Primal Dawn

Volume 2 – Chapter 11

Unfortunately for Peter, Kalista’s preparations included edging him until he was about to burst before giving him a childish kiss goodnight.

Kalista watched him like a Fren. He tried to secretly stay awake and give himself release, but she quickly put a stop to it. “You've got to be ready for tomorrow,” she said with a sultry voice.

When he woke up, Kalista lead him away from the tent towards Gaia and Fira, who had been waiting elsewhere. 

“Morning,” Peter said, slightly confused as he noticed Fira’s mouth was covered with some fabric. How did they manage to convince her to do that? His vision suddenly went dark, a piece of cloth strained against his eyes. “Kalista?” Peter asked aloud.

“Trust me,” she said with a confident tone. He could feel her fingers tickling his hair as she tightened the knot. “There. Alright, Fira step towards him.”

Peter gripped the edge of his pants but felt Kalista grip both his wrists. “Woah there.”

"We’re not-?”

"Shh,” Kalista shushed as she cupped his genitals through his clothing. “You won’t have to do or say anything. Let me handle this.” Peter nodded. "Fira, lay down.”

Some rustling occurred, and then Peter felt a hand pressing him downwards. “On your knees,” Kalista said. Peter complied. The hand now slowly began to push his head forwards and downwards. In a moment a fragrant but slightly sweaty aroma filled his nostrils. “Tongue out.”

With his tongue sticking outward, his head was pushed further, and he could soon taste something sweet, presumably Fira’s genitals, as he had all but memorized the taste of Kalista’s and Gaia’s by this point.

The instant he began to flick his tongue, he could sense Fira's whole body shudder at the touch. After a brief moment of playing with her, he was violently pulled backwards. “Who said you could move your tongue?”


“Or talk?” Peter smiled and nodded to the darkness that he understood. His head was pushed once more towards Fira’s opening, and Kalista bobbed his head up and down, directing his tongue towards the entrance.

The lazy licks continued for a while, and Fira began to make some noise. It was hard to make out what they were supposed to represent due to the muffled sound. A moment longer and Peter smelled something burning.

“It seems dousing the cloth in water didn’t help that much,” Gaia muttered.

“Maybe a rock would’ve been better,” Kalista replied.

“You confused virgin, let him do whatever he was doing before! You’d make a Succubus dry," Fira complained.

“The deal wasn't that you enjoy yourself,” Kalista growled. "Just wanted to try something different," she muttered quietly to herself. Peter could feel his pants pulled down. “Stand up, Fira,” Kalista said in a commanding tone. Kalista helped him up.

The air felt chilly around his exposed erect cock. A hand suddenly gripped it by the base, holding it like a weapon. Peter could feel Kalista’s hips press against his from behind, slowly pushing them forward. The strong but soft fingers holding his rod adjusted its direction slightly, and then he felt the head press against something soft.

“Mmph,” Fira noised. Peter wasn’t sure if she was wearing another gag or if she was trying to suppress herself. A slight push from Kalista and Peter felt his cock enter something soft and warm. As he greedily anticipated the feeling to smother his rod in totality the sensation stopped, and Peter was reminded of the fingers holding him, now acting like a wall.

“Uppity primals don’t get the full experience.”

“...Bitch,” Fira muttered. “What difference would the rest of it ma-eeeee,” Fira squealed as Kalista pulled Peter’s body backward then slammed her hips into his, knocking his cock back inside.

Methodically, Kalista began to repeat the motion. Pull him back, then push him inside. Pull. Push. Pull. Push.

The pace began to increase. Though he could feel some pleasure from it, since he was not in control of the movements Peter felt distant from the act.

He was so used to seeing Gaia and Kalista writhe beneath him, that to be stripped of that sight seemed to kill some of the enjoyment in the normally intoxicating act. Fira continued to let out soft moans with each impact, but suddenly they became muffled.

It seemed someone had put another gag on her, in the end. Now mainly hearing the sound of Kalista’s grunts behind him, Peter’s mind began to wander.

He tried to imagine what Fira looked like right now. Her fiery red hair. A face that was pleasant, with appetizing lips that opened and made it all ugly.

