Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 29 (8)

Dear Diary,

Back to marble races! I do love marble races. Staab and Y are here, meaning there are eight contestants this cycle. Y is currently dead last in the championship, which he mostly thinks is funny. He’s being a good sport about it. Unlike Staab, who is in fourth place and determined to get first. I’m in second place, with Mika in first and Via in third. I’m having fun. 

We told the kobolds that we wouldn’t be with them for the first week next cycle. They were sad, but understand. They’re glad we’ll leave the wolves with them, though. The wolves are the most important thing. I think Y was angry that we didn’t invite him to go fight with us. It’s hard to tell, but when Kimi told him his face went completely neutral. He just watched her for a couple seconds, not saying anything. When she told him Staab wasn’t joining us either he laughed and changed the subject. 

It’s weird how some people are normally quiet but get loud when they’re upset, and other people are usually loud but get quiet when they’re upset. And then there are people like me who are in the middle. 

Anyways, the wolves are still with the kobolds. They’ll stay there until the first players get here, like last time. The people who had cats and monkeys as pets have given them up or traded them for some other pet. 

Via is the only one here with a pet. I was going to get a frog, but I decided not to. I don’t need a frog. Staab kind of wants a dog, but not as they are now. All the pets are kind of… potato-shaped. They’re made to be round and cute. And Staab, a very manly man, doesn’t really want to own anything that could make someone “awww”. I think part of that is that he officially lives with a bunch of other hobgoblin guys, who all do very manly things. They’d make fun of him. 

Gender norms are weird and dumb. I mean, if we (a group of catgirls) can use swords and know how to fight then a guy should be able to have an adorable dog follow him around. 

I kind of get the feeling Staab likes hanging out with us more than the people on his floor. He doesn’t stay here all the time just because of Lilly. He spends time with all of us, plays cards with all of us. We’re all his friends. He’s a good guy, even if he is getting cranky about losing marble races. 

Anyways, I’m excited to go up through the floors next cycle. I hope we’re able to get to wherever Via is from. Or at least meet new friends! Even if we have to kill them all before we become friends, like what happened with the kobolds. I bet people are going to be super surprised when we walk through the exit. 

I can’t wait for next cycle. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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