Sleeping Princess

Ch.37 – New Beginnings (2/2)



Together, Simpson-san and I walked down the steps. When we reached downstairs, Sophia-san was trying her best to calm down. She was pacing around, waiting for the food to be served. She circled the table like the shark she was. Every now and then, she'd hop up with rage, and it was super adorable. She swelled up like a balloon when we had eye contact and screamed.

“You both are so… RUDE!”

She cried and went back to pacing around. This side to Sophia-san was a marvel to see. Nothing could control the feistiness of the English woman.

"She'll calm down soon. Please, take a seat, Nakagawa-san.”

I could see the difference in Simpson-san. She seemed… a bit happier than she used to be. However, she looked to be having a rough time with her health as she went about setting up the meal. 

“Would you like me to help?”

I asked, even though I was already in the kitchen, picking up the plate of food. All Simpson-san did was give me a beam as we worked together to get the food on the table. Sophia-san seemed to have calmed down as she took the seat first.

“It’s like we’re serving the queen!”

Simpson-san teased. All Sophia-san did was pet her new braided ponytail as we finished bringing over all the food. She had a slight blush on her cheeks. Annoyed, Sophia-san turned to the side, away from the both of us.

What we had were fried chicken and mashed potatoes. There was a nice gravy that Simpson-san added to it and, for our drink, fresh lemonade. The meal was so different. Usually, we'd get something like this on Christmas, so it had that kind of charm with it.

Simpson-san said as she began filling our plates. Suddenly, her hand began to shake.

“Oh, Eleanor.”

Sophia-san cried as she stood up and held her arm. Gently, she took over and began filling our plates for her. This brief moment showed me how caring Sophia-san was for her guardian.

“Thanks, Sophia. My… my hands were getting tired.”



“You’ve done enough. Thank you for making the meal.”

I watched as they cared for one another so effortlessly. Before the concert, when I came over, I could feel a level of apprehension between the two of them. Sophia-san would only say certain things, and Simpson-san would constantly be fishing for information. But like someone coming by and clearing up all the dust, their relationship seemed to sparkle.

“I hope you enjoy, Nakagawa-san. I didn’t have time to make anything special since Sophia-san made it so abrupt that you were coming over.”

Simpson-san added as she giggled. It was cute seeing her watch the shark take her place momentarily. After our glasses were filled, Sophia-san sat down next to me.

“Sorry, I just needed Madoka-san here, Eleanor.”

She rubbed her braided hair, and it caused me to squeal. Sophia-san puffed her cheeks and turned to me.

“Oh, shut up.”

Sophia-san complained.

“I-I didn’t say anything, So-chan.”

I teased. Simpson-san sighed and turned back to me.

“…Nakagawa-san, can I say something about that night… after the concert and I took Linda and Sophia-san home?

I looked into Simpson-san’s eyes. She was stern momentarily as she confessed what was in her heart.

“Hm, what about that night, Simpson-san?”

She took a sip of the tea on her side then exhaled.

"I thought it would be the best thing to keep Sophia and Linda apart. 

Simpson-san confessed.

"I believed that nothing good would come from them being together… and I lied to myself that Sophia-san was happy all this time.”

So-chan looked away, likely a bit shy.

"I think… you gave me a wake-up call, Nakagawa-san… I have yet to apologize to Linda…. Actually, I don’t think she’d want to talk with me anymore.”

She scooped her spoon into the mountain of mashed potatoes on her plate. Before lifting it, she continued expressing her feelings.

“I know of Sophia’s true feelings… and I also know that she plans to go on a date with Linda tomorrow… and that she will most likely tell how she truly feels.”

Simpson-san reached across the table and took Sophia-san’s hand. It was like they were connected differently from before. As if something clicked within the detective, she's putting her support behind her… friend.

“I think Sophia-san already asked you about after tomorrow Nakagawa-san... As Linda's old friend, make sure she feels comforted if tomorrow doesn't go her way. That girl… has a fairytale belief about love, and… love isn't so simple…."

I recalled Taylor-sensei at the fortune-telling booth during the cultural festival. From what we overheard, she was seeking love advice. I was made aware that my partner wanted to chase a love that seemed too grand even for her. So, if she does get hurt, I will be there for her just like she was for me.

"Yeah… I know that more than anyone, you two. But the fact of the matter is…."

I lifted my head as I thought momentarily.

“You believed you were doing everything right for her, right Simpson-san?”

She nodded, and I turned to Sophia-san.

“And you believed you were doing the right thing too, right Sophia-san?”

She agreed as she closed her eyes and nodded.

“And what came about… was a complicated situation. We all make mistakes… while we think we are doing the right thing.”

I thought about this… and it made me feel about Mari-san and mom. Mari-san, I'm sure, believed it was the right thing to do. To accept my mom's feelings to keep her. And what happened was that she made her happy. At the start, albeit bad, I'm sure everyone believed they were doing the right things, but what came about was a complicated and worse situation.

