Sleeping Princess

Ch.38 – Connection (2/3)


“My name is Zoe Addison, and I just recently got my bachelor's in education and Japanese studies. I'm originally from the United States, Texas. I've been in Japan for a year."

Because she was so short… and an adult, she had to be extra animated to get our attention. I heard oohs and aww's from the girls nearby. I don’t think anyone… saw her as a teacher.



She strode back and forth, tapping her ruler on the whiteboard as she explained who she was. My mind started to imagine her in a cute pink bunny outfit. Her cheeks were round, and she had on sharp glasses. She clicked about in heels, only adding to a mature woman's image.

“Well, if you have any questions, I’ll be right over here, observing the class.”

And that was the end of it. Addison-sensei sat down and immediately began taking notes of Takanaki-sensei. It was strange, having this woman in here out of the blue. She looked to be around Mari-san’s age… maybe even a little younger, just slightly, though. As the lessons went on, she turned my way, gave me a gentle wave, and focused back on the class.

"She looks like a pain…."

Okabe-san complained again. I had a sense about this kind of thing, but something told me that Okabe-san had a problem when it came to authority. Having a mature woman in the class seemed to be taking a toll on Okabe-san. The ivy-head moaned and complained under her breath.

“This… is going to make sleeping harder, Nakagawa-san.”

I giggled, and even Okabe-san chuckled. We both focused on the class from that moment forward, though, and when lunch came around, I took my box and made my way to Yuko-chan’s favorite spot. It was up the steps and around the corner, a part of the school that people rarely came to. When I reached it… she wasn’t there.

“Oh? Where is she?”

I questioned as I made myself a home. There I sat in silence as I awkwardly opened my meal. It was kind of unique because Simpson-san made it for me. Leftovers from last night. Fried chicken and mashed potatoes. She changed it up a little by giving me some corn and vegetables on the side.

“She’s still not here?”

I had been sitting in this spot for around 7 or so minutes, nibbling at my meal. Occasionally a few teachers would pass me, making me seem like the loner girl. I saw eyes of pity as they walked by.


When I turned to the side, down the steps, my new teacher was in training. She put her arm on her hips, flipped her short red hair, and looked at me curiously.

“You’re in Takanaki-sensei’s class, aren’t you? Ah… what was your name… Nakagawa-san?”

I set my foot to the side and nodded.

“Oh… yeah. Addison-sensei, was it?"

In this awkward place, we shared this… very uncomfortable chat. Sensei just nodded… and I kept imagining her in a pink bunny suit for some reason. The kind one would wear when you have childish sleepovers.



“Hey… I’m lost and looking for the restroom.”

She looked a tad panicked, and it made me jump to attention.

“Oh, the nearest one is right behind you, to the left.”

I pointed with vigor. The teacher rushed behind her, looking in the direction I gave. Suddenly, I heard a crash.


I ran down the steps only to see Yuko-chan and Addison-sensei in a mess. I rushed over to help them both up.


Addison-sensei cried out before rushing into the restroom. I… found myself giggling as I looked at Yuko-chan.

“She’s another teacher in training from… America of all places.”

“Oh… I-I see.”

Yuko-chan had a bunch in her arms. Her food, a blanket, a rolled-up paper, and more. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was planning to go on a voyage, far away from our school.

“Ah, why do you have all this?”

“Oh?! Ah… Saya-san gave me the blanket… and my lunch… oh, and the paper… is ah…."

I stopped her, took half the stuff from her, and led her up to her secret spot. Well, as secret as it could be. I rolled out the blanket on the floor. Gently, I petted the soft sheets. Yuko-chan took the hint and sat next to me. She was stiff at first but eventually, her shoulders relaxed. I'm not sure why Saya-san would hand this blanket to her… but something told me that this was an idea more from Takade-san, if anything. She might have been... setting the mood for our lunch.



“This is comfortable.”

I said as I tasted my fried chicken.

“Yeah. It was… r-really nice of Saya-chan to offer it.”

