One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch67- Bounty Hunter Usopp Returns

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Coby imagined Nami and Vivi in those clothes, and yeah, they'd definitely look stunning. Same went for dancer clothes too, but that wasn’t the issue. He objected for two reasons: first, they wouldn’t blend in at all—way too conspicuous. And second, revealing too much skin under the scorching sun wasn’t smart. Nami and Vivi were his women; let others gawk and burn with jealousy if they dared, but not when they would get hurt for it.

As they browsed through the market, Nami held up a few more outfits, debating between colors and styles. “This one or this one?” she asked, holding up a red top and a green one.

Vivi smiled, weighing in. “I think the red suits you better. It’s bolder.”

Coby smirked. “Go with the red, Nami. It’ll turn heads.”

Nami chuckled, knowing that Coby’s flirty comment wasn’t just for fun. He knew how to get under her skin, and she secretly loved it. She tossed the red top into their growing pile of clothes, satisfied with her choice.

After they picked out what they needed, they paid the vendor and returned to the rendezvous point. The boys were waiting, and Coby handed over the new clothes. Only Luffy was missing—probably already off meeting with Ace.

As the guys changed into their new outfits, Zoro noticed a group of Marines moving around the market, clearly on patrol. He glanced at Coby. “Looks like trouble might be close.”

Coby nodded, keeping an eye on the Marines. “Usopp, that’s your cue. Time to hand over Mr. 5 and Mr. 3 to Smoker's crew.”

Usopp sighed, his shoulders slumping. “Why is it always me with this stuff? Last time, I had to deal with Captain Kuro, and now this?”

Nami shot him a look. “You’re the best at this kind of thing, Usopp. Just make it quick.”

Coby added, “Smoker’s not here, but Tashigi is. You’ve got this. Just remember—Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 are Baroque Works agents. Their bounties are frozen because they’re working for a Shichibukai. Make sure you tell her that. If she wants them, she’ll have to pay.”

Usopp took a deep breath, nodding reluctantly. “Alright, but are you sure Smoker didn’t spot me in Loguetown, Coby?”

Coby reassured him with a grin. “He didn’t see you, Usopp. You’re good. Just go.”

With that, Usopp steeled himself and made his way over to the Marines, trying to look as confident as possible. He approached Tashigi, who was busy organizing her squad.

“Excuse me, Lieutenant Tashigi,” Usopp called out, drawing her attention.

Tashigi turned, her eyes narrowing as she recognized Usopp from somewhere but couldn’t quite place him. “Yes? Can I help you?”

Usopp cleared his throat. “I, uh, might have some information you’d be interested in. I’ve got two Baroque Works agents—Mr. 3 and Mr. 5. They’re Shichibukai underlings, so their bounties are frozen, but I’m willing to negotiate a deal.”

Tashigi raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “You’re telling me you’ve captured higher-ranked agents from Baroque Works?”

Usopp nodded quickly. “Yeah. If you’re interested, I’d like to discuss the terms. Maybe we can work something out.”

Tashigi considered his offer for a moment, then nodded. “Alright. Come with me. I’ll take you to Captain Smoker. He’ll want to hear this himself.”

Usopp’s nerves flared up again, but he kept his cool, following Tashigi through the streets toward the make-shift Marine base. As they walked, he glanced back at the crew, who gave him encouraging nods from a distance.

“Remember,” Coby had said earlier, “if they want the agents, they pay up. No freebies.”

As they were walking, they saw Smoker ahead, chasing after Luffy. Usopp knew that Luffy would definitely reveal his cover if he got too close, so he turned away, trying to blend into the crowd.

"Tashigi! Catch Straw Hat Luffy!" Smoker yelled from ahead.

Tashigi responded instantly, drawing her blade and moving swiftly to intercept Luffy, who had just jumped off a shop tent and onto a nearby rooftop. Smoker was about to follow when Ace suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his path.

From a distance, Coby muttered, "System, I want that fire ability."

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Mera Mera no Mi'. Analysis in progress… The Mera Mera no Mi grants the user control over fire, enabling both offensive and defensive maneuvers. The fruit's power includes full elemental transformation, widespread destruction capabilities, and intangibility. Due to the comprehensive nature of this fruit's abilities, the estimated cost for acquisition is 333,333 SP. Please confirm if you wish to proceed with the Skill Scan and acquisition.]

