Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 509: Shirtless Male God

If his face wasn't flushed pink before then it was most definitely flushed now. Wen Qinxi buried his head in his meal hiding his embarrassment. If Qie Ranzhe was really moving in then that would be the end of him.

"Mmmm, this is really good. Where did you buy it?" asked Qie Ranzhe indulging in this delicious meal.

Wen Qinxi raised his head slightly with his heart-melting from all the praise. He couldn't suppress a smile saying, "I made it," while shyly pushing up his glasses.

A warm hand suddenly slid on the side of his neck making his muscles tense up. Wen Qinxi looked up and met Qie Ranzhe's beatific expression. His heart stopped at that moment as the warmth spread all over his body. All his defences fell as he sank deeper into those enchanting eyes with a hypnotic effect. If Qie Ranzhe was to ask for his soul right now he would gladly hand it over free of charge. That's how smitten he was.

"My baby can even cook... what more can I want?" said Qie Ranzhe while rubbing the corner of Wen Qinxi's lip with his thumb. His fleeting gaze lingered on those pink lips laced with a faint layer of oil. He wanted nothing more but to kiss Wen Qinxi's lips but he held back taking his hand away before he licked his thumb in a licentious manner.

If this wasn't flirting then the world would have to revise the meaning of the word flirt. Wen Qinxi knew at that moment that it was game over. There was no way he would be able to accept it if this man decided to be with someone else. He had fallen so hard that getting up wouldn't be easy.

"Why did you make so much?" asked Qie Ranzhe but in his heart of hearts, he knew why. He found out Wen Danzhe stuck to his brother like gum recently. If Wen Qinxi wasn't at work he knew these two brothers were joined to the hip. It was for this reason he had to get rid of him so he could be alone with his cute bunny.

"I thought Dan-er was coming over but he went out of town," explained Wen Qinxi without raising his head. He didn't want to look at this minx anymore otherwise his brain will turn to mush again.

Qie Ranzhe didn't say anything afterwards feeling especially smug. He had Wen Qinxi right where he wanted and this nerd wasn't putting up a fight. After dinner, Wen Qinxi was about to stand up and clear the dishes but Qie Ranzhe caught his wrist to stop him. "I will do it. You just sit and read this," said Qie Ranzhe while handing him the contract.

Wen Qinxi's eyes narrowed eyeing Qie Ranzhe suspiciously. How could this male god know how to do dishes? He didn't trust him with the task but he badly wanted to read what he unknowingly signed up for so he let Qie Ranzhe do it.

Two minutes later, Qie Ranzhe almost dropped the bowl in his hand when he heard Wen Qinxi cussing like a taxi driver. It seemed he had found the clause and plenty of other clauses that made him cuss. 

"Seriously, why not just slap the words marriage contract on it and get over and done with it!" yelled Wen Qinxi after reading and re-reading but the words didn't change.

At the word marriage, Qie Ranzhe turned his head around with a beaming look on his face. If he had a tail right now it would be wagging. Wen Qinxi casually turned his head around only to be met by that expression which undoubtedly startled him.

"Aren't you back with Zhao Huangzhi?" asked Wen Qinxi feeling a sharp pain in his chest like his heart had been stabbed through.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" asked Qie Ranzhe with the glow on his face slowly fading. He couldn't understand why Wen Qinxi would say something like that. Hadn't he been pretty obvious about his intentions? How did Zhao Huangzhi factor into this equation?

Wen Qinxi cleared his throat trying to act like he was unaffected and said, "I saw..... I saw you two kissing at the hospital," averting his gaze. He didn't want to be a third wheel but the more time he spent with Qie Ranzhe the lower he set his bar. He had a fleeting thought of being this man's concubine scaring himself. His love for this man was beyond saving.

His stray thoughts dissipated when Qie Ranzhe suddenly gently kissed his lips but he could tell the man was restraining himself.

"You misunderstood... I never kissed her neither did she kiss me. I was fast asleep that day when I felt someone hovering above me. She was leaning down to kiss me but I stopped her," he said with his hand on Wen Qinxi's cheek looking straight into the man's eyes, "I promise you that you are the only one I want and I hope you can accept me."

Wen Qinxi's heart was palpitating at an abnormally fast pace faced with a clear upfront confession. This was a bit much stimulation for him so he stood up and dashed into the bathroom creating some distance between them.

But even then, he couldn't calm himself down. With Qie Ranzhe around, he could no longer guarantee the safety of his chrysanthemum as proven twenty minutes later.

Wen Qinxi was minding his own business playing a game with his group of online friends to take his mind off what had transpired earlier. He didn't know what Qie Ranzhe was up to neither did he actively go out to seek trouble.

He sat on the couch with his headphones on while playing pubg on the big screen. That is until a piece of neatly sliced melon appeared in front of his mouth. He eyed Qie Ranzhe through his peripheral view with his fingers still moving on the game controller.

"Why?" he asked trying to keep his feelings in check.

"14.1 states party A can feed party B and party B can't refuse unless its something party B hates eating," explained Qie Ranzhe and everything he said transmitted through the mic.

"What the fuck! Qi-ge who is that?" asked one of the guys. This sparked an interesting conversation that had nothing to do with handguns and flash grenades.

"I am curious to know who is party A and who is party B..... you are party B, right? I knew it my little shou shou," retorted another teammate who Wen Qinxi didn't hesitate to shoot in the head. Lucky for the guy, he had a helmet otherwise it would have been game over for him.

"Shit," mumbled Wen Qinxi muting his mic before facing Qie Ranzhe. He wanted to complain but he soon silently swallowed that watermelon faced by a shirtless male god towering over him.

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