Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Alex continued talking with Jasper throughout the class, trying to somehow help the guy distract himself from the delicious blood bags in the room.

'I mean, to a vampire, they are essentially blood bags, kind of like cows and sheep are to us humans, though it does certainly feel awkward to call them that when they have actual intelligence and have a will of their own. No, it's more like they are capable of conscious thought while livestock isn't. Ah, this is getting a bit too weird to think about,' Alex thought as he stopped his intrusive thoughts and turned to look away from the neck of a girl across the room.

'I wonder how it tastes, though. They say that blood is like a heavenly meal to vampires. But what if I get addicted to it? And I really have no need to drink it, but it could also give me a boost to my power, maybe? No, that's not how I made the wish, but there's always a chance.' Alex continued to think as he made idle chat with Jasper.

His curiosity clashed with his morals as he thought of trying human blood.

The hour passed as the bell rang, signaling the end of the first class of the day.

Getting up from his seat, Alex turned to Jasper and asked.

"So what do you have next?" Alex asked as he tried to stall for a bit so that the others would leave ahead of him and Jasper.

'This way, it'll be safer, though this could be entirely unnecessary if he's already back fully in control,' Alex thought.

"I have Spanish next. What about you, Alex?" Jasper asked as he took his school supplies from the table and put them into his backpack once more.

Alex was still checking the room when he noticed they were finally alone, so he also started packing his stuff.

"Ah, I have Physical ED," Alex answered as he finally got his books inside his backpack and proceeded to sling the backpack over his shoulder.

"Ah, you take part in those? I'm not much of a fan myself," Jasper answered, likewise putting his backpack over one shoulder.

"Honestly, I think I've lost quite the interest in them these few weeks. They just don't seem as fun anymore," Alex answered absentmindedly. He and Jasper started walking towards the door.

"They sure do rush out of the classroom as soon as the class ends, as if it's on fire. Though I'm really not one to talk, as I do it quite often as well," Alex said as they arrived at the door.

Jasper just released a small, quiet laugh and smiled as he turned to Alex.

"It was nice meeting you, Alex. I hope we get along in the future as well. I think we are going to see each other much more often," Jasper said.

"Hell yeah, we can totally be best friends, man. See you soon as well!" Alex said as he waved at Jasper and then proceeded to walk away, heading towards the gym.

Leaving Jasper with a see you and his hand still extended for a handshake in Alex's direction.

'I see how it is,' Jasper thought.

While heading towards the gym, Alex continued to think about ways to get human blood or if he should even do it in the first place. It had been fixated in his thoughts for a while now.

'If I wanted to try, then I could go and grab some from the local hospital, though I would have to be extremely cautious as I could be found by Carlisle, and that is not a conversation I want to have at the moment. Then there's the part about the treaty and all that stuff, which is honestly annoying. Couldn't they just attack vampires with red eyes if they weren't newborns? But they still think negatively of the Cullens, who clearly aren't human bloodsuckers, ' Alex thought to himself as he shook his head in disappointment.

'But as they say, Anger and Hatred are quite blind, It is already impressive that they aren't killing each other at first sight at least considering how bad the relationship between them was described as in the books and even in normal folklore myths, vampires and werewolves have always hated each other's guts'

Alex finally arrived at the gym doors. Opening them, he found himself in a hallway that went to the left and the right. On the left were the men's changing rooms, while on the right were the women's ones.

Following the sign that pointed towards the male changing room, Alex went inside it. It had a few people inside already changing thoughts that didn't bother him much as he started undressing.

On the inside of the changing room, the right side was filled with benches and clothes hangars, while on the left was a wall of sinks with mirrors on top of them.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Alex was once more amazed at his own beauty.

'Wait, beauty? Don't I look a bit too... let's just not think about it,' Alex thought as he quickly dressed up in a white shirt and black trousers, as well as some athletic boots that allowed more airflow and freedom of movement for his feet.

'Ah, I just love these shoes.' Alex thought as he bounced on the balls of his feet a few times.

Going outside the dressing room from the opposite way, he came in through another door, which led him directly into the inside of the gym.
The gym's inside was a basketball court, though a bit bigger.

When he went outside, he noticed that the gym professor and quite a few people were already there. The professor, from the looks of it, had announced that everyone had formed a line as they waited for the remaining students to get changed.

Looking around, Alex noticed another person he hadn't expected to meet today.

A large man with an impressive build, looking as if he had the power to crush a bear with his muscles.

'Emmet Cullen, ' Alex thought as he stared at the guy who was joining the line.

'Is this Vampire Celebration Day or something? I've barely met any the whole week, and now I'm meeting two of them in less than two hours, ' Alex thought as he rubbed his temples.


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