Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 270: The In-Laws Throwdown

On the way there, Yun Lili had already thought of the best way to approach it.

Eldest Yun sister-in-law was surprised by her arrival. However, since she was the one who introduced them to get the job in the shop, she gave an enthusiastic welcome.

Yun Lili smiled, and after being reserved for a moment, she said, “Second sister-in-law came to me the day before yesterday and wanted me to ask my husband's third brother-in-law if there was still a shortage of people, so I talked to third sister-in-law about it.”

“Oh, are they going to open a shop in Jiangshui City again?” Eldest Yun sister-in-law asked.

She thought to herself that her sister-in-law’s third brother-in-law’s family was really rich.

“No, he just opened one in the county a while ago. My third sister-in-law said they have no plans for the time being, but she did mention that she wanted to give this shop to second sister-in-law,” Yun Lili said.

Eldest Yun sister-in-law's expression changed when she heard this, and she immediately yelled, “What do you mean? We are doing well, and our monthly revenue is quite high!”

“Eldest sister-in-law, the revenue is not low from your point of view, but compared to my third brother-in-law’s other shops, your revenue is the lowest. You’re not calculating the accounts well. So I think he wants to change the worker to someone else,” Yun Lili said.

While she was talking, eldest brother Yun came in. He happened to hear the conversation. He was shocked and immediately looked at his wife. Eldest Yun sister-in-law felt guilty and did not dare to look at him. She said to Yun Lili, “How could your third brother-in-law do this? We’ve done a good job, and the calculations have never been wrong.”

Yun Lili saw her brother and said lightly, “I don’t really know the details. I just came to tell you that my third brother-in-law has these intentions.”

“Don't worry, Lili. I'll double check the account. If there are any mistakes, I'll pay for it!” Eldest brother Yun said to her.

“Okay, good.” Yun Lili nodded.

She went back without staying long. As soon as she left, eldest brother Yun became cold to his wife. “Did you hide the money?”

Eldest Yun sister-in-law knew she couldn't escape, so she gritted her teeth and said, “It's not much, just a few yuan a month. I didn't expect her third brother-in-law to be so stingy. The family is so rich, but this bit of money is still worth so much to them!”

“Go back immediately. Don't come to this shop again. I don't need your help!” ELdest brother Yun glared.

Eldest Yun sister-in-law has to say, “What’s wrong with you?! I'm doing this for the sake of our family. We are both working here, so that’s extra work being done. How much more free labor are we giving them?”

“Go back!” Eldest brother Yun got angry.

Eldest Yun sister-in-law went back fuming.

Eldest brother Yun started to check the accounts. There was a difference of two yuan in the first month, four yuan in the second month, and five yuan in the third month…

Eldest brother Yun was so angry that his face turned red.

When the goods were delivered, they had to be weighed. The exact weight was written in the book. Every day, the accounts had to be calculated. Ji Jianyun showed him the account books from other stores and asked him to follow them using the same format. The inventory of the remaining goods had to be written daily.

He didn't look at these accounts carefully. After a closer look, there was indeed a problem.

If Lili hadn't come over today and told him about it, he wouldn't know the reason why he was replaced!

Although eldest Yun sister-in-law went back angry, she was also a little uneasy. She was worried that this job would be taken over by the second branch of the family.

40 yuan a month was pretty big, even with the relatively high standard of living in Jiangshui City. 20 yuan a month was enough to pay for everything, and there would be 20 yuan left to save.

Su Danhong didn't really want to change workers. She just asked Yun Lili to go over and give a warning. If the shop changed workers, then they wouldn’t have a good replacement.

But if things do not change after this, she wouldn’t show mercy.

Brother Yun's attitude was good. When the wages were paid at the end of this month, he paid the difference from the previous accounts.

No one said out loud, but it was understood.

Although eldest Yun sister-in-law was unhappy that she got caught, she didn't dare to say anything. After all, there was still that younger sister-in-law watching her.

Ji Jianyun also knew about this. He saw that eldest brother Yun made up for it, so he didn't say anything. This was Lao Si’s brother-in-law, so he still had to give him some dignity.

And he was a person who wasn’t afraid of getting rid of trouble. If this happened again, he would change workers.

After entering the tenth month of the year, the weather became a little colder. Su Danhong put on small cotton-padded clothes for Renren and Qiqi. The farmers in the field have almost finished their harvest, and the chicken coops in the third orchard were growing steadily.

Su Danhong took Renren and the Qiqi there. She fed the chicks with spiritual spring water for half a month. After seeing that each one was growing strong, she went up to them every now and then to feed them more spiritual spring water.

There were more chick in the third orchard. It was a large flock of 700-800 chicks. They came from the first orchard and the second orchard, and what was bought from the villagers.

It was a lot, and Su Danhong was more attentive to the chickens.

Li Laidi, Ji Guangzong and Cai Zhanguo were all very busy. Chopping firewood and feeding chicken was a lot of work.

The chicks ate a lot.

And this was just the beginning, there was still more work to do in the future.

The only task left was to make dried persimmons. Mother Ji went to ask Aunt Cai to help.

Aunt Cai talked about Ji Yunyun. “I went to town the day before yesterday and saw your Yunyun. She looked very good, but she probably didn't see me and didn't say hello to me.”

Mother Ji knew that her daughter must have seen Aunt Cai. However, she didn’t even recognize Mother Ji as her mother, so how could she expect her to recognize other people?

“Have you heard?” Aunt Cai asked.

“What did you hear?” Mother Ji asked puzzledly.

“When Li Zhi's mother was cleaning the pig shed, he fell and couldn't get out of bed for a few days,” Aunt Cai said.

“That actually happened?” Mother Ji was surprised. She didn't know. She was busy in the mountains all day long and never heard about it. “How is she?”

“Her eldest daughter-in-law went to take care of her. I guess Li Zhi will bring his daughter over soon,” Aunt Cai said.

What she said was right. Aunt Li’s fall was serious this time. She couldn't move when she was on the ground. She needed to take care of herself, so how could she take care of her granddaughter? It would be fine asking her eldest daughter-in-law to help watch her granddaughter for a few days, but how could she ask her to watch her all the time?

So in the evening, Li Zhi came with Yuanyuan in his arms.

“Mother, I'm afraid I'm going to really bother you this time.” Li Zhi sighed.

“I heard from Aunt Cai about it. How is your mother doing now?” Mother Ji asked.

“My mother's condition is stable, but she will have to lie in bed for a while and won't be able to take care of Yuanyuan,” Li Zhi said.

“Yunyun doesn’t plan to quit?” Mother Ji asked.

Li Zhi shook his head. Mother Ji was really tired of her daughter.

She picked up her granddaughter, who was relatively unfamiliar with her. She was almost six months old, and should be able to recognize people. She was close to Li Zhi, but Mother Ji was a stranger.

As soon as she was taken, she was about to make a fuss and wanted to return to her father's arms.

Li Zhi could only take her back. Then he joined his daughter for dinner and coaxed her to sleep. After that, he rode his bicycle away into the night.

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