed a box. She opened the door, and what I saw was nothing short of beautiful. The design was all high-end and reminded me that my uncle was pretty wealthy. When I stepped inside, however, the echo hollowed out the walls and felt… a bit sad.

“Madoka-san, I’ll call your uncle and mention that you’re staying with me for a little while. Ayumi told me to say that you wanted time to yourself… are you okay with that?”

I held my belongings close and walked towards the steps.

“Whatever… where is my room?”

“It’s upstairs, far right. I hope you like it.”

I began making my way up the steps. The carpeting was royal red and it added to a pristine appearance. However… this place didn't feel comforting. It was as if nobody even lived here.

“Ah, Madoka-san!”

I stopped and turned towards Mary-san. With her arms behind her back, she smiled at me with a tilt of her head.

“Dinner is at 8 PM. I hope you enjoy it.”

She was doing her best to welcome me… but I was still hurt by the idea of what was truly going on. I was kicked out by my mom… And she was part of it in the beginning. 



I said forcefully.


“Mary-san… we aren’t friends. I wouldn’t even call you family even though you’re marrying my uncle.”

I held my belongings, the only things that kept me warm in this large and cold house.

“We are strangers…."

I announced.

“Stop acting like we know one another.”



I hated the words I sprouted… but I was upset, and it came out that way. I made my way to the room and shut the door.

“I shouldn’t have said that... Dang, it.”

I’d instantly regretted my words...

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