Her body which was always on prominent display. Covered by the loosest of small fires which he guessed were supposed to make her appear more modest, yet only fanned the flames of lust instead. Peter shuddered as he mentally tried to extinguish the flames in his mind, briefly imagining his skin getting singed as he entered her.

He had forgotten one detail, her eyes. Always seemingly glowing. Were they part of her species? He had never seen another primal with eyes like that. 

Some primals certainly had different eyes, like the Arachnid, theirs had a jewel-like appearance typically.

But hers, the glowing part, that felt unordinary. Was it a skill, perhaps? 

Peter became curious, were they just red eyes when they didn’t glow?

“Peter, is this what you normally see?” A voice interrupted his lost conscience. “I wonder if this is what me and Gaia look like,” Kalista continued. “A primal’s happiness.”

Kalista continued to let out soft grunts while Fira’s muffled moans grew louder against the cloth. Peter smiled. 

In place of Fira he began to imagine Kalista. Her toned body which still had an enjoyable amount of meat clinging to it. Depending on their position, the layer of fat would move to the background as her tightened muscles flexed and jutted out. Peter could certainly appreciate her calf muscles, a reminder that she was built to fight, and as he had certainly learned by now, ride him to near death.

He imagined Kalista presenting herself to him, a seductive grin on her face. 

After she had evolved, some of the angles had changed due to her new height. The first time they slept together afterwards, she had been a bit embarrassed, worried that she was now taller than him.

At the time, Peter cooly replied, “There’s just more of you to love now.” 

Sometimes he would replay that moment when she pounced him immediately afterwards. He would never not love her, no matter what shape or size she grew to.

For some reason, this Kalista in his imagination had glowing eyes. The mystery surrounding Fira had followed him to this new area within his mind. 

Really, what was behind those eyes?

As if he might find the answer by looking, Peter tried to twist and turn his head to see if he could loosen the blindfold, but it was stuck well. Kalista had done a good job. She always did amazing. So did Gaia. Never a day passed by where he wasn't thankful for their love.

“Mmmm!” a muffled scream before him, whether it was the sound or the feeling of everything tightening around his cock, it knocked him back into reality.

The sensation spurred a reaction deep from within Peter, and he realized he was getting close.

“I can tell,” Kalista said, as if vocalizing his thoughts. “You’re almost there, Peter. Your cock is magical. It knows when a primal is weakest,” she whispered into his ear. Peter shuddered. “It knows what she needs.”

Her breaths were ragged as she quickened her pace. Peter began to quiver in her grasp, but pressed between the two primals, he had nowhere to run.

“Mm mm-mm, mm mm-mm!” Fira sounded like she was trying to say something.

“I thought I’d never meet the whore from the bathhouse again!” Kalista suddenly shouted angrily.

A flash of heat, the smell of something burning. “W-wait!” Fira shouted.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve, putting your hands on someone else’s tamer! You’re lucky mine is great enough to take pity on a heated fleshlight! ”

“Not inside, not inside!"

“This is what you lost out on that day, you steaming bitch!” Kalista quickly removed her hand from Peter’s cock and pushed him as deep as she could, Fira’s body convulsed along with Peter’s as he began to explode inside her.

“Haaaaaah!" Fira screamed in ecstasy as Peter shot one spurt after another into her. Once he was done, he was suddenly pulled out of her, and he heard the sound of something else hitting the ground.

“Pathetic, this is how you get after one round?” Kalista mocked.

The cold air caused his cock to tingle once more. Peter could feel himself falling backwards, and for a moment he panicked, only to then land cradled against Kalista. The blindfold covering his eyes finally came off and Peter saw Gaia hastily stripping herself as she approached him.

Just before she climbed on top of him, Peter momentarily saw Fira breathing heavily, hunched over with one hand covering her crotch, the other supporting her. Her hand briefly traced the lower part of her stomach and she shivered, and then she looked upwards at Peter.

Her eyes widened as their gazes briefly met and she quickly averted her eyes, quickly standing up and stumbling away. As Gaia mounted Peter and he let out a pleasured grunt, he briefly recalled an old adage before his two primals reminded him of their undying admiration towards him.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

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