Seeing the price, Coby cursed under his breath, "So fucking expensive."

He focused on one specific ability, narrowing down his choice.

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Hiken (Fire Fist)'. Analysis in progress… This technique involves generating and launching a massive fist of fire with destructive force. As a singular offensive move derived from the Mera Mera no Mi, the estimated cost for acquisition is 20,000 SP. Take note, the power of the attack is dependent on Host's power. Please confirm if you wish to proceed with the Skill Scan and acquisition.]

Coby considered his options, thinking quickly. Before he could decide, the situation with Luffy and Smoker escalated.

Ace smirked, blocking Smoker's jutte with his arm, his skin igniting with flames. "You're not touching my little brother," Ace said, his voice calm but deadly serious. Flames danced around his body as Smoker tried to push past him, but it was useless—Ace’s logia powers canceled out his.

After a tense few seconds, Smoker glared at Ace, who stood calmly, his body flickering with flames. Finally, Smoker grunted and turned away, frustration clear in his movements. Ace watched him go before heading off, probably to meet with Luffy.

Tashigi, who had been standing by, immediately approached Smoker. "Captain Smoker," she began, her tone serious. "One of the bounty hunters... He claims to have captured two Baroque Works agents, Mr. 3 and Mr. 5."

Smoker’s eyes narrowed, his expression darkening. "Where is he?" he demanded.

Tashigi led Smoker to where Usopp was standing, looking nervous as hell but trying his best to keep it together. When Smoker appeared in front of him, towering over him, Usopp felt his heart race. But he knew he had to play this right, or things could get ugly.

Smoker's voice was low, dangerous. "You’re telling me you captured Baroque Works agents?"

Usopp gulped, trying to muster up some courage. "Yeah, that’s right!" He straightened up, puffing out his chest a bit. "I hunted them down all by myself!"

Smoker stared at him for a moment, clearly skeptical. "You’ve got guts, hunting down underlings of a Shichibukai. They are basically government agents," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Usopp, sensing that he needed to talk before loosing his nerve, quickly answered, "I don’t care what they are! To me, they’re just criminals causing trouble. And I heard you were interested in Baroque Works agents, so I thought, why not bring them in? But of course, I expect some reward for my efforts!"

Smoker studied him, his expression unreadable. Usopp could feel the sweat dripping down his back as he waited for Smoker’s response. Finally, Smoker let out a low growl. "If you’re lying, I’ll have you locked up for wasting my time. But if you’re telling the truth… we’ll talk about your reward."

Usopp nodded quickly, eager to get out of this situation with his skin intact. "I’m telling the truth! Just… just follow me, and I’ll show you where they are."

Smoker signaled for a few Marines to follow, and Usopp led them through the streets of Nanohana, praying that everything would go smoothly. He knew he was good at lying when he was scared—hell, that’s when he was at his best. But facing Smoker was a whole different level of terrifying.

As they approached the location where Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 were tied up, Usopp turned to Smoker with a confident grin. "There they are, Captain. Just as I said."

Smoker eyed the two unconscious Baroque Works agents, his gaze flicking back to Usopp. "You really did catch them… Impressive." His tone suggested that he was still unsure whether to believe Usopp’s story, but the proof was right in front of him.

Usopp chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, you know, just doing my part to clean up the Grand Line!"

Tashigi inspected the two prisoners, confirming their identities. "Captain, it’s definitely them," she reported, standing up.

Smoker crossed his arms, finally giving Usopp a nod. "Alright. We’ll take them off your hands. And as for that reward… I’ll make sure you get what’s due."

Usopp exhaled in relief, trying to keep his cool. "Thanks, Captain Smoker. I appreciate it." Inside, he was cheering, glad to have pulled off the bluff.

As the Marines hauled away Mr. 3 and Mr. 5, Usopp quickly excused himself, eager to get back to the crew and tell them about his success.

Meanwhile, Smoker turned to Tashigi. "Keep an eye on these pirates. There’s more going on here than meets the eye."

Tashigi nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation. "Yes, Captain."


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