There we sat in this nice moment between us. Before I knew it, Yuko-chan’s shoulders hit mine. She snuggled up closer to me, and it felt… nice. That was the simplest yet most effective way to say it.

“So, you said you wanted to chat about your grandma?”

She nodded her head, causing her beautiful ash hair to dance. I could see a wonderful smile come on her face. The ghost touched my hand… and her fingers entwined with mine. As if we've connected into one being, my attention was entirely on Yuko-chan.

“My… grandma passed away before I… before I met you.”

She began as she closed her eyes.

“M-My parents didn’t get along well with grandma. T-They would spend a lot of money and make purchases that were… too much. Grandma stopped giving them money… but she spoiled me.”

Her shoulders lowered.

"Mom and dad… would always speak badly about her."

She sighed as she turned to me.

"But… she wasn't a bad… person. She was… sweet and smart… confident…."

I could see her eyes shine as she spoke about a woman, gone from this world. I assumed that Yuko-chan admired this person… maybe she wanted to even become like them.

“She sounds like she was a great woman.”

I added.

"Grandma was..."



With a beam, she continued.

"B-before I met you… it was after grandma passed away, and… mom and dad were yelling about money and her will."

With a sigh, Yuko-chan pressed on.

“It was that day… that I yelled at mom and dad. I-I couldn’t take them talking bad about her… when all she did was nice things for me, Madoka-chan.”

Her smile died down a bit as she nibbled on her rice. I could see the gears in her head clicking together. Suddenly, she turned to me and pushed her shoulder closer to me.

“I-It was that day… I didn’t want to go home… and I… went to the gym.”

“The… gym at our old school.”

She nodded.

“I saw you and your team w-warming up.”

She reached out her hand and began making basketball motions. It was so adorable that I wanted to pull her cheeks, but I refrained from doing it. I listened as she recalled… a time in the past that I'd forgotten.

“Everyone was working so hard… but you…. Y-You… were s-special, Madoka-senpai.”

Taken aback by her words, I leaned away slightly.

“Don’t say things like that.”

"B-But it was true. N-Nobody could win against you…."

Her eyes fell slightly, but she looked like she was enjoying herself. I listened closely as she continued.

“After everyone left… you stayed late to practice. I… didn’t want to go home because I just got done… yelling at my parents.”

I can only imagine how she must have felt that day. Knowing she would have to go back and face what she did… and doing everything in her power to prolong it. Someone as timid as Yuko-chan… that must have been a hard day.

"B-But then you… ran up to me and… asked me if I…."

She sighed…

“You… out of everyone… that day asked….”

“Are you okay?”




To my surprise, a single tear rolled down her cheek. I wasn’t expecting this, and it took me back. Yuko-chan… seemed to really cherish this memory… that I couldn’t remember, and it made me feel guilty.

“Y-You asked if I was okay… and that… showed me that nobody else had asked me that… in a long time.”

Yuko-chan rubbed her eyes as I patted her on the back. My heart was aching… for this lonely ghost of the past. How I wished I could reach back to that time, recall this memory and bring it back here. But I couldn't. My mind wouldn't allow me to. So instead, I wanted to be here for her today. I wrapped my arm around hers as we sat closer.

“Well… what did we talk about?”

I asked tenderly. Doing my best to bring about the emotions that I must have had… seeing a smaller version of Yuko-chan crying that day. Even though I couldn't remember it… I felt it. If anything, I… trusted my feelings because my mind wouldn't work like they did.

“My… We talked about… My grandma.”

She took a deep breath.

“G-Grandma… left me a… a big part of her will.”

My eyes shot open. I didn't expect this development as I listened to the story.

"After college… I… I'm allowed to inherit grandma's business. All of her assets would go to me… and not her kids… or my parents.”

I could understand the magnitude of her problem. The parents wouldn’t have access to anything, but their daughter would. I can only imagine the turmoil that must have been caused in Yuko-chan’s family.

"That's… great, but… it must be hard, Yuko-chan."

She nodded.