“So, people will be hurt… Taylor-sensei will be hurt… but I believe that after all the pain… after all the hurt… wounds will heal.”

Simpson-san’s eyes widened.

“…That’s a very mature outlook, Madoka-san.”


She came closer to me as she continued.

“It sounds to me like you’ve been through things like this. I… wouldn’t have imagined that someone your age would have that kind of insight.”

Sophia-san crossed her arms like she had something to do with my growth.

“Madoka-san might sound like a child… but she’s very mature. That’s why I wanted her over, Eleanor.”

“Ohhh, no wonder why you talk about her all the time, Sophia-san.”

Her guardian teased.

“Oh, shut up.”

Sophia-san complained.



After dinner, we took separate baths and went back to the room. I sat there and continued braiding Sophia-san's hair. Tomorrow I would have to wake up early and fix her hair again before going to school. But the idea of making her look perfect tonight and replicating that tomorrow got me all excited.

"Thankfully, the braids didn't fall out when you took a bath."

“You told me not to wash it, Madoka-san, and I did just that. I'm not a child. I can do what I'm told."

She complained, but I could see that she was having fun.

“Hey… Madoka-san…”


I answered.

“Is… everything going well with your house?”

Sophia-san asked, turning towards me slightly. It seems that I let something leak out as I… spoke.

“Mom is trying to move me into a school dorm, Sophia-san.”

I whispered.


She literally shook as her hair flipped away from me. My friend was staring me in the eyes. I could see her panic.

"Yeah, and the one she wanted to put me in is far outside of the prefecture. I looked it up yesterday, and it wouldn't be an easy trip back to Hiroshima if I went there."

I angled her back so I could fix her hair. The happy mood seemed to die down like putting ice in hot tea. I could feel the atmosphere become a tad heavier.

“Why is she doing that, Madoka-san? This came out of nowhere…."

"It's because she suspected that something was going on between Mari-san and me. Even though I made it clear that I didn't want to be with her… mom would rather push me away than talk about it."

Sophia-san bit her lip. For a moment, as I fixed her hair, she was quiet. I assume that she was thinking over things. But the only words that escaped her mouth were…

"Love is horrible…."

Sophia-san said. I agreed.

“I think if I was in mom’s position… I would want to remove the problem too.”

As much as it hurt… I understood mom's train of thought. Before I came, her family was perfect… When I arrived, the cracks began to show. Maybe she wanted to go back to the days when the blemishes were gone, and she could live in a blissful paradise. But thanks to me and my feelings… I destroyed that.

“You are not a problem!”

Sophia-san said as she stood up. She turned to me and held my shoulders.

“I don’t think you realize how much you’ve done for your friends, Madoka-san! You aren’t a freaking problem! Because of you… my life is changing.”

Her grip went from harsh as her nails drove into my skin… to soft. Tenderly, she spoke.

“I don’t want you to leave… Jinda High School.”


Sophia-san clenched her fist.

“You can live with me! I have a lot of room in this place! You can dress me every day and…."

I lifted my finger and touched her lips. They were soft… and thanks to her, I think I developed a thing for lips. It brought me back to the cultural day festival when we accidentally… pecked lips. As fast as that memory came through, I pushed it out as I expressed my feelings to her.

“… I don’t think that would be right… to impose on you, Sophia-san.”

Her face went bright red as she pushed my finger to the side. It wasn't forceful, though. She held my hand as she spoke clearly.

“To hell with that! If your mom wants time alone to fix the problem, I’ll let you bunk with me for as long as you need!”

I put my hand on her head.

"No… because it's clear to me that I'd be taking your kindness too far. You're my friend… and I appreciate the offer…."

I pulled her into my arms and leaned back on the side of her bed. We were on the floor as I told her my feelings.

“I need to figure this out… without exploiting my friends. I… I think that’s the most mature way to go about this, Sophia-san. I want Mari-san to… decide what’s in her heart and figure this out.”

“Then… what are you going to do? Y-You better not leave Jinda High School. I… I don’t want to lose you that easily, Madoka-san.”

Gently, she caressed my back. Together we held one another, sharing our feelings with each other. It was clear to me how strong our bonds were in the months we've known each other. I… didn't want to lose what we had here too.

I bit my lip.

"My aunt-in-law asked if I would like to move in with her… and the more I think about it, the more I…. I think I'll agree."

“Your aunt?”

I signed as she looked at me. We still held each other as I told her my plan.

“Yeah, she was the one that told me what my mom was doing… and I think she might actually… want to help in some roundabout way.”

Sophia-san puffed her cheeks.

“Well, I have a nice warm bed if you ever want to stay over… Geez, what a way to reject me.”

The English girl sat back down on the carpet and turned away.

“Less idol music I’ll have to listen to if you were my roommate.”

