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Arc III Chapter 7



Arc III Chapter 7



27th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753


Aurora studied her most loyal and fluffy subjects, who followed her everywhere since saving them from their untimely demise. The sprites repaid her with gratitude and by staying at her side, and syphoning on her mana. Her children adored the taste of her delicious mana being fed to them. Already minuscule quantities sufficed to exhilarate them. In general, though, her fluffballs proved of dubious utility. At most, they were cute pets profiting from her protection, which was a smart move for mere collections of aether.


A sigh escaped Aurora. “Don't you feel bored too? How do you deal with this endless monotony?”


“Zzzzz?” The sprites didn't understand. They looked confused, dumbfounded, unable to comprehend the concept of boredom. Not surprising considering that they were just masses of lifeless aether. Obviously, their sentience was quite limited at such an early stage of their development. The fact alone that such primitive aetherial creatures like them were already displaying animalistic behaviour and signs of basic intelligence was a miracle on its own.


“...” Aurora sighed, disappointed by their lack of sympathy for her plight.


Her hand caressed her nearest child to the point her other children grew envious of the attention fluffball No 1 received by their mistress. Turmoil erupted among her little sprites. They grumbled and glared at fluffball No 1, which enjoyed its moment of glory. They also wanted to be caressed.


Their reactions made Aurora giggle. They were truly like children. “Don't you have any idea? I am sure you are far more familiar with this place than me. I will even remunerate you accordingly. I will reward your efforts with a little mana treat.” Her words showed an immediate effect. Her children were bouncing in joy, rendered ecstatic by the prospect of tasty mana rendered.


Her children formed a war council to debate and consult among each other. The debate intensified, as different factions emerged with conflicting proposals and opinions. Few of her children even resorted to what amounted to the equivalent of name calling and physical violence.


Aurora couldn't follow their conservation, but she was sure that the words ‘idiot’, ‘retard’, ‘imbecile’ fell more than once. At least, that was her impression.


The heated argument continued. “Zzzzzz. Zzzzz. Zzz”, fluffball No 5 argued.


“Zzzzz. Zzzzzzz. Z. Zz. Zzzzz!” No 7 retorted, offended by No 5's uncouth provocation.


“Zzzzz?” No 5 smirked in derision. “Zzzzz. Zzzz. Zzzzzzzzzzz!”


“Zzzzzz. Zzzzz!” No 7 fumed, as things quickly escalated. Both her children were at each other's throat.


“Zzzzzzzz!” No 5 prepared to fight.


“Zzzzzz.!!!” No 7 took a stance and attacked, charging straight at its hated enemy.


Both sides clashed, exchanging innocuous sparks. Their sparks were weak, so nobody got hurt. They were even engaging in melee combat, nibbling on each other's aether in a laughable attempt at cannibalism. 


Their fight was a rather cute sight from the perspective of an uninvolved onlooker, and forced Aurora to giggle. Their unwavering dedication moved her heart. Her children were truly a chaotic bunch, arguing in such a spirited way. So much juvenile fire was running through their veins, yet Aurora intervened before her children got hurt. “Calm down, calm down, my friends, no need to resort to violence and bloodshed. We are civilised. We discuss matters peacefully, understood?”


Her children deferred to her wise judgement and ceased their senseless squabble, yet No 5 and No 7, leaders of their respective factions, continued to eye each other with distrust. Little love was lost between the two. Their battle might have ended, but the war continued despite their temporary truce.


“So, does anyone have any ideas?”


No 5 and No 7 exchanged knowing looks before nodding in unison.


Escaping her watchful protectors proved easier than expected. Worn down by their guard duties and increasing boredom, their lack of attention provided her with numerous opportunities to escape.


Little Aurora didn't need to be asked twice and took her chance. Armed with her doll in her arms and a purple flame in her palm lighting their way through the darkness of the catacombs, past cobwebs and other less amicable contemporaries, she was following her guides. Unfortunately, her guides left a lot to be desired. More often than not, her sprites appeared lost, with little idea where they were actually heading. At every junction, her guides hesitated, much to her distress. Yet her trust in them and their orientation skills remained unshaken. Mostly. They would get her through this labyrinth. Hopefully.




Her trust was rewarded. Eventually. Finally. Her little party arrived at a ... dead end with a pile of debris blocking her way.  


Aurora narrowed her eyes in dissatisfaction. Her icy glare identified the culprits. “That's all? A dead end? Is this supposed to be a joke?”


“Zzzzzz.!!!” her fluffballs disagreed vehemently, pointing at the debris ahead. They were trying to show her something.


Indulging in their little game, Aurora inspected the rubble. Among all the stone and brick, well hidden behind all the fallen debris, her trusted doll spotted a few lone rays of sunlight. They discovered a narrow passage, a hole just barely wide enough for her petite figure to fit through.


Her brave doll formed the vanguard and went first to establish a bridgehead on the other side. Nothing happened. No danger loomed. The coast was clear. Aurora followed despite getting nearly stuck in the process. Nothing, though, that some force, and a good amount of grumbling and cursing couldn't solve.


After overcoming the obstacle, her hands were dusting off her poor, dirty clothes. Her borrowed garments had served her well so far, and they would still serve her for quite some time, whether she liked it or not.


Taking a look at her surroundings, Aurrora found herself surrounded by another vast clearing, yet a familiar giant gate greeted her down the floor from the end of the hall. It was the same gate that she had been staring at for days. Just from the other side. Her fluffballs had apparently known a way how to bypass the closed gate.





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