“My parents argue about it all the time… and I usually don’t get into it. But lately, they’ve been telling me that I have to grow up and… deal with this.”

She looked like she was out of energy as she leaned on me.

“You… were the only person I wanted to talk to about this. You were so kind… and gave me the confidence I needed when facing my parents.”

The ghost closed her eyes.

“And… I wanted to… share that time with you again. N-Not just to talk about grandma… But… for us to get to know each o-other… more… ah… more… personally.”

Finally, she got her feelings across. I could see that every bit of her words was a struggle, but like the person she is, Yuko-chan wanted to express herself, and she did. I needed to do the same. So, in the most tender voice I could bring, I said what was in my heart.

"I want chat with you more too. I… would love to be there for you whenever you need me, Yuko-chan."

I emphasized the “Yuko-chan” part to make it a bit more… endearing. It was clear that there was a disconnect between the past and present. I wanted to explore these feelings that Yuko-chan had back then and try to open my heart to feel all the pains and hurt that she did.

“We should hang out someday.”

I suggested, earning a gaze from her.


“Outside of school, away from the normal day. I… I think I owe that to you so we can catch up and become as close as we used to be.”

Her eyes looked away, then back at me. She was clearly shy, and it was adorable.

“How about we find a good day and message each other.”

“O-Oh! I-I… can message you, Madoka-senpai?”

I giggled.

“Of course!”

I took out my phone, typed something into it then sent it to her. After a bit, her pocket vibrated, and she jumped up slightly. When she looked at the message, she read it aloud.

"I, Nakagawa Madoka, demand you to message me more often."

Yuko-chan whispered. As if something broke in her, she began giggling… then laughing… but she started tearing up after a moment.


“I… I’m…”

She took a deep breath, calming herself down. I wasn’t expecting that reaction, so I patted her back. After a bit, she turned to me with her knees pushed close to her chin and buried her head in them.

“I’m… so happy. It’s… it’s stupid.”

I couldn't tell if that was a complaint, but before I could answer, the bell rang.

“Oh, we have to get back to close.”

I announced, downing the mood. In a panic, Yuko-chan took the art piece and pushed it on me.

“Oh, what’s this?”

I was confused. I opened it up. There, to my surprise, was a painting. It was a bit rough, but it was…


Holding red carnations…

“This is amazing. Yuko-chan... you're beyond talented.

I smiled. She hid her face in her hands and it was beyond adorable. 

“I… I’ve been working on it for a while.”

She stumbled over her words, and all I did was hold her artwork close to my chest. The picture was beautiful, and the red carnations' flowers were exploding with color.

“I’m going to hang this up over my bed.”

I promised, earning a fabulous blush from my adorable Yuko-chan.


She asked as she let go of me and got on her knees. I was still sitting down as she hovered her tall body over me. Her lush hair fell to the side, and our noses nearly touched. For some reason… my eyes fell to her thin but pink lips. My heart began to beat so loud… I was worried that she might hear it.

“Yeah… I want it where I can see it every day.”

I didn’t mean to word it that way, but it was the truth. How I wanted to admire Yuko-chan’s works, like the phone background I got from her. Yuko-chan was slowly breaking her way into my personal life, and I don't think she even realized it.

We both stood up, realizing that the next bell was about to ring. Yuko-chan turned to the side, but before she was about to leave, she turned back to me and confessed.

“I-I want to… start over and… do things right this time, M-Madoka-chan.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant as I tilted my head.

“Hm? What do you mean?”

With her hand on her heart, she turned away from me slightly.

“I… I want us to be closer than we were back then. I-I’ll make sure… that happens.”

Without waiting for my reply, she raced down the steps, disappearing into the hallway. I stood there, in awe of her words. My body was warm, and I found myself rubbing my arm, a bit embarrassed.

“I don’t know how close we were back then, Yuko-chan…."



I whispered with a smile.

“But I want to be closer with you too.”

In a light haze, I made my way back to class, giggling about the new picture and cute sides to Yuko-chan all the while.



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