She smiled as I whacked her on the back, playfully. We both stood back up and made our way back to the seat. I continued making my So-chan look like the belle of the ball. When it was all over, we both looked at our creation. The rugged yet pretty foreigner turned into the gorgeous and stylish princess.

“You’re done.”

Hand in hand, we looked in the mirror to see long hair bundled up in braids. She admired the work like someone admiring an art piece for a moment. I could see the tears well in the sides of her eyes as she turned back to me.

“Am I a horrible person, Madoka-san?”

She begged.


“I just want her to be happy! I want her to realize that I’m not the one for her and that… and that she’ll find the right person, but it isn’t me.”

She was shaking as she looked back into the mirror. Her makeup began to run, and everything about this beautiful version of Sophia-san was starting to be destroyed. I held her shoulder and put my arm around her. She was so slim and fragile, but I knew that Sophia-san was a fighter deep down inside. But even soldiers need time to rest and heal.

“No… you’re not a horrible person.”

I whispered in her ear, trying to soothe that soul-deep down in here.

“You’re just a normal girl who loves her older sister. And that makes you a beautiful person, Sophia-san.”


She cried out, and for a while, she didn't stop. It wasn't like on the school's rooftop that day where she whimpered. Sophia-san let out the loudest cry I’ve ever heard from her. She wasn’t masking her pain because this wasn’t just for her. She was crying for both her and Taylor-sensei. Sophia-san… was calling for her dearest Onee-chan’s heart that she would inevitably break.

“It’s okay… let it all out.”

I held her tight. My words were probably empty, but she needed them right now. Like me with Mae-chan, a little bit of reassurance was necessary for her not to be completely broken.

“You’ve fought for this… it’s okay, Sophia-san.”

I reassured her.

“I wish I could… I wish I could feel the same… Madoka-san. I wish..."

She said weakly.

"It's okay… it's okay…."

That’s all I could give her, my warmth to help heal her Wounded heart. Sophia-san has spent years of her life trying to heal Taylor-sensei… She tried everything, even attempting to give her a heart so she'd be free. When Sophia-san confessed to Taylor-sensei in order to save her from Spencer. But that came with a sacrifice. Tomorrow would be the day that all the weight of her struggles finally came to a head.

“Arrg… ah…”

She cried in my arms as the makeup ran on my shirt. But simple things like that didn’t matter. Sophia-san… was breaking, and I needed to keep her together. As the one who will take the pains of her friends and help them move forward, this was my test to become a pillar for them.

"Just imagine that one day Taylor-sensei will be happy, Sophia-san. She's not with her horrible ex… and she'll find someone to be her heroine… I'm sure because of you… she'll find her fairytale happiness…."

What was in my heart finally came out. Holding my shark tightly, I fed Sophia-san my love so she could grow too.

“… D-Do you really believe that? S-Should I just… should I just accept her feelings and not hurt her? W-What if that’s the right answer, Madoka-san?”

I shook my head.

“No, you go with what your heart says… because if you don’t… you’ll be no better than Spencer-san… If you, after tomorrow, find out that you do love her… go with your heart… but if not, the best thing to do is to let her go.”

I squeezed her tighter.

"I won't just be there to comfort her afterward, Sophia-san… but for you too. I’ll hug you as long as you need.”

Her cries calmed down, but they didn't stop. She held onto me for a while as the music we were playing faded into the night. As I sat there, listening to her cries, I stared up at the ceiling. After a while, she calmed down. So, in silence, I took off her makeup, and we switched into our nightwear. 

Sophia-san was clearly embarrassed because she wouldn’t look my way the entire time. But after we turned off the lights, she spoke up.

“Thank you for being here for me, Madoka-san.”

Sophia-san whispered. I had a futon on the floor next to her bed and was ready to jump into it. The shark sat at the edge of her bed as her feet dangled.


Out of her tiny lips, Sophia-san called out to me. Suddenly, she grabbed my arms and pulled me on the bed alongside her. Before I knew it, I was in her embrace as we both lay on her bed together.




I whispered to her. As if all her energy was gone, I could hear what seemed to be… light snoring. Instantly, she fell with me in her arms. The pain she was feeling… was anguish… must have caused her to pass out with exhaustion. But I knew she'd be okay after all of it…

“It will be okay… it has to be.”

It was clear to me that she'd been tired. Sophia-san was likely anguishing over all of this throughout the day. Sophia-san had a trial tomorrow, and I won’t be there to witness it…

But I promised that I'd be the one who would hold all their pain afterward. I will comfort both her and her older sister.


“Goodnight, Sophia.”

Her grip loosened and I made my way up to her head. There I whispered as I kissed her on the forehead. She reminded me of Hana-chan in the vulnerable state and… I wasn’t going anywhere, so I leaned on her chest and pulled the blankets over us. Together we laid in bed, embracing one another. I... was going to be there for Sophia-san no matter what.

“And good luck tomorrow.”






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